fashionedforhem · 7 years
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Happy First Day of Spring 💐🌷🌕🌹🌺 #Beauty #Renewal #Spring #Rain #FlowersBloom #PollenFalls #Learn #overcomeadversity #shishandrad #Spring2018 #shishandrawrites #flowers #Bloom #Blooming #FirstDay #Seasons
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Whisperpounce(f), Timbersnarl(m), Crocuspad (f), Locusthaze(m), Pondswipe(m) and Pollenfall(f)?
Whisperpounce - A curious and energetic she-cat. Whisperpounce always seems to have the energy to go on another patrol, she loves being out in the territory and so will happily head out of camp if she’s asked. Whisperpounce is always eager to see the territories of other clans, so she’s always the first to volunteer whenever an escort is needed to go into another territory, her intent is not malicious in any way, she’s just curious to see how other clans live, 15/10
Timbersnarl - A serious and proud tom. Timbersnarl can often be stern to cats if they don’t do as their leader says, he’s a strict follower of the warrior code and believes following your leader is highly important as he believes that clan cats would be nothing more than a band of rogues if they didn’t listen to their leaders. He will never admit a fault of his own and can get very defensive whenever someone tries to point one out, 15/10
Crocuspad - An intelligent and graceful she-cat. Crocuspad can easily manoeuvre her way around an entire territory without any cat knowing she’s there, her naturally delicate and careful tread allows her to move silently amongst the undergrowth. If needed to she can make an excellent spy, she is great at listening and picking up details and she’s more capable of definitely herself, even though strength isn’t her specialty, speed and skill is, 15/10
Locusthaze - An intelligent and quiet tom. Locusthaze prefers not to speak unless he feels like his input is needed. He’s a good problem solver and often be the cat who manages to get some hard to catch prey as he tries to outthink his prey rather than out run it, 15/10
Pondswipe - A skillful and kind tom. Pondswipe is extremely swift, he’s even been known to bat flies out of the air when cats have jokingly challenged him to do so. He doesn’t care much for fighting, he prefers to use his skills to feed the clan instead, although he does know a few good fighting moves and he’s more than willing to help any cat that wants to learn to move quicker, 14/10
Pollenfall - A loyal and intelligent she-cat. Pollenfall loves her clan and feels lucky to have been born into one. She’s a great tactician and her input in battle plans has led her clan to several victories, 14/10
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ntvvid · 7 years
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