lysius-a · 6 years
h m talk about dionysus' cult and his connection to rebellion
OH BOY !  first, let’s talk about women of the ancient world for a bit ( and i say this generalizing the different city-states in greece, so most of this doesn’t apply to women in sparta for example).  back then the greeks (especially the athenians) valued women who made themselves invisible. you were looked down on if you came up in conversation frequently regardless of whether it was in praise or criticism. 
women had their own separate quarters in the house, usually in the back of the house or on the upper floors - the farthest they could possibly be from the front doors because that’s where the men stayed and if a woman tried to sneak out of the house, it’d be very difficult to do so without the man of the house knowing. the only women you’d really see in public were either women in poverty who had no choice but to leave the house to make ends meet, or prostitutes. makes it very hard to form a unified community among women who could start a dialogue about how shitty their lives were and how they wanted things to change. imagine living in a world like that… it’s very handmaid’s tale-esque except this was a reality for women back then. 
now enter dionysus with a brand new cult that encourages these same women to get out of the house, convene together in the woods and just be free to express themselves. they would scream, yell, sing out and just purge everything that they had been forced to hold inside ; dance naked and explore their sexuality in a safe and consensual space where no men or outsiders were allowed to intrude; binge on all the things that they’d been deprived of. now imagine experiencing that kind of freedom and then having to come back to your ordinary, oppressive world in the morning?
eventually, dionysus’ followers wanted more than a mini vacation in the woods. they wanted these moments of freedom in their everyday lives, and the men in power were TERRIFIED of dionysus’ cult because they had no control of what would be done during these religious rites, and they feared that the women, the slaves, and the down trodden who often attended these events would eventually band together and rebel against their oppressive societies. that’s why dionysus’ cult was branded as just a bunch of “crazy women” getting drunk, but it isn’t just about parties and orgies like mainstream beliefs lead you to think. it’s mainly about escaping oppression and rebelling against anyone who tries to make you feel small and invisible by creating a space where everyone is equal and a part of a larger whole and a force to be reckoned with. 
send me a topic to write a meta on  //  status : accepting   //  @pomegrnat
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realitv · 6 years
pomegrnat replied to your post: SORRY THE UNDERWORLD IS CLOSED NO PHONES HERE
hm try a carrier pigeon
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carrier pigeon landing @ 1:03 pm: persephone i know you’re down there. carrier pigeon landing @ 2:15 pm: persephone. i know you’re getting these. carrier pigeon landing @ 3:01 pm: hey carrier pigeon landing @ 3:24 pm: hey carrier pigeon landing @ 3:45 pm: hey? carrier pigeon landing @ 5:45 pm: FINE BE THAT WAY BUT IT WON’T BE PRETTY WHEN I ACTUALLY COME DOWN THERE
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murroyilodel · 6 years
hello grand daughter ily :')
Oh.  Oh.  Hi  grandma,  you’re  beautiful  and  independent  and  kickass  and  I  love  you  already.  Is  it  strict  in  the  underworld  though?
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sanctamater · 6 years
who are my grandchildren let me spoil them
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aunthlda · 6 years
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hilda go die again , hilda stop coming back to life , hilda do THIS , hilda do THAT
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godmyths · 6 years
pomegrnat replied to your post: “ let’s take a breath , jump over the side. ”...
she already jumped …… ahsjaka
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game  on,  kid.
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illlusioner · 6 years
honestly i rag on em's puns but they astound me
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        honestly  how  does  she  boo  it  ?        /    @asphdel​
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materialwoman · 6 years
send in my faves ???? do u mean .... 🌻 + fencetm ???
              oh ... veeeeery  clever of you ,  denisa ...  but i have nothing to say about this dumbass .  what if i just talk about ... you ?   y’know ,  just everything you touch is so iconic .  i mean it .  from those nice messages when i followed you the first time ,  to the ones when i wasn’t feeling great ,  and the way you’re just so cool ?!  well thanks .  teach me your ways if possible too .  oh ,  and never forget  --  you allowed me to talk about tammy’s ...  crippling fear of becoming her mother .  i mean ,  i really felt that .  it meant a lot because ,  well ,  you cared enough to let me ramble about it ,  and that’s so precious !  also ,  your writing .  i can’t believe we haven’t properly written something yet but i have to say that i can’t wait to .  i read your stuff on my dash and faint .  you’re amazing  &  having you around is a delight . 
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﹠ .  ♡ ╶╴ 🌻  +  𝐀  𝐔𝐑𝐋  =  𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 ,   @pomegrnat.
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auhera · 6 years
sips ambrosia 👀
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“  lady  persephone , please stop making such a face.  you’re going to get it all over yourself.  ”  lips press into a slight scowl before too , with much resistance , turning into a smirk. ( it’s hidden by her own sip of the teacup. ) their gossip had been cut short , if you can call it gossip , FOR QUEENS DO NOT GOSSIP , because the great and mighty ZEUS had finally arrived , and it is definitely not queenly to gossip when all the gossip told is about someone within earshot.    a laugh a stifled , a giggle is shared. 
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maskforged-a · 6 years
hi best friend
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      what happened to our forbidden forest trips
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lysius-a · 6 years
❛ how terrible it is, to love something that death can touch. ❜ abt ariadne ....
          FOR  A  GOD ,  to  love  a  mortal  was  to  love  a  corpse,  and  depsite  knowing  this,  the  death  of  his  wife  didn’t  sit  in  dionysus’  heart  lightly.  it  sank  to  the  pit  of  his  stomach,  twisting  and  contorting  into  a  grief  so  profoundly  unbearable  that  he  saw  no  point  in  continuing  his  eternal  existence  without her. 
          oh,  how  close  he  had  been  to  reaching  olympus  when  his   brave  ariadne  had  taken  the  fall for him  in  battle . . . how  close  he  had   been  to  making  her  immortal  when  her  calcified  remains  crumbled  to  dust  in  his  shaking  hands.  he  had  so  much  hope  that  she’d  be  safe  during  those  last  days  as  a  mortal,  but  alas  here  he  was,  standing  before  the  queen  of  the  dead  after  enduring  a  journey  to  the  underworld  that  few  had  ever  attempted,  begging  that  she  let  him  do  what  no  one  else  had  ever  done :  bring  back  the  dead .
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          ❛    AND  SO  YOU  UNDERSTAND    why  i   must  have  her  back ?  she  isn’t  just  my  love,  she  is  my  wife,  my  life’s  blood,  and  if  i  am  to  be  granted  a  place  among  you  deathless  gods,  so  too  should  she.    ❜
❦ .  various starters   //   status : accepting   //  @pomegrnat
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realitv · 6 years
  DON’T ASK FOR THE MOON: WE’LL HAVE THE STARS ! Trademarked oh-so-serious, real acting; a great star, a true star -- never will nor would be anything less. HELPED TO PAVE HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD ! Rendered painstakingly in greyscale; stretched high and mighty across the silver screen, remastered for a modern audience: HD, 1080P: not a pixel out of place upon that million dollar smile. MEET THE FIRST FLUSH OF YOUTH ! Something so strange about being a dying supernova meeting a young star; ALL ABOUT EVE PERSEPHONE ! A funeral march at yet another party ( your guests are wondering where they may view the body ) and a dress to match. “You’ve been right under my nose this whole time; how marvellous. How bold.” Words laced with a terrible POISON: smile a little too wide, a little too sharp. Laced with enough perfume to make the flowers around her WILT and wither. “THERE ARE SOME HUMAN EXPERIENCES THAT DO NOT TAKE PLACE IN A VAUDEVILLE HOUSE. But we, my dear, are not human; does that make the experience null and void?” 
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  Terribly coy; the mark of a thespian that had been groomed for the spotlight from the tender age of four -- A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM ! Stark realism meets film noir; a strange introspective period for America’s GILDED children to reflect and examine the DARK SIDE of show biz and all the feuds that came with it. “I DETEST CHEAP SENTIMENT. You and your ilk are full of it. Such drama! More than what resides in a New Haven theatre strip, but what do I know? I’m just little old me, after all. No. It’s all about you.”
&& @pomegrnat​.
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sanctamater · 6 years
ok so honey .... you know how when you think a man is hot , sometimes you just want to make him realize that yOU'RE the queen of this underworld , and he'd better kneel or you'll throw him into tartarus ??? but like ... in a way that's sexy and shows that u love him ????? thats it.
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atlantisking · 6 years
happy birthday , arthur ! here , have some coral that is definitely not from poseidon's place ....
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“   THANK YOU  and if it’s from his place… I guess I’ll  at least  put it on the mantelpiece.   “
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godmyths · 6 years
“ let’s take a breath , jump over the side. ” ajskaa go cliff diving w her poseidon
GRIN  WIDENS  AT  THE  SUGGESTION.  long  has  it  been  since  one  of  the  clan  has  dared  to  willingly  plunge  into  the  depths  of  his  domain.  fear  of  tidal  waves  swallowing  them  whole,  creatures  clutching  at  bare  feet  to  pull  them  under,  means  the  others  do  not  trust  his  temperament  to  remain  in  control.  but  he’s  currently  counting  three  weeks  without  acting  out  and  that  should  be  celebrated,  no?
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“ it’s  a  long  way  down. ”  amusement  is  still  present  on  his  features  as  he  makes  a  point  of  glancing  over  the  cliffside  edge,  mouth  pursing  to  allow  a  whistle  to  come  and  go  with  exaggerated  form.  and  with  that,  aquamarine  hues  snap  back  to  his  niece,  “ you  want  to  go  first,  or  do  you  need  me  to  show  you  how  it’s  done? ”
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aunthlda · 6 years
sometimes i dream that i love morgan and then i realize your selfie is still one of the backgrounds on my phone :')
im a model xo 
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