#political opinions aside im absolutely not advocating for it but it is an integral part of korean society rn
sanstropfremir · 2 years
As a fan, the members def also feel this break was long overdue. They announced it casually in a dinner & drinks video for their anniversary. They were planning this back in 2019 since they felt burned out but covid & they implied that they wish they had gone on break back then. I do think we are going to see them in like 3-4 years and they're still are doing their variety content show. They were pretty insightful about how they feel they've lost sight of why they're doing this and who they are.
tbh i think it's likely going to be closer to the outset of four years because they all still have to enlist. it's not probable that they'll release any music with members missing so they'll have to wait until they're all back, so unless they all go for active duty all at the same time literally right now, the shortest plausible time frame is at least three years. exo is in their third year of military era and there's still two of them that have to go, so its going to be another two years at least before they're all back. and that's with exo still having incomplete comebacks every year and change. if all the members want to put out solo projects they either have to have them all planned and executed already so they can fire off all seven of them in six months, or they'll stagger them out slowly with enlistment and everyone will be back in around four to five years.
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