#pokemon patronage au
thearchertheprey · 13 days
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you know summer is here when coach is outside photosynthesizing for more than 15 minutes a day
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bombcollar · 2 months
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boo hoo hoo
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Hi! I’m your gifter for the Klaroline Gift Exchange! I wanted to check in and tell you my idea and see if I’m on the right track for your gift. I’m thinking about the following: Historical human AU - Caroline is the daughter of a powerful baron. Klaus is an artist under the patronage of Caroline’s father. Highlights: a dark secret, angst, multiple murders, betrayal and revenge. Also, some smut to to take the edge off. Does that sound ok?
Alrighty so first off, may I marry your brain?? Utterly serious, no joke. May I marry it?
I mean dude—
Are you kidding me?? This is bloody perfect, so fucking perfect. I mean I feel like you jumped into my brain and just frolicked around a bit and were like *picks overly biased tropes/tags my brain constantly screams about like picking flowers* and then weaved a Garland with all those flowers and put it around my damn neck. I mean Ik I haven’t read the fic yet, heck the fic isn’t even written out yet, but like if I saw this description in the summary or tags, I’d dive head first for the work.
Historical Human AU, with a class difference between Klaus and Caroline, scandalous baby. I mean I dig.
Klaus as the Artist under patronage, honestly why aren’t there more fics with Historic Artist!klaus, it fits in perfectly.
Caroline the wealthy daughter of the Baron, yes ma’am I believe you are taking this in the right direction, especially if I get to see this class difference between Klaus and Caroline turn their love forbidden-y or secretive.
Ok just tell me this, have you and I had a conversation like ever in my life? Do we know each other? Because anybody who has talked to me for even like two minutes knows that this, this right here “dark secret, angst, multiple murders, betrayals and revenge.” Is basically what my custom Pokemon’s aesthetic would look like. I mean is it perfect? Bloody yes. But I’ll still unpack all of it because I’m ✨extra✨ like that,
Dark secret; alright so here’s the thing, love love love fics when either Klaus or Caroline have a nice snug close-to-the-heart poisonously scandalous secret no one should know about, but, (yes there’s a but) if this is a secret either Klaus or Caroline are keeping from each other, and it’s the kind of secret that in a honest trusting relationship the other would know about it, because it’s important and crucial information, and yet one of them keeps the secret from the other for xyz reason, the person who was kept in the dark should please throw a MASSIVE fit about it, not silently uNdErStAnD why it’s was kept a secret, or accept that some secrets are best left secret, but like be really angry that the person wasn’t able to trust them, and be hurt about it, Am I making sense? I don’t think I am, basically what I’m saying is if KC are bluffing to each other make the truth hurt. Please Dont let the forgiveness be easy. Make my babies pay. 👉🏾👈🏾🥺
But if the secret is just something Klaus and Caroline are keeping from everyone else or everybody else is keeping from Klaroline, or is basically outside of Klaroline instead of between them, go crazy, hurt my babies don’t hurt my babies, totally up to you. But thank you for this dark detail, I shall cherish it with tender hands.
Ok Hi have you met me?
If no then here’s your answer,
No wait like
Gimme gimme gimme.
But, yes again there’s a but, (I’m so so sorry if I’m being very picky and hard to please not my intention at all, I just want to make things clearer for you, but at the end of the day you have total creative control, so like go crazy for me, I will fully appreciate it.) But back to the point at hand, I love love love angst between KC, I adore it, i mean KC canon or otherwise are not a flowery sunshine fluff couple, they’ve got problems and issues and are far too alike and way too different to even logically be together without constantly stepping on each other’s toes, I usually like angst when one of em fucks up and there’s a lot of grovelling involved, or angst due to conflict in between them, or angst due to misunderstandings, but what I do not appreciate is the abusive nature/toxicity/hurtful nature of the conflict or angst creating action forgiven easily, or not being dealt with, basically I want the closure to the angst to be reasonable to both characters, and no one is being a pushover, the Klaus and Caroline dynamic is built upon calling each other out, not taking each other’s shit and zero tolerance for each other’s toxicity, so I would very very much appreciate that to be included here.
Betrayal and revenge;
I mean ma’am you are waltzing straight up my alley and owning it like a mafia mobster, when I say angst, I usually mean conflict and what other better way to bring in conflict than betrayals and revenge. Oh the blood and the lies and the schemes, 10/10 ik I will enjoy, but I’d just like to say, that if betrayal in any way means infidelity, I will not enjoy it, fics with cheating in between Klaus and Caroline are squick for me, so please take this into consideration, and lest I sound awfully repetitive, like I said if the betrayal and revenge (conflict) is between KC don’t let them go easy on one another. And if the revenge and betrayal is not in between KC and with outside forces, just know that I appreciate it bloody.
Multiple murders;
Ok so I’m confused, are these sad murders, like good characters who are close to Klaroline dying, or douchecanoe asshats being hacked to pieces good fucking riddance murders, because like I usually don’t appreciate the former, when I say angst it means conflict (I’m really really sorry if I failed to mention that in the original assignment that was stupid of me) and not pure grief, it leans towards anger and despise and remorse and hurt more so than just grief, grief is a pretty straightforward emotion, there’s less room to play around with unlike the others I’ve mentioned, so please take this into consideration. So like if you’re killing off characters, please let it be Damon or Stefan or one of the eight hundred other dipshits in the Tvd universe, and please leave my other precious babies alone.
Smut; here’s the thing, I am constantly horny, like no shame, smut is my go to stress relief, I will ways always always ENJOY some good plot with porn, and the plot here is good, so the porn is just delicious vanilla (or not, iykwim) icing on top. So please yes. *insert audio of a person being very very agreeable during sex* please do so, I am absolutely one hundred percent behind, over and under this idea.
Thank you so so much for reaching out to me, I think you are going in the perfectly right direction, continue further down this path and you will make it straight to my heart.
I am again so so sorry if I sound lazer specific and am not giving you enough room to work with or to allow your muse to wander, please know you can always break and make a few rules of your own, this at the end of the day entirely your work, and I don’t intend to take your creative control from you at all, all I ask is please be mindful of the things I feel squick about. Other than that, all I can say is I cannot for the life of me bloody wait for this baby to come out, I am jumpy up and down excited, and I am again so sorry if this is putting too much pressure on you, not my intention, but this is like my first gift exchange ever so I’m extra screamy, anywaysss long story short, thank you so much for doing this for me, again sorry for writing you a whole ass Drabble when probably all you expected was a binary yes or no in answer, but like to answer your question, is this ok? If you haven’t figured it out already
✨ YES ✨
This is perfectly and exactly ok, I love it already and I can’t wait to fall in love with it more, please continue to send me asks regarding this if you want something clarified or if you can’t make sense of the chaotic monstrosity above, my inbox is always yours to blow up.
All the love and peace and writerly inspiration in the world being sent to you.
Srishti ❤️❤️
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bokunoheroimagines · 7 years
Can you do a pokemon AU? Platonic reader x bakugou, you can add other characters and the region is your choice too and if it's not too much of a trouble may I request luxray as reader's partner pokemon?? Thx!
((Luxray is a good fuckin pokemon man… I lov the Lions… also consider… shiny Luxray))
((also I took @royal–rabbit‘s suggestion and Bakugou’s partner is a Blaziken))
You were enjoying your time on the beach when you heard footsteps rapidly approaching. “You [Name]?”You flipped your sunglasses up to your head, squinting at the annoyed-looking boy in front of you. “Who’s asking and why?”“Name’s Bakugou, and you’re gonna fucking battle me.” That did… not sound like a request.You slung your arm over your bag, where your partners were resting peaceably in their pokéballs. “If you, uh, don’t mind me asking, why exactly am I going to do so?”The boy— Bakugou, apparently— snorted, as though the answer was obvious, and you were the stupid one. “You’ve got some pretty rare pokémon, right? I hear they’re real strong, and there’s only room for one champion on these islands!”That statement piqued your interest. “Wait, you’re the Alola champion? I’m just on vacation man, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”“Uh, I’m on vacation too.” He stepped back a little, obviously surprised you didn’t notice. Now that you took a better look at him, it was obvious that he was definitely not one of the locals. “But I’m one of the strongest there is, and I’ll prove it by battling you and your partner, so let’s fucking start already!”You felt your eyes narrow. What was with this guy? “Uh, okay, I guess. Who’re you battling with?” You were already placing your guesses. Fire or dark type, definitely.“Go, Blaziken!” Fire/fighting, called it. Well, it wasn’t ideal (you’d been hoping he might surprise you with a flying type) but you weren’t weak to it, so it could’ve been a worse matchup.“You from Hoenn? Or did you trade for him?” He just glared at you. Blaziken seemed to do the same. “Ooooookaaaay. Well, c’mon, Luxray! If you wake up, we can be done quick!”Your opponent looked perplexed at the Great Ball you pulled out of the bag. “A Luxray? Rare is right, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those outside of Sinno— IS THAT A SHINY?”You grinned at your gold companion, trying to suppress the swell of pride that always came when people saw it. You’d spent DAYS trying to find a shiny Shinx, and you’d trained her up to be a near-prizewinning battle pokémon. “Ha, yeah, she took forever to find, but that’s neither here nor there. Luxray, use Wild Charge!”
“Uh, the public beach is closing, we’re going to have to ask you two to leave now.” The lifeguards in this region fear nothing, you figured, because this lady just walked in between a fighting Blaziken and a Luxray. “While we appreciate your patronage, it is time for you to leave.”You stretched your arms above your head, grinning when Luxray rubbed its head against your leg. “Ah man, that was a good battle! I haven’t had much of a challenge in a while! Thanks for that, Bakugou.”He stared at you, taken aback and moderately annoyed. “Wh— I totally wrecked you!”“You sure got close, huh?”“We’re doing this again tomorrow!” He yelled over his shoulder as he stomped away, Blaziken in tow.“Huh. Well, let’s go get some potions, huh buddy? After all, it looks like we’re doing this again tomorrow.”…“Maybe let’s get some TMs, too. Can you learn Rain Dance?”
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thearchertheprey · 8 months
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werewolves of wyndon
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thearchertheprey · 5 months
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“Maybe I could’ve been this happy in another reality,” he says, “but I doubt it.”
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thearchertheprey · 9 months
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assorted images from the AU group im in
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thearchertheprey · 1 year
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character designs for a fantasy group i got pulled into... i think interpreting fantasy running blades as modeled after digitigrade legs is a cool idea
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thearchertheprey · 6 months
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master studies
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thearchertheprey · 1 year
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more acolyte lisia
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thearchertheprey · 11 months
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more fantasy group character building. your friend monsieur leblanc
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thearchertheprey · 9 months
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some recent playlist covers ive made for fun
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bombcollar · 3 months
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put some guys in some pokemon prints
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