#so I perked up like a cat hearing the canned food pop open
writingseaslugs · 2 years
Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt: I can sit here? Deadass?
I’m sorry, but if a student pops up, upside down at lunch, and says I can join their table…imma do it. I don’t care about consequences. Imma make me some weird friends and nobody can stop that. Also, I have no idea if my beta fishies got to this. Nobody signed off so I'm just crossing my fingers. If there's errors, I do apologize.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Lilia Vanrouge, Sebek Zigvolt, Silver: I Can Sit Here? Deadass?
“Are we not all students at the same academy? We at Diasomnia will always welcome you with open arms.” Lilia Vanrouge said, your first meeting with the man was already a strange one. You had almost spilled your lunch all over the table when he appeared out of nowhere. You and your new friends looked over at the table, and noticed a few Diasomnia students. Two, in particular, stood out. Both had very serious expressions, but you swore the one with silver hair was five seconds from passing out in his food.
“Those guys over there don’t look like they’d be very welcoming…” Deuce muttered, but you were now intrigued. You had been in this world for such a short amount of time, and nothing was going to stop you from meeting new and interesting people. This wasn’t like your old life back home, oh no, this was an opportunity you were planning on taking.
You heard Lilia laughing, “Apologies for dropping in on your meal. Until we-“ You didn’t mean to cut off Lilia, but you kind of just thought of what you said what you needed before thinking it over.
“Deadass?” You asked, turning to Lilia. The boy…no man stopped as he stared at you. He had a curious smile on his face, “Like deadass, they wouldn’t mind if I just got up and joined the table? No cap? Legit? We doin this?” You asked, causing Lilia to chuckle, covering his smile.
“What an interesting little human…why don’t we head over together and we can make proper introductions?” Lilia said, not expecting anyone to actually take the offer. Still, if you were willing to meet them, then who is he to say no. His sons needed more friends, and you were in the same year as Sebek.
“You’re talking all weird again…” Ace commented, but Cater was too busy snickering at the interaction. Ace then turned to Lilia, “And how did you understand half the things they just said?” You kept forgetting that some of the terms you used weren’t known here. Well, sucks to be them.
“Aight, let’s go.” You said, standing up from your table. Grim made a small, annoyed noise before turning to your food then back to you, “Yes Grim, have at it.” You said, deciding you’d rather follow Lilia. The short man chuckled again before guiding you over to the table. You swore, you could feel eyes on you as you approached the Diasomnia table. When you finally got there, right in front of the two interesting students you spotted earlier, you smiled.
“Silver, Sebek, I’d like to introduce you to the Ramshackle prefect.” Lilia said, waiting for you to give a proper introduction. You perked up, smiling wildly once you noticed how confused the two boys seemed at this new turn of event.
“Hello!” You said, introducing yourself properly by giving them your full name, “It’s a pleasure to meet you two!” You said, taking a seat. Lilia sat down next to you as the two men looked you over, wondering what was going on. The tired looking one was the first to respond.
“My name is Silver, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said, giving Lilia a curious look. He was wondering why his father decided to bring you over here, but Lilia looked like a proud cat right now, having just caught the largest fish ever. The angry looking crocodile finally snapped back into awareness as he stood up and put a fist over his chest.
“I am Sebek Zigvolt, one of Lord Malleus’s guards!” He shouted, and you knew the entire cafeteria could hear. What an interesting bunch, the overly loud one, the sleepy one, and the mischievous one.
“It’s nice to meet you two…so you’re a guard of…Malleus?” You asked, trying the name out. Sebek sat down and slammed his hands on the table. Lilia went to make a motion for him to calm down, but Sebek was in the zone now.
“How have you not heard of our Lord Malleus, the next in line for the throne in Briar Valley?” Sebek shouted again and you smiled.
“Well, I’m not from this world, so I don’t know who Malleus is, or Briar Valley.” You admitted and Lilia hummed at the thought.
“Briar Valley is where the three of us come from, it’s our home. Fae live over there, under the protection of the Queen of Roses. It’s a sight to see, perhaps some day you could visit.” Lilia said and you were more interested in another part.
“Fae?” You asked curiously and Sebek seemed even more miffed you didn’t know this. Lilia was just amused, having acknowledged you didn’t come from this world and therefore knew absolutely nothing about it.
“Yes, the fae, we’re different from humans.” Lilia explained, “If you’d like, I can give you a full history.” He inquired.
“I’d love that…wait so are you fae?” You asked, having noticed the sharper teeth and pointed ears earlier in the introductions. Silver seemed to be human, just like you, but Sebek seemed to be…on the cusp. He had unnaturally colored eyes, and his ears had the starts of a point, with sharper teeth. He still seemed more human when compared to Lilia though.
“I am, and Sebek over there is half-fae.” Well, that cleared up your suspicions, “Now where to begin? I guess we should start with exactly what a fae is, and then discuss Briar Valley.” And thus began the most informative lunch you had ever had. You only felt a bit bad for leaving your boys to figure out the Riddle situation themselves. You could catch up in your next period together…this Diasomnia group was far more interesting though.
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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f9clementine · 1 year
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enchanted to meet you ⋙ 05. movie night
⋙ written part included 『••✎••』
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With a heavy sigh, you set the takeaway bag on the coffee table and plopped onto the couch. Between the agony of your least favorite class in the morning and a particularly rough shift running the front desk at work, you were exhausted. You’d hope you could improve the day a little with an impromptu get together with your friends, but that ended up being a fruitless endeavor. 
Bright yellow eyes appeared at you from around the corner and you perked up, happy to see the cat that’s been avoiding you for days come out. 
“Hey Kitty, how was your day?” You call out softly, reaching a hand down to offer ear scritches, which he has never taken you up on. 
And still he just stares at you before looking at the bag of food on the table and you swear you can feel judgement coming from him. You can practically hear the ‘really? Again?’
“Don’t think so badly of me, Kitty.” You grin and open the bag, pulling out the food. “I brought you something too, since nothing else seems up to your standards.” You held aloft the smallest bowl in the bag before opening it and setting it down by the table. You could see his nose twitching, getting his attention. “It’s just beef and broccoli but you might like it.”
After a second, Kitty came forward. He took a second to sniff the bowl as if he didn’t trust you- which he probably didn’t since just the other day you tried to mix cat food with chicken to get him to eat. He had spent a good while chewing you out for that one. But after a glance up, he began to eat.
With a pleased little hum, you picked up the remote and turned on the television. “What do you want to watch?” 
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tag list: @mal-lunar-28 @kpopsstuffs @cassidymb121 @brooklynie @owotalks @honey-pop @hanniemylovelyquokka @chlodavids @abbiestearsricochet @maexc @seungmyynie @brinnalaine @kalopsian-thoughts
*red means I can't tag you D:*
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rayearthdudette · 4 years
So I see you post pokemon, and I know you like CorNyx and I'm thinking of a fic idea and would like to bounce a few off of you if you'd be so willing. So do you think Cor would be a pyroar or a houndoom type person and would Nyx be a leipard or a lycanroc type? Thoughts?
*soft screeching* I'd be delighted to be your sounding board! 😄
As for the pokemon companions you've chosen, I honestly can see either working very well.
Cor with a pokemon that is literally his namesake is cute as hell, but houndoom works too. Dedicated and maybe a bit standoffish but insanely loyal. An arcanine or growlithe could work for that direction too. Unless you feel that's something over done, then you're welcome to disregard that suggestion. There is also lucario or mightyena for standoffish but very, very loyal pokemon. You could also have him gain a honedge when he recklessly took Gilgamesh's trial (if one ignores canon's pokedex entry for what the pokemon does to people), because that boy loves him his swords 😂
As for Nyx, my usual snap decision is to give him cats, ALL THE CATS. If only because of that official artwork with the coeurl hovering over his shoulder, but his last name does mean wolf. So great choices for him with liepard and lycanroc (which form were you thinking for that one btw? Cause midday is my personal favorite). You could give him a luxray in juxtaposition of Cor's pyroar. Both cats/lions just one's fire, the other electric. Oh! You could also give him a meowstic for warping! 😮😄
And honestly all the one's I've listed could easily be swapped between the two (except maybe honedge and meowstic, those feel more exclusive to each individual) because I think at the core of both of them its just straight ironclad loyalty.
Now.. I realize that probably just complicated things, but were this me, I know for a fact I'd never be able to choose just one pokemon for them so! To bring it down to something reasonable (and if I absolutely had to choose just two); Nyx with lycanroc (midday) and meowstic and Cor with houndoom and honedge.
But again. That's me and a very limited me at that 😂😂 the final choice is yours. Is this a mashup of ffxv world with pokemon added in, or pokemon world with ffxv bits added in, or something completely different?? Meet cute romance? Dramatic rivals turned lovers?? *chinhands* I'm all ears for rambles ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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Our cat son, our precious child
Paring: Corpse husband x Gender neutral!reader
Series: And They Were Roommates.
Summary: “Corpse said once that he wanted a pet but he felt like he’d kill it so I feel like if his “girlfriend” had one he’d be SUPER CLOSE WITH IT and the joke would be he only likes her for her cat/dog and it would really like him too and-🥺FEELS!!!!!” Requested by @dad-ee-drea
“one where Corpse and reader are on the same Among Us game and reader is like "ow ur son keeps biting me" and everyone else is like 'sON??" and they have to explain that it's a puppy or kitten or something and not an actual human child i just really like the idea of Corpse with a puppy or kitten”  Requested by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, and more fluff
Words: 1k
A/N: I’ve never owned a cat. I have no idea how to take care of one. I am deadly allergic to them and they scare me, so there’s that too.  
The two of you had recently decided to move in together. The both of you didn’t think anything special of it, just a couple of best pals that moved in together nothing to see here. Not at all. Nope. Narda. Nothing. Not a single thing. Okay maybe this one little thing. You are head over heels for your best friend, and you know it’s a bad thing. But who could blame you? Your best friend is the most considerable person you know, he’s funny, he’s handsome, he’s one big cuddle lover, and not to mention a cat lover.
You had naturally brought your cat with you in the move, meaning the you now owned a cat together. It was a black and white spotted cat named Ruben or as Corpse like to call it The Child. However, in daily speak, it was your child. You had always thought growing up people who called their pets their child or children, were kind of weird. Yet here you were, completely agreeing that this was in fact your child.
“Corpse? Did you remember to let in Ruben this morning, I can’t find our son anywhere.” You pop your head into his studio as he’s starting to set up for this days streaming session. You just wanted to make sure Ruben was fed before doing so. Or else he had a tendency of being loud, and you didn’t want to disturb Corpses stream.
Corpse looks at you with regret written all over his face. You just give a thumbs up and walks to the patio door. Perks of living on the ground floor. With a precise placed box Ruben could get onto the small patio, that houses a halfdead plant box and a sun ruined chair, all by himself. Sure enough there he was meowing to be let in by someone. You open the door and he heads straight for his bowl, and keep  meowing at you to give him some food.
You close the patio door, making sure not too much of the heat inside got outside. You head to the kitchen to fish up some caned cat food, and then you refill the dry food. Ruben was a spoiled cat, and he knew it.
You give him a couple of pats, after watching him devour his wet food. As you head by Corpses studio you can hear him join, and for him to tell the rest, he knows you’re not too far behind.
Corpse is right, it takes you mere minutes before you join the rest and start your own stream. You greet the rest, and before long you are during wires as you out of the corner of your eye sees the vent move in electrical.
You quickly abandon your task, running for the door as it closes in front of you, and an O2 alarm starts blaring. You watch as Poki kills you and went into medbay. You sigh as you return to your wires before a body is reported. Seans body was in coms.
The discussion is full of accusations when a yelp is admitted from Corpse. The conversation dies quickly, before Sykkuno asks what happened and if he’s alright.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good, our son just decided now would be a good time to climb on me.” Corpse explains casually, not realising these people doesn’t know that the two of you consider Ruben your child.
“Our child? You two have a child together? I thought you were roommates?” Rae is quick to question, wondering what is going on. You realise they think an actual child.
“No! no! no! It’s just Ruben my cat. He became our child when we moved in together, and  we just call him our son. No babies around here.” You’re quick to reply as a meow sounds out through the call from Ruben.
“And that was him telling you that he wants to go outside. I will be back again in a moment.” Corpse says as he walks away from the stream, as his character floats across everyone’s screen, declaring him not an impostor. The rest of you having forgotten about the game.
The stream continues, though the thought of having a kid with Corpse is stuck on your mind. Well mostly everything else than having a kid. Being domestically in love. You sigh to yourself. You’re far too deep in this crush.
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chaotic-jjk-fiction · 4 years
Perfect Puppy
Gojo Satoru x Fem Puppy reader x Nanami Kento
Happy Valentine’s Day! This fic isn’t specifically theme for Valentine’s day, but it is cute and fluffy. 
TW: Poly Fic, Puppy reader, Reader is adopted from shelter, she/her pronouns used, Reader wears a collar, Reader is essentially just a pet, cute fluff
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Gojo sat on the counter as Nanami cooked, swimming his legs and watching his lover work. Despite the fact that the two of them worked together, it felt like they barely spent any time together. Domestic moments were a rare occurrence for the two, and Gojo was enjoying it fully. He also figured it was to the perfect time to bring up something that had been on his mind for a bit. He sighed loudly hoping to get his lovers attention. 
“What is it?” Nanami asked rolling his eyes at his husband’s antics. Gojo chose to ignore that and express his thoughts anyways,
“I want a pet.” He then paused to see how Nanami would react. 
“Like a goldfish?
“Noooo,” Gojo whined, “Like a dog or maybe a cat.” Nanami stopped for a moment to take in what he had just heard.
“We can’t get a pet like that with our job, you know that.” He paused, “And what makes you bring this up now anyway?” Gojo pushed himself off his perch and wrapped his arms around Nanami’s waist as he stood at the stove. 
“I’ve always wanted a pet but I was never allowed to have one as a kid. I brang it up now because we’ve finally got a house where we have the space.” Nanami pondered Gojo’s explanation before moving to grab some plates out of the cabinet, breaking free from his lover’s embrace. 
“You do know you’d have to feed it, walk it, and take care of it in every other way?” He continued to serve the food as he waited for Gojo’s answer.
“I know that. And of course I would take care of it.” Nanami sighed as he placed the plates of food on the table at their respective places. 
“Alright Satoru, I suppose we can look into getting a pet if you really want one.” Gojo was ecstatic. He spent the rest of the night talking about what he wanted in the pet. 
“I want them to love me, they have to be good with cuddles, I want them to like walks, but not need them, ooh and maybe just a touch of separation anxiety so that they are always happy to see me!” Nanami was happy to see his husband so excited and he just hoped it wasn’t just another one of Gojo's whims, a pet was starting to sound nice.
The next day Gojo didn’t bring it up as they got ready for work and he didn’t seem a bit more excited than normal. Nanami couldn’t help but wonder if his partner had forgotten their conversation. They didn’t see each other until it was late into the afternoon. Gojo was bounding up to Nanami with a folder in his hands.
“I printed out a list of the adoptable pets at this shelter so we can look over them on the way there!” Apparently, Gojo had not forgotten their conversation at dinner, and Nanami soon found himself being dragged into a waiting car. On the way to the adoption center that Gojo had chosen the two of them poured over the file. 
“Look at how cute that one is. Oh, but look at that one’s ears. AHHH they’re all so cute!” Nanami couldn’t help but feel his heart warm at the sight of his overexcited husband. They had to quickly stop back at their place first to take some pictures of their living situation as proof that they had a suitable home to own a pet. As soon as they had done that they were right back on course to the shelter.   
“I really can’t decide which of them I like more. Do you have a favorite so far?” Gojo turned to Nanami hoping to get some input on the pets they were looking at. 
“Actually,” Nanami paused “There is one that caught my eye.”
“Which one?” Gojo was eager to know which pet he found of interest. Nanami ruffled through the papers looking for their page. Upon finding it he held it in the middle of the two of them so that Gojo could see it too. 
“She’s so cute, I see why you like her.” Nanami nodded to affirm Gojo’s words. The pet that had caught his eye was a puppy girl. 
“We’ll request to me meet her when we get there!” Gojo was pleased by his husband’s choice and was hoping that you would be everything he wanted in a pet so that it would all work out. 
As soon as they arrived, Gojo was bounding up to the front desk asking the receptionist to help them meet you so they could assess compatibility. The receptionist handed them the proper paperwork so that they could do just that and Nanami filled it out while Gojo handed him the photos of their house to keep on file. Once Nanami handed the paperwork back they looked over it before directing the couple to follow him. They walked into a back area with a long hallway of rooms where prospective adopters could meet the pets they were thinking of adopting. 
“Please wait in here while I bring her to you.” The receptionist bowed before closing the door to the room they had been given behind him. Nanami and Gojo sat down on the sofa-like-bench in the room. Gojo was getting antsy, “I can’t wait to meet her!” His excitement was a little contagious and Nanami found himself also with a swelling feeling of anticipation. They didn’t have to wait for very long though, and soon the receptionist was opening the door to reveal himself and you standing right next to him. You looked just like your picture, almost cuter if they were being honest. The receptionist guided you into the room before making his exit once again. 
“If you need anything please don’t hesitate to push the button on the wall.” and with that, he was gone. Gojo and Nanami now focused their attention on you.  You stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, tail down unsure of whether or not to trust the gentlemen in front of you. Gojo motioned for you to join them, you hesitantly took a few steps forward before freezing again. Gojo was loving how shy you were, while on the other hand he just wanted you to love him immediately. Gojo once again patted the space in between him and Nanami eagerly inviting you to sit there. You took a few more steps, finally reaching the end of the bench, before turning around and sitting down. Although you felt awkward being in-between the two complete strangers, you couldn’t deny that your heart was pounding with excitement at the idea of being adopted. Gojo couldn’t stop himself and he brought his hand up to your head, lightly petting your ears. His action made you shiver and lean into his touch. This only served to fuel his eagerness in touching you, and his light strokes turned into a much more vigorous scratching of behind your ears. Nanami watched the way your tail started wagging and how content you now looked under Gojo’s touch. He realized that you were the one, at least in his mind, and he hoped that Gojo would agree. 
“Aww, does puppy like that?” Gojo cooed as he continued to scratch behind your ears, the little rumble coming from your chest was enough of a confirmation for both of them. Nanami did not personally feel the need to join Gojo in petting you, seeing how happy his lover is was enough. He continued to watch over the course of 30 minutes as the two of you bonded. He knew that Gojo and him would be adding a third member to their family.  
“Have you made your decision?” Nanami asked looking down at the pair who had ended up on the floor of the room. Gojo and you paused your petting/cuddling and looked up at him. Nanami elaborated,
“Would you like to look at other pets, or have are you made up you mind Satoru?” You looked up at Gojo with your biggest puppy eyes. You longed for adoption, and the attention Gojo was giving you was all you ever wanted. One look at your cute expression was all too much for Gojo, 
“I’ve made up my mind! I want her.” Nanami nodded in agreement and pushed the call button on the wall. Nanami stood when the receptionist popped in a minute later, 
“Did you need something?”
“We would like to adopt her today,” Nanami stated looking from you and Gojo to the receptionist in the doorway. 
“We need to review the images of your home you provided and there is more paperwork to fill out-”
“That is ok, can we start on the paperwork while the photos are being reviewed?”
“Of course, I’ll go get it right away.” He bowed and quickly exited the room. Nanami was immediately encased in his lover’s arms as Gojo threw himself at Nanami. 
“Thank you!” Gojo sang burying his head in the crook of his lover’s neck. Gojo soon broke away from him though and returned his attention back to you. 
“Did ya hear the puppy? You’re going to be coming home with us!” You couldn’t control how fast your tail started wagging at his words. It didn’t take long for the receptionist to come back with the required paperwork. Nanami filled it out as Gojo resumed playing with you, all the while telling you how perfect your life was going to be and all the nice things you would have. It didn’t take too long to fill out the forms and soon Nanami was once again pressing the call button. He handed the man the completed forms, 
“Your house has been approved. You may come out and get your care instructions packet, please look over them and make sure you don’t have any questions before leaving.” The receptionist opened the door wide for the three of you. Gojo took your hand and lead you out of the room, Nanami followed behind the two of you. Once back in the main entrance area of the shelter where they had first entered, they were handed a small stack of papers. The care packet turned out to be very straight forward. It had a section on feeding, training, your immunization record, medical things to look out for, and so on. 
“Are you ready to go to your new home?” Gojo cooed to you, watching your ears perk up. 
“Not so fast,” Nanami interjected, “We still need to get you a collar.” 
“Oh right,” Gojo remembered. That didn’t take very long though as the shelter had an attached store. Soon you were fitted with a cute collar that Gojo had chosen with your input, and had a name tag with your name and their numbers. 
“Alright puppy, let’s get you home,” Gojo chirped. He had insisted that you sit on his lap for the entire car ride back to their place. Gojo continued to play with your hair and ears, while Nanami finally made a move to touch you, silently allowing his hand to rest on your thigh. It didn’t take long to reach their apartment. Once inside Gojo was eager to give you the full tour of your new living space, 
“This is the living room, we watch movies and relax there. This is the kitchen where we eat. This is the guest bathroom. Oh! And this is the bedroom. You’ll be sleeping here with us.” You were at Gojo’s heels the entire time, joyfully following him and experiencing your new home. 
“Hmm… according to the schedule the shelter had you on, it’s about time for you to eat dinner. Are you hungry?” Nanami asked looking up from the papers in his hand. Your tail halted its back and forth motion, taking in his words before it resumed its wagging. You nodded your head, bringing your hand to your tummy to emphasize your hunger. 
“Alright then, let’s fix that.” Nanami made his way back to the kitchen and pulled out the leftovers from last night. As he heated them up for the three of you, Gojo lead you to the table and promptly pulled you onto his lap. It didn’t take Nanami very long to prepare the food, and soon he was setting down two full plates for them, and just one bowl of plain rice for you.
“The instructions said to stick to plain food for the first few days to make sure that the stress of adjusting to a new environment, your doesn’t upset your stomach,” Nanami explained noticing your pouty expression at the dull meal. 
“Cheer up puppy,” Gojo chimed in, “close your eyes and I’ll feed it to you so you can pretend it’s something yummy.” You obliged, closing your eyes and opening your mouth allowing Gojo to feed you. Nanami watched as his husband praised you for eating all your food like the good girl you were. Not too long after finishing the rice, you felt yourself growing a bit tired. You were still on Gojo’s lap as he ate his food, and you took advantage of your position. Nuzzling your nose into his neck before resting your head on his shoulder and falling asleep. Gojo had to contain his excitement as not to wake you once he realized what had happened.  
“Look at her,” Gojo whispered with glee to Nanami. 
“She’s definitely adorable.” Nanami agreed, standing up after taking one last look last you as began clearing the plates. After he finished cleaning up, he made his way back to his lover who had remained in the exact same position as not to disturb you. 
“Here, let me take her.” Nanami moved to lift you off Gojo, cradling you to him in bridal position. He carefully started walking to the bedroom, Gojo following behind him. The way your hand took hold of Nanami’s suit jacket as he carried you was enough to make him melt. Gojo pulled back the covers on the bed and Nanami gently laid you down on the mattress. He had to remove the hand of yours that was gripping him and guided it down with the rest of you. The two of them changed quickly so they could join you in the bed. As soon as Gojo was changed he made his way to your side, wrapping his arms around you, pulling your back to his chest. Nanami followed his lead and laid on the other side of you on his back. What he was not expecting was you to wiggle away from Gojo in your sleep and cling to his chest. Gojo frowned, 
“That’s not fair, she’s supposed to love me more.”
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ticklefits · 3 years
AO3 LINK! | tickletober 2021 day 1: CHASE.
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voltron: legendary defender | klance | words : 2572
“Oh, don’t let me stop you. Keep singing.” With a tone much too amused and muscular figure leaned against the door frame, Keith’s eyes have locked on his boyfriend who’s settled at the countertop, chopping up onions for their lunch. His ears were previously graced with the melodic & upbeat notes of Lance’s singing before he halted as soon as he noticed Keith’s presence, cheeks dusting over in a soft shade of cherry at having been caught. 
"You snuck up on me! Y'know, all that Blade of Marmora training has made you seriously light on your feet, you're too quiet when you walk up on people--" Lance complains, obviously trying to shift the attention off of his virtuoso vocals, but Keith isn't falling for the trick. He merely grants the other a shrug, stepping further into the kitchen to peer down at the meal he was preparing before the interruption. It was a newer dish, something that Lance had talked about trying to cook before and though Keith rarely indulged in foreign grounds when it came to what he ate, Lance was a decent cook and he's willing to try anything for him. After a once-over of the food, he twists to match his gaze with Lance with Lance again, a small smirk now presented half-cocked upon his lips. 
"Being quiet has its advantages," is his rebuttal, arms crossing along the width of his chest as he gently knocks a shoulder against his love's. "You can keep complaining about it if you do it in song."
A silent curse leaks out with the sensation of heat that strengthens on the surface of Lance's cheeks, half-tempted to run into the next room and half-tempted to actually take Keith up on his offer. Complaining while singing truthfully sounds sort of hilarious and maybe Lance might've considered it had he not been ambushed by the other, but the abashment that's welled up in the center of his stomach has stolen the reigns from his usual confidence and is keeping his vocal chords locked and twisted. At this point, he's temporarily canceled prepping lunch and his new focus lies on a getaway. Sapphire sight slowly inches from where Keith stands to the archway that connects into the living room, calculating the distance to it from his own feet and weighing the risks. Keith, however, is a warrior, and a highly trained one at that, so as soon as he notices Lance's fixed stare towards the living room, his smirk widens and his own stance alters.
"C'mon loverboy, don't make me chase you down. You know I'm faster than you." There it is. A challenge. A challenge to his Leo boyfriend, who's neatly sculpted eyebrows perk and furrow and his lips twitch at the corners. 
"You're funny, Keith. The only one way you'd be faster than me, is if you tap into that cat-like Galran side of you and get on all fours. Stronger than me? Sure, maybe -- but not faster." Lance knows he just spit some fighting words, and judging by the slightly surprised, oh no he did not just say what I think he said look, Keith was about to square up. It was silent for a moment that dragged on like an hour, until Keith cements a stare at Lance and for a split second, Lance could swear he saw his pupils slit just like a feline. 
"You get five seconds."
Lance did not need to be told twice. As soon as he heard that single word practically growled from his boyfriend, he sprang into a nearly full sprint into the living room. Keith kept his words and after 5 seconds, rocketed off after Lance. By the time he had an open view of the room, Lance was nowhere to be seen. He paused, rummaging through his thoughts to figure out where Lance might have escaped to next. He figures their bedroom would be a good place to start, plenty of the places to try and hide in there; try, being the operative word there. He enters the shared sleeping space and, just to tease Lance thoroughly in case he was hiding in there, starts to tap his nails on the walls and other hard surfaces, knowing damn well the clicks and clacks will echo.
"Oh, Laaance.." the swordsman practically coos, feigning an innocent tonality all the while checking under the bed and in their closet for his prey. "You know I'm not gonna hurt you. I wouldn't ever hurt you. But you do need to be punished for what you said."
Lance can hear him. He can hear him and Keith knows that he can. Their apartment isn't very generous with running room and hiding spaces, so he's taken refuge in their master bathroom. He nearly scoffs at Keith's statements; he knows Keith wouldn't hurt him, not intentionally, but that's not what he's worried about. He knows what those clickity clacks mean. The surface of his skin is already tingling and he's biting back a grin, hands smoothing over the goosebumps popping up along his arms. He could speak lies and say he hates when Keith does this, but they both know the truth: Lance thrives on it. Every tap of his nails drives Lance insane and he can feel his body trying to gravitate towards the sound, but he refuses to give in and admit defeat. Keith challenged him, so it's on. 
He's dragging his nails now, goddammit, and he's getting closer. Those silent steps aren't so silent anymore and Keith's doing that on purpose. He wants Lance to hear him coming; it's all part of the chase. Thankfully though, their bathroom contains a door that opens up to the hallway, so if he times it right, he can get past without him hopefully noticing. Slowly, nearly holding his breath, Lance scoots to the second door and ever so gently turns the handle to minimize any sound and opens the door. A quick peek tells him that it's safe, but as soon as he fully exits the bathroom and begins his quiet tread through the hall, Keith appears behind him from their bathroom, running towards him. Lance yelps and his reaction is immediate, making a break for the living room once again. He jumps onto the couch and grabs a pillow, deciding to fend off his hunter with a weapon instead of continuing to run.
"En guard!" Comes his battle cry as Keith reaches him and narrowly misses the swing of a cushion at his head.
"That's a dirty play, McClain!" He manages to say before he gets uppercut with a cushion and it's as if the world goes into absolute silence. Lance hadn't really meant to smack him like that, but the damage has already transpired, so all he can do is gently place the couch cushions back to their proper home, all the while observing with fright behind his eyes as Keith's visage lowers back down to look at him. He says nothing, amethyst sight blank, but he does start to move towards Lance, which has the taller scooting backwards on the couch, palm outstretched as if that were to quell Keith's wrath any. 
"Keith -- Keith, babe, baby, look at me -- you know I didn't mean to do that, I swear--!" But Keith still doesn't utter a single syllable, even as he climbs atop and straddles Lance's hips. He then moves to grab some of the mini pillow cushions nearest Lance's head, one in each hand, and Lance's eyes widen, remembering a time when Pidge pulled this on him herself, except she used vinyl, elbow - length gloves. Keith's method is unorthodox, but Lance is sure it's gonna tire him out all the same. 
"Keith! No! No, no, no, no--!" But his pleas are no use. Raising the small pillows into the air, it isn't a second later that Keith starts to rapidly smack Lance's upper body with them. It's a furious barrage, one arm raining down a strike right after it's counterpart. If this was an action movie, and pillows were bullets shot out of a gun, this would be absolutely brutal. Fortunately for Lance, these soft, fluffy pillows don't hurt anywhere near a bullet wound. In fact, he's grinning all the while, limbs held askew above his head as a shield. 
"Now this is a dirty play, Kogane! Fight me like a real man!" And Lance is about to regret those words, because as soon as Keith hears him, he halts his assault and tosses the pillows to the side, eyes glinting dangerously. 
"Oh, I'm just getting started." Now unoccupied hands shift to settle on Lance's sides and instantaneously, Lance knew he was fucked. 
"Woahwoahwoah, no! No, now this is really foul--!"
"Sucks to suck."
"FIRST of all, I'm the one who taught you that saAAhahah--!" Keith's heard enough prattling out of Lance, it's time to hear some of that sweet, hilarious laughter now. Fingers scribble over the clothed flesh of his sides and waist and that already gets him into giggling hysterics. Keith will always be pleasantly surprised at just how ticklish Lance is. Nearly every inch of him is sensitive to something and it never fails to gift him with serotonin when he's got Lance beneath him, rosy cheeked, squirming around, and laughing his heart out - much like he is now. 
"Nohohohoho! Keh--Keheheheith! Stahahahahap!" His pleas are broken apart by giggles that are only raising in volume the more his sides are attacked and he's only growing further sensitive by the second. Lance knows his religiously vigorous skin care routine is partly to blame for how ticklish he is, but can you blame him for wanting soft, youthful skin? And it isn't like Keith's complaining about it either. 
"Nah, I don't think I can. My fingers are under some sort of spell." Such a blatant lie from the older pilot and the grin he dons is unmistakably teasing. 
"Yo--you're suhuhuch a lihahahahahar!" 
"What? I'm offended. I'm not lying at all. In fact, I'll tell you an easy way to break the spell and get me to the stop." 
"Gohohohohohod! Fiiiiihihihine, OKAY, okahahahy!" Lance is really beginning to struggle, squeals forcing themselves free as Keith migrates from waist, to stomach, and then to his ribs, poking & scritching between each one in an agonizing manner. "Aaahahahahaha! Tell---tell mehehehehe alreadyyyy!"
"You really wanna know?"
Lance's strength is sapping quicker than he'd like it to, but he still possesses enough of it to gently smack at Keith's arm, his giggles evolving into full blown laughter once those dastardly fingers begin reaching towards his armpits in retaliation. 
"All you gotta do is sing. Like, that one red-headed princess, to break a spell that was on her, or whatever." The fact that Keith really provided a Disney comparison to Lance's current predicament is hilarious all on its own, but Lance wasn't about to give into this torture, and deliver what Keith desired so easily. 
"Hohohohow is -- i-is ticklihihihing me suhuhpposed to make me wahahahant to SING?? B-Besides, a kihihihihiss broke Ahahariel's spell, not -- not singihihihihihing!" Poor Lance, with his cracking voice and breathy, hollow words that could scarcely be understood through all of his laughter. Keith understood the gist of it though and contemplated his conditions. He still wanted Lance to sing to him, but a kiss sounded pretty nice too. However, he isn’t quite finished with his boyfriend’s torture; there’s still one last area he very much wants to explore before he allows Lance free. Spidering digits cease their actions, smoothing up and then down the expanse of Lance’s toned torso, granting him a desperately needed, albeit quick rest. Lance doesn’t speak, merely taking this opportunity in stride to gulp down as much air as he can, because a minute part of him knows Keith isn’t done and that something wicked this way comes.
Something wicked indeed. After some very short-lived moments of repose, without skipping a beat, Keith breaks into full force tickling all over the surface of Lance’s soft thighs. The first and last thing to run through Lance’s mind is a sharp curse to himself for deciding that today was a good day to wear shorts. Keith has an all access pass to one of his death spots and he is allowing no mercy. They’re certainly going to get a noise complaint from their neighbors ( not that Keith cares ), because the inhumane screech that burst from the tunnel of Lance’s throat could probably be heard blocks away. 
“K---KEEEHEHEHEHEHITH!! NO! NOHOHO, NOT RIGHT THEHEHEHEHRE! PLEHEHEHEASE, AHAAAHAHAHAHNYTHING BUT THERRRRE--!” the couch has been shaved of all of its cushions by flailing, lengthy limbs and even Keith is having trouble keeping atop of Lance, what with all of his wriggling and buckling. 
“Geez, Lance, you almost sound like I’m killin’ you.” Keith’s grin is now from ear to ear, more than enjoying himself, the view, and his love’s ridiculously adorable laughter. 
“YOU AHAHAHAHARRRRE!! PLEEEEHEHEHEHASE!” But it’s only when Lance deflates into silent laughter, arms going limp against the couch underneath him, that Keith finally concludes his torture. Calloused hands remove themselves from the slender frame and he completely slides off of Lance, disappearing into the kitchen. Unbothered by Keith’s abrupt departure, Lance soaks up every single second of relaxation he can, until he glances up once he hears footsteps, and sees the water bottle Keith’s offering. Smiling a little weakly, Lance sits up, releasing a few lingering giggles as the movement of his still hyper - sensitive upper body brings forth some ghost touches. 
“Alright, time to break your spell.” Keith’s statement is oh so cheeky and as he leans forward, waiting for Lance to close the distance, he half expects Lance to do anything but kiss him. A pleasant surprise is given to him when he feels those familiar, supple lips intertwining with his own, and he smiles into it. The kiss lasts for a couple of seconds before Lance pulls away and eyes Keith, brow rising along his temple. 
“Guess whose job it is to prepare lunch now?”
A roll of lavender eyes, but he holds out his hand nonetheless. “Yeah, yeah. I tired you out, so I guess it’s mine. I don’t know how to make what you were making though.”
Lance takes the hand that’s offered and ascends from the couch, bending to start picking up the collapsed couch cushions. “Go on into the kitchen, I’ll be right behind you to boss you around.” Keith snorts a quickle chuckle, but does as instructed, making his way back into the kitchen. He nearly stops as something catches his ears, a heavy warmth blooming in his chest. Lance sings more than loud enough for Keith to hear him, even as he’s waiting in the kitchen. He continues singing, once all of the cushions are placed back in their proper place, and as he finally enters the kitchen. He saunters up to Keith, sight locked with sight, a hand on his chest, happiness brimming in the way he sings. 
“♪ Maybe this love is mad, you're filling every thought I have. Now I've stayed too long, and there's no turning back. Might as well dance.~ ♪” As if on cue, Keith takes his hand and spins him, earning an even more brilliant smile from Lance, and he lands softly against Keith, arms coiling around his neck to bring him back in for another kiss. Suddenly, lunch doesn’t matter so much anymore.
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into-the-linkverse · 3 years
Of rupees and Koroks
my first LU fanfiction! I am horrible at endings so...yeah. i definitely went off the rails from my original plan (ADHD my beloved) and I am SO SORRY in advance if any of the characters are OOC.
“Okay, and that would come to…200 rupees, Mr. Captain Hero Sir!” Ravio cheerfully stated, holding up the bottle of shimmering red potion for War to admire. The warrior actually scoffed upon hearing the intended price.
“Something wrong, War?” Legend asked, his back leaning against a rather large crate.
“No, no, it’s just…really cheap.” War pointed towards the potion. Both Legend and Ravio blinked blankly. Legend’s face soon turned into one of severe confusion, whereas Ravio’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“200 rupees? Cheap? Were you hit in the back of the head by a bulbin?!” Twilight almost shrieked from his side of the Barnhouse He stopped playing with the cows and quickly jogged over to Ravio’s makeshift shop.
“Back home, a red potion would cost around 10,000 rupees. Isn’t that the case here?” War stated eyebrow raised as Twilight began twitching at the mention of the rupee count. Ravio’s jaw practically dropped.
“My wallet can’t even hold that!”
“Hey, I heard screaming. Who’s dead?” The barn’s door creaked open to reveal Wind, accompanied by a sweating Sky and an unfazed Four.
“War said a red potion would cost 10,000 rupees in his world!” Legend blurted out, almost barking at the heroes. Four huffed for a second, then walked up to Ravio and snatched the red potion.
“Hey, 200 rupees, y’know!”
“This. Costs 20 rupees.” He pointed at the potion, as War soon broke down in a fit of laughter.
“What’s so funny, pretty boy?” Legend folded his arms.
“You guys must be broke! 20 rupees? That can’t buy you shit!” He managed to get out before banging his fist against the hay covered ground.
“Hey, watch your language!” Sky shouted, moving to cover Wind’s pointy ears. “There are children here.” He lowered his voice as Wind swatted his hands away.
“Okay, okay, I’m trying to run a business here. Let’s go…2,000 rupees, Mr. Captain Hero Sir!” Ravio clasped his hands together, only to realize the item he was selling was nowhere on the table.
“Um…Mr. Smithy? My red potion?”
“Oh, sure.” Four passed the glittering potion back to the purple-haired hero, acting as if he wouldn’t be committing a crime if he didn’t hand it back.
“Here you go, Mr. Captain Hero Sir! Please come again!” Ravio smiled gleefully, having 2,000 rupees handed to him like it was nothing.
“Pfft- I guess War really is a rich snob.” Twilight sniggered, shaking hands with Legend in a mutual agreement.
“Hey, you take that back, farmers!” War shouted, fiddling with his glove as if preparing for a fight.
“War, you realize you’re saying that on a ranch?” A voice called from outside. The door was already opened (Wind forgot to close it) so it was easy to tell that the voice belonged to Time.
“Oh, hey, pops, wanna help us take on pretty boy?” Twilight greeted happily, only making Warriors more enraged.
“No, I’m quite fine. But thank you for the offer anyway. Hyrule asked me to collect you all. He’s having trouble with something. And for Nayru’s sake, behave yourselves.” Time explained to the group, trying not to bring up the fact that he almost locked them in the barn to keep them out of trouble.
“What do you mean “something”? I thought nothing happens on this ranch!” Wind protested, running his hands through his hair, obviously trying to make himself more presentable.
“I have no clue what the deal is myself. Wild and Hyrule are already investigating.”
“Those two? They were better hosts than us?” Warriors looked almost horrified at the idea of being upstaged by Wild of all people.
“Do you want to be cooped up in here all day?” Time asked, almost laughing at War’s sudden reaction.
“Come on, let’s get moving now!” Warriors announced, starting to direct (push) the other heroes out of the barnhouse.
Hyrule was ecstatic. He’d been picking up stray rocks for weeks in hopes to find the small beings called Koroks. Wild had told him all about the strange little creatures that hid under rocks and in trees, and Hyrule soon became intent to find one. At last, at the gates of Lon Lon ranch, Hyrule mindlessly picked up a rock and proceeded to shout in happiness.
“Wild! Wild! I found one!” He cried, perking the ears of the long-haired Hylian. Wild rushed over, practically throwing the Cucco he was holding. He jogged over, only to stop a few feet away from the brown-haired hero.
Hyrule’s eyes were alight with glee, his smile looked like an innocent rabbit’s. He tossed the rock aside, unfortunately landing on Wild’s foot, as he winced. He placed the rock to the side and crouched down to the Korok’s level.
“Yahaha, you’ve found me!” The Korok excitedly squealed, Wild rolling his eyes as he heard the line for the 400thtime. Hyrule nodded in response, too glad to speak and ruin the moment. Before he knew it, Hyrule was handed a small, foul seed. He looked confused for a second and looked up to Wild.
“Yeah…not that impressive, is it?” He sighed, snatching the seed from Hyrule, and adding to his collection. Hyrule blinked as he saw Wild open to pouch to see a mountain of the horrid smelling things. “Gotta get these back to Hestu sometime.” He casually stated, closing his pocket again.
“Buh-bye!” The Korok exclaimed, waving his small, rounded hand towards the two Hylians. Hyrule was not having this. He had spent two weeks searching for the little creatures, and when he does, he’s just supposed to say good-bye after minutes of meeting one? He reached out his arms and took the Korok up to his torso in one swift movement.
“I shall name him Peppers and he shall be mine!” Hyrule proclaimed loudly, much to Wild’s shock. He tried to wrangle the Korok out of Hyrule’s embrace, but the Korok spoke up.
“Actually, I’d love to be Mr. Hero’s friend!” It chirped, sinking into Hyrule’s green tunic. “Aw, see? He likes me!” Hyrule cuddled the Korok, adding a whiny tone to his words. Wild groaned, as he almost felt like Time, having to take care of someone like this.
“You’ll have to ask Time if we can keep it.” He sighed, poking the pointy nose of the leaf faced spirit. As if from nowhere, armored footsteps approached the two Hylians. “Keep what?” The firm voice spoke, making Wild jump for a moment.
“The Korok…?” Hyrule trailed off, still clutching the forest spirit. As the chain came into sight, some stood dumbstruck, whereas Wind’s eyes widened drastically. “Korok!?” The pirate pointed; mouth open wide as he bolted to Hyrule. “What in Din’s name is a Korok?” War groaned; his breath slightly hilted from jogging across the ranch.
“I’m not sure myself…but it definitely looks cute!” Time let slip a small remark of childish nature, a warm smile creeping up on his face. Legend soon ran up to his descendant and grabbed the Korok out of his hands.
“Where’s this little bugger from anyway?” He mumbled, turning the spirit face down to have a proper look at it. He furrowed his brow, then turned to Ravio, gestured to see if the rabbit hero had any clue about the creature. Ravio simply shrugged at him. “Hey! He isn’t some toy to be held like that!” Twilight shouted, scooping up the Korok from Legend’s hands. He held it carefully on his shoulder as one would a cat, as the Korok began playing with Twilight’s hair.
“I’m the best at dealing with animals here. I say we keep it,” Twilight nodded as the Korok’s hands started folding braids into his hair. “Peppers.” Hyrule quickly added, placing a hand on the little Korok’s back. “What’s this about p-peppers?!” Four almost leapt out of his skin after hearing “peppers”. Wild simply laughed and wrapped an arm around him.
“His name is Peppers!” Hyrule said once again, a smile dawning on his face. “Why peppers, though?” Four protested, his disdain for the food clear as day. Wind coughed a bit, trying to hold in a laugh. Sky gave him a light pat on the head and shook his head, mouthing “don’t”.
“Well, I think it’s a great name! Did…Did Wild pick it out?” Sky laughed wistfully, trying to discourage Wind from making fun of Four. “Nope, completely ‘Rule’s idea.” Wild answered, causing Four to instead eye Hyrule suspiciously. Legend folded his arms and let out a huff as Ravio giggled behind him. “Perhaps he’d be interested in renting?” Legend twisted around as Ravio flatly suggested.
“No one in their right mind would be interested in renting, Ravio.” He scoffed, turning back to face the rest of the chain. “I, personally, don’t want it. What if it steals our items and flees in the night?” War accused, pointing a finger towards the creature. A paranoid Warriors, Time couldn’t help but laugh.
“No, the Korok’s come from the Lost Woods. They’re the children of the Great Deku Tree, so I’d doubt they’d do that.” Wild explained, peaking the attention of Time. If the Korok’s were from the Lost Woods, he would have seen some by now, wouldn’t he? Or maybe they only showed up far after his era…
“Wait! You’ve met the Great Deku Tree too?!” Wind’s small figure jumped up, tugging on Wild’s tunic. Twilight eyed the older hero for a moment, he seemed…off. Korok still in arms, he strode up to Time and placed his free hand on his shoulder. “You alright, dad?” Time snapped out of his state of thought and quickly waved it off.
“I’m fine, just…glad that the Deku Tree still exists to them, I guess.” Time replied wistfully, his gaze trailing to the two blue-clad heroes, sharing their experiences with the ancient talking tree. “He was the…closest thing I had to a father.” His next comment caught Twili completely off guard. Does that mean he was related to a tree?
“Wait, your dad was a tree?! Are you joking?” Twilight exclaimed a bit too loudly, catching the attention of Four and Sky, who had been watching the unfolding chaos. Sky’s eyes widened immensely, full of curiosity as he quickly trotted over.
“Time’s father? A tree? My, that must be an interesting story!” Sky clasped his hands together in delight, eager to learn more about the mysterious Time.
“No, the Deku Tree was the closest thing to a father I ever had. I am not part tree.” Time had to hold back a snicker as he clarified that he was not of leafy descent. “I doubt that. Your hair is a very light shade of green.” Four pointed out, raising a hand to his chin in deep thought.
“I think that colour’s called yellow, dumbass.” Wind called from where he stood. Sky growled for a moment then proceeded to shout back: “Watch your language!”
For the rest of the evening, the chain shouted and argued, but settled on to keeping the Korok, naming it Peppers, much to Four’s disgust.
@bokettochild I hope you don't mind I borrowed Ravio's nicknames for everyone :)
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artby-mld · 4 years
“A Night Together”
Summary: Childe and Lumine get caught in a rainstorm and decide to stay at Wangshu Inn for the night and share a room. A room... with one bed.
i posted the AO3 link to this a few days ago but the post seemed to have been shadowbanned (thanks tumblr :’D). so here you go! first chilumi fic :3
“The sky’s looking pretty dark. Are you sure it isn’t supposed to rain, girlie?”
Lumine turned to see the Harbinger behind her, stopping to look up at the sky. Childe wasn’t wrong. The once clear skies of Liyue were swirling with dark grey clouds, ominous and forewarning. “Paimon told me not to worry about the weather before I went out for commissions. Sure, it was just her gut feeling, but I believe her judgement, you know?”
“Right. Speaking of which, where is your little friend? Does she really not trust me that much still to where she won’t even come along?” Lumine could tell by Childe’s ever-present smirk that he wasn’t really hurt by the idea of her fairy companion not trusting him.
In return, she threw a smirk back at him. “Well, you were the one that almost killed me back at the Golden House.” Childe’s smirk fell, instead averting his gaze over to a sprig of mint growing along the trail. He looks... upset, Lumine thought. “But no, Paimon’s off taste-testing some of Xiangling’s new dishes back in Liyue Harbor. You know how she gets when she hears about food.”
Lumine took out her adventure handbook and flipped to her commissions section. Most of the pages were blank, the others filled front and back with past commissions scribbled down and checked off. “It looks like... we’re helping Hui’an repair the stairs at Wangshu Inn.”
“So no fighting? That’s boring.”
“I’ll have to agree with you on that one.” Lumine closed her handbook and placed it in her bag, then began to lead the way towards Wangshu Inn. No one said a word, the awkward silence being filled in by the sound of footsteps and the swift noise of Childe twirling a hydro dagger between his fingers. Lumine found herself watching him in the corner of her eye. It looked sharp, deadly and dangerous - just like him. It made her think of Childe, even more than she already did. Was Paimon right? Was he really able to be trusted after everything?
And just why was he helping her out of the blue? Didn’t he have Fatui work to deal with? Why did he always find a way to be in her presence? Why did she actually like having him around?
Just as Lumine was going to ask Childe about why he was helping her, a crash of thunder sounded in the distance. A storm’s coming.
“I told you girlie, it’s gonna rain. You should listen to a Hydro user when it comes to storms.”
“Hey! I don’t have to listen to anyone I don’t want to, thank you very-“ Before Lumine could finish her sentence, it began to downpour. She froze still, the cold, hard pattering of rain against her skin surprising her so suddenly.
Childe quickly began unpinning the brooch that held his scarf in place and draped the red fabric over her head and shoulders. “I know it’s not much, I just don’t want you to get sick.” The gesture made Lumine’s face heat up. “Let’s get moving, Wangshu Inn isn’t far from here.”
The two began to run down the muddy trail until the reached the staircase leading to Wangshu Inn. The usual flow of guests had retreated inside as the rain continued to beat down onto the earth. By the time Childe and Lumine reached the lobby’s entryway they were soaked, their hair clinging to their faces.
Lumine spotted Hui’an in the distance and began making her way towards him as quick as possible. Childe looked at her at a loss for words. Is she seriously going to do a commission in this weather?, he wondered to himself. He began to feel amusement towards her determination.
“Hui’an! I’m here to help with the broken staircase. What can I get started on?”
Hui’an turned towards the disheveled young woman. “I’m sorry, traveler, but with the way this storm is coming down I decided to postpone repairs for another day. The rain doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon, and probably won’t until tomorrow morning. I suggest you spend a night here in one of the rooms to ensure you’re safe and healthy.”
“But I have a few more commissions-”
“I think you’ve done enough for Liyue to where one night off wouldn’t hurt your reputation. You can talk to Verr over at the reception desk to see if rooms are available.”
Lumine sighed in defeat, nodded her head and walked over to Childe. He perked up when he saw her, a smile forming quickly on his lips.
“Not able to finish your little commissions due to the rain? Such a shame, I was really looking forward to taking care of those Treasure Hunters.”
“Sorry you couldn’t feel the excitement you were looking for.”
“It’s no problem, really. Besides, I have you here, don’t I? I’m fine with anything when I’m with you, pretty girl.” Lumine noticed that Childe’s face was much closer to hers than before. Her cheeks grew pink at their closeness and she started looking away.
“I… We should really talk to Verr over at the reception desk and look for rooms to stay in.”
“You know, we could both save a lot of mora if we just shared a room.”
“And worry about you waking me up in the middle of the night to go fight to the death in the rain? No thank you.”
Childe situated his hands on his hips. “Fine. If you have the mora for your own room, We can part ways and I’ll see you in the morning.”
Lumine’s eyes widened. She’d been running out of mora as of recent thanks to weapon enhancements and Paimon’s insatiable appetite. Slowly, she reached for her coin pouch and opened it up. There were a few coins in the pouch, but not enough to cover a nice room for the night.
The young man in front of Lumine had to stifle a laugh. “Just as I thought. Did Paimon end up eating your mora now, too?”
“She might as well have,” Lumine said with an embarrassed laughter. “Fine, then. Let’s go find a room.” Childe was beaming and took her hand in his, leading them over to the reception desk. Lumine swore her face was as red as Childe’s scarf that was still draped around her.
Verr Goldet looked up at the two from the papers scattered across her desk. “Welcome to Wangshu Inn. How may I help you?”
“We’re looking for a room to stay in for the night.” Lumine looked over her shoulder and saw Childe preoccupied with petting the cat that laid on the end of the desk. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight, but eventually she lightly tugged on his sleeve to have him pay attention.
“Yes, a room… let me check to see what we have available,” Verr said as she dragged her finger across a list of rooms and its occupants. Her finger stopped at one empty slot. “You’re just in luck, we have one more room available.”
Childe and Lumine looked at each other and nodded. “We’ll take it.”
“Okay, a single-bed room would be…”
“A single-bed room?” Lumine felt like she was going to explode in a matter of seconds.
“The only room we have available is on the smaller side and has just one bed. I assumed it wouldn’t be such an issue for a young couple such as yourself.”
“I— we’re not—”
Childe cut her off by handing Verr a good sized pouch of mora. “That’s completely fine with us, isn’t it honey?” Lumine was frozen still. “Here’s everything to cover the cost, you can keep the rest. Good night!” The situation ended faster than Lumine could keep up with. Her mind was spinning. Her and Childe together? As a couple? Sure, she’d admit that the idea has popped up in her dreams one too many times, but that’s all it could ever be. Just a hopeless, made up dream.
Lumine felt Childe once again taking her hand and leading the way up to their room. Archons, that’s probably why she believed we were together, she thought. She looked down at their hands. She never paid attention to it until now, but his gloves were off after being soaked in the rain. Lumine was surprised at how soft his hand felt around hers, with the exception of a small scar or two. She began laughing at herself in her head. Something as minuscule as how well their hands felt together set her heart aflame. But it made her wonder. Why would Childe go along with the idea that they’re together?
By the time Lumine snapped out of her thoughts, they had reached the door to their room. Childe fiddled with the key for a second before the door opened. Verr was right about the room being small, but nonetheless it was still nicely furnished and had anything they needed for a quick stay. A functional bathroom, a window showcasing Wangshu’s beautiful view of the land, and of course… the single bed. It was definitely big enough for two people, with a good amount of soft pillows and a plush comforter for warmth.
Lumine’s chest began to gain that warm, fluttery feeling again. She eyed the chair in the corner of the room. “I can sleep in that chair for the night.”
“What? No, absolutely not. There’s enough room for the both of us on that bed.” Childe locked the door behind them and walked over to the window to look out at the rain. “If you don’t get warmed up you could get sick from being in that weather for as long as we were.”
“I know but… us together is just—”
“Lumine. It’s just a bed, and we’re just sleeping. It’s not like we’re gonna be making out all night.” The serious face Childe wore disappeared. Lumine could practically see the gears turning in his head as a smirk formed. “Unless that’s what you want.”
Lumine choked on her spit. She’ll also admit that with the dreams about them being a couple, that has popped into her mind once or twice. “… No.”
“You hesistated~”
“I said no!”
Childe laughed, raising his hands up in surrender. “Alright, girlie, alright, I’ll stop. But I’m serious about the first part. Just stay here with me and if it makes you so embarrassed, we won’t talk about it ever again after tonight.” Lumine picked up on a tinge of disappointment in his voice as he continued to speak. Why was this man confusing her so much?
Childe looked her up and down. “Do you have a change of clothes? You’re still soaked.”
“I… don’t. I usually just camp outside, I pack light.”
“I think that’s a little less than packing light. You literally have nothing on you besides a sword and an Adventurer’s Handbook. Here, hold on.” He began unbuttoning his jacket, slipping it off with ease. “As a Hydro user myself, I made sure my clothes have good water resistance. This should be dry,” motioning towards the deep red undershirt he wore.
Childe’s shirt became unbuttoned and he took it off, handing it to her. Oh gods. “It might be a bit big on you, but it’ll be a lot more comfortable than a soaking wet traveling outfit.” Lumine tries so hard to keep looking into his eyes and not look down at his bare skin, littered with battle scars and toned well…
He’s trying to hold back a laugh. Does he find it funny that he’s going to be the death of me?, Lumine thought. Without a word, she took his shirt and made her way to the bathroom.
The shirt was indeed way too big for Lumine. The small slit in the bottom that usually showed off Childe’s Vision had rested at the middle of her thigh. She kept her own undershirt and shorts on; even when buttoning up there was too much visible for her comfort. Lumine looked into a mirror. She was drowning in the fabric, but it felt perfect. It smelt good, too — like clean, fresh water, warm spices and a hint of cologne.
When Lumine walked out to their room, she noticed Childe was already sitting up under the covers on his side. He looked up at her, mouth slightly open.
He shook himself out of a daze. “Nothing. That color red just looks well on you, that’s all.” He smiled and patted the spot next to him. Hesitantly, Lumine pulled the covers over her, gently laying down on her side. Soon enough, Childe laid down on his side, propping his head up in the palm of his hand. “See? Isn’t this much warmer than sleeping in a chair?”
Lumine nodded. “Thanks for the shirt.”
“It’s all good. What friend would I be if I didn’t make sure you felt okay?”
Friend. That word made Lumine tense up a little, her mind going back to the thousands of questions she wanted to ask Childe earlier. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything you’d like to, Lumine.” The way her name sounded softly in his voice sent shivers down her spine. He seemed to like the way it sounded, too, as a genuine smile formed quickly after he was done talking.
“Why have you been so nice to me? How is it that you’ve somehow found your way into everything I do?”
Childe paused for a good second, looking up to the ceiling as he thought to himself. “Well for starters, I want to repay you as much as I can for helping me with Teucer a few months ago. I know he can be a handful, as most kids can be, but he loved spending time with you back in Liyue Harbor. He still asks about if you’re doing well when Tonia and him write letters to me.” He smiled. “Thanks to you going along with my act, he still looks up to me. And that’s something I hope he’s able to do for many more years.”
He looked like he wanted to say more, but struggled within himself. Lumine gave him another question that she’d been struggling to ask herself. “Why did you pretend that we’re a couple tonight?”
Childe laughed lightly. “There wasn’t much to it, really, I just enjoy going along with someone’s ideas. There’s no harm into playing along, I’m sure you know that.” He paused for a moment again, expressing an emotion so foreign for the young man that it took a while for Lumine to realize it was nervousness. “There’s… also the fact that I feel… drawn to you.”
The fluttering came back into Lumine’s chest. “Whenever I hear you’re around, I can’t stop myself from wanting to find you. I find myself wanting to talk to you constantly, Archons, even just seeing you is enough sometimes. Ever since our fight at the Golden House, I’ve felt different. No one’s ever beaten me the way that you did, Lumi. I know I already said I’m not the same man as I used to be, but I really meant it. You’re really one of a kind.” Their gazes locked with each other’s, deep oceans meeting Cor Lapis. Lumine swore she saw a sparkle return to Childe’s eyes.
The Harbinger laughed at himself. “Look at what you’ve done to me; you turned one of the most dangerous people in Teyvat into a complete sap.” He laid down on his back, staring at the ceiling once more. “It’s not like anything could work between us. You’re a hero in the people’s eyes. I have far too much blood on my hands to clean off. I care about you yet I’ve been the reason you’ve almost died.” His words are turning into mumbles as he continued to speak.
Is he…? As if on cue, a clap of thunder boomed outside as Lumine realized how he felt.
Lumine wasn’t sure how it washed over her but she found herself pulling Childe up into a tight hug. His arms were frozen in mid-air around her out of shock, but soon after they found his way around her. Lumine’s own hands rested on his back and tangled in his hair, which Childe seemed to be melting into.
“You care about me?”
“Lumi, I— It would never work—”
She pulled back slightly to look him in the eye. For once in the short time that Lumine knew him, he didn’t look confident at all.
“Forget how people view the both of us. Forget the Fatui, our titles, forget everything. You care about me and I… I do too.”
A radiant smile appeared on Childe’s face. “Well, would you look at that. If you kept saying anything else, I may have thought you’ve completely fallen in love with me.”
A blush scattered across Lumine’s face. “I think you’ve said enough to where I can make my own assumptions on how you feel.”
“Is that so?” Childe’s grip on Lumine’s waist tightened slightly as he shimmied down onto his back, Lumine following suit. He held her close to his chest as she snuggled in. “You’re really something else.”
Lumine could barely register the feather-light kiss he placed on the top of her head as they fell asleep to the sound of the pouring rain.
in conclusion they’re in love your honor-
i hope you enjoyed! ∩^ω^∩ and i hope to be writing more for these two in the near future :0
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 10
Perma tag: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever @toodaloo-kangaroo
Marinette’s collection of vigilantes in her house was still growing, somehow. You’d think it would stop with just the ones that consistently lived in Gotham, but no.
Nightwing started dropping by whenever he was in town to try and teach her escrima. She wasn’t good with them because she wasn’t used to fighting people up close, but she didn’t really think that that was the reason why they were doing it.
Still, it was fun…
(Except for that one time they’d been heading back to her house and she dropped her phone down the drain and had to beg the rat-person -- she was pretty sure Nightwing had called them Ratcatcher? -- for help. It was very traumatizing. He’d given her a new phone but she was never going to recover emotionally from that day.)
And then, a few days before Thanksgiving, Flamebird had made an appearance.
The reason why was less fun, though.
She’d opened her blinds and stared at him for a few moments. He was leaning against her fire escape, hand pressed to his stomach.
“Hey, Robin, does Flamebird usually do the Napoleon pose?”
“The…? Oh, no, he does not.”
She sighed. “Yeah, I thought so.” She swung her window open. “Hi. Nice to meet you. What happened?”
“Got stabbed.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Okay, yeah, obviously, want to elaborate?”
“Got stabbed in the stomach,” he said, after a second’s thought.
So, no, then. She shrugged to herself and let him come inside.
“Right, Robin, go get the medkit out from under my sink,” she said, pulling a hairband from her wrist and tying her hair back.
Flamebird frowned. “Can’t you just undo everything with your magic?”
“Not magic,” supplied Tikki, popping her head out of Marinette’s pocket.
“FUCK,” yelped Flamebird.
Damian made the quiet clicking sound he made whenever he was about to say something rude but Marinette cut him off with a glare and pointed him towards the bathroom. Damian grumbled a little under his breath but obeyed for fear of being thrown out.
She turned back to Flamebird. “Also, that’s not how my ‘magic’ works. If I’m not involved in a fight…” She made a ‘poof’ motion with her hands. “No miracle cure.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Man, if I’d known that I would’ve just dealt with this myself.”
“Well, it is too late for that,” said Damian, who had come back out with a medkit. “Now, sit down, we will tend to your wound.”
And they did.
(Or, rather, Marinette did. It didn’t matter if she knew, logically, that he already knew how wounds looked and how to treat them, she just didn’t feel comfortable making him help. She sent him off to play with the cat and worked on dressing it. She’d made a mistake here by doing the normal routine while stitching someone up: asking about things they liked to distract them. He said he was an ‘avid reader’, she’d laughed and said that she probably wouldn’t know any of the books he mentioned because she hardly ever read in English, and now she was apparently in a book club. That was on her, she supposed, but it was still a little irritating.)
And that was all the vigilantes. They all came over from time to time. Sometimes they’d see each other and give each other awkward smiles or actively ignore each other, but it became a constant part of her life.
But it all came to a head one seemingly regular day.
She had been walking up the stairs to her apartment with Tim, ten bags of groceries loaded onto her arms and five on his (he was to open the door), and had nearly bumped into him when he stopped suddenly.
“Cass?” He asked, confused.
She raised her eyebrows just slightly. She’d thought everyone knew about each other but, now that she thought about it, because of the scheduling Tim wouldn’t really be around when everyone else came by.
He took Cass’s arrival in stride, though, fishing his key out of his pocket and pushing the door open.
He did not take in stride the fact that Duke, Damian, and Nightwing were all inside her house already. Duke was sitting on her counter, wrapped in a blanket as he scrolled through his phone. Damian was playing with Vanelope. Nightwing was doing stretches on her floor.
“Hey, look, more people that don’t live here,” Marinette said with only a hint of bitterness.
Nightwing glanced up. “You’re out of chips.”
“Already --?!” She took a deep breath to steady herself. “Fine. Fine. I got more, anyways.”
Tim snapped out of it. He closed and locked the door quickly before sending Marinette a pout. “Alright, I can get you cheating on me with Cass, but come on,” he half joked.
Marinette rolled her eyes. “If one of the people I’m apparently cheating with is a five-year-old --.”
“-- then I think you have more things to worry about than my serial adultery, darling.”
“... guess that’s true.”
“Also, I only buy groceries with you, so you’re clearly my favorite concubine.”
Duke grinned. “Actually --.”
“Except for that one time I asked Signal to go find ricotta because I’d forgotten it,” she conceded. “I guess he's my second favorite.”
Cass pouted and raised her hand.
“She makes a good case for herself. You’ve both been demoted,” she joked.
Tim was still pouting. Probably has something to do with going from favorite to second favorite. Who knows.
She rolled her eyes. She had bigger problems. Like her food. There were frozens and she was not going to lose her food to something as stupid and useless as the air. She waved him along as much as she could with the bags digging into her arms and started putting things away.
She tipped her head back after a second to squint at everyone. They were awkwardly staring at each other, for some reason… oh, right, they technically didn’t know each other.
“Uh, introductions, I guess. Signal, Robin, and Nightwing, meet my friends. Tim, Cass, meet my annoyances.”
Tim perked up a little at being called a friend rather than an annoyance. Problem solved. Kind of.
He set down his bags and leaned close to her ear. “So, they don’t know you know?”
“Duke does,” she mumbled back. “I’m not going to tell them about it, though, I want to see how long it takes them to notice.”
He snickered. “I can get behind that.”
“Good. You didn’t have a choice in the matter,” she joked, leaning forward to press a kiss to his nose.
She could hear Cass groan a little at the obvious affection and both Duke and Damian cringed. She fought the urge to laugh. It was just a little kiss on the nose, they didn’t have to act like it was scandalous or gross.
But, apparently, it was gross enough for Damian to grab her arm to try and pull her attention away from Tim (and physically pull her away from him, she noted, as she was forced to take a half-step back from him).
“Did you get more of my gummy bears?”
She rolled her eyes. “Did you ask for them? Did you tell me you were out?”
He looked a little put out and she felt bad enough to give up the act quickly:
“Yes, kid, I got you your weird vegan gummy bears.”
He beamed and started sifting through her bags.
She smiled fondly and ruffled his hair, ignoring the knife that was sent her way for the action with practiced ease, then started putting things away.
Everyone except Damian made their way over to help. There were no ulterior motives, they insisted, even as she watched Nightwing slip a bag of chips into Damian’s hoodie for safekeeping and Duke pocket an apple.
At least Cass and Tim were reasonably well-behaved, she thought right before she watched him split an orange with her.
Tim squinted at the three people below him.
Jon had come to visit because a) the no metas in Gotham rule had more or less stopped being enforced due to constant complaints from the Justice League, b) Damian needed friends his age, and c) it was Christmas and Jon was so sure that this year was going to be the year that Damian finally understood the holiday.
And, because Jon had come to visit, so had Conner. The worst part of being an older brother that Tim understood all too well.
But, now, he looked down at the three people gathered at the bottom of the stairs.
They were apparently competing to see who could be the stupidest. Steph was standing on a banister, Marinette was trying to sit on a vertical bo staff, and Conner was doing a handstand on both of their heads. It was a little shaky, what with Steph’s barely restrained laughter and the fact that bos are not meant to be balanced on and Conner trying to do tricks, but they were clearly having fun.
Tim crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the entrance to the cave. Did he have a type?
Their comms crackled to life and all three went stock-still, grins wiped from their faces briefly as they listened to see what had happened.
“I am requesting the night off to have an outing with Superboy.”
Bruce gave the grunt that meant ‘fine’.
The three relaxed now that they knew that everything was okay, quickly going back to their game. Marinette had added a surfboard. Steph was struggling with an exercise ball. Conner was slowly taking off fingers.
Tim sighed to himself. Yep. Dumbasses who can only be serious for truly important things -- and, even then, only for a few seconds at a time. That was his type. Someone, please, save him.
It had been a while since Marinette had gone out on her own (with the intention of staying alone, leaving for patrols didn’t count). Really, she normally wouldn’t, but she needed to pick up a piece of fabric she’d forgotten to get the day before and it wasn’t even a meter’s worth. She didn’t need help for that.
Besides, going by herself was much quicker. She was able to go by rooftop as Ladybug.
Of course, going as Ladybug had a risk to it that she didn’t realize until it was too late: responsibilities.
She groaned to herself as she made to jump to the next roof and her eyes landed on a person getting mugged in the alleyway below her.
She looked down at the bag with her fabric inside it and wondered if it was even worth leaving it there while she got rid of the attacker. Most of the time the people mugging people in Gotham were using fake guns. Even if they weren’t, muggings were common enough that most people had little on them and were only slightly annoyed when people tried to rob them. The person below was no exception, it seemed. They scoffed when the gunman poked their back.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m going,” they said irritably.
Wait, shit, she knew that voice.
She squinted down into the darkness and, yep, she would recognize that almost unhealthily pale skin anywhere.
She dropped down into the alley between them and, to her slight surprise, it turned out the gun actually did have bullets in it. A shot rang out. She fell back a step, cradling her shoulder.
The gunman’s eyes widened. He hadn’t meant to shoot her. It had probably just been a split second reaction.
Unfortunately for him, getting shot really fucking hurts and she was going to take it out on him. Especially since he’d been trying to mug one of her friends. She glanced back at Tim, who was shaking and a little pale, and grit her teeth. Yeah, this guy was fucked.
Eventually, though, the pain in her shoulder, worsened by all the movement, got too unbearable and she rolled off of the mugger. She tied the man’s hands and feet behind his back with her yoyo and, after calling Miraculous Ladybug, called it a day. She’d get her yoyo back later.
For now, she pressed a hand to her ear. “Hey, Signal, I’ve got one for you.”
“You’re joining me for daytime patrols now?” He asked, his voice somehow brighter than the powers he had.
“Nah, just happened to come across…” She considered embarrassing Tim but decided against it when she saw her friend’s face. “... someone getting mugged while out today.”
He huffed a little but she ignored it in favor of relaying the address.
The perpetrator to be taken care of, she turned to the victim. She didn’t know whether the rules applied to people you knew, but she figured she might as well go through with the normal procedure. Tim liked procedure, it might help him.
So, step one: connect with the victim. She unzipped her hoodie and smiled brightly, making sure her eyes crinkled behind her mask.
Step two: check to make sure they aren’t going into shock.
Normally, she was able to skip this step. The miracle cure got rid of it if they had gone into it before the attack… but his eyes were somehow both fixed intensely on her like he was scared she’d disappear if he chanced a look away and extremely vacant.
She took slow, careful steps towards him, hand out to check his pulse.
Once she was close enough, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. Marinette didn’t quite know what to do. The part of her brain still doing the normal procedure told her to hug back because this was a scared victim that wanted comfort, but the other part was tempted to push him off to check for a concussion… even though, logically, he shouldn’t have one because she had cast Miraculous Ladybug so her arm wouldn’t have a bullet in it anymore --.
Oh. She was stupid.
He’d watched his friend get shot and now he was freaking out. Like people are supposed to do.
She hugged him back, bringing a hand up to run through his hair.
“Would you like me to take you home?” She asked.
“My… my friend lives near here,” said Tim quietly, mindful of the fact that the mugger was still within earshot.
She nodded. “I’m going to pick you up, okay?”
He bit his lip so hard that she worried he’d break the skin and nodded.
She took him home and, with only a brief stop to keep Vanelope from escaping, set him down on the couch. She kept a hand touching him at all times as she gathered the blankets and pillows strewn about by all the visits the bats made. For once, she was glad she never really had time to clean, she didn’t want to let go of him when he was clearly so concerned about her.
Less than five minutes later she’d wrapped them both up as tightly as she could with as many blankets as she could reach. He rested his head against her shoulder, arms loosely draped around her under the blankets. Vanelope settled on their laps and started to purr; she made a mental note to give her a bunch of treats later.
But, for now…
She cupped his cheeks in her hands and waited patiently as he struggled to pull himself together enough to actually be present.
“Darling, I said I wouldn’t go anywhere. I’m not breaking that promise. Okay?”
He nodded slightly, finally releasing his lip to speak: “Okay.”
She pressed a kiss to his nose. A half smile made its way across his face.
“Now, how do you feel about Big Fish?”
He squeezed her a little tighter. “The circus scene is cute.”
She nodded her agreement. “I like the daffodil scene better, personally, but it is pretty cute.”
She turned the movie on.
Tim was sure he was overreacting. Of course he was. She hadn’t died, she wasn’t even hurt any more. It clearly didn’t bother her, he had ‘accidentally’ chosen that shoulder to rest his head on and she hadn’t so much as winced when he had. No, the only worry she had was about him.
So, he should be fine.
But he wasn’t.
She’d been shot and, for a second, he’d feared it would be another Darla situation. And he couldn’t deal with another Darla situation. He couldn’t. He had to believe that he was better than that high school Tim that had let all his friends die. Because if he wasn’t better than that meant he couldn’t have friends and he couldn’t deal with that either.
He didn’t want to be alone again.
No, he wouldn’t let that happen. He could think of a plan, surely. He was a planner, he found problems and he dealt with them. That had been his coping mechanism pretty much since birth and (if you ignore all the workaholic tendencies, independence issues, and General Trauma) it was working out pretty well for him. Can’t be sad if there’s work to do, after all.
Yeah. Work. He was good at work.
He bit his lip.
Alright, so the problem stemmed from his fear of being alone… which wasn’t going to be fixed anytime soon. Good coping mechanisms? In this family? Please. Next.
Alright, so the problem stemmed from his fear of her getting hurt.
Simple solution! Don’t let her get hurt!
… not as simple a solution as it sounded on paper.
She wasn’t going to stop vigilantism anytime soon. He wouldn’t make her, and she wasn’t going to do it on her own accord. Even if she decided to at some point Tim didn’t have much hope for it. Every person in the family had tried that already, it never worked. They’d say that it would be fine, that they were going to stop for their mental health or even just permanently end it… but family was family and how could someone sit back and watch family get hurt when they could do something about it?
So, that wasn’t going to happen. What other answers were there?
Well, he supposed that she had left on her own and that was the main problem. If she hadn’t left on her own then he wouldn’t have followed after her in secret and he wouldn’t have gotten attacked in the first place.
But he couldn’t be around much more without it being weird unless he…
He couldn’t…
Could he?
He figured it was worth a shot. And he should ask now. If she said no he wouldn’t have to worry about her thinking him weird, she’d just assume it was a request made while in the middle of shock and forget about it.
He hesitantly let go of his lip.
“Hey, Bean?”
She stopped pretending to watch Big Fish for the sake of giving him privacy. “Yeah?”
“Remember when… I…” He bit his lip, trying to think of a better way to phrase it, but he couldn’t. There really was no casual way to ask. He took a deep breath to steady himself. “Can I, maybe, move in with you?”
She stared at him for a moment, eyes wide, before quickly shaking her head.
He must have looked pretty put out, because she rushed to explain herself:
"You’re under emotional duress, darling, it wouldn’t be right to say yes.”
He nodded his understanding and it was silent for a bit before he eventually said: “But, if I asked tomorrow… would you say yes?”
She looked at him for a while, her face unreadable, before she gave him a hesitant smile.
“Well, I already said that you basically lived here. I suppose there wouldn’t be anything wrong with making it official.”
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kagedaddy · 3 years
Hi! My birthday is on Easter, so I was wondering if I could get something with Kuroo, Kenma, and Atsumu forgetting it was their s/o's birthday due to to it being another holiday? An angst to fluff if possible. Thanks so much!!
bday today - kuroo, kenma & miya
warnings: none
kuroo tetsuro
kenma kozume
miya atsumu [masterlist]
hey hey hey! happy happy birthday hon, sorry it’s quite late but i hope yah had a great day and that no one forgot yah special day! heheh.
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You rub the sleep from your eyes as your body begins to wake itself, you were extra happy today, it was Easter Sunday and your birthday. Rolling over the bed to face your partner but you’re met with empty space, sitting up you notice a note neatly folded on his side. Excitedly thinking it was a cute morning birthday greeting, expect it wasn’t a cute birthday greeting you were hoping.
‘babe there was an urgent meeting at the company, I’ll see you later.
oh can you buy chocolate Easter bunnies for our nieces to bring later.’
You stare at his messy handwriting, confusion clouding your expression, for sure he wouldn’t forget your birthday you’ve been married since you graduated university and not once has he forgotten your day. You shake your head denying the thought that he forgot, you’re sure that he’ll call you, he did say the meeting was urgent, something big must’ve happened in the company but still he wouldn’t forget. Sighing in defeat you throw the covers off yourself and started preparing for the day.
Dressing up in a white sundress and pulling on your heels, you’re out the door and heading to the nearest shopping center. A smile graces your features at the selection of chocolate bunnies, they had them in different flavours and sizes, momentarily forgetting the sadness of your forgotten birthday but a little cat chocolate catches your attention and the sadness seeps in you. Reminding you of a certain dark haired male who has forgotten your birthday, pouting you purchase the chocolates nearly breaking them, stupid Easter overtaking your special day. Just as you got into the busy trains, your phone buzzes and a hopeful feeling fills you but yet again no peep about your birthday, you were now convinced he forgot.
‘Did you get the chocolates? I’ll meet you at your mom’s place and let’s drop them off together, love you’
Finally arriving at your parents place, you looked around and Kuroo’s car was no where in sight, your frown deepens and as you huff in frustration. Pulling out your phone and quickly dropping him a text.asking where he was, he replies surprisingly quick.
‘Sorry babe, caught in traffic. Go in ahead, so you’re not waiting in the street.’
Annoyed that he hasn’t remembered your special day, you enter your parents home, grumbling as you step foot into the threshold before a loud popping sounds rips a scream from your chest.
You jump in surprise as the smiling faces of your family greets you, tears form at the corner of you eyes as your family walks over to greet you and give you hugs. After everyone had given you their greetings there standing with the brightest smile was your husband. He slowly walks up to you with his arms open wide, “Happy Birthday, sweetheart.”you snuggle into his chest, tears falling from your eyes, “You’re so mean Tetsu, you made me think you forgot.”you pull away a pout settling on your lips.
His melodious laugh is contagious and a smile overtakes your features, “You know I would never.”he tilts your chin up and your lips meet in a sweet kiss, “I wanted to give you a good surprise.”you had the biggest smile as you pushed your lips hardest against him and his hands settle on your hips.
“I love you so much sweetheart.”
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“Kenma Kenma Kynnnmaaa!”you hop over to your hunched over boyfriend, eyes trained to his glowing monitor as his fingers rapidly press buttons on the controller. A smile gracing your features as you approach him and the victory banner flashing across the screen, perfect timing. “Kynma, come let’s have breakfast.”you peck the soft cheek of your partner and he pulls the headphones of his head allowing himself to be pulled by you.
You had prepared a big big breakfast for your birthday to share together, knowing you and Kenma you were both huge homebodies so you just wanted to spend your birthday cuddled up together. “What’s with all the food?”Kenma asks as you both reach the dining table, face contorted in confusion, you stare at him. Was he making a joke, it was your birthday maybe he had a surprise for you. “Do you know what today is Kenma?”you ask your boyfriend but his face was genuinely confused, “it’s Easter Sunday?”he says unsurely as if questioning you.
“And what? Is there something I’m missing?”this time he looks to you and you feel slight annoyance and sadness brewing in your gut, you knew he can get too immersed in his games but you expected him to give you the respect of remembering your birthday. You actually feel heartbroken that tears begin to form and are threatening to spill down your face. “It’s my birthday Kozume.”you drop his arm and turn to your bedroom, tears now freely falling, shutting the door and turning the lock as you slide down, silently crying.
“Pudding, I’m sorry. It completely slipped my mind.”Kenma softly knocks on your shared bedroom room, his voice quiet and full of regret. “Go away Kenma, I wanna be alone.”you sobbed out, as you wiped your tears and curling in a feral position by the door, “I thought I was Kynnma.”his voice shook and your heart clenched but you were too upset to care why was he hurt. It was his fault he forget your birthday, you always made the effort to remember all his game releases and any special event revolving around his life.
“Hmph! I don’t know you, go leave.”you spat at him and you hear him sigh in defeat, “kitten come on come out, this is my house too.”he begs as you hear him slide down the door and sit, “Then go play your games.”you bit back, purposely kicking the door earning a groan from Kenma. “I don’t want to, I want you to come out.”you ignore him and allowed the silence to envelope the both of you, your eyes become heavy and you begin to drift off, crying had drained you and thinking of Kenma hurt you even more.
“(your name)”
“(your name)”
“(your name)”
“Kitten.”you stir awake, eyes heavy from crying and back aching from sleeping on the floor, everything comes back to you and you become upset again but you just wanted to cuddle Kenma and as much as you hate that he forget, you love him too much.
“Let me make it up to you, what you do want? Please Kitten open the door.”you almost felt bad that you had made him beg for this long but you were upset and hurt. You got up from you position and slowly open the door, peeping your head out, his figure was slumped against your bedroom door and his head buried between his hands.
“Cuddle me.”you answer and his head shoots up, eyes meeting yours he scrambled to his feet and taking you in his arms, “I’m really sorry Kitten, I know being busy isn’t an excuse.”his lips meet your head, arms tightly wound around you, he carries you to your shared bed cuddling.“I booked a week vacation for us, I’m all yours kitten. I’m sorry forgetting.”He presses sweet kisses to your neck and whispering his apologies and promises.
“Because I love you I forgive you but if you do it again, it’s another story.”
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Your ears perk up from the sound of your phone, you excitedly run to your phone and swiping it open, you pout when you read over the name, it wasn’t who you were hoping it was. It was Osamu, wrong twin.
‘(your name)-chan! Happy Birthday Idiot #2! Come by the shop I’ve got a special onigiri for you!’
A sad smile graces your lips, at least someone’s greeted you, shutting off your phone you sigh in sadness as you get changed to meet up with Osamu.
Another notification pops up and your eyes lights up at the sight of your partner’s name, clicking the message.
‘Hey bunny, happy Easter. I got chocolate bunnies sent to the apartment, I know you love them so much. Miss you, call me later Kay?
love you baby’
Like clockwork, the doorbell rings, low and behold the delivery man from your favourite chocolaterie hands you a neatly wrapped package. Your frown deepens, it wasn’t just Easter. it was your fucking birthday too, you grovel as tears prick at your eyes. Is he serious? Did he really not remember, upset you don’t reply, shutting your phone and leaving it on airplane mode, hmph you decided to ignore your setter boyfriend. The soft jingle of the shop door sounds in the restaurant and Samu turns to you with a smile, you give him a weak one followed with your dead greeting.
“He only greeted me happy Easter, what the fuck is that?”you moan in sadness as Osamu sets down your special onigiri, “I can’t believe he forgot, is he that busy?”
“My brother might be an idiot but he wouldn’t forget your birthday, he loves you.”Samu tries to brighten your mood but it does nothing to make you feel better, “Does he? I know he’s busy and all but at least a fucking text or a call to greet me would’ve been nice.”you grumpily take a bite of the special ongiri Osamu made just for you. You sigh in frustration, angrily chewing the rice ball, it was so good but you couldn’t enjoy it like you wanted. Stupid Atsumu for making you feel this way, did he really forget about your birthday. “Ugh, Samu I’m sad.”you pout and lay your head on the counter, Osamu pats your head, cooing at your saddened state, after spending your afternoon with the grey haired counterpart you decided to head home, he sent you off with more onigiri for dinner.
“Thanks for spending my birthday with me Samu.”he pats your head one more and sends you off with a smile, you were at least glad Osamu was nice enough to keep you company, trudging your way home. Sighs of disappointment ever leaving your lips, turning on your phone there hasn’t been a message from Atsumu since this morning, great now it’s like he’s forgotten you. Defeatedly sliding your keys in the lock you sluggishly push your door open.
“Did you really think I forgot your birthday?”
The all so familiar voice of your boyfriend pulls you out of your thoughts, raising your head you meet his warm chocolate eyes, there he was standing infront of you with a beautifully decorated cake in hand and the prettiest smile on his lips. You drop your bag as tears fall from your eyes, he sets aside the cake and opens his arms for you to run into them, “You’re here! How?”you bury your face in his toned chest, not believing that your boyfriend was home.
“I wanted to surprise you, so I flew in.”his lips press soft kisses all over your face, allowing a bright smile to sit on your lips, “I love you Tsumu.”you finally meet his lips, the kissing professing your love to him, you might have been sad this morning but fuck his lips make up for everything. He lifts you up and you’re legs automatically circle his waist, “Aren’t i the best boyfriend?”he tease you and your roll your eyes but he truly was, you were over the moon, kissing him again before darting out your tongue to tease the setter’s lower lip, hinting him of what you wanted.
“Happy Birthday Bunny! I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
sorry i’ve been missing these past few days, sorry but i’m taking a break, its pretty abrupt and short notice but my minds in the gutter right now. hope you all still enjoy the stuff i write, leave a like and comment if you did. might move some of my works over to ao3 but idk, have a great day. jaa ne!
all the love xx
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
“I really, really love you, but I also wanna hit you with a chair!" Nattie x Super Soldier Reader
confusinggemini612 asked:
Hey, I love your work & saw your post about your requests being open so could you please do a Natasha x Super Soldier Reader? Along with the prompt quote "I really, really love you, but I also wanna hit you with a chair" with Nat preferably saying it. Thanks
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Natasha Romanoff is in her shared kitchen and is trying to reach something (Y/n) had put away on the top shelf in one of the cabinets. 
(Y/n) walks inside her home and leans against the door frame of the kitchen. The 6'5" woman holds in her laughter, the bags of groceries in her hand. 
She walks into the kitchen, setting the ten-ish bags on the island. 
"Hey there, Tasha?" (Y/n) asks, and Natasha turns, looking at her girlfriend. "You need help?" she asks, reaching up and grabbing exactly what the redhead had been trying to reach effortlessly, and handing it to her girlfriend. 
Natasha grumbles something and (Y/n) chuckles, her (E/c) gaze dancing with amusement. 
"What do you want to do later?" (Y/n) asks, starting a pot of water to boil on the stove. 
"I dunno," Natasha says, and then she leans against (Y/n), her head resting against (Y/n)'s shoulder. (Y/n) snakes an arm around her girlfriend's waist, her muscles flexing as her arm bends. 
"Wanna watch a movie later?" (Y/n) asks.
"That sounds nice," Natasha says, moving as (Y/n) goes to put the groceries away. 
"I'll make sure to leave them down on the lower shelf so you can reach them," (Y/n) says cheekily. 
Natasha groans in exasperation but does wrap her arms around her girlfriend's waist as (Y/n) returns to her place in front of the stove; the redhead resting her cheek against (Y/n)'s back. 
(Y/n) and Natasha get into bed a little after dinner.
Natasha is scrolling through Netflix and (Y/n) snuggles closer to the redhead, letting her head rest in Natasha's lap. 
"You're like a big cat," Natasha comments, letting her fingers brush through (Y/n)'s hair. 
"At least this cat can reach the top shelf in the cabinets," (Y/n) teases and Natasha hits her lightly on the head.
"You're lucky I love you," Natasha grumbles, setting the remote beside her. 
(Y/n) smiles softly as she sits up. She kisses the side of Natasha's head and the redhead leans into (Y/n)'s side, her head resting on (Y/n)'s shoulder. 
"I love you more," (Y/n) murmurs into Natasha's hair as the redhead falls asleep.
The next morning, (Y/n) is walking sleepily into the kitchen. She stumbles over to the stove and pulls out a pan to start breakfast. 
(Y/n) turns on the radio, singing along to the songs as the bacon grease pops in the pan. 
Natasha leans against the doorframe of the kitchen, watching her super-soldier girlfriend looking so carefree - sleepily singing to the music, and making breakfast. 
Natasha silently walks over and sits at the island on one of the barstools.
(Y/n) puts the bacon on a plate with some toast and eggs and turns. (Y/n) smiles sleepily at Natasha, setting the plate in front of the redhead.
"Mornin'," (Y/n) says softly. 
Natasha chuckles at (Y/n)'s sleepiness and waits for (Y/n) to sit down beside her to start eating. 
(Y/n) is silent for a while and Natasha remains silent, knowing (Y/n) was going to tell her what was on her mind. She always did.
"We should get a cat," (Y/n) says later as the two are sitting in the living room. 
"Hmm," Natasha responds. 
"Did you hear what I said?" (Y/n) asks, turning to the redhead sitting beside her. 
"Of course I did," Natasha says, her eyes alight with amusement. "That's why I responded. 
"Oh," (Y/n) says, blinking stupidly and Natasha does laugh.
"I really, really love you, but I also wanna hit you with a chair," Natasha says and (Y/n) looks at the redhead quizzically. 
"That literally makes no sense," (Y/n) grumbles, crossing her arms. 
"That's the point," Natasha says. 
"That -" (Y/n) cuts herself off. "Nevermind."
"Should we go look for cats now?" Natasha asks, nudging her girlfriend lovingly. 
(Y/n) perks up and nods. "Yeah, yeah, let's go!"
(Y/n) jumps up from the couch, grabbing Natasha's hand and pulling her up from the couch. 
"Love, you're not dressed yet," Natasha says, and (Y/n) smiles sheepishly. 
A little later, Natasha and (Y/n) arrive at the Animal Shelter.
"My lady," (Y/n) says, opening the car door and offering Natasha her hand. 
Natasha's eyes scrunch cutely as she smiles, taking (Y/n)'s hand. 
"Still wanna hit me with that chair?" (Y/n) asks, her eyes glinting with amusement. 
"Oh, absolutely," Natasha says with a breath of laughter. 
(Y/n) laughs and opens the door and the two are immediately met with the sound of barking dogs and meowing cats. 
"Hello, how can I help you?" asks the woman at the front counter. 
"We were wanting to adopt a cat," (Y/n) answers. 
The woman nods and stands up from behind the counter. 
She leads the two into a door and (Y/n) grins, seeing all the cats and kittens milling together in their cages. 
One kitten seems to be interested in the door because she pokes her little paws through the bars. 
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"Aww, look at her!" (Y/n) says, moving over to study the little kitten.
"Looks like Liho likes the two of you," the animal shelter worker says. 
Natasha laughs. "You guys know what Liho means?" she asks, moving over pet the little kitten's paws. "Misfortune."
"She's a sweetheart!" (Y/n) says, her (E/c) gaze softening as she looks at the kitten. 
The animal shelter worker laughs and opens the cage, letting Liho out. 
The kitten jumps into (Y/n)'s arms, the little black-and-white kitten looking tiny in (Y/n)'s arms. 
Natasha pets the kitten's head.
"I love her," (Y/n) says, looking up from the kitten, meeting Natasha's gaze. 
"We'll take her," Natasha says, meeting the animal shelter worker's eyes, and the woman nods. 
The little cat remains in (Y/n)'s arms as the three walk back outside into the main office. 
Natasha pays the adoption fee as (Y/n) coos over the small kitten in her arms. 
The two - now three - return home a little later. (Y/n) gently sits down Liho before stepping back outside to help Natasha bring in the things for Liho - cat litter, cat food, a cat bed, and cat toys. 
Liho scampers around the home looking at everything. When she hears the door open, she bounds back over to the door. 
She lets out a soft meow and she reaches up, placing her paws on Natasha's shins. 
Natasha's eyes crinkle up again as she smiles. 
"You're so cute," (Y/n) says setting the cat litter by the door. 
"Me? Or Liho?" Natasha asks, picking up the kitten. 
"Can't it be both?" (Y/n) asks, moving over and kissing Natasha before petting Liho on the head. 
"Seriously still wanna hit you with that chair," Natasha says, her green eyes glittering, and then (Y/n) just laughs. 
Word Count: 1105 words
I was going to have this prompt used after a mission, but I thought this was a lot cuter and SoFt as all heck. 
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 5)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Avengers doing domestic things.
A/N: A silly chapter before some shiii starts going down. Also I’m posting two chapters because I really hated this one.
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𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳
𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴' 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴
"Come on it's not that hard just up and over." Bucky once again demonstrated to Sam how to throw the knife over his arm and catch it. Wanda had her feet kicked up on Y/n's desk painting her nails and Y/n was watering her plants on her office window seal.
Sam took the knife from Bucky and attempted to do what he showed him but failed which caused the knife to fall and slide across the floor. He muttered a few curse words and picked it up. Sam once again flung the knife up, he went to catch it but Y/n was quicker snatching it out of the air.
"No more throwing knives in my office, you're going to cut off your fingers, and IM the one who's going to have to stitch them back on." Y/n hissed.
"Oh come Y/n don't be a buzzkill you should trust me," Sam exclaimed.
"No, I'd trust a sketchy party clown for hire who likes to take 'bathroom brakes' more than you." Wanda scoffed.
"Don't you guys have a job to do? People, to save instead of bothering me?" Y/n put her hands on her hips.
"Don't lie to use doll we know you like having us around." Bucky grinned.
"No, no I don't. You guys are like cockroaches in a shitty Brooklyn apartment that no matter how hard you try you just can't seem to rid of." Y/n waves the knife around in her hand pointing to the three Avengers.
As much as Y/n loved her newfound friends they were distracting and caused her to get little work done, though Tony probably wouldn't care as he was the number one slacker, Y/n still liked to pull her own weight.
Y/n walked back around her desk and plopped down next to Wanda, she took the nail polish and began to do the nails that Wanda couldn't.
Bucky rolled his eye "Anyways, when are you going to move in?"
"Well, Tony said I could hook the SHIELD trailer onto my car and I have everything packed I just need someone to help me move." She shrugged.
Wanda perked up and grinned "I'll help, I've always wanted to see the apartment that you're found enough of to drive an hour and back to every day."
"An hour? I thought you lived in Brooklyn." Sam said.
"Nope." Y/n popped the 'P' "I live in Hell's Kitchen."
Bucky frowned "That neighborhood with all those vigilantes?" Y/n just nodded.
"Well, I and Buck will help." Sam put his arm around Bucky. He tried to shrug it off and Sam pulled tighter.
Y/n thought for a moment, it would definitely help to have more than one other person to do the heavy lifting, and anything she didn't want anyone seeing was packed away so it could work.
She shrugged "Okay we can go we I get off which is in about 30 minutes."
Y/n stood up "But in the meantime, I need to work and I can't do that with dumb and dumber around." She started to push Bucky and Sam out of the room.
"Oh come on Y/n don't be like that." Bucky teased.
She gave the final shove "Wanda and I will meet you by the first-floor elevator in 45 minutes."
Both Sam and Bucky opened their mouth to protest "Bye." Y/n waved and slammed the door.
"Men am I right?"
Y/n scoffed "You're telling me."
Wanda and Y/n stepped out of the elevator to see Bucky and Sam leaning against the wall waiting for them. "Boys." She nodded. Y/n and Wanda began to walk over to the front desk while both men trailed along like lost puppies.
Y/n put both arms on the desk and leaned forward. The blonde at the desk looked up with a smile, it dropped for split second, so slight that if you weren't watching you wouldn't have noticed.
"Dr. Y/l/n what can I do for you."
Y/n put on a fake smile and curiously narrowed her eyes "Teresa right? Well, Tony said the trailer was already hooked up to my car I just needed someone to let me into the garage."
"Of course, when you hear buzz head right on."
"Thanks!" She exclaimed.
Y/n turned around and her smile immediately dropped, she walked back over to Wanda and the boys, and they all started to walk to the garage.
"What's her problem?" Y/n nodded over towards the desk.
"Teresa? Well I know she used to be a high-level SHIELD agent but requested to be moved to the front desk, it was a pretty big deal. It happened just right before you started working here actually." Sam told her.
Y/n hummed and opened the door leading to the garage. They walked toward the back and stopped in front of a grey 2010 Honda Civic.
"Here's my baby." She made jazz hands to show off her car.
"This is your car? Being friends Tony Stark I assumed you'd have something newer." Bucky joked.
"I call shotgun," Wanda yelled hopping into the passenger seat.
30 minutes into the ride Y/n and Wanda are screaming blank space by Taylor Swift on the top of their lungs while Sam and Bucky are crammed in the back seat trying not to cringe at their 'god awful' singing.
Another 20 minutes and Y/n pulls in front of her apartment. The car was barely at a stop when both men scrambled to get out Wanda chuckled and Y/n just shook her head.
They went inside of the building and once again crammed into the elevator. "You have a really shitty apartment," Sam stated matter of factly.
Y/n rolled her eyes and stepped out of the elevator the three Avengers followed suit and walked behind her while she lead them to her apartment. Y/n pulled out her keys and opened the door.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
Bucky was the first one to step in, he felt something rub against his leg and meowed. He looked down to see a white fluffy cat with emerald green eyes. The cat meowed again and stretched its paws onto his pant leg. Bucky smiled and pick the cat up. The cat immediately began to nudge into him and purr. Bucky turned to Y/n.
"What's his name?"
Y/n arms were crossed and was leaning against the doorway with an amused looked and her face "Her name is Alpine."
"I forgot you said you had a cat." Wanda squealed.
Y/n chuckled at the redhead and started to walk down her hallway "Alright we only need to grab the boxes and the furniture in my room. Matt said he could take the rest of the furniture and use it for his law firm."
Bucky's face slightly fell and his heart skipped a beat "Matt is that your boyfriend?" Bucky tried to sound as though he was genuine even with the sick feeling in his gut.
Y/n felt as she could sense some slight jealousy in his statement. She got a quick sensation of butterfly's and started to feel a little hope at the possibility that he could be interested in her but she quickly shoved that thought down.
"No, no, you could call him a childhood friend." She breathed.
Bucky's heart began to beat normal again and the wide smile was put back on to his face. Wanda walked over and pulled the cat out of Bucky's arms. Alpine snuggled into Wanda falling back asleep in her arms.
"Well, what are you boys standing around here for, get to work," Wanda exclaimed clapping her hands to show she was serious. Y/n chuckled and both men began to pick up boxes.
Y/n and Wanda sat on the couch watching as Sam and Bucky brought boxes to the car. Y/n and Wanda smirked at each other as they watch Bucky and Sam lift her bed. Seeing the way their muscles move definitely a sight for sore eyes. After an hour of talking and moving they were finally done. Y/n stood up off the couch and stretched her arms.
"Guys that was hard work."
Sam scoffed "All you did was hold the cat while watching us doing the heavy lifting."
"Whatever," Y/n murmured.
"Wanda, why didn't you just use your powers?" Bucky asked.
"I was holding the cat." She shrugged.
Both men rolled their eyes in sync "Will you guys stop whining if I buy you food?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"I would never say no to free food." Bucky grinned.
Bucky woke up to the feeling of vibrations on his chest, he peeked an eye open to see a blob of white fur. Alpine noticed he was awake and nudge her face against his scruff, he chuckled and sat up.
"How did you get in?" He looked over to see his door still closed and locked, he frowned.
Alpine gave him an innocent look, he lightly nudged the cat to push her onto the bed. Bucky stood up and grabbed his pants, he put them on and grabbed Alpine.
"I've got to bring you back to Y/n's room mommy probably misses you." Talking to a cat wow a new low Barnes He scoffed at himself.
Bucky opened his door and walked the far distance of three feet to Y/n's door and knocked. He heard a muffled come in. He walked into her room to see her going through her boxes. She looked up, saw him, and smiled.
"Hey, Bucky what's up."
"I think this belongs to you." He chuckled nodding toward Alpine who was curled up like a baby in his arms.
"Where did you find her?" Her eyes lit up at the sight of her car.
"Actually she found me first I woke up to her laying on me."
"I think someone's got a crush." Y/n teased.
She grabbed Alpine then she noticed what he was wearing, rather the lack of what he was wearing.
Her eyes traveled down his toned chiseled abs landing on the sweatpants laying low in his hips just above his V line.
"Y/n?" That snapped her out of her trance.
"I'm sorry what were you saying?" Her eyes darted back up toward his face.
"I was saying I'm going to make breakfast do you want some." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Y/n's face instantly flushed oh my god he totally caught me checking him out.
"Uh yeah, sure."
Part 6
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duskamethyst · 4 years
close to you. | part. Ⅱ
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a/n: i am beyond grateful that i’ve got requests for a part two when i initially didn’t plan for this to be a series. i also don’t know what you’re expecting from the previous ending. i can make it spicy if that’s what you want (if you wish for part three), but i’ve no experience in writing gn!reader smut (so it’ll be f!reader instead). so, yeah. drop me something. it’ll really help. if not, i’ll just end it here.
word count: 3.2k
genre: fluff
warnings: n/a
pairing: catboy!kuroo x gn!reader
← read part. Ⅰ
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“w-what do you mean?” you reply, refusing to look at him in the eyes as you speak. 
“you know, give me a kiss like you always did.” he purrs. “i kind of miss it, to be honest.”
your mind walks you down to memory lane where you always cradled him and gently kiss him on his wet nose. it was one of your favorite things to do and you swore you would’ve given him so many kisses on the nose but he always ended up squirming around and ran away. 
then you thought of kissing your cat in his human form and your cheeks start to warm when you realize how embarrassing it would be. you know he’s still your cat and all but it’s a bit different now, right?
“don’t be ridiculous, kuroo.” you sneer, crouching down and over his arm to step away from his silly enclosure like you’re a mouse that he managed to corner. he looks at you dejectedly, ears plopping down but perks back up the moment an idea pops in his head. from the look of his face, you can already tell that you hate it already. 
“how about we play hide and seek?” he suggests, golden irises glinting with playfulness. you know he’s stubborn and you can’t do anything but give in.
you sigh, “and what’s the catch?”
“if i catch you, you’ll have to kiss me.” he claims proudly as he puffs out his chest, hands on his hips and you regret asking in the first place. 
“what?!” your jaw almost drops. this game would only benefit him. you’ve played with him plenty of times before and you’re aware that he’s damn good at it. he’ll find you in a jiffy with the help of his strong sense of smell. 
“but that’s not fair! you already know where–” 
“ten, nine, eight...” kuroo completely ignores you as he closes his eyes to begin the countdown. although being completely forced into this game, your mind is already fumbling to figure out where would be the best spot to hide as you run away from the male. 
certainly not the closet– it would be too obvious. 
under the dining table? too easy.
under the bed? nah, that’s where he usually hides from you.
you don’t have much of a choice so in the end, you choose to hide behind the thick curtains in the corner of the living room. maybe if you hold your breath and sink in your stomach, you’d appear flatter and blend in with the curtains. 
“one!” he chirps before you start to hear his footsteps become louder and fade into the distance. just as you thought, the bedroom is the first place he would look into since that’s where the closet is located. you can hear the door open and a startling ‘boo!’ from him that almost makes you giggle before he closes it back again. 
it makes you anxious when you hear echoes of footsteps pacing back and forth as he walks to the bathroom then to the kitchen before they suddenly become quiet again and you think that he probably stops walking around the house. kuroo probably realizes that the sounds from his feet are making quite the noise in that form unlike when he was walking on his paws. 
“gotcha.” you squeal in surprise as kuroo yanks the curtains away and pulls you into his hard chest. “i immediately knew when i passed the living room but it wouldn’t be fun if the game ended so soon.”
“oh, shut up. you knew you would win anyway.” you huff in frustration. 
“you’ve picked the worst place to hide,” he smirks and leans down to whisper in your ear, “or was it on purpose?”
“you wish i was.” you roll your eyes, ignoring the shiver running down your spine when you feel his hot breath fanning your ear. 
“of course you didn’t.” chuckling, he then looks at you dead in the eyes. “and my reward?” 
“i didn’t agree to anything.” you internally curse at yourself when your heart makes a skip over how close his face is to yours, only separated by just a few inches. 
“but you played, didn’t you? you could’ve said no.” he purrs, hazel eyes flicking down to your lips and back to your eyes. 
“yeah– y-you didn’t give me a choice.” your breath comes out short as you realize he’s closing the space between you. “kuroo, stop.”
“don’t want to.” he cups your face gently to hold you still. you close your eyes as you nervously wait for his lips to crash onto yours and you can feel his bangs tickling against your face.
however, kuroo abruptly pulls away as a ‘pang’ sound reverberates throughout the room followed by an odd, stinging pain on his cheek.  
“ow?!” he yelps, his hand reaches his cheek and his eyes are blown in bewilderment. it feels warm, but it’s not the kind that he likes. it doesn’t feel anything like your body heat when he curls up on top of you despite the fact that it does heat up because of you.
“sike!” you laugh triumphantly but the man only looks at you in dejection. 
“you’ve never hit me before.” the corners of his lips tug into a frown and his tail curls around his waist for comfort.
you ponder for a moment, “true. but i find it easier to slap a man instead of a cat.” 
“then you’ll kiss me if i turn back into a cat, right?” his ears perk up as a sign of piqued interest.
you roll your eyes, “not necessarily.” you stretch your arms as you walk away to your room. “well, i’m beat. goodnight, kuroo.”
“coming!” he catches up to you but the door slams into his face before he can enter your room.
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kuroo ended up sleeping on the couch that night. he’s not entirely happy about it and you can see his attitude switches up the next morning. weekends mean you get the chance to laze around and steal the opportunity to wake up later than usual, and living with you for years means kuroo is also familiar with your schedule.
unfortunately, an unwanted noise disturbs your slumber. 
and he is scratching the door.
“go away, kuroo!” you groan, rolling to your side with a pillow between your head as you cover your ears in hopes to block out the racket right outside your bedroom. 
yet, kuroo is persistent, and you both are aware of that. whatever he wants, he will get. 
well, almost.
jumping off the bed and stomping your way to open the door, you look down to see the roguish cat grinning up at you tauntingly. 
kuroo meows as a reply and strides to the kitchen, glancing over to you to see if you’re following him before he stops and sits straight next to his empty bowl. you reach for the fridge to take out the fish for him and put it in the sink to let it thaw. 
kuroo jumps on the counter to scrutinize his food before looking up at you again, tail wagging in annoyance with wide brown irises surrounding his narrow pupils.
“that’s for misbehaving. i’m revoking our ‘truce’.” you sneer conceitedly with intent to show who actually holds the power around the house and him. 
kuroo only growls lowly, his ears pushed back in irritation but you only laugh. 
“that’s right. i can. i’m your master.” you say, before emitting a long, audible breath when you realize something. “but then again, i’m the one who has to work my ass off to feed you.”
kuroo only observes you in silence and curiosity– he thinks you look sad as you’re suddenly lost in your thoughts but you smile at him again and boop his little wet nose, making his heart flutter because it reminds him of the generous kisses you used to give him. if he knew it was going to turn out like this, he would’ve never struggled to escape when you cradled him into your arms. 
“but it’s okay. it’s all because i love your annoying ass.” you mindlessly mumble, almost forgetting the fact that kuroo is able to comprehend your language very well, and embarrassment washes over you once your mind becomes fully aware of it. even when he doesn’t speak, his pupils dilate in astonishment and he is utterly pleased. 
“i- uh, i mean– i have to give you credit where it’s due!” you say a little too loudly out of awkwardness, looking around anywhere except his gaze– you can already picture his stupid, smug grin in your head and you just wish for the ground to swallow you whole right now.
“anyways! i have to run to the grocery later after i feed you.” you quickly change the topic and run towards the bathroom to take a shower (or hide), leaving poor kuroo baffled on the counter. 
this time, he thinks that maybe he doesn’t mind having tuna. 
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kuroo lounges on the couch alone, watching the clock on the wall ticks by as he waits for you to come home. he’s getting anxious– you’ve been out for a while now and it doesn’t help the fact that he couldn’t read the time no matter how hard he stares at the numbers. but that one thin line seems to move fast and it already made multiple cycles. so that surely means something, right? 
his ears perk up at the sound of your footsteps and jingling keys and his gaze quickly shifts to the main door but he decides to act cool, turning on the tv (he knows that one since he has seen you do it plenty of times) and pretends to watch whatever is playing. 
“kuroo, look what i found!” you chirp happily as you open the door, but his sharp nose has already figured and it’s something he’d definitely won’t be too pleased about. 
putting your grocery bag down on the floor, you skip into the living room and show him the calico cat you’ve found on your way back home. you hold the cat by his armpits, shoving the poor thing in front of his face.
his eye twitches at the sight and his tail fluffs up in annoyance, “hah?!”
you cradle him protectively against your chest and the cat meows almost too quietly as his bright golden eyes look up at you. “don’t shout, kuroo. you’re gonna scare him.”
“w-what– you can’t–” he gets up on his seat and glares at the calico that’s practically clinging back onto you. 
“oh, yes i can.” you laugh. “no nails on the couch, kuroo.” you simply say before turning around to pick up your grocery bag to the kitchen. he’s fuming and he doesn’t even realize how hard his hands are clenching down on the couch. to make it worse, kuroo doesn’t miss the dirty look that the cat throws his way when you walk to the kitchen and boy, it makes him want to kick him out of the house immediately.
you quickly notice the intimidating vibe from the male as he observes you and your newfound friend, making you feel a little bad. “i’m just kidding, kuroo. i already asked if anyone wants to adopt it so i’m just gonna let him stay here for a while before my friend picks it up tomorrow.”
so you’re not entirely betraying him and he’s a bit relieved to hear it, but his territorial nature couldn’t stand the fact that he’s forced to go through one night with another feline in the house. kuroo could just leave the house for the night but then again, he’s the one that lives here so why should he? you may be oblivious, but kuroo can tell that there’s something malicious about him and it’s definitely not because he’s jealous.
“are you hungry, kenma?” you coo, ignoring the feeling of kuroo’s intense gaze burning holes from your back as he looks at you in disbelief after hearing the name you call him.
“k-kenma?! you already gave him a name?!” he yells and he’s so close to shredding the cushion underneath him. 
“mmhmm, i think it’s cute and it fits him.” you giggle as you watch the calico devour his food like he hasn't gotten a meal for ages. “or maybe kyanma is cuter?”
“ew.” kuroo tears his eyes away, no longer able to stand the sight of you smothering– (he can’t even bring himself to say the name) kenma despite being in his presence. first, the stupid blonde guy and now this? you’re breaking his little heart.
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“don’t look at him like that.” though your eyes are glued to the screen, you can feel his piercing gaze from the other couch as you lie down with kenma sleeping and purring peacefully on your chest. it’s such an eyesore for kuroo and he just hopes you’re not going to sleep in bed with him tonight. 
kenma’s eyes flutter open to glance over the older feline and his lips twitch into a victorious smirk before snuggling back on your chest to sleep again, causing kuroo’s jaw to clench in vexation. 
but what gets on his nerves even more is when he suddenly hears the sound your lips make as you kiss kenma on the nose. 
his ears are blowing steam right now and in his head he’s already throwing stupid kenma away to sit on top of you and yell at him to stay away from what’s his and that he’s unwelcomed here. he wants to do it, but he knows that you wouldn’t like that and he fears that he’ll be the one to get kicked out from the house instead of his competitor. 
alternatively, he tries to get your attention.
“i’m hungry.” he whines as he looks at you with his innocent and pleading eyes in an attempt for you to melt into them. 
“but i’m going to wake him up if i leave.” you answer, genuinely feeling bad if you start to move away from your seat. 
“he’s not sleeping.” he quickly replies and kenma’s ears perk up when he’s aware that he’s on the topic. 
“trust me, i know.” 
“hmm, fine.” you gently caress the cat and kenma mewls when you put him down on the couch to leave for the kitchen. kuroo watches you from his seat and turns to kenma once he’s confident that you’re distracted from preparing his food for him.
“listen here, you little shit.” he growls intimidatingly before bopping his head up to peep at you to see your back facing him, “i know what you’re up to and don’t you dare think that you’re running this place because you’ll be gone first thing in the morning.” 
“kuroo?” you call from the kitchen and he immediately stands up and pretends that nothing has happened as he skips happily to his plate. 
“feed me, pleaaase.” he shamelessly requests, but you only look at him weirdly and repulsed.
“but you already know–”
“pleaaaase?” his lips feign a pout but you roll your eyes.
“don’t be ridiculous, kuroo.” you wave your hand to disregard his plea and walk back into the living room and take kenma to sit on your lap before his head rubs on your hand to ask you to pet him.
kuroo only sighs and takes a mouthful of his meal into his mouth. 
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morning has finally arrived, though later than kuroo expected. he couldn’t sleep a wink knowing that you were having kenma together with you on your bed while he had to settle for the couch again. he said it was either you bring him with you or leave kenma with him in the living room. but you couldn’t possibly leave the two together in the same room, even if you were there and asleep. kuroo was literally on his knees and begged to come inside the room with you, yet your answer was resolute. 
but it’s fine, you can say goodbye to kenma now and you’re going to be stuck with him until the end of his life. 
your friend comes with a cat carrier in hand and they just fall in love with the calico as soon as they lay their eyes on him. you’re a bit sad since you’ve grown attached to the little guy over the short time, but your friend assures you that you can stop by their place anytime if you wish to see kenma. they think that maybe you can bring kuroo along so they can play together, but you just laugh at the idea– knowing kuroo doesn’t like him and you only kept kenma close to make sure he wouldn’t be too distressed. and well, they’re not dogs either.
as soon as you close the door for your friend, kuroo wraps his big arms around you and sighs in relief. 
“that was mean of you.” he whines softly. 
“you’re being dramatic.” but kuroo holds you tighter and your cheeks start to get warm.
“no. you keep on picking up nasty scents from others. first, your ugly friend and then… then...” he nibbles his lip, as if uttering the name would cause him to vomit.
“atsumu and kenma?” you giggle, causing kuroo to grunt when he hears the names. 
“but now that i have you like this, you can’t run away nor slap me again.” he purrs, leaning his chin to rest on your shoulder. 
“i don’t get it.” you reply coyly, as if him rubbing his cheek against yours isn’t clear enough to tell you what he wants to do. 
“look at me.” he orders, and you nervously turn your head to him. although there’s a shit eating grin plastered across his face, it only makes him look even more gorgeous especially when he is only a couple of inches away. 
there’s a sparkle of mischief in his umber eyes as he stares into you, “close your eyes.”
and you do. his hot breath prickles your skin when he closes in the gap and he finally plants a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. 
your eyes flutter open once he pulls away. “is that it? is that the kiss?”
“mmhmm.” he nods his head a bit too proudly and lets you go. 
you burst out laughing when you’re reminded of a pure, curious child that knows absolutely nothing of the world. 
“then, you missed.” you chaff, turning to face the clueless male.
“w-what?” kuroo blinks in confusion and his ears and tail plop down dispiritedly. he’s pretty sure that he did it right. besides, that’s how you’ve always kissed him when he was a–
you take a step closer to him and get on your tiptoes before cupping his face to pull it closer to yours. it must be the waves of endorphins rushing in your veins or the look of his handsome yet dejected face after thinking that he has accomplished something great– but you found the urge to kiss him properly on the lips, leaving kuroo stunned and wide eyed as he relishes on the new feeling of your soft lips pressing against his before you pull away all too quickly.
“that’s how you kiss someone.” 
well, maybe you shouldn’t have taught him that because now, he’ll just might want more.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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mowulf · 3 years
You Gotta be Kitten Me
CH 1: And now for something completely different
Summary: Medic never really liked cats. He had never hated them, per se, but being a bird parent did not lend a favorable view to the furry beasts. So how on Earth did he find himself trying to take care of 7?
Medic woke up struggling to breathe and a deep pressure on his chest. He took several deep breaths as he tried to push past the morning brain fog and flopped his arm in an attempt to wake Heavy. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d woken up half trapped beneath the large man. When he only found empty bed, his eyes snapped open and he looked down at his chest.
An absolutely massive cat was sprawled across his chest, thick fur only adding to the weight. The cat’s chin draped over his shoulder, breathing slow and easy. Medic stared in confusion. How did a cat get into his room? He always made sure to close the door securely to make sure nothing would try to get in to harass his birds (or worse, allow them unsupervised access to the base). Then again, the bed was empty. Perhaps Heavy had gotten up and accidentally not closed the door all the way?
“Scheiße!” There was a loud yowl as the cat was flung to the floor in Medic’s haste to get up. The cat barely managed to avoid getting stepped on as Madic jumped out of bed and started frantically searching the room. “Archimedes!” There was an angry squawk and he followed the sound to find Archimedes fluffing unhappily on top of the bookcase furthest from the bed. With a sigh, he relaxed and then did another, more thorough search of the room to take a headcount of his birds.
Once everyone was accounted for, Medic turned to the large cat now lounging on the bed watching him. For a brief moment the cat look excited, standing up and raising its tail once it had Medic’s attention. The excitement was short-lived as Medic grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck, threw open the door, and threw it out, yelling, “OUT! OUT! AND DON’T COME BACK!”
The door slammed shut behind him and he huffed angrily. He was going to have words with Heavy for this. First things first, clothes. He dressed angrily, though as time passed and the initial shock wore off, he found himself calming down. Mistakes happened, and his doves were fine. Startled from his yelling earlier, but otherwise fine. By the time he was pulling his boots on he had calmed down to the point where he no longer felt the need to chew anyone out.
All that went out the window when Medic opened the door to find the cat sitting just a few feet away. It had waited?! It knew he kept birds and was just waiting for the opportunity! How dare!
Medic stomped his foot and the cat jumped and cowered. It managed a small chirp before Medic bellowed, “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” as he stomped forward. With a yowl, the cat bolted down the hall and disappeared around the corner. Great. Now he was going to have to do a full check of the base to not only chase that cat out, but also make sure no other vermin had gotten into the base.
But that was a problem for later. He ran a hand down his face and took a deep breath. It was too early to be getting this worked up. He exhaled slowly before making his way to the cafeteria. Maybe he could recruit Scout to help him. The kid had always been good with animals.
Medic was pulled from his thoughts as he approached the cafeteria by the eerie silence. Normally the cafeteria would have been booming with the chaos that came from 9 wildly different personalities trying to talk over each other. Soldier and Scout were always the two loudest, either arguing or each yelling over the other in an attempt to hold their own conversations. But now an unsettling silence leaked through the doors. He paused but then threw the doors open and strode in, shoulders back and chest out.
Medic blinked in surprise when he saw that Engineer was the only other occupant. Seated at a table with a newspaper and a cup of coffee, the man looked up and gave a casual wave. “There’s eggs and bacon in the kitchen and a pot of coffee if you want. Still fresh.”
Medic gave him a confused look. “Where is everyone else? Did they eat already?” Surely he hadn’t slept in that late.
“No idea.” Engineer folded the newspaper and set it aside. “Ain’t seen a sign of anyone since I got up. Slept in because Soldier wasn’t doing his rounds, but not by much.”
Oh, now that was concerning. The only time Soldier didn’t do his morning round to wake everyone up was the time Medic had strapped him to the table overnight and pumped him so full of anesthetic he couldn’t have walked anywhere anyway. Not even death itself would be able to stop that man from yelling at everyone at 5 in the morning.
“Have you checked on anyone?” Medic asked as he slid into the seat opposite Engineer.
“Nope,” was the casual reply, with a popped ‘p’. “None of my business if everyone wants to sleep in.”
“Mmm.” He had a point, it really was none of their business, but Medic was still concerned. “I’m worried something may be going around. Everyone was complaining about not feeling good last night.”
“Everyone but us, you mean.”
Medic rolled his eyes but nodded. “By the way, have you seen Heavy? I couldn’t find him this morning. We need to have a talk.”
Engineer took a drink of coffee while he thought before he finally shook his head. “No, no sign of him. Honestly thought he was still sleeping.”
Medic made an unhappy sound as he stood up. “I’ll see if I can’t find him after I eat. “You said you made bacon?”
“Yup. And seein’ as you’re the first up, you get dibs.” Medic smiled at that. Being first up had its benefits.
The pair took their time eating, alternating between idle chit-chat and enjoying the calm and silence of the empty room. An hour later, however, they were both shifting nervously and sending worried glances to the doors. No one had shown up, which went well beyond ‘slightly concerning’. Food poisoning made no sense. Heavy had been the last to cook and he was not only very good at it, but both medic and Engineer were fine despite eating the same thing as everyone else. There had been no alerts about an invasion, so surely no one had snuck in.
Still, both Medic and Engineer were unsettled by the fact that something had managed to wipe out 3/4 of the team basically overnight. Finally Medic stood up and started toward the door. “I’m checking on everyone. This makes no sense.”
“I’ll come with you,” Engineer said, doing his best to sound casual as he trotted to catch up.
The halls were silent as they walked, which just made the whole experience that much more unsettling. The halls seemed to stretch on for far too long as they approached the sleeping quarters. When they finally came to a stop, Engineer cocked his head and asked, “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“It sounds like…” Engineer took a few steps forward, “...scratching?”
Medic frowned but followed, still straining to hear whatever it was Engineer had heard. As they approached the first door, Scout’s room, he heard it. A desperate, wild scrabbling like something desperately trying to get out. It stopped suddenly and Medic wondered if they’d been heard. Seconds later there was a thud as something hit the door.
“Scout! Are you okay?” There was silence on the other side for a couple seconds before the scratching started up with a renewed frenzy. That was enough to confirm something was wrong and Medic threw the door open. It wasn’t locked, a concern that was registered as a ‘to be dealt with later’ problem, and both Medic and Engineer burst in to find the room empty.
The bed and floor were a mess and there was no sign of Scout anywhere. “You don’t think someone got to him first, do you?” Engineer asked softly, but Medic shook his head.
“There wouldn’t have been time. Scout? Where are you?”
A croaky meow sounded behind them and both men turned to see a small calico stumble out from behind the door.
No. There was no way. Surely not.
Engineer crouched to get a better look at the cat that eyed him suspiciously. Medic darted to the window only to find it shut and locked. After doing a thorough check of the window, he turned his attention to the rest of the room.
Closet? No.
Under the bed? Nada.
Chest of drawers? Nope.
The room was small and hiding spots were far and few between. It wasn’t long before Medic had searched the room top to bottom to find nothing at all.
Nothing except a cat with a croaky mew.
He felt stupid even considering the possibility, but unless everyone had decided to leave at ass in the morning without telling him and Engineer, it was the only thing left he could think of. He crouched down next to Engineer and stared hard at the cat which stared back at him, still somewhat dazed.
“Here goes nothing. Scout?” The cat perked up and chirped at him, tail shooting straight up. Engineer looked at Medic who just pinched the bridge of his nose. “Scout, can you- can you understand me?” he asked after a moment. The cat nodded and trotted closer, meowing non-stop.
Engineer just looked from Medic to the cat and then back before he sighed as well and stood up. “Alright. Well. That’s a problem.”
“Tell me about it. Probably screamed his head off trying to get someone’s attention, if his voice is anything to go by.” Medic stood up with a sigh and the three shared an awkward silence.
“Medic,” Engineer said slowly, dread beginning to pool in his stomach. “You don’t think…” He trailed off. He didn’t need to finish. It was obvious from Medic’s expression that he knew what Engineer was going to ask.
“No. Surely not. That’s impossible.” But he was already on the move. The next door was Demoman’s. Medic banged on the door and yelled, “Back up! I’m coming in!” before he threw the door open and entered. A large black cat lifted its head and blinked at him blearily. Medic didn’t bother sticking around, having all the confirmation he needed, before moving on to the next room.
Half an hour and a quick trip to Sniper’s camper later found Engineer and Medic in the living room with 6 cats. Heavy was unaccounted for but Medic already knew what he looked like. It was just a matter of working through the guilt long enough to seek out the larger man cat and beg forgiveness. In the meantime, he had his face buried in his hands while Engineer awkwardly patted his shoulder.
The cats, on the other hand, were seated in a circle, chirping and meowing at each other as they discussed their predicament. Soldier, normally loud and aggressive, was quiet while Spy led the conversation. Sniper was half-laying on Scout, licking his forehead or biting his ears when he started to get too worked up. Demoman was loud, though he politely waited his turn, and Pyro - who’d somehow crammed their head in a sock and refused to let anyone take it off - just hopped in with comments whenever they felt like it.
They were getting quite into the discussion when a deep voice cut in with “Мяу.” The conversion stopped as the circle turned to look at the newcomer. Heavy looked down at them for a moment before everyone shifted to fit him in. He settled into a loaf, listening in with the occasional comment and keeping half an eye on the two humans sitting on the couch.
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slafkovskys · 3 years
15 or 19 with tim stützle pls🥺
#15. a kiss on the jawline
#19. a kiss on the side of the neck
“you’ve never been,” you perk your head up, staring at your boyfriend with a shocked expression. he looks confused as he shakes his head, rolling onto his side to look at you, “like, never ever?”
“never ever have i been to target,” he confirms and your eyes widen. you rest your weight on your elbows and he raises an eyebrow, “is that a bad thing?”
“not a bad thing, just-” you huff and drop down, burying your face in one of your pillows, “i forgot that you weren’t american for a minute.”
he breaks into a smile, “you forgot that i wasn’t american? do you hear me speak?”
“obviously, but i’m not constantly thinking about you being german either. i’m used to the accent,” you roll your eyes and jump when you feel his fingers on your back. he goes to pull his hand away, looking apologetic, but you shake your head, “no, i like when you do that.”
he hums and puts his hand back. you scoot over so that you’re chest to chest and wrap an arm around his waist, burying your face in his neck, “what do they have there?”
“a little bit of everything,” you mumble as you start to place kisses from his jawline down his neck as his fingers trace down your spine, “clothes, groceries, cat food. some even have starbucks in them. they have cute cake pops with bullseye on them-”
“say it again,” he interrupts, “that last word you said.”
“bullseye?” you pull away and he nods. “that’s their mascot.”
“i didn’t know that word,” he admits, face a little flushed as you rub at his cheek. “how do you say it again?”
you smile, “bulls- like the animal and eye like, well, your eye.”
he’s interrupted by two quick knocks on your door. before you can even speak, the door is pushed open and there stands josh looking none too pleased. he eyes tim’s arm on your back and when your boyfriend goes to retract it, you put it right back. josh huffs, “what did we say about closed doors?”
“mom said it was fine,” you look at your brother with a smirk.
“yeah? what did dad say?”
“go ask mom,” his face falls, “to be exact, she said that i was old enough to make my own decisions and she didn’t care if the door was opened or closed, but i’m really glad that you’re concerned about me and tim. did you need anything else?”
“yeah,” he grunts as he turns around, “dinner’s ready.”
“thank you!”
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remmushound · 4 years
Part 7 of my Rise/bay crossover! Special thanks to @brightlotusmoon for the help with this chapter!! @errorfreak88
It took only a few minutes for Donnie to set the computer to work.
“It… it’s working to isolate any mutagenic pathogens around the globe— if it works right there should be seven down here and two in ADX Florence— that’s Bebop and Rocksteady. Any other strays would hopefully be our other turtles and dear old rat.”
“What about their April?”
“I— I can’t really track her using this, but with any luck she’s with one of them. It’ll take a few minutes since it… searching such a wide range.”
“That’s okay. At least we have a start.” Leo tried to smile but he was sure Donnie could see right through it. “Why don’t you go bring our uh… friend in there some food and water? Sure he’d appreciate it. And try to ask him more about his world if you can. So we know what to expect.”
When Donnie didn't immediately move, Leo gave him an encouraging shove toward the kitchen. Donnie stumbled off, looking back and making a ‘really bro?’ motion toward Leo. He scooped up the other-Donnie’s battle shell on the way over. Entering the kitchen brought him into what was almost like a whole other world— a loud one at that!
“Oh mi gOSH IS THAT A TATTOO?!” It was almost whiplashing hearing a voice so ectatic and yet so sarcastic-sounding at the same time. Donatello’s eyes were like stars as he looked at Mikey’s tattoo. “Ohhhhh! I soooo want one!”
Mikey was all too happy to flex his arm and show off the faded markings, “Oh you’d look so cool with a tattoo! Yeah, like maybe an airplane or like cat or something cool like that.” Mikey said quickly.
“Yeah, but Raph would kill me!” Donatello couldn’t help but poke at the tattoos, tracing his finger gently across the mark to get a better feel of the design. “Ohhhh that’s so cool!”
Donnie cleared his throat finally.
“Oh. Sah Donnie?” Mikey did a peace sign.
Donnie cleared and jiggled the battle shell he held pointedly.
Donatello gasped and shoved Mikey aside to run, arms outstretched, to his counterpart. “MY BABY!” He snatched the battle shell from Donnie’s hands and kissed it repeatedly. “Oh I’ll never let you go again— ack! Ew! Sewer taste!” He started to try and wipe the taste off his tongue, “Ohhhh nooo that just made it worse!”
“Ohhh I totally know how you feel! This one time, when we were going down the pipe, the water like totally went in my mouth.” Mikey waddled over to Donatello and leaned over the shorter turtle's shoulder, standing almost close enough to rest his chin on the softshell’s head.
Donatello didn't seem to notice nor care about the box turtle’s proximity as he flipped open one of the many pouches contained in his armor and pulled out a small device that looked almost like bottle caps, one blue and labeled L and one white and labeled R. Mikey watched curiously as Donatello popped the case open and gasped loudly when the turtle took one of the clear lenses on his finger and started the process of cleaning it. When Donatello pulled apart his eyelids to apply the contacts, however, Mikey recoiled, climbing on the counter to get further away and immediately starting to whine.
“Ewww! Ew ew ew ew, he’s touching his eye—“
“Mikey!” Donnie snapped, but Mikey didn't stop.
“Eww his eye’s gonna pop out dude I’m telling you it’s gonna pop out and fall on the floor and get all dirty and he’s gonna have to pick it up and put it back in!”
Donatello was unperturbed by the complaints and applied his contacts quickly. “Yes, yes. Gasp in your repugnance all you want. Alas, ‘tis all the better to see you with, dear Michael!” Donatello waved a hand as he turned to face Mikey. “Heyyy, you got freckles! Nice.”
Mikey’s disgust was almost immediately forgotten by curiosity as he crawled across the counter to get closer to Donatello, and then fell off. He got back up, shaking off the fall and strutting as if it never happened.
“Do they hurt?” Mikey gasped.
“Where did you get contact lenses anyway?” Donnie was just as in Donatello’s face as Mikey was. “I got glasses, but that was just by dumb luck.”
“Yeah!” Mikey started to poke at Donatello curiously, “And even then they’re always falling off and stuff. Super inconvenient!”
“Mikey, quit poking him!”
“I saw you poking him!” Mikey nudged the bridge of his shell against Donnie.
“Ow— that was just an exam!”
Donatello leaned against the wall and watched the altercation with the slightest grin. He let himself watch a moment longer before starting to put his battle shell back on, and at the click of the buckle Mikey perked up like a dog at a whistle. He shoved Donnie away and hurried to the softshell.
“Wanna hear more about my tattoos?”
Donatello gave the excitable box turtle a genuine smile. “I wanna hear about everything you want to tell me. Just give me a mo~”
Donatello walked confidently over to Donnie, took the mask and glasses off in a single motion and walked away before Donnie could stop him. It took the mutant another second to process the audacity before he ran after.
“Wha— hey— heyheyhey— that’s my stuff!” Donnie tried to take his things back, but Donatello’s spider arm held him back.
Donatello rooted through the drawers for a long moment before coming out with a pair of scissors.
“Hey— what are you doing with those?!” Donnie tried to stop him once more, growling as he tried to overpower the titanium arms.
Mikey twirled over to Donatello, the titanium arms letting him past while still restraining Donnie. Mikey landed with his palms down on the counter flexing his tattoo proudly.
“Okay, so like, that turtle in the middle is our family crest right? And I totally designed it— original Michelangelo art right here, first hand. I know, I’m amazing!”
Donatello continued his work through Mikey’s rant, nodding along to the enthusiasm.
“The inking was done by Donnie there in the purple, you already met him though so eh. And this is supposed to be the Brooklynn bridge— New York pride and everything.”
Though Donatello’s expression didn't change in the slightest, one of his spider arms made a fist and bounced over to Mikey for a fist bump, which the box turtle obliged.
“And this is supposed to be the knots are our masks, connects to the bridge— super cool. And these are just some spaceships cause spaceships are awesome. And this is a bat, cause bats are rad, and it’s on fire cause that’s also rad.”
“Mm. Very nice. Love the thought and detail. Ha! There!” Donatello finished his work and retracted his titanium arms so suddenly that Donnie stumbled and almost fell. Donatello un-creased the mask to the best of his ability and rolled it back onto Donnie’s head, fixing it comfortably for the other mutant before backing up with a smug smirk.
The only difference in the mask that had been taken and the mask that was returned were the glasses now fitted carefully into the eye holes; the handles went in between the cloth of the mask to hold the glasses securely in place.
“Now you won’t have to worry about dropping them.” Donatello said calmly, crossing his arms and nodded. “You’re welcome.”
Donnie touched his hand to the frames a moment in awe before laughing his snorting-laugh. “Oh my god— this is— this is genius!” He hurried over to look at his reflection in the fridge. “How did I never think about this?”
Donatello simply tapped his head in response and turned to return to Mikey before Donnie ran and grabbed his arm to stop him.
“Wait!” Donnie said quickly, “I have so many questions!”
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