#poki toki
melikala · 9 months
TOK: o pana e ijo pi toki pona ala tawa mi lon poki pana! mi wile toki pona e ona!
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noovafet · 4 months
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I came back to life chikenlittles
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tiger sketches! + toki pona
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ashaler · 2 years
toki poki. speak in the box
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kulupumun · 2 years
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ala li pana e poki tawa nimi ni.
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loverap2 · 2 years
go fuckin nuts
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janmisali · 3 months
This is my final time weighing in since my asks keep getting taken out of context. 😅
"I for one think it's wonderful that characters like The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before It Happens are getting a chance in the spotlight! and I'm sorry you don't see it the same way."
I do, in fact, see it the same way! After doing some research she's become one of my favorites and I really hope she gets far. I've voted for her in every poll. It's like, really funny.
But, especially now, you can't in good faith claim this poll is a "search for the most popular Mario character". That's simply not what it was meant to do. The whole "oh who am I to judge which character is blah blah blah" is disingenuous and again, really funny, but ultimately misleading.
When you make something called the "Super Mario Bracket" and make it look all official, you *have* to assume outsiders will see this poll as, if not serious, at least sincere. Later, when they see TOPL slaying, these people may get justifiably upset. After all, this poll isn't what they thought it was.
Can we blame these individuals from not having the metatextual knowledge everyone else seems to have? We've created a bait and switch but are getting mad at people taking the bait.
sitelen tawa sina en wile lawa ni li pona mute tawa mi. poki toki ni li toki pi ike ala tawa sina. pona tawa sina.
I'm sorry, what? the Super Mario Bracket is sincere. I have literally no idea what you're trying to say here
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yanoharuhito · 10 months
mi pali e kalama poki toki pona kepeken tenpo lili a!
UST - utautautau
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solipsistful · 5 months
did you know i used to have a pretty strong conlang special interest as a teenager
anyway w.bg concepts translated into toki pona.
consolidation: wan sijelo ('unite bodily') or, if you're feeling spicy, wan kon ('unite essence-ly'). im sure Mikes would tend towards the latter
correction: you could probably talk about pona pi ijo pini ('making better of a past thing') or just ante pi ijo pini ('change of a past thing'). i dunno, "a correction" isn't a really a single Thing is it lol. however, i imagine "continuous correction" would look something like ante awen pi ijo pini ('continuing/staying change of a past thing'), or really it's more like lon ante ('other existence'). lon namako ('extra existence') lol.
iteration: mute tenpo ('multiply temporally') for the action, jan mute tenpo for an iterated person. that mayyy be a bad use of tenpo but toki pona doesn't really have a good term for "time, abstractly". maybe it still works?
calculator: ilo luka pi tawa tenpo ('handheld tool for time travel')
storage: poki pi tenpo awen ('box of continuing time')? again, iffy use of tenpo, to my knowledge. maybe it's more like poki pi lon awen ('box of continuing existence').
tracing: sona ijo pi tenpo ante ('knowledge of a thing in different times')
connectivity: i feel like you could go pretty abstract/vague with linja tan ('rope/thread of causes') or linja pi tenpo ante ('rope/thread of different times'). a connectivity strike is a sorta separate thing, more like moli pi jan mute tenpo ale ('killing/death of all iterations'). shorten that to moli mute ('death of many') lol.
and the most important one of all, cowboyification, which would be hard. my first thought would be kama jan mama soweli ma pi weka sona ('becoming a person who cares for animals of the place where the sun sets' does that even make sense in English.)???
toki pona also has a neat way of doing proper names that makes it fun to differentiate between jan An (Anne, a person), kulupu An (the council of Annes), and something like kon An (Anne, the essence). or go the other way and say jan An is the overall person, and any single one is sijelo An (Anne, a body)
ugh. anyway.
- ace
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binomech · 3 months
hello tumblr-using reader, i'm making this post primarily so that my followers don't think i'm being possessed by a moomin when i post in toki pona, and also to compile useful resources for people who want to learn.
so what is toki pona?
toki pona is a minimalist constructed language created by Sonja Lang and published back in 2001; it started out proposing 120 core words (in the original book known as pu) and adding 61 afterwards (in the follow-up dictionary known as ku). however, the language is alive and constantly changing both through the addition of nimi-sin (nimi sin = new word) by the speakers and new nasin (nasin = way, in this case refers to a personal manner of using toki pona).
recommended resources
my favorite toki pona dictionary, by ilo Tani; it uses data from the Linku survey to determine usage and provides a compact and accessible interface
lipu sona
soweli Tesa’s beautiful and friendly site with lessons for toki pona beginners, includes some link to other people’s courses as well
nasin toki
a core grammar guide with short, clear explanations by kili pan Juli
lipu lili pona
jan Ne’s toki pona cheatsheet featuring phonetics, a simple dictionary and core grammar tennets
naming yourself in toki pona
a very helpful guide from poki Pakapa for people, especially those new to toki pona, who are trying to understand naming conventions in the language and trying to pick a name for themselves. it includes a phonetic tokiponization guide and an overview of common semantic spaces for head words
why all manmade “ma pona” suck
an essay by ilo Mimuki about colonial mindsets in toki pona spaces
lipamanka’s website
a site hosted by lipamanka that has very interesting meta essays, stories, and is the home of the linjamanka font. it also hosts a semantic space dictionary.
ante toki pona’s font tool
a comparative spreadsheet of different toki pona font glyphs and features by jan Ke Tami
telo misikeke
a grammar checker by jan Nikola; it’s not entirely automated, it just looks for common mistakes and stacks them in a way that forces you to correct one before you see if there’s anything else wrong with the proposed solution. it’s a lovely learniang tool and a good first run for proofreading.
categorized word list
jan Tenpi made a resource that I would’ve loved to have when I was learning vocabulary, the categorisation is intuitive and really helps with remembering definitions and sitelen pona
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kitsumo · 23 days
(sorry if grammar is poor :'( )
aaaa lon.. pokimon li epiku tawa mi kin :-]
okay switching to english i'd end up making some insane sentences in tp if i tried to use it for this lolll
anyways YEA i love toki pona & pokemon so much.. to the point i had the idea for a fangame/fan region based after and written in toki pona a while back.. i called it "pokimon" (poki + monsuta.. monster capsule!!) and ive been doing work on it off and on though havent made a ton of progress in terms of making anything out of it lol :-P
in other words, mi pali e pokimon taso pali mi li lili :-[
tenpo kama la mi wile pali e pali suli tawa pokimon, li pana e pali mi tawa jan ale :-]
(also, its okay! my grammar is a bit rusty lol, though here since you already used "en", "kin" should be left out :-P)
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jan-lape · 3 months
tenpo ale anu weka anu seme la sina kepeken lipu Linku? tenpo ale la mi kepeken ona.
(how often do you use lipu Linku? i use it all the time.)
lon la ala la mi kepeken. mi sona e lon ona. mi kama sona e toki pona la mi kepeken ilo Glosbe, taso nasin pi ilo ni li ike tawa jan ante. ilo li poki e kon pi nimi ale, taso ni li lon ala nasin pi toki pona. sama ni: nimi "tomo tawa" li ken ijo mute lon toki Inli: tomo tawa telo anu tomo tawa linja anu sama. taso la ilo Glosbe li toki taso e tomo tawa pi sike tu tu lon nasin. ni li pona tawa lawa mi. lawa mi o poki sona e kon wan la pona mute. sina jo e nasin lawa pi tomo tawa linja la sina ken sona pona e tan. lawa jan mi li lukin poki e kon pi ijo ale.
mi awen toki tan seme la msa xD. o nasin sina. ilo Linku li pona la o kepeken.
(sina sona pakala e ijo lili la o mu tawa mi. pona o tawa sina :3)
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girldraki · 7 months
lon Polikilo. pilin Polikilo. mun, musi, nasin, poki?, sewi, possibly even toki
wrote out a long bullshit post thinking out loud basically and came to the conclusion that it's probably between pilin nasin and sewi . unfortunately toki ponas subjective nature means we cant perfectly determine The Very Best headnoun for the polyhedron but we can definitely make a bullshit poll about it. weve made so many polls recently. button go click
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twig-gy · 8 months
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id: discord font reading “poki toki - the fact that I have imprisoned you stands as a symbol for the feelings I have for you” /end id
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sowelinowe · 5 months
toki a jan ale o.
tenpo suli la mi pilin ike. ni la mi pali ala e ijo pi kon pona. ijo ni li lipu kon li lipu sonamako li ijo ante.
mi ala e lipu konpona.la tan ni:
mi jo ala e mani la mi ken ala esun e lipu
mi wile pali e lipu kepeken toki pi poki nanpa
jan misikeke li pona e mi. ni la, ken la mi kama sin tawa lipu kon. mi awen toki lon lipu lawa mi, @rubiecava, taso mi pali ala e ijo sin.
sina kute e mi la sina pona, o pona.
-kon pona Nowe
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adhdo5 · 3 months
mi kama sin lon kulupu pi toki pona. kulupu li tawa moku li jo e supa tu tu. mi poki lon tomo pi jan lili. jan li toki Inli e musi sike
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