harrierflight · 2 years
Poolstrider, how is parenthood treating you?
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hollowjaw · 2 years
Sumacskip which of Poolstrider's kits is ur favourite
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“I love them both equally, with all my heart!”
“Don’t tell Poolstrider but... I’m glad they had them. I feel like they deserve a family, after losing their father and sister. I know what that’s like.”
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oakwing · 2 years
🍂💫 - poolstrider or harrierflight, whichever u have more thoughts on
🍂 Theory I have about their backstory or future (Poolstrider)
I know that Poolstrider will be a fantastic parent, even if they're a bit nervous and unsure of their abilities at first. I think they'll definitely raise their kits to believe in equality amongst the clans, but that might have some interesting implications when you consider the sire of those kits. Maybe it plants a bit of doubt amongst a Bogclanner or two, causing gossip to spread that eventually creates a more substantial reveal...? This is more likely if it's planned for Poolstrider to become more vocal about their political opinions with the introduction of their kittens; possibly desire to make it very clear to those kittens what is right and what is wrong in the current atmosphere. I also think Pool will be a bit frantic and nervous at first, given that they weren't expecting the kittens. I feel they might overcompensate a bit to make up for the fact that the father isn't present, since they view this as an issue as it's something that has upset them, but something that the kits won't necessarily care about unless it's made into a Thing by their parent. I also feel like Poolstrider will be quite clingy (for lack of a better word) with their kits since they've felt the loss of both their sister and their father, and they don't want to experience more abandonment. So they may be somewhat of a helicopter parent and be very aware of any trouble their kits are getting into. Maybe it'll end up being a situation where Sumacskip and his more easygoing nature helps with that. I do think that the true identity of Poolstrider's ex will come to light at some point. I don't think Pool will face serious practical consequences for this, as they seem to have a good support system within Bogclan, but I do think that they will have to deal with some backlash throughout their life and that they will become more overprotective when it comes to shielding their kits from rude comments as they grow up (if the truth comes out while they're still young).
💫 Ideal development and growth (Harrierflight)
I definitely want to see Harrierflight be confronted with the fallacy that is his incessant biases against the other clans. It would be interesting for an event to occur in which he has to acknowledge the humanity (felinity...?) of a cat from another community. Maybe a situation occurs where Harrier has to overcome a challenge by collaborating with a Raven/Aspen member (maybe something where he's helping them rebuild after the fires, like if Ashenmoon decides to extend the olive branch again and Harrier is chosen to be part of that...?). Since he seems pretty religious, he might see this experience as a lesson sent by Starclan to inform him of the equal standing of other cats. I would also like to see him in a situation where another Bogclanner is calling him out on his biases and holding them to account, poking holes in his arguments one by one. I feel like that'd be a stressful experience for Harrierflight, but a really valuable one if he's mad enough to stick around for the whole convo. And the process of essentially deprogramming and unlearning so many years of what is basically Bogclan propaganda would be a really fascinating experience to witness because it's just so difficult and requires so much upheaval and character development. Especially when the current status quo in Bogclan is actively upholding these kinds of biases. It would be utterly devastating if he were to be in a situation like one of the ones described above and instead of being forced to change, he instead digs deeper into his convictions and becomes even more fanatical... eventually leading to a soft demise. Though, that would also be a realistic and interesting portrayal and one that a lot of people often shy away from, sooo there are lots of cool routes for this guy! Always great to see people facing the pro-clan brainwashing stuff head on.
It is cool that these guys are like the antithesis of one another :>
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harrierflight · 2 years
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heaven, heaven is a place... a place where nothing... where nothing ever happensss
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harrierflight · 2 years
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you’re like my yo-yo that glowed in the dark
what made it special made it dangerous
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