#political theory is my passion let me talk about the veil of ignorance and also shuake <3
thedaythatwas · 1 year
what if theory of justice by john rawls was called proof of justice instead and it was several hundred pages of toxic doomed yaoi
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tearapline · 5 years
BTS ' blood sweat & Tears Japanese ver mv ' Colours meanings/Code  theory
No one can ignore the strong Colours shifting through BS&T jap ver MV! & of course it’s not Random (BH Do Everything For A Reason)!There are Already so many Great theories regarding symbolism, So Here I will just Write about colours as the title Sets.
I know it’s too late to write about this, But I didn’t find anyone Do a separated article So Why Not? (I’m a New ‘April019’ ARMY HeHe)
Sorry for the long Intro (•^•) …. LET’S START. READY? SET, GO: (its long, brainstorming & All; so Bring snacks)  
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Colours that keep appearing on the mv are Blue, Red, Green, Purple & somehow Yellow. let me explain each one of them shortly & then Clarify How do they together interfere with the symbolism!! (let's assume there two personifications of each member adult persona immature one)
First: BLUE:
Blue represents the Wisdom & stability of being Mature.
Suga & jhope Aura (adulthood)
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JHope dancing on a Blue background:
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Young jimin looking around feeling unfamiliarity towards adulthood (blue room)
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Second: RED:
Red refers to Juvenile joy & pure Passion of youth.
Here is young jimin 
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-Young jin Gazing at ‘The crash of the fallen Angels’ painting & His sight is all red (being on pure realm realizing the existence of dark)
The painting actually depicts the rebellious angels dragging Down other angels to Hell.
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Young jungkook aura 
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Even V :
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Jimin dancing on a RED background :
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Purple is the colour of mystery, symbolizing The unknown complex Feeling of Meeting the devil & Facing maturity Pain! The cruelty of realizing the existence of the Dark realm. Mixing Red (childhood) + Blue (adulthood) → Purple (Between them: Youth)
-J-Hope’s Legend ’ Wings comeback trailer: BOY MEETS EVIL ’ aura portrays it perfectly. Clearly the whole MV is on Purple background:
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Jungkook awakes finding purple Blood mark (maturity pain) showing wings (maybe his wings are protruding?)
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Jimin eating an Apple (apple symbolizes temptation sin forbidden apple of garden eden)
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The scene of Jin suffering  
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V dazing, as if he is Drunk?
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One of Green colour meanings is ’ Rebirth’. Reminding me of ‘DEMIAN’s Breaking the Egg concept (Demain: a novel by Hermann Hesse the inspiration of Wings album entirely I’m sure you know about this) Green is to Shake Hands with the Devil, to Sin! This colour meaning is the most obvious on the MV & Even clearer on the Original ver (Korean one):
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Jimin Here is literally mixing the apple with the juice then it turns into green 
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Let’s talk about the most interesting scene (ladies & gentlemen Fasten your Belts!!)
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Okay ehm ehm we have a residence on blue light & RM siting so manly on the left side (adulthood) (the residence represents stability)
A Hotel on Red light  & jungkook siting so politely on the Right side (youth) (the motel represents uneasiness of the young)
In the Frame we got a green light as RM is about to offer a liquor to jk (SIN, ruining purity).
(As you see the scene proves my whole theory.)
What happens after jk is forced to drink the liquor?
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His surroundings become BLUE & he Looks dazed cause The maturity is hitting him so hard.
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Then a yellow light!
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(I will explain it further Below)
yellow = Enlightenment !! the exact moment of noticing the wickedness.
the painting jin looking at is on yellow (the actual painting is colourful) (enlightenment) even the Binocular is Golden LOL
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getting back to the very start: jk waking up looking surprised inside a ’ mainly ’ yellow room, even the light above him is yellow!(enlightenment) other colours are green & purple (the pain of realizing the evil is reason he astonished)
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On the wall Colours are painted in a way looks as they’re jk’s wings woow!!
-Jhope sits in front of ‘Pietà ’: (a subject in Christian art depicting the virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus) pointing an arrow (if we consider it as pointing to his left symbolizes warding off evil if right protection. both meanings interfere with being on motherhood realm) the lights are purple + yellow
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Keep reading if you Don’t wanna miss the real joy! (bring a cup of coffee it’s deepening)
Further Explanation:
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Young jimin (Red lighted) looks at His maturing-self in the way reaching Adulthood (the one inside Blue room) & suga quickly covers his eyes as he looks Hesitant to eat the apple (to accept his fate going through maturity). (What if jimin is just a visitor on Suga own world (as suga is his mentor, showing him the way toendure maturity)?  I mean in the mv beginning there is a piano (suga first love) who knows!! (yall lets appreciate how the walls looks like piano inside)
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jk entering a restroom in a red light to spit out the Green liquor (going back to his pure young side refusing maturity) suga is trying to stop Him (encouraging jk to handle maturity soreness move on) feels like the same thing suga did with jimin when he closed jimins eyes preventing him from yearning & longing to his pure young-self. but jk pushed him away!!
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lights changed to purple jk fainted + black smoke spreads
jhope pulling an arrow (pulling an arrow back symbolizes conflict tension life struggle facing maturity releasing it from the bow represents positive transition in one moving forward mature)colours meanings of Yellow & purple interfere.
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Is jhope pulling the arrow towards V? Does He want to Help V breaking His world? (OH! Does it sounds strange? Then let me quote the most famous line of the novel DEMIAN: ‘the bird fight its way out of the egg. the egg is the world. who would be born should first destroy a world’ I’m Gonna use this concept a lot so please put it on mind.)
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-V is Suffering inside a blue veil, trying to be out to the Red surroundings but couldn’t(v agonizes maturity pain desires his youth back)
What Do you see?
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On a purple light Jimin & jungook holding V, V looks worried & scared, Jhopes hand aiming something Green towards him (not sure what is it, Green small arrow?) (the point is jhope about to ruin v pure youth)
If you gonna argue how on earth I know it’s jhope’s hand then:
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Same shirt!! yeah .
As jhope ruins V purity the arrow is pulled, it hits white bringing in green & red (hitting purity: youth been ruined)
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Jhope on a blue room wearing half Blue half red T-shirt (mature jhope is aware about adulthood youth) throwing pills into a yellow can while smiling (jhope is no longer suffering letting go of his past struggles he throws pain away) (jhope’s facial expressions says it All
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Look at this again (oc I didn’t take this screenshot to convince u about jhope t-shirt sleeve only haha)
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On this scene it Seems like all members are already matured (the way they sit) leaving the pain behind them as they watch jhope throwing the pills. jk with a blue lollipop (matured) (I couldn’t point out all but) suga’s piano, Rm mirrors, curtains (jin) all behind. Also there’re so many small palms all around the room (palms symbolize victory triumph peace as they overcome the struggle)
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RM’s room is Red & green: on green light there’re so many red items ‘roses, curtains’ even the walls painting is red-green scratches! but How?
(I know what’re you thinking now: like ‘why isn’t it purple you’re manipulating.’  Just keep reading)
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first Look at the very left, the surrounding of the room is Red (the director could cut it to directly show the inside but bighit is leaving clues) or simply mirror’s reflection shows Red. So Rm is actually on his young realm which is starting to be ruined. this scene timing comes with jk being forced to drink (which are very interfering with youth being ruined concept). Red roses symbolize romance love + in front of Rm there’s the same cup of Green liquor he offers to jk (both ruins purity) the existence of the dressing partition & the mirror support the idea of RM being his young-self (changing cloths symbolizes personality changing the reflection refers to self-reflecting ego shows instability of youth)
Still not convinced? What if this whole scene is made to prove Yellow meaning? (green and red mixture makes yellow: pure youth being ruined so one be enlightened)
Rm looking at his reflection the light changes to yellow while the lyrics goes ‘the wings resemble the Devil’(rm acknowledges what looks devil to him is makes mature gives wings fly) (his facial expression be like I know it all now)
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you see now? it’s a state of enlightenment not suffering this is why there’s no purple. What happens after that?
The mirror breaks into pieces & the Blue rays shine (as rm breaks his egg finding way out to maturity concept)
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¬ Mixing specific shades of Green & Red doesn’t give yellow but Brown. on the mv Brown appears on some scenes giving the same meaning of yellow:
-Jin’s scarf before it gets purple lighted:
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-The lamp 
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The painting 
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Curtains & the sofa 
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& here, HERE!!
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¬ what’s going on here?
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Blue lighted V is scratching a Green wall walking up stairs (mature v is rebelling he wants to go back his young-self) (look at the thing he’s scratching by it is Red.)
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The colours gradually change ‘Green, purple, then Red’ from down to up, as V is trying to return to his pure youth BUT!… 
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V finds out there is no way back, he is already trapped as the whole sky is ruined green & his world is changing.
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-          The fact that youth & adulthood are unseparated is expressed a lot through the mv specially at the ending:
What bangtan is telling us is that “it’s alright!” Maturing is hard, painful, storming & makes you feel not yourself but “it’s alright!” Sensing the existence of the evil, passing by it or even commiting it- doesn’t mean that’s who you are. You’re just maturing. Forgive yourself Learn & move on.
Jin young world falling apart:
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The room jk awakes in breaks down (it Goes from yellow to green then into blue/ a galaxy of Red, blue, yellow & purple interfere)
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Scares on Rm hands left after the mirror breaks, the room is no longer Red but green & yellow. (the paint that Revealed on the wall is “the Fall of Icarus” by Pieter Bruegel: Icarus fell from flying too close to the sun. Allegory of pride, youth & the dangers of going to extremes) see? very interfering.
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Look here(Red through blue/ Green through blue):
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Green & Blue crossing: 
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The station RM works on (you can see the Red though everything is black & white):
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Jin gives RM a Green lighter!!!
Trivia: I’m sorry if anything sounds wired or clingy I’m not native, I truly tried my best wording this theory but English isn’t my first language after all. Please support me.
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