#pokes my head up out of the sand Ummmm hi guys
calamitydaze · 3 months
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
From The Sea P4
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PART 1:http://whatifwearefiction.tumblr.com/post/181996932392/from-the-sea-p1
PART 2:http://whatifwearefiction.tumblr.com/post/182023476554/from-the-sea-p2
PART 3:http://whatifwearefiction.tumblr.com/post/183585984245/from-the-sea-p3
“Please Y/N....don't go” He told me
I didnt say anything I just got my bag and got out the boat “Please” He begs “just look at me” he begs and I turned back to him he was still hidding a little behind the end of the boat but as we where in such shallow water I could see him completely his chest bare his pale skin refecting the light a little bit his hair drenched in water still having to fix it often with his hand from a little below his waist was... this tail, all things considered it was beautiful the fin at the end often moving as it being this shallow it wasn't completely submerged all the time
“This is crazy, I'm dreaming? Or I'm drowning in my bathtub I never woke up? Or maybe this is just a massive joke and my family is going to come out and laugh there asses off at me!” I say trying to rasionalize
“Y/N...why would I lie to you?” He asks “You're my only friend in the world” He says lightly crying I sighed sitting on the sand letting the waves hit my knees
“You promise your not lieing to me?” I ask
“Of course not” he says
“Alright” I sigh holding out my hand and he smiles taking it and slowly moving out from behind the boat to sit close to me but still in the water “Okay... questions” I sigh
“Yeah I guess you have some” He laughs
“A few” I laugh “is this a uhh always thing or like bitten by a mermaid then you become one thing?” I ask
“Born one Y/N” He laughs
“alright... you drove down with clothes on and now with tail your...pretty much naked so what happened to your clothes?” I ask
“Well, I dont really know I go into water dressed normal and most times I come out dressed normaly I don't really think about it?” he explained
“most times?” I ask
“Yeah sometimes I leave water and I am completely naked, no rthyme or reason to it, it's just every so often” he shrugs
“how many clothes have you lost to that?” I ask
“To many” he smiles
“Why didnt you tell me before? We have been friends since I was a little girl why did you wait so long to tell me?” I ask him
“I was scared, of what you would think of me, Y/N your my best friend and... maybe even a little more then that” He smiles “Your the only one over land to ever seem me like this, I was scared in case you would run away from me or tell people about me, I had to know I could completely trust you” He says “and I trust you more than anyone Y/N” He smiles holding my hands “it's still me” He smiles
“Can I touch it?” I ask
“What?” he asked a little puzzled
“Your tail? Can I touch it?” I ask
“Ohhh...uhhh yes, but don't poke and pull It's still me and it still hurts” He warns
“I'll be gentle” I smile
“Go on then” He sighs crawling up the beach to be sat in the sand with me the end of his tail still in the water it looked beautiful up close like it was covered in tiny dimonds I moved my hand close a little nervous “It's okay Y/N, go on” he smiled so I rested my hand there it didnt feel like it looked I thought by the look of it, that it would feel slimy and wet but it felt like silk soft and smooth I looked at his face and he looked kinda strange
“something wrong?” I ask
“I uhh don't think I've ever had someone else touch my tail before” he blushed
“what does it feel like to you?” I ask a little curious my hand still running down the soft scales on his tail
“Ummmm it uhh It feels nice” he smiles nuzzling himself into my neck
“Nice?” I ask “Is it like a pleasnt thing or like do you feel it everywhere or is it like you feel it depent what leg it would be on your human body?” I ask
“its both, you feel it sort of where it would on a human legs but because its merged you feel it everywhere too” He smiles giving my neck a few little kisses between words as he had his head nuzzled on my shoulder close to my neck “Ummmm It... It feels good-” He grunts stopping himself by giving my neck more kisses it made me giggle alittle
“You like people touching your tail?” I ask still a little giggly
“Ummm I do” He groans “but like I said your the first person but me to touch my tail...” he smiled “I only like it when you do it” he smirks between kisses on my skin
“Thomas I really should be getting back” I tell him notcing how high the moon was and how late it must be now
“Umm please Y/N....” he begs “A little longer? Please” He begs cuddling me closely “I was really enjoying myself” he smirks
“Well... a little longer” I smile nuzzling my head onto his are chest
“hum hello?” he laughs holding me tightly as we laidin the sand cuddling tightly me every so often stroking down his tail it was funny each time I did his breath hitched and he bit his mouth till I sat up with a yawn
“I'm sorry Thomas I have to get back I'm getting sleepy” I complain
“You sure? You could... sleep out here with me?” he smirked
“Hum thank you for the offer Thomas but...I wanna go to sleep in my own bed tonight” I smile getting up brushing some sand from my dress
“Okay same place and normal time tomorrow?” he asks and I nod giving his head a kiss and going towards the castle when I turned back he was gone likely dove into the sea I guess, I ran up to my room and got my self tucked in bed.
I Yawned trying to get back to sleep but the sun was coming though my curtians I know my family is away today they are going off out to some fancy party for most of the day so I would be alone today so I got dressed and went down to the kitchen where Mrs Winters stood cooking up something in a big pot over the fire
“What's for lunch?” I ask her sitting on the side
“Chicken Soup, Bread and Butter” she says
“Humm I think I might skipp it” I shrug grabbing a cupcake and going to take a bite but she snached it out my hand getting back to her work
“deliveries!” the Man called from the door
“it's open” she sighed and the normal delivery man opened the door carting a box of fuirt veg and other bits and behind him with another box of bread and such was Thomas he stepped in and smiled at me I breifly smiled at him too
“Hello your highness” he smiles
“Hi” I smile
“How are you this morning?” he asks me
“Fine” I shurg “How are you?” I ask him
“Tried” he yawns
“Thomas?” I ask after a while
“Yeah?” He asks
“Come with me, I wanna show you something” I smile grabbing his hand and tugging him with me up the stairs but as we got to the door
“Miss Y/N, your father has made it very clear about mr Thomas” Mrs Winters says
“he's not here” I shrug pulling him with me though the castle down to our room that had a big swimming pool in it, my family being a little cheap just put sea water in it but I didnt mind the room is dark and quiet as it is at the bottom of the house and knowone really uses it but me once we where inside I locked the door behind us “come on don't you want to come swim with me?” I ask
“Sure” he laughs once I slipped off my outerdress I drove into the water it felt like heaven to swim in the mildly warm water the room under this has all the fires for the castle in so the water here wa always fairly warm he went around lighting some candles so it was no so dark and I laid on m back looking up at the painting patterned celling for a while and he just sat on the edge not letting any part of him touch the water
“I had a funny dream last night” I told him
“Ohh?” he laughs
“Yes, you where there” I smile
“Oh was I? What where we up to?” he asked “Where we snuggling? Or where we making out this time?” he asked
“Neither, I had a dream you had a tail” I laugh
“A tail? What like a kitty cat?” he laughs
“No like a mermaid” I giggle moving my legs like I had a tail
“Humm funny dream” he smiles
“Come on I wanna swim, come swim with me” I smile
“Later Y/N” he answers
“Please” I beg
“Well... maybe” he smile “Close your eyes” he says as he stood up so I shut my eyes for a while until I heard and felt the crash of the water as he jumped in “Well it wasn't a dream Princess” He smiles I opened my eyes and it was real he had a tail he leanrt his arms behind him on the edge of the pool
“I wasn't dreaming” I said in shock
“No you werent, come on you wanna have a swim or not?” He asks
“umm yeah” I smile holding him tightly nuzzling my head into his neck “Come on” I smile tugging his hand with me a little we kept swimming and messing around for a good long while “Ohh your no fun” I complain sitting up on the side
“what? Why?” he asked coming and resting his arms on the side, and then his head on top of his arms
“I am always so good a holding breath contests, But you can breath underwater” I sigh
“Ohh come on I promise I will hold my breath, no cheating” he told me
“Okay” I giggle diving down into the water I kept my eyes shut as I can't see anything under here anyway till I felt a little kiss on my cheek so I got up out and opened my eyes and he was smiling at me blushing a little “You cheated​!” I complain
“I didn't cheat I just saw the opportunity and... I took it” he smiles “I wanted to give you a little kiss” he shrugs
“Well don't” I warn him
“Sorry Princess” He sighs
“It's okay, just no kisses” I smile cuddling him tightly
“Okay, No kisses” he laughs “but can I have a snuggle?” He asks and I nod nuzzling into his chest
“Are there other people like you?” I ask
“What do you mean?” he asks
“More people like you​? With fishy tails?” I ask
“yes, there are hundreds in little cites all over the ocean” He says
“Do you guys get married?” I ask
“Ohh that's a whole thing” He laughs “it's not marrige really its just that when you mate for the first time you mate for life, thats it you never do anything with anyone else the rest of your life” He explained
“Ohh? Thats kinda sweet” I giggle cuddling him tighter
“Umm it is nice, only problem is merpeople can only orgasum and mate on a blue moon” He sighs
“Every two months?” I ask him
“Yeah” he sighed
“Thats not very good” I laugh
“yeah, why do you think I got so excited when you touch my tail” he laughs “I actuly missed the last blue moon” he sighed “why I have been so cuddly lately” He blushed
“Awww Thomas thats so cute” I giggle holding him tighter and he smiled holding me tighter too
“Y/N? Could I kiss you? Please?” he asked polietly
“what did I tell you-” I began
“I know but...just a little one?” He begs
“On the cheek” I tell him
“Umm okay” he smiles giving my cheek a sweet long kiss and hugging me closely
“Thomas?” I ask him
“Ummm?” he asks
“Will you take me under the ocean to see the cities under the sea someday?” I ask
“Course I will, I promise” He told me.
we had been in here a few hours now my hands and feet where starting to suffer with the water so I had been sitting on the edge a little while now it was sort of cool to watch him swim his tail is huge and very cool to watch under the water “What?” he asks as he popped his head out the water I just shurg
“Your pretty when you swim” I smile
“Am I?” He asks “well thank you very much princess, your very pretty all the time” he smiles as he leant on the side close to me
“Thomas?”  I ask
“Humm?” he asks
“when do merpeople get married? Normaly?” I ask
“Bout my age why?” he laughs as he swam
“Just curious” I shrug “anyone in mind?” I ask
“Nope, I don't get along well with most of the girls around lopia” He sighed
“Lopia?” I ask
“Lopia it's the closest city to here, I live on the outskirts and I don't go often so” He shrugs
“Where is your house?” I ask” “about where I took you on the boat last night but on the sea floor obviously, it's nice you'd like it” He smiles
“why don't you live there all the time? Why do you come up on land?” I ask
“Becuase the comute from mine to here is less then here to lopia so I got a job on land” he shrugs “Plus If I did I wouldn't get to see you” He smiles
“Awww cute” I giggle “Does it affect you at all being on land?” I ask
“A little” he shrugs sitting on the side of the pool “Can you uhh...look away Y/N... incase my clothes don't come back?” he asks
“Course” I giggle closeing my eyes putting my hands over them
“Alright...you can look” He laughs so I looked grabbing a towel and wrapping it around myself and sitting beside him “the skin of my feet and legs gets very dry if I'm out of water for a long time” He explained
“How much water does it take to make you go from feet to tail?” I ask him
“about a bath worth, it's not like a drop of water on my legs is going to make me change back” he laughs “But if I drop my foot in the water then I will start changing back” he says
“Humm...” I giggle
“what?” he asks
“just thinking” I shrug nuzzling my head close to him he smiles resting his head on me to
“Y/N... the real reason I'm not mated yet, is... I really like you” he told me
“but I'm a human” I shrug “You said yourself how stupid human and merpeople is as a concept” I shrug
“Hey... I said mer girl and human man, nothing about mer man and human girl” He replies
“Still we are different species Thomas” I sigh
“so you... don't like me like that?” He asks sounding a little heart broken
“Well... I do Thomas, Before I knew you where a merman I did really like you too, this just, compicates things” I sigh
“Why? I can survive out of water for a little while, can't we try Y/N?” he suggests
“Maybe, I will think about it” I sigh “Doesn't help I'm a princess Thomas that throws a whole other set of complications” I sigh
“I know, you know you could move down with me” He shrugs
“I can't live in water Thomas, I would drown” I giggle
“Well not if I-” He began
“PRINCESS Y/N!” I voice yells from the door knocking franticly
“yes!” I yell
“Princess we are locking up the castle it's time You let Thomas go home” the voice said
“Alright” I sigh “come on Thomas” I sigh getting up and getting my dress back on
“Okay, But Y/N I might not visit you tomorrow” he says
“what why not?” I ask him
“Well it's the blue moon tomorrow and all” He says
“Ohh...” I sigh
“I'm sorry, I would come visit if I could but I visited you on the last one... and if I miss another god knows what I'll be like, like I said most people my age are mated already, I keep missing them I might never find a mate” He explained
“Well I suppose so” I sigh as we walked down the corridors back to the kitchen “When does it start?” I ask
“as soon as it gets dark, why?” he asked
“Just curious” I sigh
“Okay, If I don't see you tomorrow I promise I will see you on monday okay?” He suggests
“Okay” I giggle
“Good” he smiles giving my cheek a kiss and going off home, I sighed locking up the door and I went up to my room the castle quiet and dark sitting in my bed looking out the window towards the sea and fiddling with my shells.
I got hardly any sleep last night not sure why maybe the scilence of the house was to strange and un nerving I kept looking at the sea something just worried me, maybe I was worried about Thomas? But why should I be​? He's off for his blue moon thing today, then why did that make me angry? I'm not angry I'm excited my best friend could find a girl for the rest of his life... yeah I'm mad about it. Why? It was getting late now I had been in bed trying to do anything but worry all day and I sighed grabbing my bag of shells and running off out into the garden. I creaked open the gate shutting it quickly behind me and running down to the beach... but how can I- how can I contact him? He always just sort of turns up when I'm at the beach and he wont be looking for me today, I spotted the little boat we took out the other night putting my bag in and pushing it out jumping in as it hit the water. I rowed out almost as far as he had taken me the other night I think it's hard to tell I wasn't paying much attention at the time and I stopped...uhhhhhhh how do you knock on a merman's door? I guess ummm? I have no idea... I threw the little bag down into the water and sat for a moment
“Thomas?” I ask to the water “Thomas?” I call again but nothing “Thomas!” I scream rocking my boat
“What?” he asks poking his head out the water
“Thomas!” I yell hugging him tightly
“Whoa! Okay hi...what? I've only been gone one day” He laughs
“You heard me?” I ask him
“No... you threw the little anchor bag threw my window” He says “where you trying to yell me?” He asks with a little laugh
“Yeah... sorry about the window” I sigh
“It's alright, what do you want Y/N?” he asks
“come in here” I tell him so he sighs getting into the boat
“Well I can't be long I have to swim up to the reef for the blue moon” He sighs
“Yeah... about that” I laugh
“What about that?” he asks
“Your not going” I smile starting to row back
“Wait what?” he asked very confused
“Your not going” I repeat
“Why not?” he asks in panic
“becuase Your coming with me” I smile
“Where?” He asks
“My room” I giggle
“Y/N I can't I have to go” He began but I just hit him with an oor “OWWW!” He complains
“Quiet else I hit you harder” I smile as he began to go back to having feet
“I have to go Y/N, I get you want to see me but I have to go, I've been a snuggly little annoyance lately as I missed the last one, you want me to get worse? Want me to die alone Y/N?” he asks
“No... I have a plan for both of those things” I giggle
“what you found some mergirl you got floating around in your pool?” he asks me crossing his arms getting very mad at me as we got back to the beach
“No, but I have a plan” I giggle hopping out with my bag “Come on” I smile taking his hand so he sighs getting out and following me even if I was having to tug him away from the sea quiet often till we got to the garden and I shut the gate behind us
“Y/N... I have to go I'f Im not in water then the blue moon hits I will be in agerny” He complains
“Ohh shh” I tell him pushing him inside I giggled holding his hand tightly and tugging him all the way up to my room and shoving him on my bed
“where are you going with this Y/N?” he asks a little worried
“Ohh relax I'm trying to help” I giggle
“Help? By abducting me?” he asks
“Ohh shut up Thomas” I tell him going to my bathroom and starting to run a bath he came over to me and chuckled
“if your thinking of putting me in there no chance, One my tail will not fit, Two my neck gets super in pain in bath tubs, Three Ocean Y/N, so Salt water” He explained
“I have a plan, shut up Thomas” I tell him poking his nose “Now keep an eye on that, I see you running off I will kick your butt” I warn him as I left and ran down to the kitchen luckily it was empty so I grabbed a big box of salt and ran up to my room where Thomas was laid on my bed “Get off my bed” I tell him
“why?” I ask
“Becuase your all wet” I tell him and he laughed
“You really think your going to get the water to the correct ocean level with a bath tub and a box of salt?” he asks coming over to me as I began adding salt to the water and turning off the tap and he leaned on the side of the bath tub and I just look at him “Shut up Thomas?” he asks
“well done” I smile giving his cheek a kiss which made him blush “Give that a try” I tell him so he puts his hand in
“Uhh just about actully, Little more not alot” he says
“Good, now get your pants off” I tell him
“WHAT!” He asked in shock
“I don't want the risk of you loseing your clothes so take them off you can put them back on when you tansform back” I tell him
“Alright” he sighs going into my room I went to go into the main part of my room but he was stood in his underwear “Y/N!” He yells covering himself up more
“I have seen you naked as a mer man Thomas relax” I tell him going and getting one of my little pillows already a little wet where he was laid on my bed I waited a minuet and turned back and he was sat in my bath the water almost reaching the brim of the tub so I giggled going over giving him the pillow to rest his head just as the fins on his tail unfirled spilling out the end of my tub
“I told you I wouldn't fit” he laughs
“Just” I shrug getting a little chair and sitting next to the tub with him
“Why are you doing this?” he asks I shrug “No no shrugs Y/N, I have been going to the blue moon for years why am I suddenly not allowed?” He asked
“Secret reasons” I giggle holding his hand and giving it a few little kisses “How long has it been Thomas?” I ask him
“Since what?” he asks
“Since you.... you know?” I smirk
“Ohh... four months why?” he asks I shrug “Y/N, I'm serious what is all this about? Did you...not want me to go to the reef for something?” he asked I just nuzzle with his arm “You- You didn't want me to go?” He asks
“I didn't say anything” I shrug
“No but I know You Y/N when you ignore me and cuddle things what I said is the truth your just avoiding answering it” he laughs turning a little to see me properly and holding my hands “Why wouldn't you want me to go?” he asks but I got up going to arange stuff on my window “Where you worried about me or something?” he asks I gave no answer “Where you just trying to be mean to me?” he asks I just opened one of my windows so the light came in blowing out a few of my candles it lightlying up most of the room incudling the bathtub moving to sit back in he chair next to the bath “Y/N... why did you not want me to go? What do you not want me to mate or something?” he asked and I froze looking to the water “You don't? Why not?” he asked
“Shut Up Thomas” I tell him
“Y/N!” He calls making me look up
“You said yourself most merpeople get wed around your age... I just- I just wanted you to be all mine a little longer” I sigh cuddling his arm tightly
“Awww, Y/N” He smiles giving my head a little kiss “You could have just told me that” he laughs “I would have understood if you just said that Y/N, I was starting to wonder If you-” he began
“Shut Up Thomas” I tell him
“Well... Okay, I might do this everytime it's comfy here with you” he smiles
“humm but then you wont ever find a Mate?” I ask him playing with the water a little
“Umm I know, still” he shrugs
“You where getting all worried earlier” I laugh
“That was before” he shrugs
“before what?” I ask
“Before it started getting dark” he smirks kissing my neck
“whoa what are you doing?” I ask him
“Sorry Y/N... I get excited when it gets dark  on a blue moon” He smirked
“Well the window is open to let the moonlight in, so you just have to sit and wait” I tell him
“ummm... Y/N?” he asks
“what is it Thomas?” I ask him
“Can you... touch my tail again? I like when you touch my tail” he smirked
“No... don't want you getting over excited Thomas” I giggle stoking his hair
“Ummmmmm please please please” He begs grabbing my hand and kissing my hand and arm relentlessly
“okay okay, alright Thomas, not sure I like you like this” I laugh putting my hand on his tail
“I'm sorry, I get like this on the blue moon, If I missed it today I would be like this for the next two months” He smirked rolling his head against the pillow
“Can't have that, you'll be a nightmare” I giggle
“I thought you liked me snuggling you and kissing you?” he asks
“I do, but your clearly to over excited” I smile running my hand slowly up and down his tail in the water every time I moved an inch his breath hitched and he bit his lip often letting his eyes roll back his hand grabbing a side of the bath tub as the sun light disappeared completely the moon light starting to reflect on the ocean his body shuddered as the moon light flooded my room “want me to stop?” I ask and he shook his head so I laid my head on the side of the bath stroking his tail the fins on his tail lightly moving on the edge of my bath as the moonlight flooded my room completely he grabbed my arm that was half in the water
“Y/N can you uhh... get me some uhh water” He asks
“Your in water” I ask
“To drink though?” He asked
“fine” I sigh giving his head a kiss and going off down to the kitchen and getting him a glass of water when I got back to my door I quietly went in quietly sneaking to see him but so he could hardly see me not that he was looking for me anyway both his hands on the rim of my bath tub holding it tightly, his head rolling back on the side his tail completely submerged in the water, his mouth open little groans and moans escapeing every now and again, his breaths sharp and jagged the moonlight coming in though my window hitting the water almost perfectly he kept jittering and moving in the water until suddenly he breathed in his body stopping completetly his eyes shut as he lowly moaned and his whole body dropped his hands letting go of the sides and he opened his eeys relaxing breathing heavily “Have fun?” I ask him
“Yeah” He smirked so I went and sat beside the bath again “I needed that” He smirked still sharply breathing
“I can tell” I laugh
“It had been four months let me off Y/N” he laughs
“I know, it's okay its kinda interesting to watch” I smile ad he smriked at me a little surprised “if you like you can use my bathtub everytime” I smile
“I might, its certianly easier, but you want me to die alone Y/N I have to go to the reef at somepoint for it else I wont ever have a mate” He laughs
“I know” I sigh taking his hand
“You really don't want me going do you?” he asks I didnt speak I just cuddled his hand giving it some kisses
“Y/N, There is-” He began
“Princess Y/N! I really must protest madam I can not allow that boy to be in your room, I'm sorry but he has to go” I heard the butler say from the other side of the door
“Alright Alright” I sigh “You best be going” I sigh
“Yeah, okay... could I see you tomorrow?” He asked
“Night yeah” I sigh
“Okay, tomorrow night” He smiled “Now move I need a bit of space to work out how the hell I am getting out of this” he laughs so I went sitting on my bed reading my book till he was out dry and dressed back normaly “Okay, so I will see you tomorrow night then” he smiled sitting on my bed
“Tomorrow night, you can get out on your own?” I ask
“Course I can, see you tomorrow Y/N” he smiles kissing my head
“see you Thomas” I giggle blowing him a little kiss he smiled grabbing his stuff and wondering out my room I waited a little while before going to my window and I saw him just leaving out the kitchen door and crossing the little path and wondering down the grass to the beach he stopped as he got close to the water edge turning back to the castle I don't think he saw me as it was quiet dark he did something I'm not sure what hard to tell in the dark before he jumped into the sea and he was gone so I sighed going back to my bed and getting to sleep.
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