#polls close at 9pm i hate it
swashbucklery · 1 year
Trying to quell the existential dread re: [local election] results tonight so if anyone wants to send me prompts/knock knock jokes/vampire taylor conspiracy theories/really cool emo songs from 2004 this is a GREAT NIGHT to do so.
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lizzy384 · 4 years
After watching Friday’s Planet America, I have to say, Trump is hilarious (and not in a good way)! The more and more he says, the more he seems to confirm that, not only must his IQ be low, but that he has some kind of mental illness. It’s like he has the mentality of a 5 year old that throws a tantrum when they don’t get their own way. He is not only an extremely arrogant compulsive liar, but he repeated shows delusion, constantly contradicts himself and is always right. He gives numbers on how Americans death rate is way lower than the whole of Europe’s (taken from the Labor Day holiday!) and doesn’t even have the ability to comprehend that Europe’s population is double America’s, which made America, even on a holiday worse than Europe. He constantly talks about how America is the best in the world. I know we don’t rate much on the wold stage, but even with the second wave in Victoria, which has dramatically increased our numbers, we (Australia), still have a much much lower death rate than Europe and the US. Even the state with the lowest death rate, Alaska, has about 60 deaths per million people, while Australia, has about 30 per million. America as a whole has about 600 deaths per million people!
And for those who aren’t aware - both Melbourne and Sydney have bigger populations than every major city in America except for New York City and Los Angels. Even Brisbane has 2.5 million, only slightly less than Chicago’s almost 2.7 million, with a quicker growth rate, so soon it too will pass Chicago, America’s third largest city. Major blunders have been made in both Victoria and New South Wakes, but overall we’ve had a government (both federal and state) that acted quickly and have taken it seriously. And even when the federal government hasn’t agreed with states’ choices - massive criticism of Victoria’s refusal to open up and relax it’s Stage 4 restrictions (9pm curfew, 5km limit travel from you home, face-masks, 2 hours outside for exercise and with kids), it has ultimately allowed states to do as they chose. Borders have been closed between many states and there are travel restrictions between states, with required 14 day quarantines.
I’ve said it before, but as a dual citizen, I fully intend to vote for Biden - even though my right to do so is in a mega red state Oklahoma. Just like I voted for Hillary last time. I may think it’s absolutely ridiculous that at his age he was even nominated, let alone won the Democrat nomination, but anyone, is better than a sociopathic, delusional, egotistical, lying, infant. And if he wins, which, given America’s appallingly undemocratic voting system, ridiulously complicated, non-uniform, deliberately designed to make voting for some as hard as possible, there is every chance he will - and polls are getting closer - then I hate to say it, for all my wonderful American friends, but as a country, they deserve him. And America will continue to fall in respect on the world stage, among all countries who are not currently being led by dictators. They have been the shortest reigning empire in history. Even now they struggle to be seen as a world power (though I know that is not what people in America are led to believe) that equals China, by the rest of the world.
So, my point is, if anyone, doesn’t vote for Biden, simply because they don’t like him, get over it! Anyone is better than Trump! You may not like voting for someone you don’t like, you be adamant you’re not going to comprise, but voting is the only way to save America from by far the worst American pesident in history. If people don’t vote for that reason, or any other, then Trump will win. Even if, like Hillary, Biden wins the popular vote, due to the stupid electoral system, which does not given one person, one vote (the very heart of democracy), Trump will win.
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bcastlyprince-blog · 6 years
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{ I guess this is where I say there’s an ooc post below... or intro, in this case... }
Yoooooo. What up, my homies? My peeps. My ohana. I have missed you all so much, and I’m so so so so so happy to have my sweet, grumpy Adam back!! I used to play him back in the day, and he is one of my all-time favorite characters that I’ve played at Carthay.
Oh, oh! My name is Ali, if you do not know me or remember me. The last character I had was Marie a little while ago. I’m feeling pretty confident that my muse and activity will be way better because this is my type of character and personality, for sure!!
Okay, so I’m pretty terrible with intros because I don’t know what to say, so..... I guess you want to know about Adam??????
He is such a sulker. Grumpy cat is his spirit animal these days tbh.
His little sister was (and is) his absolute favorite person in the world, and her death in particular is the heaviest burden he carries.
Her grave is somewhere very special and private, and very very few know this location.
Do not play the game Clue around him. Don’t even talk about it. He will lose his shit. “Oh, let’s play guess the f*cking murderer, shall we??” Actually, that used to be his favorite game. He and his sister used to play it all the time when they were growing up.
Dude hates therapy. Just in case you were wondering.
Adam can actually be pretty fun to hang out with if you give him a chance.
I could go on, so I’ll stop there. I’m gonna post a poll in a bit, so look out for that and help your girl make a decision. Have I mentioned how excited I am to be back?? Come at me to plot and just chat and stuff. I wanna get to know all you beautiful souls.
Last thing: I’ll reply to starters sometime either tonight or this weekend! I’ll be gone for work and traveling until like 9pm, and then I’m going to see The Incredibles 2 with someone super cute and special, so I probably won’t do replies tomorrow at all. Let me know if you want a closed starter if you don’t have something in the tag!!
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newstfionline · 4 years
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Democracy in the dumps (Foreign Policy) Young people are more disillusioned and less satisfied with democracy than at any point in the past 100 years, according to a study by the University of Cambridge. The study—which assembled data from 4.8 million respondents in 160 countries collected between 1973 and 2020—pointed to income inequality and the high rate of youth unemployment as the driving reasons behind the disillusionment.
Pandemic air travel milestone; 1 million passengers screened (AP) The number of passengers screened in a single day for flights in the U.S. topped one million for the first time since COVID-19 infections began to spike last March. The notable milestone, reached Sunday, signifies both the progress made since the darkest days of pandemic for the devastated U.S. airline industry, when fewer than 100,000 people were screened per day in April, and how far it still has to go. The million plus passengers screened Sunday compares with 2.6 million on the same day last year, or roughly 60% fewer, according to the Transportation Security Administration.
Presidential Candidates’ Microphones to Be Muted in Parts of Final Debate (WSJ) The presidential candidates’ microphones will be muted during parts of their final debate Thursday as organizers seek to limit the interruptions and crosstalk that marked their previous meeting. The nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates on Monday announced a plan for the debate, which will be divided into six segments, each with a different topic. President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will be silenced while their opponent gives a two-minute opening statement at the start of each question.
Already facing grueling year, National Guard revs up for election and aftermath (Washington Post) The National Guard, already facing one of its busiest years, is prepping for election-related missions that include cybersecurity for local electoral authorities, ballot counting in at least one state and backup for police or if unrest erupts after the vote. The preparations come as the United States heads into one of its most contentious presidential elections, which is taking place in the middle of a global pandemic and amid persistent suggestions by President Trump that he may dispute the results if he loses. Parts of the country have also been experiencing racial justice protests and environmental threats ranging from wildfires to hurricanes, which have further stretched a Guard already on the front lines responding to the pandemic. The Guard’s domestic deployments this year under state authorities reached a peak of 86,367 forces in June, according to a spokeswoman for the National Guard, far larger than the approximately 50,000 guardsmen who deployed domestically to respond to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. There are about 450,000 members of the National Guard across the country. Federal law prohibits the deployment of armed troops to polling places during elections, but National Guard units can do certain missions on Election Day if they are deployed by governors using state funds, which means they would also be unarmed, according to Guard officials. During primaries earlier this year, for example, some states used their Guard units, in civilian attire, to help local election authorities struggling with a shortage of volunteers at the polls because of the pandemic.
Evo Morales Is Out. His Socialist Project Lives On. (NYT) In a presidential election that was widely viewed as a referendum on the legacy of Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first Indigenous president, voters appear to have spoken clearly: They want his socialist project to go on. On Monday, exit polls in Bolivia showed Mr. Morales’s handpicked candidate, Luis Arce, with such a wide lead that his main opponent, Carlos Mesa, conceded the election, and Mr. Arce’s supporters began celebrating in the streets—despite the fact that official results may not be available for days. Mr. Arce is the chosen successor of Mr. Morales, a transformative figure in a nation where power was traditionally concentrated in the hands of a wealthy, white elite. During his 14 years in office, Mr. Morales slashed poverty, built roads and schools, and nationalized the oil and gas industry. But he fled the country last year after his run for a fourth term ended in accusations that he had committed election fraud, deadly protests and a call by the military for him to step down. He called his ouster a coup. He sat out this year’s vote in neighboring Argentina.
Argentina passes 1 million cases USHUAIA, Argentina (AP)—At the edge of Argentina in a city known as “The End of the World,” many thought they might be spared from the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. Sitting far from the South American nation’s bustling capital, health workers in Ushuaia were initially able to contain a small outbreak among foreigners hoping to catch boats to the Antarctic at the start of the crisis. But as Argentina passed 1 million virus cases Monday, it is now smaller cities like Ushuaia that are seeing some of the most notable upticks. The trajectory is showing that the pandemic is likely to leave no corner of Latin America unscathed.
Wealth inequality in Brazil (Globo) Rafaela Dutra was working in Rio de Janeiro’s tourism industry and studying to become a nurse when the coronavirus arrived. A resident of the sprawling low-income favelas in the city’s Zona Norte, she had worked in one of Copacabana’s shiny, high-rise hotels, earning up to twice the region’s minimum monthly wage of 1,200 reais ($220). But after six years on the job, Dutra told Brazilian daily O Globo, she was laid off in April after the city had dried up of tourists. The only work she could find was selling clothes on the street at a time when most people started working from home or had also lost their jobs. “Some days I sell less than 50 reais ($8.80) worth of stuff,” she said. Dutra’s story is a case in point: poverty and inequality are on the rise in Brazil, a country of 210 million people, where a massive wealth divide has long plagued society. With COVID-19, the economy has begun to unravel and policymakers are warning of a backslide into entrenched poverty of dangerous proportions after temporary government support winds down. Not long ago, Brazil was hailed as an economic miracle for the rate at which it was lifting its people out of poverty. Now, the pandemic risks jeopardizing the progress the country made.
Narcosubmarines in the Atlantic? (WSJ) Narcosubmarines, which ferried cocaine from Colombia to Central America since at least the 1990s and have become a convenient way to ship large quantities of coke amid rising enforcement along traditional shipping lanes, have now been found crossing the Atlantic. Built for around $1 million apiece in the jungles of South America, the low-tech submersibles are an expensive but critical link in smuggling drugs out of their manufacture sites to Europe and North America. For a while, they were more of a “get the drugs out of the country to a depot site in Central America” leg of the adventure, but last year authorities nabbed a narcosubmarine flush with 152 bales of cocaine off the coast of Spain, so either that was one incredibly lost drug smuggler or they’re now using the DIY-vessels to make the 4,000-mile journey by sea rather than dice it on a container ship.
Ireland to go back into lockdown as Europe battles second wave (Euronews) Ireland became the first European country to announce a return to a full lockdown, with the entire population to be reconfined for six weeks. Prime Minister Michael Martin made the announcement on Monday evening, with the lockdown coming into force on Wednesday at midnight. Schools, he said, would remain open. A raft of new restrictions came into force in Italy on Monday, after being announced on Sunday by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, with the country dealing with daily highs of infections. Wales has announced a strict, 17-day “firebreak” lockdown on Monday, starting on Friday. This is essentially a full lockdown, with only critical workers and those that cannot work from home allowed to travel to work. Everybody else will be expected to stay indoors, while all non-essential retail shops, leisure services, restaurants, pubs and cafes will be closed. Bars, cafes and restaurants are shut in Belgium from Monday for a month. There is also a curfew in place, between midnight and 5 am, with Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo highlighting the “exponential” growth of the pandemic. The chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz, announced on Monday that from Friday private gatherings will be limited to six people indoors and 12 people outdoors. In Paris and eight other cities in France, restaurants, bars, cinemas and other establishments were being forced to close no later than 9pm to try to reduce contact among people. The country is deploying 12,000 extra police officers to enforce the new rules.
After Teacher’s Decapitation, France Unleashes a Broad Crackdown on ‘the Enemy Within’ (NYT) France on Monday unleashed a broad crackdown on Muslims accused of extremism, carrying out dozens of raids, vowing to shut down aid groups and threatening to expel foreigners as anger swept the country following the decapitation of a high school teacher for showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in class. Many of those swept up in raids were already in police files for showing “signals” of potential radicalization, like preaching radicalized sermons or sharing hate messages on social networks, government officials said. More than 200 others—the bulk already in prison—were threatened with a rare mass expulsion. But other groups targeted in the raids included Muslim associations previously given government subsidies for their work promoting better civic relations, and only 15 of the people arrested had any connection to the gruesome attack on Friday. The scope of the response was a measure of how the killing of Samuel Paty, a teacher in a suburb north of Paris, had reopened old wounds in France. The nation remains traumatized by terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists that killed scores in 2015, starting with the editorial offices of the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine—whose cartoons the teacher had shown. As much as the Charlie Hebdo killings, the beheading of Mr. Paty has struck deep inside the French psyche as an assault on a principal pillar of the French republic—the secular public school system—as well as the nation’s devotion to freedom of speech. Thousands of people took to the streets in cities around France over the weekend to demonstrate their horror at the killing on Friday. And politicians, especially on the right, jostled to sound the alarm against “the enemy within,” as the hard-line interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, put it in a radio interview, referring to so-called radicalized Muslims.
Chinese military beefs up coastal forces as it prepares for possible invasion of Taiwan (SCMP) Beijing is stepping up the militarisation of its southeast coast as it prepares for a possible invasion of Taiwan, military observers and sources have said. The People’s Liberation Army has been upgrading its missile bases, and one Beijing-based military source said it has deployed its most advanced hypersonic missile the DF-17 to the area. Beijing regards Taiwan as a breakaway province which it has vowed to take back, by force if necessary. Relations between Beijing and Taipei have deteriorated since Tsai Ing-wen from the independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was elected as president in 2016 and refused to accept the one-China principle. Ties have come under further strain this year as Taipei moved closer to the United States and signed a series of arms deals, including for Patriot missiles and an upgrade to its F-16 Viper jets. Satellite images show that both the Marine Corps and Rocket Force bases in Fujian and Guangdong provinces have expanded in recent years, according to Andrei Chang, editor-in-chief of the Canada-based Kanwa Defence Review. “The size of some of the missile bases in the Eastern and Southern theatre commands have even doubled in recent years, showing the PLA is stepping up preparations for a war targeting Taiwan.”
Chinese and Taiwanese officials clash in Fiji amid rise of ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’ (Washington Post) As a junior diplomat posted to Fiji in the 1990s, Chen Yonglin and the rest of his embassy colleagues fixated on the most sensitive issue in all of Chinese diplomacy: Taiwan. He tracked Taiwan’s pharmaceutical and agricultural aid to the remote Pacific archipelago. He monitored Taiwanese officials’ interactions with the local Chinese community. He tried to dissuade Fijian officials from attending Taiwan’s National Day celebration every October and local hotel managers from hosting it. When that failed, he sat in a coffee shop across the street to observe—discreetly—who attended. “At most, a braver colleague would wander over and peek inside,” said Chen, who was a third secretary in Fiji from 1994 to 1998 and defected in 2005 while serving in Sydney. “But gate-crash? Never. That was a different time.” The difference was laid bare this week after Fiji media reported that Chinese officials barged into the annual Taiwanese celebration, sparking a physical scuffle that left a Taiwanese official hospitalized. The basic contours of the incident were not refuted by either government and it was the latest aggressive turn by Chinese diplomats, who are quickly shedding their traditional image as one of China’s more polished, less muscular, arms of government. The behavior of the Chinese diplomats underscores the political pressure inside the bureaucracy to publicly defend China’s position on international issues, particularly over Hong Kong and Taiwan. Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu condemned China’s “uncivilized wolf warriors,” a term used in China and abroad referring to the new breed of more muscular Chinese diplomacy. “As a sovereign state, we’ll celebrate Taiwan National Day everywhere, every year.”
Thailand admits first foreign tourists in 7 months (AP) Thailand’s tourist industry on Tuesday took a modest step toward reviving its coronavirus-battered fortunes by welcoming 39 visitors who flew in from Shanghai, the first such arrivals since regular travelers were banned from entry almost seven months ago. The visitors who arrived at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport are pioneers in a “Special Tourist Visa” program devised by Thai authorities to restore step-by-step a sector of the economy that welcomed almost 40 million foreign visitors last year and by some estimates accounts for more than 10% of the country’s GDP. Bringing in tourists from China was a natural choice. Thailand was one of the top overseas destinations for Chinese tourists in 2019, when they accounted for by far the largest number of visitors to Thailand by nationality. Just as crucial is China’s ability to keep new coronavirus infections in check, a sharp contrast to most other parts of the globe that send visitors to Thailand.
The protest playbook (Washington Post) This past weekend, Lalisa could not look away from her smartphone. Clicking between Twitter, Instagram and secure messaging app Telegram, the 27-year-old who lives a comfortable, middle-class life in Bangkok was joining newly established Telegram groups, telling her what to pack and where to assemble for yet another mass protest in defiance of Thailand’s military-linked government and monarchy. Most of the posts were from protesting guides of last year’s demonstrations in Hong Kong translated into Thai. Young, digitally savvy Thai protesters like Lalisa are at the forefront of a swelling anti-government movement that has broken the mold in Thailand—both by shattering the long-held taboo against criticizing the powerful monarchy, and by revolutionizing mass protests and dissent in the country. Shedding the old strategy of occupying streets, which made them an easy target for police, demonstrators today have borrowed from their Hong Kong counterparts, subscribing to the “be water” strategy of fluid gatherings. The result so far has been harder for police to control, even in the context of Thailand’s long history of crackdowns on political movements. In recent days, police officers have privately admitted to being outmaneuvered, unable to arrest demonstrators en masse or prepare their crowd-control weapons ahead of time. Police have “never experienced this before,” said a 21-year-old officer deployed to Bangkok, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the protests. “The protesters disappear even before we arrive; we cannot tackle the protests by using our old methods.”
Nigeria Erupts As Lagos Comes to A Standstill (Foreign Policy) Two weeks of demonstrations in Nigeria came to a head yesterday as protesters effectively shut down Lagos, the country’s largest city. As part of the mass demonstrations, the city’s airport was blockaded by protesters along with the country’s main highway, the Ibadan expressway. Over the past two weeks, the protests have grown from a movement focused on disbanding the country’s Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS)—accused of extortion and committing extra-judicial killings—to encompass anti-corruption and governance issues. Like recent protests in Hong Kong and Thailand, the protests have no central leader but are undoubtedly youth led, with the hashtag #EndSARS becoming shorthand for the movement. The national government has indicated it will soon take a harder line against the protests, during which at least 15 people have been killed so far. According to Amnesty International, police have already used excessive force in at least six Nigerian cities. The threat of violence has become so genuine that some groups have crowd-funded private security guards to protect them against attacks. Meanwhile, the country’s armed forces, who have threatened to intervene in the protests, are conducting a nationwide military exercise, Operation Crocodile Smile. “The biggest strength of the protests has also become its biggest liability, which is total absence of centralized leadership,” David Huneydin, a local journalist, told the Wall Street Journal. “A military intervention is now highly likely.”
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Bigg Boss 13 finale: Rashami Desai evicted? Actor performs to Ang Laga Le with Sidharth Shukla. Watch - tv
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TV actor Rashami Desai may have been evicted from the show, hot on the heels of Arti Singh’s ouster, if reports are to be believed. Rashami has been one of the strongest contestants and was the top four finalists. Rashami’s eviction leaves Shehnaaz Gill, Sidharth Shukla and Asim Riaz in the race for the winner’s trophy. Several Twitter accounts claiming to have inside knowledge about the show and the finale reported that filmmaker Rohit Shetty entered the Bigg Boss 13 house, conducted a task after which Rashami was evicted. Earlier in the morning, reports suggested that Arti Singh had been eliminated from the race and Paras Chhabra quit the game and took up Salman Khan’s offer of a Rs 10 lakh prize. Also read: Taj Mahal 1989 review: Netflix India’s Valentine’s Day love letter makes strong case for patch up Meanwhile, in the latest promo shared by Colors TV, Rashami and Sidharth revisit their journey inside the house with a dance performance that showcases their love-hate relationship. It begins with Sidharth and Rashami performing sensuous moves to Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh’s Ang Laga Le from Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela. They get cosy as the song progresses. As soon as the director shouts “pack up”, Sidharth throws her on the bed and Rashami kicks him on his back. They showcase the infamous tea fight and Sidharth’s comment ‘aisi ladki’ that he used for her. He says “aisi ladkiyo se mai baat nahi karta (I don’t talk to such girls)” and Rashami retorts by throwing the tea at him. They get back to the sensuous moves as soon as the song is back and the director yells “action”.   #SidRa ka love-hate relationship dekhiye unke iss #BB13GrandFinale ke grand performance mein! Watch #BB13Finale tonight at 9 PM. Anytime on @justvoot @Vivo_India @BeingSalmanKhan #BiggBoss13 #BiggBoss #BB13 #SalmanKhan pic.twitter.com/T0qtMAfch5 — COLORS (@ColorsTV) February 15, 2020 As fans await the finale that will air Saturday night at 9pm, HT conducted an online poll for readers to vote for their season favourite contestant. Sidharth emerged the clear winner grabbing 44% of the votes while Asim Riaz was a close second with 35% of the votes. Shehnaaz got 9% of the votes while Rashami got 8% of the votes. Paras got 3% of the votes and Arti brought up the tail end, with just 1% of voters declaring her their favourite to win. Follow @htshowbiz for more Read the full article
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evenbechnet · 8 years
Feel free to edit and add!! 00:00- all quiet, everyone finally goes the fuck to sleep
1am- salma, bells and Elliot having a party and crying about the summary, horse Even!?? Why? Animals, farm yard animal, farm discourse TM. Quack quack mother fuckers.
2am-killer tire in dessert movie, ohmygid these guys are literally shit posting idk what I’m summarising but I’m laughing, Elliot gets attacked by animals how is he alive?,
3am-9am- wondering about Eva noora discourse, wondering about anteater Wilhelm,
Fic Recs galore: - http://archiveofourown.org/users/rhalei/bookmarks - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8815849 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8961337 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8802484/ - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8820784 - http://archiveofourown.org/series/607585 - WIP with 4 chapter no link!???
Talking about terrible FICS again, werewolf isak vs hung horse even, RHAE “instead of biking to the pool ISAK rides on evens back”, furry vs curry discourse, this isn’t VILDUS pls , Taha: someone needs to read it and report back/////
Ao3 FICS are weird, mermaid fic, (someone rec that properly pls I havnt read it -Zaa) , more talking about the trailer dropping and how we gon die, might require spray bottles,
Daf is awake and approves of the FICS, caterpillar on chrispys face in s1 #confirmed, FANART is so sacred , must protect at all costs, so much talent
WHERE IS A SNAKES BUTTHOLE, snakesak has taken over as a horrifying meme, snake tongue compile? Snake videos? Pls provide links, he always licking his lipssss we should have known, WE CANT GO BACK,
10am- if Isak has dry lips Even needs to be licking them for him, JUST COUPLE THINGS EVAK
11am- Shola wages a one man war on the crispy discourse, her soul has been penetrated by p Chris, sprays bottle and despair, Shola tried recalling her fellow demons daf and Rhae for back up, more pchris discourse(more like only pictures), hating on shola )): , everyone being possesed by pchris, FICS discussion, ao3 vs lj vs ffnet, first fandoms?
12am- Harry Potter aus, which houses discourse,slytherin isak and his snake pickup lines, see seperate post.drawings of snakesak with snake.
1pm- ISAK so pale, cafeteria scene creys, that week was too dark, General ep 6 and 7 love, SHOES, halla scene vs hotel room scene, matching boyfriends
2pm- it was defo isaks first time, INFINITE, why was Even hair still perfect, it was the icecream secret, Faiza pray bottle is needed, when even touches isaks Lip in the hotel SCENE, NOSE IN HIS MOUTH, ER DU DANSK, 2pm is Lot okay- AND ISAK BEING SO CLOSE TO HIS MOM LIKE "OK BUT YOU DIDNT PAY ME THIS WEEK AND YOUR SON MADE ME BUY SO MUCH SHIT WITH MYYYYY MONEY???"
Evens mum and isaks mum head canons, Listen someone write a fic where their families have a get together @cz where r u- there is no way to summarise what's happening it's actual chaos.
SHOLA FOLIGH AWAY, more crispy wilhelmmy faces, they never end, will we ever be free? Chris and Eva the new FOLGERS commercial - Dani is leaving to EAT GOOD THINGs - like snakes aka venom!???, HANDS, Evaks hands, who cares about SEX scenes we want hand holding, THERE WAS NO SEX SCENS DISCOURSE GOT TO IRONIC
3pm- PORNHUB talk, dick talk, are dicks ugly or not, what did ISAK do in the shower in ep8, how do ppl not read the texts between clips, Faiza coming for us all with even giving ESKILD sex advice and tips, Rhae throws holy water- OH How THE TURN TABLES, Eskild even Isak hitting gay bars head canons, kitchen sex ftw, they fucked in the kitchen after 5 fine frøkner #confirmed,ILL TATTOO MANNEN I MITT LIV ON MY FOREHEAD, NSFW headcanons: Even probably makes dick jokes while they have sex, probably goes "the millennium falcon isn't the only thing that comes in less than 12 parsecs" when he's close and isak just goes wtf Honestly I can summarise this its just filth about EVAK sex are we any better than the chrispy fan girls!?
just all around terrible EVAK sex headcanons to Justin beibers baby. DONT LOOK AT ME I AM IN THE SHAMECUBE.
Evens SEX playlist;
- My anaconda - nicki - Baby my Justin beiber - Talk dirty to me - Take U down by Chris brown - Lots of years and years
Praise kink Isak, its it's just filth for an hour plus about EVAK sex I'm not gonna lie, ISAK likes scarves because they cover them hickeys
4pm- Faiza telling us a cute EVAK In School making out behind closed class room door, Shola and RHAE span crispy, even tongue is not alone anymore hi isaks tongue, why is this chat so filthy we all need Jesus, multiple holy water GIFS, ocean gif, penetrator ET, HALLA after sex, DAF and Zaa livetexting the awful sleeping beauty fic , let's never speak of it again, more shitting on eyewitness, Talking about good shows, watch merli, the get down,sense8,
5pm- s4 NRK poll, skam saved 2016 y'all, so many feelings, getting pretty sappy, love all y'all, skam as a good and bad coping mechanism the discourse, from dicks to feelings: and EVAK story, even4s4 discourse for the tusen time, crispy Kreme roasting, season 4 trailer contemplation, 8th Jan at 21:21 WHAT LIES, also u; waiting t 21/22 8th Jan refreshing the site,
6pm- we are all hot AF #confirmed, the tollness vs smolness debate, we are all dating now it is decided, crushes and how to flirt, EVAK yoga store, COUPLES yoga, ASK OLD ESKILD typo I love to regret My life, more love life talk, let's take desperate to a whole new level of EVAK could do it so can we
7pm- Evens bipolar diagnosis discourse, fandom before and after ep8 on the subject, bitch we guessed it we was RIGHT, wlw on skam pls, attacking VILDUS smh, vilde Magnus sexuality debate TBH, WILLHELM NOSE CANT FIT INTO CHRISPEE's MOUTH, never gets ask old, look at that washboard ass, crispy again, will we ever be free of crispy, TRIGGERED WILHELMY AND CRISPY
8pm- quotes for edits, poems and writing such talent here u guys
9pm: fic talk, finally the mermaid fic link (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9111700/chapters/20710825), why is there tarjei David friendship discourse why, why are ppl so gross!?,
10pm- hating women who get IinThe way of m/m ships PLS DONT, why must ppl invalidate even and isaks sexualities?, 11pm- all quite on the western front TBH
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michellely95 · 8 years
Fear of speaking.
I have sat back and watched this election closely. However, when spoken to, I have never had an opinion on this topic. I have never spoken out. I have not argued with those who support President Trump. And most of all, I did not vote in this election. 
Before I get into it and get rage messages from those who are flabbergasted that I am even writing this post when I did not support Hillary or anyone in this election. Let me first explain.
I am from California. I currently live in New York. Though we always say, “every vote counts,” my junior year of high school working the polls showed me that it is not always the case. Absentee ballots or ballots of those not from the state they are currently residing in are put into a box. Voters must sign long forms to authenticate their identity, are allowed to vote with specific papers and such, then are set aside in an envelope signifying that their vote is not from a person who lives in the area. I worked the voting office during President Obama’s election in 2012. I left the location around 9PM/10PM. By the time I got home, President Obama was elected for his second term. The next day, I got into contact with the people who set up the location for voting and they told me that they had to mail the absentee ballots in. This made me confused. 
Though many voters do reside in the state they vote in, what happens to students, visitors, and people who aren’t home at the time for the election. Are their votes just cast aside and counted later on in a final tally? I do understand that they could be taken to a government office to count in the larger scheme of things, but what does that say about my voice? I, an American citizen, may live in another state, so my votes are put away in another box from the rest of those who live in the state, just to be counted later on. It has always confused me, and I have always questioned the integrity of doing this. However, working that day impacted my feelings on a “free” election for a very long time. 
Okay, now that’s out of the way, let me explain my predicament. Living in New York, one would always think that this state is, like California, usually very Democratic. However, this election has shown me otherwise. Everyone has seen those videos with the occasional Trump supporter arguing with a Hillary supporter in the streets of Manhattan, but let me talk to you about Staten Island. Seventy-five percent of people who live on this island are white, which says a lot coming from a young Asian girl who grew up in a Hispanic-Asian neighborhood. Living here for three years has opened my eyes to a whole new world and new community. Things are seen different here. The area I live in here is, for the most part, very white. Crime happens very rarely and most people are smart and it doesn’t happen very much. About a couple blocks from where I live, a large T was erected before the nominations were set. That same T was burned down and then resurrected, with crowds showing their support. 
I have always been pointed out as Asian with my Hispanic friends in LA, but in Staten Island, I am a “cure for yellow fever”, nicknamed “Ling Ling” to my peers, told to pretend to be a nail salon lady just to be included in an organization, and made fun of due to being homesick for food I was used to eating for my entire life. I have never been hit on with “I like Asians” more than ever, however, once this election began it’s all I ever heard. It’s all harmless and fun, and I understand that, but when it comes down to it, it makes me feel more of an outsider that I have ever felt before. Trump was a popular man before the election, with some of my favorite bars selling t-shirts with the T (from above) on it. People cheered him on whenever we had one of his speeches on TV and said, “That man is going to change this country for the better.” It always broke my heart and I would laugh and shrug, acting like it never bothered me. It always sat in the back of my mind, though, tugging on my heartstrings, and reminding me, “you will never fit in here because of your color”. Even better, “I’m going to sleep with you because of your color.” 
Though it’s all fun and games and all due to alcohol and it’s effects, the culmination of my experiences has all come to this. Racism, even in the most minute and “loljk” moments, exist. I am not one of “you.” The color of my skin makes me different, and because of that, I am subject to awe and wonder. My first few years of college was to fit in and blend and mix to become part of a community. However, the color of my skin avoided that. Those who also have donned the color we share have pushed their heritage to the ground, hiding from their heritage, forgetting their language, and changing themselves to fit in. Being Asian and living in an area that is predominately white, makes you one of “them.” I am defining that as what Trump called, immigrants, losers, and, ultimately, not white. 
My mother was subject to the same for a very long time.She was the scary boss who expected more from those who worked. She was a “no-bullshit” kind of person, and when you let her down, she made sure you knew, picked up your slack, and moved on. She was the butt of jokes because of her accent but rose higher in her industry faster than people who had been there for years. She was respected by her bosses for her knowledge and being able to pull together some impossible tasks. She was the scary lady in the office, the one to stay away from, the one to hold your tongue with if you wanted your job, and the “what’s her problem?” kind of boss.
When TIME released an article highlighting the concept of the “tiger-mom,” everyone I knew and everyone she worked with asked us whether that’s the way our family worked.  When I said, “No, my mom is actually really chill.” I was casted aside from my community and had to rediscover myself and find new friends who would embrace who I was. My mom worked really hard to get me to where I am now. She migrated from Hong Kong where she got her degree in textiles, lived in Brooklyn, ran away because of the cold, and situated herself in LA, working for a denim company for a very long time. She then realized her worth and relied on herself and her experience (and my father always supporting her in everything she does), and furthered her career, working for companies that my friends wore, that the world knew about, and are still some of the top brands today. The clothes people showed off in school and online, came from my mother and her ability.
At the end of the day, this “tiger mom” dramatization of all Asian families was wrong. Since the day I was born, I was pushed by my parents to do well in school, but never shamed me when I tried my best and failed. They helped me, got me tutors, and made sure they worked hard and made money so that I could be the best I could be. 
This brings me to my ultimate point about what was in the news today. The “Muslim Ban” that was signed today broke my heart worse than anything had ever broken my heart before. This ban stretched out to also include those who had green cards and visas. Some of the most loving people I have ever met in my life are now naturalized, but donned those cards and worked hard to assimilate into a country where they could be successful and have children who were not put into societal rules based on anything else. It was about working hard, making money, and providing a good home for your family, just as my mother did with me. For those of us who were the first generation to not be immigrants, the world was our oyster. After school specials taught us to always be ourselves, to love our heritage, and to not try to conform to society’s standards of our gender. Asian cartoons and television shows were created to show us that we were not alone. These last few months have changed all of that. I am now known for the color of my skin more than my own name. I am supposed to be good at math. I am supposed to become a “doctor” or lawyer” and told not to come back unless I was either. I am a chink, a fantasy, and exotic. 
This regression is my fear. Going back to be known as the Asian or the chink keeps me up at night. Being known for the sound of Chinese immigrants laying railroad tracks to link up this country, hurts me. I am proud of my heritage. I am proud of my parents and my family. I love my friends. And in those two sentences alone, many of those people are undocumented and push themselves harder than I have ever seen.  I am more than a stereotype. I am not a math genius, trusty sidekick, or a martial arts master. I am me and so are the people who are living in this country. We are more than the color of our skin. I will no longer sit aside and tolerate this racism. I will not tolerate bigotry. I will not tolerate hate.
And I refuse to be sorry or cater to people who believe that all of those things are all that I, and those like me, are good for. I refuse to allow hate speech and racism push hard working citizens out of this country because those people who the world calls “aliens” are some of the most kind-hearted and hardworking people I know. I will not support families being separated due to papers. 
I will not support this.
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