#poor taengoo
thankyou-taeyeon 4 months
I love it when idol dates but back then, it's not the same treatment as it is now 馃ゲ my poor taengoo 馃挃
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sexyglances 2 years
Ep 195 of amazing saturday and it's the first one with the "official" subs since it got licensed from viu, and it shows how fansubs are always better. Not only do these subs fail to explain jokes/puns very well, but they get a lot of names wrong. Like there was this joke about xiumin's name being shi woomin bc donghyun kept asking how to spell it at first, so boom kept calling xiumin "woomin" and the subber didn't translate that at all. And even though boom called her taengoo, the subs used taeyeon, and key called himself and hanhae together as the portmanteu hankibum to show their closeness, and that was translated as just hanhae & key. Also one of the coolest things in the fansubs was how the dictation would highlight the word order in the english counterparts, and that was gone too, along with a lot of the captions. I mean, the subs are fine, but they don't capture a lot of the more fun nuance on a freaking language-based show. Oh! And they used the wrong preferred romanization for dongyup's name (they used dong yeob) and they called the singer lee hyori "lee hyo lee." I know romanization has different systems, but, like, maybe get the artist right for a music quiz?
Anyway, the main joke of the episode was about hanhae not being funny, and poor guy just had to take it lol. They were trying to figure out the english word in the song and boom said it applied to everyone but hanhae, and nucksal almost immediately figured out the word was "humorous." And then when they got it right, they all gave him a round of applause for "sacrificing" himself for the team lol
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Also during the snack round, taeyeon got an s.e.s. song right but boom let the song go for like twice as long as usual bc he was dancing along, too
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And when donghyun got his answer right, the guest kang hongseok mirrored his ankle dancing
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During the last dictation, hanhae heard a word and key insisted it was right and hanhae was so happy, but then key said if it wasn't right it would be ok bc hanhae would take all the blame lol. And then when people questioned that, key said if it wasn't right then hanhae could a) drop out, b) donate his appearance fee, or upon narae's suggestion c) they would dress up as an onion and a radish together
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Turned out hanhae was right, but the dictation was still wrong :(
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gracesone09 10 years
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lucky dog
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coldnoodles 12 years
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