#poor saiki did not get to eat any sweets
tdlosk-confessions · 4 months
I like to think Kaidou fucking sucks at cooking (pretty sure it's canon, there was that one episode where Kaidou and I think Hairo were paired up with Saiki to make a pastry and they FUCKING SUCKED at it, I think they blew up a microwave)
So Saiki has to step in whenever Kaidou is cooking for his siblings so he can make sure Kaidou doesn't burn down their house
Like, if Kaidou nearly cuts his finger off he uses restoration immediately or just moves the knife a little bit to the side
Saiki is basically Kaidous damage control in cooking
[Confession 155]
This is so real lmao, if Kaidous guardian chihuahua can't protect him Saiki sure will
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cml-san · 3 years
Hi hi! How are you doing? I hope you're doing okay. Reminder to drink, eat and sleep. 💕 And that you're doing amazing!
On that note, if you're currently taking requests, I would like to leave one.
Could I have Kusou, Aren (Saiki K), Norway, America (Hetalia), Bakugou and Todoroki (MHA) with a crush on someone who uses pet names a lot? Like they'll greet their friends (including them) by going (for example) "Kusou! My love!"
No stress in doing it though! And feel free to only do some of the characters.
Thanks a lot!!! I hope you are doing amazing, I'm sorry it took so long
• Okay, he loves pet names • He always goes to poor Iceland like "c a l l m e b i g b r o t h e r" • ... • (I think I might or might not have just messed up with your brain, my apologies) • Which comes off as a surprise to many due to his cold demeanor • He probably sees it as cute but it doesn't really make him flustered or anything • However, he does love it when you call him "dearest" • His little smile is almost unnoticeable, but it's right there • As his crush on you grows you can finally see an itsy bitsy lil blush • And boy, does Denmark make a whole thing about it? • YES, Mathias isn't particularly known for being subtle • And Lukas is eventually going to get tired of him pestering both of you for being such a "beautiful-should-be couple" • So he finally asks you out. • Please say yes, Mathias will be absolutely destroyed if you reject his bestie who might or might not be his younger brother.
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• Similar to Lukas, he loves pet names • Actually scratch that, ALFRED FREEDOM JONES IS A BIG FAN OF PET NAMES • Arthur was kind of strict with him while he raised him, and while he did show him affection he never called poor Al any pet names • I really do believe they're both affection and touch starved but Alfred is the only one who actually seeks for it • However since he is not really used to it, he'll just think you're flirting and will "flirt back" • He's not one to pay attention to others so at first he doesn't realize you call EVERYONE pet names • How did he learn about it? • Welp, picture this: • There's a smal break during the world meeting • The reason? Germany got mad at both Italies, they were both sleeping, Feliciano started crying and Lovino started cursing everyone, which escalated into Francis and Arthur fighting, Ivan just sat there smiling and Ludwig just decided it was best for everyone to take an hour long break to unwind. • So, America goes for a walk in the halls unconsciously looking for you and when he finally finds you • His face starts glowing • And when he is about to call your name he sees you talking with England • You said "something, something, Artie, my sweet boy" • And then he replied "tea, biscuits, wankers, coloUr, trousers, God save the Queen, Love~" • Okay, he wasn't really sure of what you guys were talking about but he definitely heard you call him "Artie, my sweet boy" and he heard England call you "Love". • But he let it slide • Some other time you were talking with Francis, "something, something, something, darling" "flirt, baguette, hon hon hon, ma chérie" • Now THAT was concerning, he was getting pissed • You were sweet talking to England, France, RUSSIA, both Italies?????? • Until one day he heard • "Ludwig, something, something, babe?" • And the response was: "work, work, work, work, (y/n) I know you are very fond of all of us here but I must insist on you to address me and everyone else formally during meetings" • So he finally decides to ask Canada about it • "Bro, what did Germany mean with that?" • Mathew is just too nice to do so but he really wanted to slap Alf for being so stupid, so he just tells him "well... they always act like that, did you not notice? did you think they were flirting with you?" • America has only 3 braincells, England and Canada keep 2 of them • Will most likely apologize, and hang out with you • Although his crush on you is too big, he wants to take his time to ask you out and enjoy non-romantic affection for the first time in years.
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• *inhales* • boi • Oh god • This is just straight up comedy gold • The IRONY • Bakugo is always going around calling names • And all of the sudden YOU are the one calling names • Even more surprising, PET NAMES • Honey, sweetie, cutie, darling, baby, dear • While he's going DEKU, SHITTY HAIR, ROUND FACE, PONY TAIL • like, bruh wot • So when you start calling him all that cheesy stuff, he is so confused • At first he absolutely hates it, he thinks you are actually making fun of him but nope • When he realizes that's not the case, he's still pissed • It's just annoying for him how you just call him all that shit with no shame whatsoever • But the most annoying thing • Is the fact that you call everyone else that • He wants to be the only person you get to call cute things, but noooo you give everyone pet names • What gets him the most is how you seem to call those damn traffic lights looking morons things like "Sunshine, sparky, cinammon roll" • Like, nah man, their names are "shitty hair, dunce face and fucking ass Deku" • He'll eventually accept your pet names and he is such a blushing mess • He still gets jealous when you call others by pet names, EVERYONE KNOWS HE'S CRUSHING HARD • It's going to take him a while but he WILL confess • He'll see someone talking to you a bit too friendly • And he'll just grab your wrist and take you to an empty classroom and confess, he is possessive, but he doesn't want to put you on the spot. • If you accept, he is going to hug you from behind whenever someone tries to hit on you (as a friendly reminder) • Also, he doesn't know how to do sweet talk. • TEACH HIM, PLEASE.
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• visible confussion • Affection in MY classroom? It's more likely than you think • He is not very sure of what is going on, but it makes him feel good? • Another affection starved kid TM • Doesn't ask what's going on • "I guess this is my life now" • It takes him a while, but when he realizes he's in love with you • He'll try to find the perfect time and place for a confession • Nothing flashy tho • It's just short, simple, sweet and personal • He won't give himself away to anyone • He's nervous but won't back down • "They are just the sweetest person in the world" • You are now the greatest thing since cold soba • Enji doesn't like you, he thinks you are just a distraction • But he's trying to be a better father • "Shoto, invite them for dinner" • "What is their quirk" • "FOOD" • "What is their favourite food?" • Shoto couldn't be any happier
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• So, just like every single one of the previous morons, he is confussion • Why are you calling people babe, honey and stuff? • Is it some type of code? • Why do you call him that? • BUT, unlike every single one of the previous morons, he actually asks you directly • "Oh, it's just a thing I do to show affection" • "Ohhhhh I get it" • He didn't • well, sort of • The closest thing he ever got to pet names was being called boss, aniki, sir • So he immediately thought "Ah! It's just like that" • He tries to do the same to you, now people think you are the leader of a gang. • "Hello there ane/aniki" • "Anything you need ma'm/sir?" • I'm begging you, teach him, and give him love • Lots of them • He's trying, okay?
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• Meh, he doesn't mind it tbh • Or at least he thought so • He was used to his parent's daily displays of affection • But going to school and see more of it? • good grief • Of course he knew it was only a friendly gesture, he can read your mind after all • Finds it ridiculous, annoying, pointless and unnecessary • And yet he loves it • Makes him a bit shy surprisingly • I wouldn't expect him to confess • Unless you like him back • Then he will consider asking you out • Kurumi loves you, and thinks you are dating her precious Kuu-chan • When she meets you she's all like "Oh, you are the cutie dating Kuu-chan!" • Frick • "What do you mean you aren't dating? Kuu-chan clearly likes you!" • Kurumi is the reason why you're now dating • Now your sweet talk is even sweeter • Won't give you any pet names but will let you call him anything you like • Kuusuke definitely gives him hell for it • Kusuo smacks the shit out of him doesn't care as long as you are happy • He is very happy
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tkl-tee · 5 years
A Bothersome Day… (Saiki, Kaido, Nendo)
A/N: So, so sorry this took so long to get done and posted! Thank you for your continued support
Disclaimer: This is a tickle fic.
Summary: When Saki loses his germanium telepathy-canceling ring, he receives an alternative from his seemingly “well-meaning” brother. Shenanigans ensue at school that day. Saiki is powerless, his friends are merciless, and the poor guy just wants to get through the day!
Word Count: 2024
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’How bothersome…’ Saiki thought to himself as he finished searching through his room for the tenth time this morning. He couldn’t find his germanium ring anywhere and he refused to leave the house without it on today of all days.
He had been looking forward to a coming movie for months now, but he had to miss the premiere last night. He needed the ring to cancel his telepathy in order to avoid hearing spoilers from anyone’s minds while he was at school.
He had looked and looked and even tried using his clairvoyance, but no luck. Sighing deeply, he made his way downstairs to eat breakfast.
‘I guess I’ll have to skip class until I can find it…” The thought of not having to deal with his bothersome classmates brought a small smile to his face.
His moment of joy came a bit too soon, as he was greeted by his mother at the bottom of the staircase. She was smiling sweetly and holding a small package. Saiki read her thoughts before she could explain. 
‘Ku is such a good soon, sending gifts to his brother! Such a good son!’
Saiki held himself back from rolling his eyes and politely waited for his mom to explain, before taking the package wearily. It was small and tied with a pink bow, matching his hair color.
He ripped the package open and dumped its contents into his hand while levitating the paper to the garbage can. Out fell a familiar ring and a folded up noted. Saiki unfolded and read the note while putting his shoes on by the door.
‘Dear Kusuo, I had a gut feeling that you would be needing this today. Please wear it and have a wonderful day! With love, your dear brother Kusuku♡’
Kusuo scoffed at the note and eyed the ring suspiciously. It looked just like a germanium ring… but could he really trust his brother? He mulled it over for a few moments before he heard his mother’s voice from the kitchen.
“Kusuo, I sure hope you aren’t planning on being late today!” he almost shivered at her overly-sweet tone, and slid the ring on his finger, crumpling the note and shoving it in his pocket. With that, he embarked for school.
Saiki sighed contentedly as the lunch bell rang and classmates began to empty out of the classroom. So far the day had been uneventful. Both the walk to school and morning classes had been quiet and spoiler-free. The ring seemed to be working.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear his friends- no, classmates approaching him from behind.
“Heyyy, partner! Hey, hey!” Saiki nearly cringed at the sound of Nendo behind him. He was used to not being able to hear his thoughts, but it was strange to turn and see Kaido as well due to not being able to read his thoughts and know they were approaching.
‘How bothersome…” Saiki thought as the two annoying guys stood in front of his desk. He did not feel like dealing with them today while he was in such a good mood. He may not have telepathy, but he still had his other powers. He could get out of this.
He looked past the two towards the door and pointed. Almost pathetically, the two both stared behind them trying to figure out what he was pointing at. While they were turned, Saiki attempted to turn invisible. 
Nendo and Kaido turned back to him with quizzical expressions.
“What is it, buddy?” Nendo asked.
“Did you see some kind of crazy ghost monster or something?” Kaido added, dramatically. Saiki just looked at them both with a confused expression.
‘They… can still see me?’ Saiki pointed again at the door, and again, the two idiots turned and looked behind them. Saiki immediately tried to turn invisible again. Again, they turned back and looked right at him.
“Seriously man, what is it?” Kaido asked. Still pointing, Kusuo noticed and remembered the ring sent by his brother. He quickly withdrew his hand and went to pull the ring off. His stomach dropped as he was unable to remove the ring; it didn’t hurt or feel tight, but was somehow stuck on his finger. He pulled and pulled, but to no avail.
“Ha, are you messing with is or something?” Nendo said, leaning against Saiki’s desk. Starting to panic a bit, Saiki attempted to use clairvoyance- nothing. He even tried to levitate- nothing again. He was getting seriously worried now. How bothersome… 
“Hey Saiki, you look worried. Everything okay?” Kaido asked.
“Yeah buddy, you good?” Nendo added, placing a firm hand on Saiki’s shoulder.
‘Of course not,’ Saiki thought to himself, staring at the ring that refused to budge. He felt so helpless and powerless without his, well, powers. He could feel his nerves growing and even Nendo’s hand on his shoulder was too much.
‘That Kusuke… I’m going to kill him,’ he thought as he attempted to shake off Nendo’s hand, scowling.
“Oh, there’s the usual frown we know and love,” Kaido joked, and Nendo laughed, squeezing Saiki’s shoulder.
“Ha, you’re acting weird today,” he said, as Kusuo twitched and shook his shoulder a few times.
“Weirder than usual,” Kaido added, smirking.
‘Y-you’re one to talk!’ Saiki thought to himself, biting his lip as Nendo’s hand began to really annoy him. He rarely let people touch him, and was not at all used to this… sensation.
Kaido quirked an eyebrow at him, and Saiki felt his heart drop as he could basically see the gears turning in his head. Suddenly Kaido’s brows shot up and he smiled, amused.
“Hey, Nendo, I think you’re tickling him!” he declared, like he had just made the most important discovery in the world.
“Huh? No way, not possible,” Nendo sounded doubtful, and kneaded both of Saiki’s shoulders this time. Saiki was not expecting this, and jumped, recoiling in on himself and shaking slightly.
“Dude… this is hilarious. I really didn’t expect this from someone like you, Saiki!” Kaido said excitedly. “Nendo, try somewhere else!”
Nendo complied, moving large hands without much thought to squeeze at Saiki’s ribs. Saiki really wasn’t expecting that, and nearly yelped. He was clenching his jaw tightly and firmly covered his mouth with his hands. Kaido, however, had no reserves about laughing at Saiki.
“Hey Saiki, what kind of laugh do you have? Come on, come one,” Kaido asked, crouching to eye level with Saiki.
“I don’t think he’s ever even smiled,” Nendo added. Saiki attempted to twist away from Nendo’s hands. He would be damned if he was going smile now, let alone laugh in front of these guys!
“Do it again,” Kaido urged, and Nendo complied. Saiki jumped again and inhaled sharply through his nose. This time both Kaido and Nendo chuckled at him.
He couldn’t believe this was happening! He’d never let himself fall into a position like this before. He couldn’t even remember really being tickled before. He knew most people were sensitive, but he couldn’t believe how this felt.
“Hey, I wanna try,” Kaido said, and Saiki cursed- at these guys, at his brother, at the universe- as Nendo gripped his upper arms firmly.
“Have at it,” he said. Saiki, still covering his mouth for dear life, looked up at Kaido and glared in his best attempt to be intimidating. Kaido hesitated slightly at the malicious aura coming from his pink-haired classmate, but was too eager to let it stop him. He reached across the desk and gently, but firmly wiggled his finger against Saiki’s defenseless sides.
Saiki began to squirm again, bumping his knee loudly against his desk. He ignored any pain that might have caused as he was overtaken with ticklish sensations lighting up his sides. He was still able to restrain his laughter, but breathed heavily through his nose.
“C’mon Saiki, all you have to do is laugh and we’ll stop! Better hurry though, lunch will be over soon!” Sure enough, Saiki glance at the clock on the wall and saw that his situation would soon be way worse once kids began filtering back in the classroom.
“He’s too stubborn,” Nendo said while digging his thumbs into Saiki’s upper ribs. Saiki jolted and arched his back, much to Kaido’s convenience. The blue-haired classmate scratched all around Saiki’s torso through his uniform. Quiet laughs resonated in his chest whenever Kaido got too close to his hips or stomach, causing Kaido to smirk.
“Hah, almost there. Just laugh, Saiki!” he teased, unable to keep his own voice serious. Saiki was seriously hating him right now, and was seriously hating how sensitive he was.
It was around this time that the class door was opened by none other than Kuboyasu Aren. He stopped and watched the scene before him for a moment before blanking.
‘...Better not get involved…” he thought to himself, and closed the door, leaving unnoticed by the other three.
At this point, Kaido had scratched his way down to Saiki’s hips and focused his efforts on squeezing the sensitive spots. Nendo had gotten bored and released Saiki’s arms, instead moving back to squeeze at his shoulders.
Immediately Saiki shifted to the back of his seat and crumpled forward with his face down on his desk. He scrunched his shoulders up in a desperate attempt to protect the sensitive muscles in his shoulders. It was the relentless attack on his hips that finally broke him, however. He finally released his laughter, though it was muffled through his hands.
Kaido smiled triumphantly, walking one hand to scratch at Saiki’s stomach and the other to squeeze his side.
“No Saiki, we have to actually be able to hear you,” he said in a teasing voice that made Saiki want to sink into the floor. He tried to consider his options, which were few, but he could hardly think or focus.
‘R-really, how to normal people survive without p-powers!” he thought, before nearly squealing when Nendo shifted closer to his neck.
“Hm, okay I guess. I’m sure the rest of the class will be shocked to see this. I guess you don’t mind though,” Kaido said, moving back to Saiki’s hips and continuing to tickle him.
’Okay, that’s enough!’ Saiki thought as he unhappily resigned to the only option available to him in his current state. He forced himself to move his hands from his face and grabbed Kaido’s wrists in an attempt to stop his attacking fingers.
“A-alright, stahap! I gihihive, stopahaha!” he pleaded around tired giggles. It felt strange to use his actual mouth and voice as opposed to his telepathy, and the foreign laughter coming from him was slightly messy and uncontrolled.
Both Kaido’s and Nendo’s hands halted as Saiki giggled. Kaido’s face went slightly pink at the unfamiliar sound and Nendo laughed, slapping Saiki on the back.
“Hah, you sound funny, buddy! No wonder you never laugh!” he said, and Kaido glared at him.
“You don’t sound funny, it’s just… different!” Kaido said, but Saiki could hardly care what they thought at that moment. He was laying his head in his arm against his desk, catching his breath and letting out stray giggles here and there.
Soon after they had stopped tormenting their friend, the class door opened and in walked the hot-blooded class rep, Hairo. He noticed Saiki slumped against his desk and Kaido and Nendo looking somewhat guilty.
“Hey, what did you do to Saiki?” he asked, accusatory, as he walked closer to the group.
‘He better not sa-’
“We were just tickling him,” Nendo said, matter-of-factly. Kaido facepalmed, and Saiki mentally cursed the day he was born.
“Ah, I see,” Hairo replied, thinking to himself for a moment. He then adopted his usual power pose, standing tall with his hands on his hips.
“You know, tickling can be great endurance training! You can even-” as energetic as ever, Hairo went off on one of his fiery rants while everyone just tuned him out.
‘How bothersome… really. That Kusuke, I’ll really kill him…’ As Saiki sat there recovering, he began to plan his vengeance on his brother for his “gift.”
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