#polyglot graham montague
anendofeverything · 4 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
February 1994
Percy coughed violently, causing him to spit another mouthful of bile into the toilet he’d knelt over. He let out a slight whimper, tears blurring his vision, as he leant his head on his arm. His head was hurting, the start of a fierce headache plaguing him. He should be downstairs right now having dinner, but how could he sit there stuffing his face after what happened today? Hadn’t his family been through hell last year? His father had been on the brink of losing his job, and then everything with Ginny and Chamber of Secrets - wasn’t that enough? He wasn’t strong enough for this. Sure - he was Head Boy. He was of age, nearly ready to sit his exams, practically an adult.
But he didn’t feel like an adult.
He had responsibilities: his duties as Head Boy; being a tutor to his new-found friend and boyfriend; his siblings. The twins were constantly in trouble, and Percy knew, realistically, that he should try to reign them in a little, make them focus on their studies. And yet, Fred and George’s ambition to open a joke shop was something Percy knew full well they wouldn’t change their minds about. They’d made their minds up that that was what they were heading for in terms of their future career, and nothing would distract them from that goal. Percy didn’t worry about them as much as he worried about Ron and Ginny, but he still tried to look out for them - he was their big brother. After the Chamber and the effects it had on Ginny last year, and now everything with Ron - who was next? The twins were constantly experimenting to create their products. What if something went wrong? What if something happened to Charlie, with his dragons, or Bill with his Curse-Breaker work? Percy’s chest ached at the thought of something happening to any of siblings or his parents. It didn’t bear thinking about.
And then there was Oliver, Warrington, and Graham - he cared about all of them so much, and all of them were at risk on the Quidditch pitch - everyone knew it was a brutal sport. Oliver was his oldest and bestest friend. Warrington’s friendship was unexpected, but a complete breath of fresh air amongst the chaos that his seventh year had turned out to be. And then there was Graham.
He loved him.
He hadn’t said it yet, hadn’t had that conversation with his boyfriend, but he loved him. He loved him so much. Percy had fallen for the Slytherin Chaser, head first. Almost literally.
“Percy?” Graham’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom, and there was a frantic knocking against the door of the cubicle Percy was in. “Édesem? Are you alright?”
“No.” Percy coughed.
“Drágám,” Graham knocked again. “Percy, szerelmem, I’m going to unlock this door, okay?”
“No, wait-” Percy protested, trying to stand up, but it only made him dizzy. Black spots clouded his vision as he dropped back down to his knees and threw up again as his boyfriend used Alohomora to unlock the cubicle door.
“Oh, kedvesszívű,” Graham knelt down beside him, rubbing his back.
“I still don’t know what that means.” Percy mumbled, sitting up slowly.
“Mm, I’ll tell you soon, édesem,” Graham pressed a kiss to Percy’s head.
The Slytherin Chaser reached into his bag, bringing out a small vial, and pressing it into Percy’s hand.
“This is an anti-sickness potion,” Percy blinked. “Where did you get this?”
“Nicked it from Snape’s store cupboard during Potions earlier.”
“What? Are you mad-”
“Drágám,” Graham curled his hands around Percy’s, smiling fondly. “Just drink it, yeah? Makacs fiú.”
Percy did so, leaning back into Graham’s chest. “Today was awful.”
“I heard about Ron,” Graham tucked his chin on top of his boyfriend’s head. “How is he?”
“He’s okay mostly, he’s not injured, more shaken by it all than anything else. Me, Penny, and all the Prefects have been running around like headless chickens all day - I haven’t stopped. Professor Dumbledore had to write to mum and dad, and Ginny took it on herself to write to Bill and Charlie. I just… Last year was really had, what with dad nearly losing his job, and Ginny, and the Chamber, and now this? Who’s next? The twins? Bill? Charlie? What if something happens to my parents? Or Oliver? Warrington plays completely recklessly, as do you! Who do I have to fear about losing next? I can’t-”
“Percy. You’ve gotta breathe for me, gyönyörű. In and out, that’s it, there we go. You’re alright, édesem, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Percy murmured. “I take my N.E.W.T.s this year, and then I’ll leave Hogwarts. After that, I really won’t be able to keep you all safe.”
“I can barely look after anyone I care about while I’m in Hogwarts, how do I take care of my siblings or you or Warrington while I’m not here?”
“Percy, elég! You put way too much pressure on yourself. Kérlek, szerelmem.”
“Îmi pare rău.” Percy whispered. “Graham…”
“Shh, gyönyörű.” Graham pressed a soft kiss against the corner of Percy’s mouth. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Graham stood up, helping the Head Boy to his feet, and keeping a hold of his hand so he could lead him out into the hallway.
“Percy… szerelmem, have you eaten at all today?”
“Not really,” Percy admitted. “I should find Warrington, he’s usually got chocolate.”
“Aren’t you Head Boy? Just go get something from the kitchens.” Graham said amusedly.
“You gonna come with me?”
“That’s a rather dumb question, szerelmem. ‘Course I’m coming with you.”
The pair exited the kitchens, Graham’s pockets stuffed with full of neatly wrapped cakes for his teammates (even one for Malfoy - the git), while Percy had two wrapped cheese scones in one pocket, and a wrapped slice of Bakewell tart for Oliver in the other.
“Promise me you’ll eat both scones when you get back to your dorm, gyönyörű.”
“I will,” Percy nodded, cupping Graham’s face. “You should get some sleep, I know you’ve got practice tomorrow, first thing. Thank you for coming to find me. You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I did, I was worried about you,” Graham placed his hands on Percy’s waist, leaning in to kiss his boyfriend, who kissed back just as fiercely.
The couple broke apart at the exclamation, only to find Penelope Clearwater stood in front of them, her hand to her mouth in shock, her eyes darting between her ex-boyfriend and the Slytherin Chaser.
“P-Penny,” Percy stuttered. “It’s n-not- I m-mean- we-”
“Clearwater,” Graham addressed her sharply. “You got a problem?”
“Graham!” Percy hissed.
“I, um, d-didn’t realise you liked guys…” Percy trailed off awkwardly.
“Neither did I.” Percy shrugged. “It’s not- we didn’t-”
“What Percy’s trying to say is you’d broken things off long before we got together.”
“I wasn’t going to put it quite like that,” Percy shot a glare at Graham, who shrugged. “Penny-”
“Percy,” Penelope said at the same time. “I was just… surprised.”
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“No,” she smiled sadly. “I needed to be on my own for a little while.”
“I wasn’t- I didn’t go look- I just-”
“Percy, you don’t have to explain. You deserve to be happy.” Penelope tucked a strand of her hair behind her right ear. “Montague,” she turned to the Slytherin Chaser. “Look after him.”
Before Graham had time to respond, she’d left, leaving the couple staring after her. 
“You okay, gyönyörű?” Graham rubbed Percy’s shoulder. 
“I don’t know,” Percy admitted. “We broke up a long time ago, but I feel… bad? Why do I feel like something’s off? I shouldn’t feel like that.”
“You loved her once. Do you think you maybe moved on too quickly?”
“Do you think Clearwater wants you back?”
“No!” Percy exclaimed. “I... don’t know.”
“You’re not going to do yourself any favours stressing out about it, édesem.” Graham said gently.
“I know,” Percy whispered.
“C’mon,” Graham laced his fingers with Percy’s. “No one’s about, I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” 
The February Hogsmeade trip fell the weekend before Valentine’s Day, and the store had been decorated with pink and red paper hearts hanging from the ceiling, and rainbow confetti suspended in the air above the customer’s heads.
“Looks good, darling.” Lark approached her wife with a smile, kissing her on the cheek. “I just dropped Frankie off with your momma.”
“Is dad not there?” Cordelia asked with a frown.
“He went to the store, they were out of milk. Don’t freak out.”
“I’m not freaking out.”
“I just worry about him.”
“I know you do, and you have every right to, but he’s okay. His surgery went well, and he’s recovering well. He can get a bottle of milk from a shop that’s basically opposite his house.”
Cordelia bit her lip. “I’m being ridiculous, aren’t I?”
“No, baby, you’re not. But you need to stop stressing, it’s not good for you. Especially right now.”
“I know, I know, I- wait… what do you mean right now?”
“Hello again.”
“Oh, hello,” Lark waved at the two Hogwarts students that had entered the shop.
“Hello boys,” Cordelia smiled at the Gryffindor-Slytherin pair, Percy and Graham, that they’d met in November. “How’s school?”
“Busy,” Percy said, adjusting his glasses.
“I don’t know how you’re coping, honestly.” Graham admitted. “Head Boy duties, N.E.W.T. prep, and tutoring? You’re amazing.” 
“Shut up,” Percy blushed, trying to hide behind his hands.
“Hey,” Graham cooed, tugging on the other boy’s hands. “Don’t hide behind that adorable blush, c’mon.”
“You think this is adorable?”
“I always think you’re adorable, édesem.”
Lark chuckled, lacing her fingers with Cordelia’s, leading her towards the back of the store. “You boys give us a yell if you need anything.”
“Lark!” Cordelia spluttered as her wife led into the stockroom of the store.
“Dee,” Lark ran her arms over the shorter woman’s shoulders. “I know, okay?”
“Know what?”
“That you’re pregnant. I found that No-Maj test that you threw into the trash.”
“I wasn’t-” Cordelia ran a hand through her hair nervously. “I was going to tell you over dinner tonight.”
“Sorry for spoiling the surprise,” Lark smiled, sounding anything but. “Does anyone else know yet?”
“No one apart from the medi-witch I made an appointment with. It’s perfect timing, really, ‘cause Frankie’s staying with Russ and Bette this weekend.”
“You think those two are finally gonna have kids of their own? They ask to look after him all the time.”
“Oh God,” Cordelia snorted. “Mam gave Bette hell about having kids when I was pregnant last time - they’d only just gotten engaged then - this time she’s gonna be lethal about it.”
“They were an unexpected couple, no doubt about that. Who knew your old Quidditch rival would end up marrying your No-Maj brother?”
“Speaking of family…”
Lark sighed. “Let me guess - they sent yet another letter?”
“Did they address it to me, or to who they want me to be?”
“Lark… they’re your parents.”
“And I’m their daughter,” Lark said, her voice cracking on the word. “I’m their daughter, and if they can’t even acknowledge that on a fucking letter-”
“I know,” Cordelia said softly. “I know, but-”
“But nothing! They were doing it - using my name, calling me their daughter, and then they learnt I’m gay and they took all of that progress and all the learning they did away like it meant nothing to them. Like they could pick when they could and couldn’t adhere to it.”
Lark shook her head, her hands going to rest on Cordelia’s stomach, smiling sadly. “They told me I was wrong for loving you, you know that? That I wasn’t being fair to you, that I was tricking you.”
“Lark,” Cordelia swallowed around the lump in her throat, curling her hands around her wife’s.
“They told me lying to you about who I am would get me nowhere. The joke’s on them, though - you married me. We started a business together, Dee, we’re parents. You, and your mom and dad, and Russ and Bette, and Frankie, and this baby - you all are my family. Not them. Fuck them. If they don’t have the decency to acknowledge my gender in a goddamn letter, then fuck them.”
Cordelia blinked, staring at her wife in awe. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Lark bent her head down to kiss her wife softly.
“Hello?” a voice called nervously, as if the person was unsure their call would be welcome. “I’m really sorry, we, um, w-we’d like to pay for our stuff? Please?”
Cordelia giggled. “We’ve got customers who need to pay for books.”
“Mm, I guess so. You think it’s an important book?”
“All books are important, Lark!” Cordelia exclaimed, almost offended.
“Dear God, I married a nerd.” Lark rolled her eyes teasingly.
“Yeah, but you love me.”
“That I do, Dee. I love you very much.”
“Love you too, wifey.”
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anendofeverything · 5 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Four
December 1993
Sneaking out of the Slytherin dorms after hours was ridiculously easy. Ever since their first date, Graham would meet Percy in an unused classroom, sneaking past the teachers on duty, as well as Filch and his damn cat. It was during these secret nighttime rendezvous’ that Percy learnt about Graham’s family.
“You don’t talk about your family much. Not that you have to, you don’t! I just-”
“I know,” Graham sighed. “My parents… it was an arranged marriage. They were wrong for each other. Anya was eighteen and my father was twenty-three and already climbing the Ministry ranks. Anya was living in Luçon then. She went to Beauxbatons for her education and had been planning to go back to Tatabánya, her hometown, before she married my father. Anya came here in 1969 and didn’t speak any English beforehand. To this day she prefers speaking in Hungarian and French rather than English.”
“You speak French too?”
“Le français est ma troisième langue. Ma sœur parle mieux que moi, elle a appris le français avant d’apprendre l’anglais.”
Percy blinked. “I shouldn’t find that sexy, should I?”
Graham laughed delightedly. “Ils disent que le français est une langue sexuelle, n’est-ce pas?”
“Stop it.”
“Inkább magyarul beszéljek?”
“Nu mă face să vorbesc românește. O voi face.”
“Okay, okay, back to English,” Graham nuzzled Percy’s temple, placing a soft kiss there. “So they married in late June 1969, and my sister Carolyn was born in May 1970. By the time I got my Hogwarts letter Carolyn had already done her N.E.W.T.s, and started working for Florean Fortescue part-time while she started her Unspeakable training.”
“Straight from school? That’s impressive.”
“Eleven N.E.W.T.s, she didn’t take Divination.” Graham shrugged. “Anyway, my parents’ marriage has always been rocky. Two months into my first year, they had a terrible argument, like really bad. He tried breaking anya’s wand.”
“What?” Percy shook his head in disbelief. “What did your mother do after that?”
“She hexed him,” Graham sighed. “Hit him with the body-bind curse and left.”
“Back to Hungary?”
“Tatabánya, yeah. Carolyn quit working at the ice cream parlour and resumed her studies in Hungary. She works for the Ministry there now, though her job title there is actually Hangtalanok.”
“Why didn’t you go?” Percy asked gently.
“I wanted to. I begged my father to let me go, but I’d already started Hogwarts and got into Slytherin, like he did. He hated that Carolyn was a Ravenclaw when she went here, and he threatened to cut all communication with anya if I pressed the issue. I have to spend the first week of the summer at home, in Oxfordshire, before I get to spend the rest of my summer in Hungary. I don’t even bother unpacking when I get to father’s estate anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Percy turned to Graham’s lap so he could wrap the Slytherin up in a hug. “Thank you, though.”
“For what?”
“Trusting me enough to tell me.”
“Of course I trust you,” Graham whispered, cupping Percy’s face so he could kiss him.
“I trust you too,” Percy smiled. “I told Charlie about us, and I wrote to Bill as well.”
“Carolyn doesn���t know.” Graham bit his lip. “I haven’t told anya yet either.”
“I haven’t told the rest of my family,” Percy shrugged. “I want to do it in person, I think. When I’m ready to do so.”
“I understand that. Anya, just… she worries. A lot. So does my sister. And I’m not- I’m not out to them yet.”
“You think my parents know I have a boyfriend?”
“That’s different.” Graham protested.
“How is it different?”
“Because- Because- My father, I hate him. Merlin, do I hate him. Annyira utálom ezt a rohadékot! Nem érdekel, mit gondol rólam, de az anyám és a húgom?”
“Nem lehet. Hát nem érted?”
“Sweetheart, you’ve slipped into Hungarian,” Percy said gently. “But I get it. You’re scared to come out to your family. I understand, okay?”
“Okay,” Graham swallowed. “I’m s-sorry.”
“You’ve nothing to be sorry for. Nothing.”
“I wish it was that easy.”
Percy smiled sadly. “I know.”
Graham took a deep breath, nuzzling into his boyfriend’s hair.
Fogalmad sincs, mennyire fontos vagy nekem, Percy Weasley.
“What was that?” Percy asked amusedly as he and Oliver entered the carriage at the far end of the train.
“What was what?” Warrington asked from where he was lying stretched across three seats, his feet planted in Graham’s lap.
“Ollie was flirting with Flint.”
“Percy!” Oliver yelled. “I was not flirting with him.”
Percy raised one of his eyebrows. “Please, Ollie, if you weren’t flirting with Flint, then I’m straight.”
“Ollie, you were smiling at him all nervously. You waved at him. I swear I saw Flint blush.”
“Have you ever seen Flint blush?” Warrington asked, craning his neck to look at his best friend.
“No,” Graham said, nudging Warrington off of him, his fellow Chaser landing on a heap on the carriage floor.
“Percy’s here, Cassie, I ain’t a footrest.”
“Don’t call me Cassie!”
“Why do you insist on winding him up?” Percy rolled his eyes as he sat next to his boyfriend.
“You think I wanna be a footrest?” Graham asked incredulously.
“I was comfortable,” Warrington complained, hauling himself onto the seat opposite Graham and Percy, while Oliver sat himself by the window, tapping idly on his leg.
“Charlie’s coming over for the holidays isn’t he?”
“Charlie and Bill are both in England for the holidays this year,” Percy nodded. “With Charlie being in Romania and Bill in Egypt I haven’t seen them in person for the last few years, it’s just been letters. I’m nervous about what they’re gonna say.”
“You mean about you and Grey?” Warrington asked, his face scrunched up in confusion. “I thought your siblings already knew? Well, your older brothers, anyway.”
“They do. Well… So far I’ve only had a response from Charlie. I don’t know if Bill even got my letter, because international owl post can sometimes take months to reach the recipient. Bill’s been working a lot this year on Muggle architect sites, so the post piles up anyway because it can’t reach somewhere like that.”
“Perce,” Oliver started gently. “Didn’t you say that when Charlie came out that Bill was the first one that supported him?”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not terrified about it.” Percy pointed out. “And the thought of coming out to my parents.”
“You know Graham’s at mine for Christmas, right? We live pretty close to you, so, if you need somewhere to go…”
Percy smiled. “Thanks Warrington.”
When the trolly started making its rounds, and Graham and Percy slipped out, Oliver turned to Warrington with a sly grin.
“What you said to Percy earlier, about offering him somewhere to go if he needed it - part of that wasn’t because of your crush on Charlie, was it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure,” Oliver smirked. “I remember the match you played in, what, three years ago? When you had to cover for York after his cauldron exploded and he spent three months in the hospital wing. And Charlie told Marcus that he should put you on the team permanently.”
“Shut your mouth, Wood.”
“I’m just saying, Warrington, pretty much everyone on the Gryffindor team had a crush on Charlie at some point.”
“Well, I don’t!”
“Uh, huh. Sure, Warrington, sure.”
Charlie stepped onto Platform 9 ¾ just as the Hogwarts Express began pulling in. It felt weird standing there now, knowing he’d probably never go back, when he still vividly remembered the first time he got on the train in 1984. Leaning against the wall, he scanned the plethora of students flooding the platform ready to go home for the holidays.
He turned to his left as Oliver Wood crashed into him, hugging him fiercely. He chuckled as he returned the hug of his passionate founder teammate.
“Hello, Ollie.”
“Honestly, you’d think it was your brother he was crushing on, with how enthusiastic that hug was.”
“Screw you, Montague.”
“Nah, Wood, I’ll leave that to- Nevermind…”
Charlie looked up to see Percy stood in front of him, shifting nervously, holding the hand of who Charlie assumed was his boyfriend.
“Hey, Percy,” Charlie smiled. “This your boyfriend?”
“Hi, Charlie. This is my Gra- I mean, um…”
“Graham Montague,” Percy’s boyfriend - Graham - stuck his free hand out to shake. “It’s lovely to meet you, Percy’s told me a lot about you.”
“All good I hope,” Charlie teased, shaking Graham’s hand. “Percy mentioned in his last letter that you’re on the Slytherin Quidditch team?”
“Chaser,” Graham nodded. “Professor Snape says if I keep up an Exceeds Expectations average then I’m a shoo-in for Captaincy. Cassie’s on the team too.”
Charlie tilted his head slightly. “Cassius Warrington, right?”
“I- y-yes. You… remember me?”
“Remember?” Charlie shook his head amusedly. “When you covered for Callum York, and you caught the snitch, that was the best diving I think I’ve ever seen! And you were, what, in your second year, right?”
“Y-Yeah.” Cassius stuttered. “I play Chaser now, though. It fits better for me.”
“I can see that.” Charlie said honestly. “Your flying skills were impeccable, I’m sure they’ve only strengthened over the last few years.”
Cassius blushed, ever so slightly, prompting Graham, Percy and Oliver to all share a brief look that Charlie was oblivious to.
“We should probably get a move on. Ollie, I saw your parents out front. Xenophilius Lovegood is waiting outside with a Portkey so we can take everyone else back to the Burrow. Oh, and his daughter, Luna, is it?”
“Speaking of which,” Percy nudged Cassius. “There she is.”
“Luna!” Cassius waved at a young blonde girl who’d started walking in their direction.
“Hello, Cassius,” she hugged him in greeting. “Hello, Graham. Percy. Oliver.”
“Hello, Luna.” Percy smiled. “This is my brother, Charlie. Charlie, Luna here is Ginny’s best friend.”
“It’s lovely to meet you finally, Luna. Gin’s told me all about you in her letters.”
“Ginny said you work with dragons, it’s very sensible. They naturally keep away Nargles.” Luna looped her arm through Cassius’. “Is dad meeting us?”
“Uncle Xen’s waiting outside with a Portkey.” Cassius led Luna through the barrier, closely followed by Oliver.
“Édesem, you coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll just be a minute.”
Graham looked between the two brothers and gave Percy a soft smile before stepping through the barrier.
“So, what’s making you nervous?” Charlie asked. “Be honest with me.”
Percy swallowed. “Do you think Bill got my letter?”
“Oh, oh, Percy. I promise - I promise - Bill won’t react negatively to you having a boyfriend.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. Not really.”
“What are you worried about?”
“Mum,” Percy admitted. “I was there when you came out to her that Christmas. I remember how she reacted, what she said. I remember how you refused to come home at Easter. Charlie, I- I can’t- I can’t-”  
“Percy. Respiră adânc și calmează-te.”
“Cum să mă calmez?”
“You know, you don’t have to tell her.”
“How can I not tell her?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yes!” Percy exclaimed. “No… I don’t- I don’t know.”
Charlie sighed, pulling his younger brother into a hug. “You don’t have to come out until you’re ready to do so. To anyone, okay?”
“Okay,” Percy let out a breath.
“C’mon,” Charlie threw his arm around Percy’s shoulders, leading him through the barrier. “Let’s go home.”
“You know tomorrow is Christmas Day, right?”
Percy paused, setting down the plate he was washing. “Yes?”
“You gonna avoid me on Christmas Day?” Bill raised his eyebrows.
“I’m not avoiding you,” Percy turned back to the washing up he was doing the Muggle way.
“Percy,” Bill sighed. “Are you really gonna do this?”
“What do you want me to say, Bill?”
There was an awkwardness that hung in the air, neither of the brothers moving from where they were each stood. It stretched on for what felt like an age, before Bill spoke up quietly.
“I got your letter.”
“So you know, then?”
“Percy, I don’t care who you’re attracted to. I just care that you’re happy.”
“You’re not disappointed?”
“Why would I be?”
Percy said nothing in response, only shrugged as he busied himself once again with the washing up.
Bill sighed, but began drying what Percy washed up. “So, can I ask who knows?”
“About me and Graham?” Percy asked quietly. “You, Charlie, Oliver, um, Cassius Warrington, Graham’s best friend. That’s everyone so far, I think. Oh, and the people at The Spellbinding Booktique.”
“The people at the what now?” Bill blinked.
“Cordelia and Lark Thornhill, the owners of The Spellbinding Booktique. It’s a bookshop in Hogsmeade, they only opened back in April. Graham took me there for our first date.”
“He took you to a bookshop for your first date?”
“Yeah,” Percy smiled shyly. “Then he brought be Sugar Quills.”
“So this Graham must really like you, then?”
“It’s not a joke, Bill.”
“I never said it was.” Bill clasped Percy’s shoulder gently. “Do you think people won’t take this seriously? Do you think our family won’t?”
“Before Graham, I’d only ever dated Penelope, and the reactions to that were bad enough. Coming out, having a boyfriend - one who’s also a Slytherin, no less? It’s a storm waiting to boil over.”
“You like this guy, right? He makes you happy? Because that’s all that should matter, Percy.”
“I know. I know that, but I can’t help worrying about it.”
“Worrying about what?”
The brothers turned to find their father stepping out of the fireplace, shrugging off his travelling cloak and hanging it up.
“Nothing!” Bill exclaimed, his voice going ever so slightly squeaky. “Nothing to worry about, absolutely nothing!”
“Boys.” Arthur frowned. “What’s going on?”
Percy swallowed nervously, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“Dad,” Bill stepped forward. “It’s fine, it’s nothing-”
“Bill,” Percy murmured, taking a deep breath. “It’s okay. D-Dad, I- I’m seeing someone.”
“I thought you and Penelope broke up?”
“A different someone, dad. I.. his name is Graham.”
There was a silence, before Arthur crossed the room and engulfed Percy in a hug. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Dad?” Percy let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding as he returned Arthur’s hug. “You’re… thanking me?”
Arthur pulled back, smiling at his son somewhat sadly. “When Charlie came out, I didn’t react the way I should have.”
“Dad, you didn’t react badly to it,” Bill said softly.
“I should’ve gone after him when he left.” Arthur sighed. “Instead, I comforted your mother, and I’ve been trying to make it up to your brother ever since. I’m not making the same mistake twice. You’re my son, and I love you. As long as this boy treats you right, then I’m happy you’re happy.”
“He does,” Percy nodded. “Thank you, dad.”
“This boyfriend of yours got a name, then?” Arthur teased.
“Graham,” Percy bit his lip. “Graham, um, Montague.”
“Montague.” Arthur blinked. “As in Richard Montague’s son?”
“I don’t really know how it all started. We were friends first, I guess, but it- it kind of just happened, and I like him a lot, dad. I really do, and I’m happy. I’m thrilled.”
“And I’m happy for you, I am,” Arthur said reassuringly.
“Can you… not tell mum? For now? I’m not ready for that. Not yet, at least.”
Arthur nodded. “I understand, I won’t tell her. It’s not my place to. I’m proud of you, Percy, you know that?”
“Thank you, dad.”
“I’m still incredibly single,” Bill piped up. “Your boyfriend doesn’t have a sister, does he?”
Percy raised one of his eyebrows. “She lives in Hungary. And she’s engaged.”
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