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So here's a rod puppet where you can actually see the rod control! The ever so confused and fearing for their life, Feebas! Made from hand carved jindulung wood, leather accents and hand painted!
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wolfmux · 6 years
Ok #rotomdex is all finished. I added a hole in the back for the camera and made the eyes out of plastic and gems. The eyes can be removed so the phone can be placed in and removed easily. A selfie stick can be attached so it can “fly” and take pictures. This is the 4th #ghostpokemon for my #teamghosttypes #cosplay . #pokemon #pokemonpuppet #foamcarving #cosplayprops #cosplayprogess #rotompokedex #rotompokemon
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brookeisabee · 7 years
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Pokémon Spam for Pokémon day 💚 I became mama to this beautiful little Rowlet, Peanut, thanks to my crew @4itchytastycosplay ! We have a whole plethora of Pokémon, just waiting to play ✨ 📷: @jrulison #pokemon #pokemontrainer #pokemoncosplay #pokemonpuppet #puppeteer #cosplayandpuppetry #cosplay #cosplayer #rowlet #alola
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I am Animative Constructs and I mostly make puppets! A collection of mythical critters and.. Pokemon. Because I will forever love Pokemon.
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wolfmux · 7 years
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Who knew a traffic cone would be the perfect way to store/display my #haunter #puppet . The #mimikyu chills on top for now. Gonna be working on the new additions to my #ghosttype #pokemontrainer #cosplay soon at the moment there are 2 planed out and one started. Progress shots hopefully coming soon! #Pokémon #pokemonmoon #pokemonpuppet #pokemonhaunter #pokemonmimikyu #pokemon
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wolfmux · 6 years
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I just realized I didn’t post up the painted #sableye . I need a stronger spring for it to be 100% but all detail stuff is finished. #teamghosttypes #ghostpokemon #pokemon #cosplayprop #cosplay #pokemonpuppet #sableyepokemon
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wolfmux · 7 years
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WHO’S THAT #pokemon ???? Working on a new cellphone case for my #teamghosttypes #cosplay and it will be compatible with a selfie stick. Used hard (Ish)packing foam. A lot of measuring and carving involved to make sure the phone fit and the camera was not obstructed. #pokemonsunandmoon #pokemonpuppet #ghostpokemon
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wolfmux · 7 years
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Ha ha my sableye #pokemon #puppet now has gems! All the gems, not just the eyes. Also I added more latex so the gems look more embedded. So far I think it looks great on my #teamghosttypes #cosplay hat. All that’s left to do are the teeth and small details on the body. #sableyepokemon #puppetmaking #pokemonpuppet #cosplayprop
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wolfmux · 7 years
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Got the gems for my #sableyepokemon tried reflective silver paint on the back to make the eye sparkle more ended up going with glittery and sparkly nail polish. Still have to detail the head but I love the look so far. Progress on this has been so slow moving for various reasons. I’m so happy it’s moving along. #teamghosttypes #pokemon #pokemonpuppet #cosplayprop #puppetmaking #puppet
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wolfmux · 7 years
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Who's that #pokemon ?! It's #sableye ...for my #teamghosttypes #cosplay . Here is the #cosplayprogress . I formed the head and cut out the mouth added the ears then the teeth. Then #foamcarving the rest of the body also (forgot to take a pic) I added the Velcro to the back so it's easy to open and work on the spine. Going hunt for gemstones for the eyes and other details then it's time for skin. #pokemonsunandmoon #cosplayprop #sableyepokemon #puppetmaking #pokemonpuppet
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wolfmux · 7 years
It's been a while but I finally got to work on my hat #puppet for my #ghosttype #pokemon trainer #cosplay . The pull string bends the head down. I used a small hinge and a spring I took out of a pen for the neck movement. This will (hopefully) make it so the head always faces forward. The string continues and raises the spine. When you release the string the spine lowers and the doing pushed the head back out. I still have to Velcro parts to the hat for stability. After that is foam , latex and decorations :) . . . . . . #pokemonpuppet #cosplayprop #cosplayprogress #puppetmaking
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wolfmux · 7 years
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These #pokemon are the ..afterlife.. of the party! Seriously they are ..killing.. it..... :) ok ok.... Me as the ghost type trainer. This was taken at #katsucon by the awesome @nagisakaworus , I edited in the #ghostpokemon tower background also I added the other ghost pokemon I plan on making in the near future. #pokemoncosplay #pokemonhaunter #pokemonmimikyu #mimikyu #katsucon2017 #cosplay #cosplayer #pokemonsunandmoon #puppet #pokemonpuppet #pokemontrainer #ghosttypetrainer #ghosttype
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