biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Amid food stampedes and with even soldiers' supplies cut, Pakistan is on the brink of disaster The holy Islamic month of Ramadan has turned Pakistan’s worst economic crisis in decades into a battle for sheer survival as citizens die in food stampedes. Even soldiers have their supplies and salaries cut.Read more... https://qz.com/pakistans-annual-inflation-at-a-50-year-high-in-march-1850293051
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Venezuela’s oil chief unexpectedly resigned amid a corruption probe Tareck El Aissami, Venezuela’s Minister of Petroleum, resigned in a surprise move yesterday (March 20), amid a corruption probe into the country’s state-owned oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA).Read more... https://qz.com/venezuela-el-aissami-resignation-oil-corruption-maduro-1850246891
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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India is teaching the Taliban how to run an economy In its effort to stay engaged with the Taliban, India has invited officials of the Afghanistan government to attend a crash course on its culture, legislation, and business climate.Read more... https://qz.com/india-is-teaching-the-taliban-how-to-run-an-economy-1850227155
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to restore trade and diplomatic ties in a deal brokered by China Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to normalize diplomatic and trade relations on Friday (March 10) after years of tension that threatened to destabilize the Gulf region. The deal was facilitated by China, which has forged close political ties with both countries.Read more... https://qz.com/iran-saudi-arabia-china-diplomacy-trade-1850213980
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Joe Biden wants to raise taxes on himself US president Joe Biden plans to increase taxes on Americans earning more than $400,000 per year. The plan is part of a new budget the White House intends to unveil on Thursday. Read more... https://qz.com/joe-biden-wants-to-raise-taxes-on-himself-1850207070
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Nigeria's general elections portal isn't showing results Over 30 hours after voting ended in Nigeria, voters and candidates are frustrated and anxious as the election results portal aren’t showing results from several states. Read more... https://qz.com/nigerias-general-elections-portal-isnt-showing-results-1850162182
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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How will voting be conducted in Nigeria? On Feb. 25 the Nigerian general elections commence.Read more... https://qz.com/how-will-voting-be-conducted-in-nigeria-1850153932
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Putin says he will suspend nuclear arms treaty with US Russian president Vladimir Putin announced he would suspend Moscow’s participation in the New START nuclear arms control treaty during his annual State of the Nation address on Feb 21. Read more... https://qz.com/russia-us-nuclear-weapons-ukraine-china-1850140390
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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How one company is supporting Ukrainian employees during the war Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last February was a major historical event. But for our company, the war was personal. While our headquarters are halfway around the world in San Francisco, JustAnswer employs more than 300 people, about one-third of our workforce, in Ukraine. These humans fill critical roles not just in…Read more... https://qz.com/how-one-company-is-supporting-ukrainian-employees-durin-1850124828
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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On Brexit's third anniversary, the UK has more reasons to regret it than ever The last day of January 2020 was the UK’s last day as a member of the European Union. Though many people didn’t know it yet, covid-19 was around the corner. The combined effect of both the pandemic and Brexit, compounded by the wider regional and global impacts of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, have led to the situation…Read more... https://qz.com/on-brexits-third-anniversary-the-uk-has-more-reasons-t-1850058294
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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How powerful is your country's passport in 2023? For the fourth year in a row, Japan and Singapore have the most powerful passports in the world. Nationals from these two east Asian countries can travel to 193 countries and territories out of a possible 227 without obtaining a visa, according to an annual ranking issued by consultancy Henley & Partners, which uses…Read more... https://qz.com/most-powerful-passports-2023-ranking-1850024908
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