#pond naravit luke voyage khaotung thanawat gun atthaphan
talkingbl · 3 years
This was an interesting read. Thought I'd give my perspective on OP's comments as well as my own feedback on the show/the guys. Gotta keep in mind that some part of what we saw in the Safe House was acting.
Luke - OP mentions Luke comes across as "bro-ey." I could not feel any different. IMO, Luke seemed like he was just trying to find a place to fit in on that cast. I've watched his YouTube content and have seen clips of him hanging out with his friends and he just seems like an open-minded, kindhearted guy. I really liked Luke in Safe House and only wish he was more included in the main shenanigans. He seemed a bit distant from the others until Tay arrived.
But to comment on OP's mention of Luke seeming "bro-ey," I honestly feel that's just code for too American. There's nothing in the way he acted on the show that would lead me to conclude that he's a frat boy type. I can only assume that the way he talks and looks (very western, embodying western male beauty standards) is what leads OP to this conclusion.
Khaotung - Blended into the background to me. I guess I never realized how introverted he is because, admittedly, I haven't seen much of him outside of his roles.
Gun - These days Gun feels a little more reserved. Years back, he was always smiling and playing around with someone but on Safe House (and honestly in other things too) he seems to have closed that side to him off. That said, he definitely embodied the phi role in the house and it was interesting to see that side to him.
Earth - Not sure what to feel about Earth after Safe House. I thought it was interesting that the other guys all seemed to hover around him a bit? Well really he and Mix. They seemed to form sort of an 'in crowd' and I found that very interesting. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Earth gives off an effortless cool vibe. Don't know what to feel about some things he was alleged to have said to Mix (didn't see them myself so I can't comment). All in all, after Safe House, I'm not sure if I have more interest in Earth or not though.
Pond - Pond is Pond. Literally from his social media posts to interviews to Safe House, he is the same exact person every time. He embodies Aquarius energy more so than Luke and even Neo.
Phuwin - The baby energy was very strong with Phuwin. Not much to say but that he came across as an ambivert with little issue carrying a conversation with any one person in the house.
Tay - I mean this in the best possible way; what the fuck goes on with Tay. He's like always on 1,000 when everyone else is on 12. This is how I know he's a decent actor because I only see Tay get wild like that on select reality shows. Either way, it gets me excited to see him in more series where he can show more of his range. I need him to play a father next. If Gun has nurturing parent energy, Tay has corny dad energy.
Mix - Mix just has a very home-y feeling to him (not to be confused with "homie feeling") that I think just put the other guys at ease. He seems a bit vulnerable at times (yet still completely confident/in control) and it comes off well on screen. It was cute seeing him be very affectionate with all the guys but especially seeing his interactions with the guys I've never seen him hang around before. Seriously, I walked away from Safe House seeing it very strongly for LukeMix. The chemistry was just palpable and Luke seemed to genuinely care when Mix's feelings were hurt. I wouldn't mind seeing them co-lead a romance, and I may even write the story myself lmao.
Neo - I truly think that what we saw with Neo is who he is to some extent. He's very fun and I think the other guys were very much drawn to him because it's like he doesn't have to try to be entertaining. I think people see his genuineness and are attracted to it.
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