#polin kiss
girllookingoutwindow · 3 months
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Polin hot kisses
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polinsated · 3 months
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polin15 · 2 months
NGL this feels too real. He felt it in his soul.
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Okay so we jest about a kiss being all it took for Colin to absolutely plummet into his feelings, (as we should it was so very entertaining), but there is also something so sweet and tender and heartbreaking about it.
Colin has been with many women during his travels, and this ill fitting attempt at preforming what he thinks people want from him and what will carve him a place in society has led to all of them being casual. He dose exactly what boys his age talk about, what his older brothers did and told him to do, what he thought would put things in perspective and make them make sense. The casual distance of it all with his caviller attitude was, as Violet said, armour. Armour that is certainly safer than true genuine feelings, especially after the hurt of season one and his feelings of a complete lack of purpose in season two, but not what he actually wants or desires.
Colin is sensitive, he's loving, he's romantic. We can see from his journals how poetically he writes of the woman he was with even in a casual, non romantic setting, and it is a steep difference to how his 'friends' speak of the woman they were with. He questions how something can be so intimate and yet so distant, so lonely, because that's not what he wants. He wants a genuine, bone deep connection. He wants to know the person, he wants to love them and be loved by them, he wants to care, he wants it to be a mutual act of emotion and passion and feeling and tenderness and love.
And he felt more of that from one kiss with Penelope than any woman he slept with in months. And that's only like half of what he realised in that moment. No shit the boy was down bad waking up in sweat and sprawled across his blankets. Who wouldn't be?
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fifi2930 · 3 months
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Pen after their first kiss: thanks, I can move on with life now, bye Colin.
Le Colin:
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anxious-bisexual-0 · 4 months
I think I may pass out the moment they kiss. Just like *lips touch, I go unconscious in my bed at 4 in the morning*
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I mean this made me scream and kick so idk what will happen when they kiss
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Even just a dream kiss, seeing Nic and Newts kiss makes may end me
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bigblab-talktotalk1 · 2 months
Colin & Penelope | 'You were right there all along' -Nikkiships
The 💎GEM!!💎 that nikkiships on YouTube is!! agreed to let me share this cute compilation they made. Everyone knows the hands are the best part 💓
Watch the whole thing: here
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panromantic-regency · 2 months
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Dark Teal
"The color rather suits you."
Gifs polin-bridgerton DoortoTomorrow Polinsated
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coppertophomegurl · 3 months
Bridgerton season 3 was really a win for the fat girls, and the gingers, and the wallflowers, and the bisexuals.
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You can tell by the reaction people have to Penelope asking Colin to kiss her whether they ever experienced being a wallflower/insecure fat girl at a party or not.
Because you say it's pathetic, I say it's relatable, no matter how desperate it may sound. If you've never had your insecurity eat you up from the inside (but also the outside, as Portia literally told Penelope that she was delusional for thinking she was gonna find a husband in her third season out) to the point you genuinely, wholeheartedly believe no one will ever love you unless you physically change, then obviously the scene is off to you.
But Pen literally told Colin she felt stupid for thinking she's gonna find a husband (she just started believing what the ton and her mother said) and that she knows no one would want to kiss her. And for a romance girl like her, do you think the thought of never having a kiss, never experiencing that passion, would be easy to bear? I can so relate to being the most romantic of the bunch but also being the loneliest and aching for physical and emotional romantic love.
She is so vulnerable and so real in that moment but y'all gotta bitch about it because it doesn't make sense to you. It doesn't make sense to me either because she's gorgeous, but that's the thing - no one ever told her she's gorgeous and actually meant it. And even if they did, there must be 10 more people who didn't that keep that insecurity in her, specifically her sisters and her mother.
Nicola said this one was for the wallflowers, and it truly is, so if you find scenes like this cringe, you just don't relate to the character enough to feel it and recall moments when you had the same thoughts as her.
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thatonekimgirl · 3 months
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sharing the same air but not kissing VERDICT: 🔥
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girllookingoutwindow · 4 months
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Not Colin panicking thinking Hyacinth it's talking about the kiss.
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polinsated · 4 months
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polin15 · 2 months
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Let Penelope be a loser guys come one. "Why was she asking him to kiss her?" "Why was she the desperate one?" "Why didn't she make him work for it-" Because she likes him!!!!
Because pretty much any time not spent around Colin in episode 1&2 she's unhappy. Because he was being kind and she was relaxing around him and enjoying herself and doing well talking to people, because she's liked this boy for years and never truly gave up on him even when everything practical told her too. Because she was finally dressing the way she wanted and making a plan to get away from her family and it was actually working, she was genuinely desirable and a viable option, for once everything is going right and she also has Colin even if not the way the romantic side of her would hope, and then it all goes to absolute shit.
Suddenly she's an embarrassment and unwanted and the chance of marriage or escape or freedom has gone from slim to none, suddenly any respect or desirability she had is gone, and all because of the connection that has made her the most happy, all because people found out about Colin and his kindness and suddenly it all feels silly and desperate and like the childish dream of a 'sad, stupid girl'. Suddenly everything is ruined and she is once again a laughing stock. And she then had to go home and write about it, putting the nail in her own fucking coffin.
Because she is miserable and lonely and a young girl yearning to be loved. Because all of a sudden Colin is in her garden bribing her maid to get her alone, suddenly she's reminded that someone dose care, someone dose want her, someone dose hear and listen to her, someone still see's her as worthy of love even if (as she thinks) there is no possible way it could be the same kind. And that someone is the kind, handsome boy she's liked since she was a child. Someone she trusts, and it gave her just enough hope to try.
She asks him to kiss her because she wanted that one moment, that one memory of love and passion and intimacy with the boy she loves after having any hope of more from anyone completely dashed. She never wanted or asked Colin to grovel or beg, she just wanted an apology and she got one it literally didn't need to be more than that. He was on his knees in that damn carriage professing his love and need of her, dreaming of kissing her in a garden literally less then twelve hours after this and interrupting her dances to stop a proposal, he's a fucking loser (said with love), they both are. Let the girl ask for a kiss when she's yearning and upset and in love with her close friend god damn it.
Edit: this was like half a joke um but yeah more serious expansion here lol.
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Polin + Book Quotes From The First Half Of The Season
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