#poland's independence day
that-one-cat-meow · 11 months
11.11 - Poland's Independence Day
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Thank you frineds for being here with me ❤️
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polishwave · 2 years
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Ważna rocznica dzisiaj.
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ars-polonia · 11 months
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Jacek Malczewski, Hamlet Polski - Portert Aleksandra Wielopolskiego
(Polish Hamlet, Portrait of Aleksander Wielopolski)
1903, oil on canvas.
J. Malczewski was a symbolist painter of the pre-independence era. In his numerous paintings he depicted Poland with the use of traditional allegory of Polonia - a young woman. In "Polish Hamlet" he contrasted two Polonias - a young, revolutionary one who broke the chains, and an old, enslaved one, who nonetheless proudly carries the crown of the first kings of Poland. With Hamlet as a symbol of dilemma, the painting might be read as a Malczewski's manifest of which of the two concurring vision of Poland is able to win independence.
Poland regained independence in 11 November 1918.
Happy Independence Day, Poland!
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ridl · 11 months
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it's my birthday so i made a low effort meet the artist for fun ft. my new fursona lol
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November 11 Polish National Independence Day
ALT: Chaos? That `s nothing. Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, because we are free.
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snake-queen7 · 11 months
🇵🇱Happy Independence Day!!🇵🇱
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pol-ski · 2 years
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julibernardo · 2 years
And before I lose all my braincells from joy, Happy Independence Day, Poland!
Sending you lots of love on this beautiful day, we'll always remember how much you guys did for us in our time of need 🤍❤️
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msue0027 · 11 months
Happy Birthday to you, Feliks, my dear boy <33 Look at you, what have they (we?) done to you...?
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plutos33child · 11 months
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likopinina · 2 years
this is an appreciation post for underappreciated polish foods:
- different types of goop: kisiel, budyń, kasza manna, jaglanka
- huge mamut beans drenched in butter and breadcrumbs
- bób
- rice with smetana and berries
- pasta with smetana and berries
- knedle
- łazanki
- powidło made from renkloda plums cooked for days
- dill soup
- holy trinity: buttermilk & kefir & sour milk
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 7 months
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tzuu-died · 11 months
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11.XI.1918 - 11.XI.2023
105 lat od odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę po zaborach. 🇵🇱
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redhatmeg · 11 months
Rodacy! Znów nadszedł ten czas!
Jutro mamy Dzień Niepodległości i jak co roku będę zamieszczać na tumblrze ciekawostki związane z Polską i Polakami. Akcja ta ma na celu pokazać naszą zajebistość i sprawić, że ludzie, którzy mnie śledzą, poznają Polskę od innej strony.
Jak zawsze zachęcam Was również do tej akcji. Wszystkie posty z nią związane będą oznaczone tagiem 11poland11. Proszę też o reblogowanie tej wiadomości, aby sięgnęła dalej.
@the-names-salomea @weirdpolis @lack-of-surprise @lamus-dworski @ewa-jednak-chce-spac @miryoku-mir @bitwa-lektur-szkolnych @is-this-a-polish-reference
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lichozestudni · 2 years
Dał nam przykład król Sobieski jak zwyciężać mamy 🇵🇱 miłego Dnia Niepodległości, kochani! :)
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the-names-salomea · 2 years
Polish music - because it’s not only Chopin [LONG POST]
As it’s Polish Independence Day (11.11) and @redhatmeg​ came up with the idea of celebrating it by posting about Poland/Polish people, I decided to make a post about notable Polish composers, adding links to their most famous pieces.
- Stanisław Moniuszko (1819 - 1872)
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Known as ‘the father of Polish national opera’, one of the best composers of Polish romanticism. His work is characterized by usage of Polish texts and inspiration from Polish folk. His most notable work include operas such as Halka, Straszny dwór and over 300 songs compiled in Śpiewnik Domowy.
Mazur from Halka
Mazur from Straszny Dwór
- Maria Szymanowska (1789 - 1831)
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One of the first female composers in European history. Wrote over 100 piano pieces, including polonaise and nocturnes, preceeding Chopin. Toured extensively through Europe, inspiring other artists (Beethoven, Cherubini and Goethe dedicated pieces to her). Her salon in St. Petersburg was visited by prominent musicians, writers and painters of her time.
Nocturne in B flat Major
Świtezianka (based on Adam Mickiewicz’s work)
Polonaise in F Minor
- Michał Kleofas Ogiński (1765 - 1833)
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Not only a composer, but also a diplomat and a politician. He took part in Kościuszko Uprising, Napoleonic War (he dedicated his only opera to him) and as a Russian senator he fruitlessly tried to convince tsar to reconstute Commonwealth.
Polonaise Pożegnanie z Ojczyzną
- Henryk Wieniawski (1835 - 1880)
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Regarded as one of the greatest violinists in history, often called ‘a poet of violin’. He started composing his first pieces at the age of 13. His Violin Concerto No. 2  is second most-played violin pieces (after Paganini).
Scherzo-Tarantelle, op. 16
Violin Concerto No. 2
Polonaise de concert No. 1 in D major, Op. 4
- Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860 - 1941)
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Another composer - politician - not only did he convince Woodrow Wilson to add creating Polish independent State to his Fourteen Points, but also became Prime Minister of Poland. Had charisma he used both in politics and when giving concerts in Europe and the USA.
Symphony in B Minor Polonia
Fragment from Manru, his only opera
- Karol Szymanowski (1882 - 1937)
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Famous composer of the Young Poland period, exponent of Polish colourism. Being raised by Romantic music, he later got inspired by the Orient and Antique, and in his third period is characterized by using Polish folklore, in particular from Podhale. He was openly gay - one of his partner was a writer Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, who wrote libretto to one of Szymanowski’s operas King Roger.  
Roxana’s aria from King Roger
Stabat Mater
Taniec zbójnicki from Harnasie
- Witold Lutosławski (1913 - 1994)
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Regarded as one of the most greatest composers since Chopin. Known for his unconventional approach to music and using folklore as a natural reaction to ban on Polish culture under German occupation.
Musique funèbre
Five Songs
- Krzysztof Penderecki (1933 - 2020)
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Avangarde composer, one of the follower of sonosim. His music often arouse uneasy feeling in a listener, like in his Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima. His music was used to movies such as The Exorcist, Kubrick’s The Shining or Wajda’s Katyń.
Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima
St Luke Passion
Lacrimosa from Polish Requiem
- Wojciech Kilar (1932 - 2013)
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If you’ve ever watched Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Pianist, Ziemia Obiecana/The Promised Land or Trędowata, you’ve heard his music.
Waltz from Trędowata
Vampire Hunters from Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Orgia from Ziemia Obiecana/The Promised Land
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