cloudroots · 7 months
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Name: Peach Milkshake aka Peachie
Pronouns: He/him Parents: Pinkie Pie and Pokey Pierce Siblings: Blue Raspberry Ripple and Lavender Cotton Candy Bio: Peachie is a caring lad, who loves to make others laugh and feel safe. Since his mom is Pinkie Pie, he has been a part of many different parties over the years. He has always liked them, but he has found that he loves smaller, more personal and chill gatherings with friends and those you want to get closer with. Peachie also loves being a little goofy and making those he cares about laugh, but he’s less over the top about this compared to his mother. He’s overall calmer than his Pinkie, but he’s still chipper. He also enjoys exploring and doesn’t mind getting dirty while doing so. When the trio of friends were young, they would explore around with Peachie leading the crew, and Starspell proudly behind him. In the Pie household feelings were not held in. So Peachie isn’t afraid to cry, and does end up feeling his negative emotions pretty intensely. He is truthful with his feelings. Peachie also is very concerned for his friends’ well being. He always tells them that he’s there for them whenever they need it, but he’s usually brushed off. He just wants to help those he cares about.
Cutiemark: Represents his talent of traveling around to share love and friendship through get togethers he makes, of any size. The mark has the Peach, which is Peachie, with an exposed pit with hearts coming out, representing the love and friendship he spreads to whoever needs it. The flags meaning the different destinations he's been to. 
Cutiemark designed by the wonderful @gelidponies
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cloudroots · 11 months
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Remember that background pony who didn't really do anything and then the fandom shipped him with Pinkie. Well, here he is, and I thought too long about him, and have grown attached. I've always thought that these two were an opposites attract kind of deal, and I like that ship dynamic, ho ho Headcanon time baby to flesh his man out~ 
I have numbered this in chronological order and I won't write much for each part, so let's get to it!!:
 1:This was when Pokey Pierce first moved to Ponyville. He moved there before the time of the show, and was a loner and pretty depressed. He didn't talk to anyone in town, and seems scary. 
2: Pinkie soon finds out that there's someone new in town. In her usually Pinkie Pie fashion she wants to befriend this new pony and make him feel welcome. Mrs. Cake tells her to be careful since no one knows what's his deal(also the pony gossip has been saying rude things about him). Mrs. Cake knows she can't really stop Pinkie, so she tells her to be kind as well as careful since he seems sad. 
3: One day Pinkie delivers a small cake to Pokey in person. When he opens the door Pinkie did most if not all of the talking in the conversation. She acts more sensitive and not as hyper to put him at ease. When she finishes talking, Pokey takes the cake gently and then closes the door on her without a word. He looked quite sad. 
Turns out it was his birthday that day, and no one came to visit or to celebrate with him. He has no friends or family here. He started to cry not long after he closed the door on Pinkie
4: Around a month later, Pinkie sends a cute letter to Pokey asks, if it was okay for her to come to his home unannounced, and if he liked the cake. After waiting a long while(several months possibly) he responds with a thank you letter. He says that all is okay and he wouldn't mind if she sent more. (Pinkie could had possibly sent more letters before he responded with one of his own) 
 5: They send back and forth short cute letters, and build up a friendship. Pinkie then in one of the letters ask if they can have talks in person, a little shocked that someone would want to talk with him, Pokey agrees. They hangout from time to time and become true friends.
6: At this point Pokey goes out more and meets more ponies with Pinkie introducing him most of the time. He's like a regular resident of Ponyville now, friendly and part of the community. He goes to Pinkies parties, but not often.(there are lots and he can't keep up) He does usually have a fun time tho. He's still a sad boi sometimes.
Pokey is a tall unicorn with a long dense horn. He's sarcastic but kind, and doesn't share much about himself. (He also doesn't have the ability for magic, and I plan to explain that more in a species headcanon piece)
7: During the runtime of the show he sends a sends a letter to Pinkie, since she's off on adventures and he misses her. He would be all: "haha remember when we did this, we could do it again, jk...  unless"
8:They start hanging out more often, and keep sending letters. Whenever Pinkie Pie is in Ponyville they hang out. They both kinda start developing feelings
9: They become very close, and open up to each other, by sharing sad thoughts. They support each other through it. Pokey shares that he grew up in Canterlot, and didn't have a good time there. His direct family wasn't very nice since they're more upper class unicorns and put a lot pressure on magic ability. He has never been able to do magic, not a single spell, so his family was pretty cruel to him.  Pinkie is a good listener, and also gives Pokey emotional support. Later Pinkie opens up to Pokey, and shares that she feels her family has never really understood her and aren't that supportive. Especially when she left for Ponyville, but now things are better. She has all her great supportive friends in Ponyville and when she visits her family things are much better. 
 10: The two continue sending more heartfelt letters until my end of the series. (Events go differently in this universe but I haven't decided how exactly yet)
 11: Pokey Pierce decides that he's going to confess his feelings that have been up this whole time. Since, everything has really calmed down, and there's not many adventure anymore, he can't any longer to confess. Now is as good a time as any!          He has a very loose plan. He casually asks to hang out alone sometime. Pinkie in her usually excited way "of course!" He comes with a bow tie, but Pinkie doesn't dress up since she doesn't know that he would. The two hang out then when the conversation dies down, he gets nervous, and weirdly tells her. She doesn't understand, since he's not making sense. Embarrassed but determined he tries several more times, but can't find the words. Then defeated he hangs his head down for a quiet moment. Pinkie pats his shoulder with an awkward smile on her face.      With Pokey's head still hanging down he asks if Pinkie will be his special somepony, with a sigh. She doesn't respond. Pokey slowly lifts his head up to see her face, and is shocked to find her all starry eyed. She quietly asks with her hoof still on his shoulder, "really?" "Y-yeah, that's what I've been trying to tell you..." With a burst of excitement she pulls him into a hug "OF COURSE, I WILL!"
12: The two dates for many years. Both are very happy and share many smooches. Pokey becomes much more outwardly happy, even with the ups and downs. He still needs some alone time though. Pinkie makes Pokey happy, and he can kindly bring her down to earth, if needed. Much support, much respect
13:This one is to compare with the beginning Pokey Pierce. He was grumpy and sad quiet, but now he's content and happy quiet with sprinkles of playful sarcasm. 
14: The two have talked about marriage, but didn't really think it was the time. Then Pinkie proposed and Pokey couldn't say no. It was a very emotional moment with many tears and kisses. They had a big wedding because Pinkie would want as many of her loved ones there as possible. Kids came soon after since they really wanted kiddos, but Pokey was worried about his unicorn genes and causing problems for their future children.
15:Just them being cute. I probably didn't need a number for this one, haha
And all I have really to say about them for now! Hopefully it wasn't too much information.
Did you miss me? haha I had a lot of thoughts for Pokey Pierce since I slowly developed him when I started shipping him with Pinkie so it was a little bit more of a relationship. I discovered while making this that if was a little too much drawing, so in the future there won't be as much art for one deviation. Man this took me a long ass time. I didn't even add much nice things art wise. Anyways, can you guess which piece is my favorite? What's yours?
I hope you liked it! And I hope you have a good day.
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