#portrayal of female Tsuna
signorinavongola · 11 months
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
Your portrayal? Really unique piece of Tsuna! Not just because it is a gender swap, but because of all the personality you put into her. Really charming and yet still trying to figure out more of this amazing muse. She is older, but still keeps the Tsuna parts of family, raising up even when the situation could be troublesome. (imagine if we knew what tyl was besides dead. xD)
You have great writing even if you deny it. Keep one on their toes writing back but loving it.I am bad at explaining so sorry. But thumbs up to you!
You are always so nice to me, Rikku. ♥
I appreciate my Tsuna is a unique piece for you and not just because of the gender swap.
I am glad you like it and give her the opportunity to write with your muses and annoy their lives. XD
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queenharumiura · 2 months
I hope I am not writing late. I noticed that someone was talking about Neo hours. Since I had work last week so hard and worked 13 hour days for the past three days, I obviously missed a lot, although I always try to check Tumblr. X_X Anyway, I'm here to tell you that I'm glad to meet you and that we can write. I'll tell it like it is, Akira Amano is nothing compared to what you did with the Haru development. I admire roleplayers who breathe a soul into the muse and develop it even more than in the canon. That's when the portrayal is unique and yours is.
I also appreciate your patience. I know that we don't always understand each other because of the language barrier, I appreciate it all the more that you didn't give up on me. Others would have given up long ago.
Since I found out that you also have a second blog, I love the portrayals of your other muses as well. Your Yamamoto is amazing, but it's possible that I'm biased because Squaletta… um… Haha.
I'm also reading your Hibari and when my muse Tsuna comes back I believe we could roleplay together.
I really enjoy interacting with you, even though I'm a slow replier and you're waiting for me. You are cute bean!
I have to comment on your Varia!Haru, which my Squaletta has a special bond with. I know we've only been roleplaying for a short time, but I can't describe it, I feel like Squaletta has soft spot on her. Everyone likes Haru. Even the bitch Squaletta. XD
I am a big fan of yours and I feel accepted in the KHR community thanks to you. You have helped me many times and I just know that when I write to you, it's okay. I don't know if I've ever felt so good in a roleplay community. I think the feeling you get with someone when you write with them is important. I feel very good with you. ♥
[Original] ||Accepting|| @squaletta
Memes on my blog don’t expire so you can never be late, only on time~ Oof, sorry to hear about those 13 hour days, that’s rough. //pat pats you
Thank you very much for all the kind words! I always enjoy to hear that people enjoy the development that I’ve given Haru and that they enjoy a AU version of Haru that I’m writing. I just love crafting different Aus so it brings me joy when someone enjoys what I’ve crafted. I’m glad that Squaletta likes my Varia Haru, as does she appreciate and like your Squaletta!
Ehehe glad that you enjoy the Yamamoto, he’s really starting to grow on me as a muse (as evidenced by the newest arts). Ye! Whenever Tsuna comes back, I’m more than willing to beg wake Hibari to interact! He’s my temperamental hibernating bean. (sigh)
I also enjoy writing with you! I’ve said it many times, but I think it’s fascinating the way you’ve crafted the female versions of your muses. Different, but still have the vibe of the male counterparts. Different enough to be fascinating and engaging, but similar enough to be recognizable as well. It’s very fun writing with you. Always well worth the wait. 0w0
Glad that you feel nice when writing with me! Likewise!
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squaletta · 5 months
There are many strengths that you have in general when it comes to writing, but I think your strongest one would be that you have an undaunting spirit. To explain what I mean by this, I think there are different facets in which this can be seen, whether it’s the fact that you rp in a language that isn’t your mother tongue because you want to write more and connect with even more people, or even the fact that you put an incredible amount of energy and creativity into forging the female portrayals of Tsuna and Squalo.
I’ve seen a lot of people simply go down the ‘everything about the character is the same, but they are trans, and therefore are a [insert gender here]. I don’t often see people anymore directly state that their portrayal is such that the muse was born a different gender and you’ve catered their past to create a character who is like the original, but also different enough to be discernable from the original. The fact that this is the muse and not a AU that some people will request for, it shows that you’re and adventurous soul and one that truly just wants to have fun and not pay much attention to if others will have anything negative to say about your choices.
It was also recently seen in the talk that we had on discord a bit ago. We’re similar in ways that we won’t be stopped and we won’t allow sad things to keep us down. People may hurt us, but we’ll trek through it anyways and continue to do what makes us happy and what we think works.
Perhaps this doesn’t really make sense, but in the simplest of terms, you’ve got a lot of courage. You’re brave to venture into trying interesting things, and aren’t afraid to reach out to new people and try new interactions. You’re sociable and friendly. In RPC, that’s a very good quality to have. ((OOC: Greatest strength meme btw if it wasn’t clear))
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What do you think is my biggest strenght as roleplayer
I do not know what to say. Your words motivate and encourage me to continue doing what I am doing. I respect you very much, and I'm glad we met. I don't want this to sound like a speech for winning some award, but every kind word is like I won some kind of award.
I know I'm not perfect. I know I need to work on many things related to this account. Whether it's my English, handling technical things, completing a account and content side (bio, verses etc.), and the aesthetic side.
I like different things and like to try different things, and this can probably be seen in my portrayal. Yes, it is an adventure in a way. Since I also work in the field of language and literature in the real world, roleplaying is my love. I'm actually an introvert, but here, the interaction comes naturally to me because I'm in my element.
However, I am very glad that you see what I see in my interpretation of the character. What I am trying to say and achieve with her. I also encounter negative opinions and misunderstandings, so I'm all the more happy with kind words and, of course, constructive criticism, whether it's good or suggesting what I should improve.
One big thank you. ♥
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signorinavongola · 11 months
Alright—I feel like this will be a bit long since I have a lot to cover as your blog is a divergent blog, so sorry in advance. This is for the honest opinion of my portrayal meme. I honestly can’t remember what I have said and haven’t, so bear with me if some things are repeated.
So, to start things off, it’s so fascinating that you write Tsuna as a female, so that automatically makes her interesting from the start. I do recall saying that I appreciate the fact that I can write a Haru where she’s never fallen in love with Tsuna and that’s so—refreshing to me. It allows me to explore a different kind of Haru that makes it very fun for me, so exploring more of the verse with your Tsuna has a lot of my attention and interest.
It’s very interesting to see the way Haru has changed with the way I may portray her TYL normally because of the fact she grew up as Tsu-chan’s childhood friend and she didn’t have a one-sided crush with Tsuna. To have the two girls have a stronger friendship than they did in canon (likely because of the awkwardness around her in canon derived from her love for him, which is very fair) may seem like a small detail, but it actually means a lot to me. I don’t have that much experience with writing Tsuna’s on this blog. I’m sure there are many reasons for why that is the case, but the important factor is that it’s pretty rare for me to write with a Tsuna who sticks around, so I’ve been enjoying my time. I apologize if it ever doesn’t seem so on my end.
From out interactions, Tsu-chan is a strong and independent woman who aspires to do many and great things. She’s not the only female don that existed in the Vongola and she’s going to prove that even if she wasn’t exactly born into the mafia like the most of them were- she’s not any less valid or capable. She can do the hard task of trying to also bring the Vongola back to their original roots by bringing more of Giotto’s ideals back. One would say she’s a pacifist, but she’s also willing to resort to whatever means if it means she’ll protect her family and friends. She’s not so pacifistic that she’ll believe in something like ‘the power of words will triumph at the end of the day’. She will take charge and use whatever means necessary to complete her goal.
While she had to give up on some things she wanted of her life, she manages to find ways to incorporate some of them into her life as a mafiosi, like her side businesses and her sense of fashion. She’s supportive towards Haru and the opposite is also true, with Haru supporting Tsuna with all her life goals. She may be affiliated with the Vongola, she’s still that part of the past that links to a time Tsuna didn’t know about the Mafia. She can trust Haru to take care of the kids who were displaced for one reason for another, and Haru can trust that Tsuna is doing her best to clean the most disgusting parts of the mafia to make things a better place for everyone overall. It’s not an easy task so Haru always worries Tsuna is overworking herself and doesn’t have anyone to confide in, to be weak to.
In some of our interactions, it’s implied that Tsuna takes the time to visit when she can and check in on Haru and the kids. This shows that regardless of how far they are from each other, Tsuna’s heart has never forgotten or left Namimori. There is that tenderhearted part of Tsuna that we all love of our favorite tuna fish (lol). From the one thread we have, it’s important to me that Tsu-chan doesn’t question the fact that Haru will try to fight anyone who has taken one of her kids. Supports her and is just ‘hey, I’ll join you.’ The level of support and trust that they have with each other is phenomenal. I’ve never written Tsuna, but on a instinctual level, I feel like canon Tsuna would have tried telling her to standby and wait for them to deal with it. I can promise you Haru would threaten to fight all of them if they dared to tell her to stay back.
So, another reason why I think the way I do—I have to borrow your interactions with some other muses that I’ve observed. The way that Tsuna can have jovial and somewhat teasing interactions with other muses such as Mukuro is an extremely crucial point of diversion from canon Tsuna. As we probably know, KHR originally started as a gag manga, and was intended to be a oneshot but it got a lot of attention so it became a full-fledged series. Tsuna’s role for the gags is the ‘Tsukomi’ or the receiver who then retorts to what the boke is saying, usually. The thing with the Tsukomi role is that you are more of a passive role, so you can’t really say much until the boke speaks and says something stupid or unorthodox. If the boke is silent, the tsukomi has less power to be funny as their power comes from responding to the boke. You can also see this in his personality where he’s more passive and he tends to sideline himself more in the presence of others.
Yes, he has his moments where he takes the stand and takes charge, especially in the final arc, but at large, his personally is such that he will rather be in the back and have everyone else take the center stage. He is overly polite and passive, so it gives people the impression that he’s submissive. Your Tsuna’s ability to tease and maybe poke a little bit of fun with jovial jabs deviates from the passive nature canon Tsuna has. She’s more open and willing to be upfront with others. Her ability to do so also shows a level of drive and activeness that canon Tsuna struggled to exhibit in canon. From this, it gives the air that Tsu-chan is more confident and proud than canon Tsuna is (I understand this is an unfair comparison since we never saw TYL Canon Tsuna but shhhh).
Just from a seemingly small change, it can change the entire vibe of a character. A person who is more upfront, confident, and proud, is more willing to accept others for who they are. A person may be more willing to allow others to do something ‘dangerous’ because they’re that confident that things will be fine. They’re self-assured in themselves and know that those they are around will be the same. If Haru has shown that she’s confident in herself, Tsu-chan will ALSO believe in her. Canon Tsuna, is a bit less self-assured, and he does have a bit of the ideals of the roles of women and men ingrained into him. It is a very common Asian mindset so I don’t blame him for that, and Amano was a bit more rampant about that—which is a common complain people have of KHR. I don’t say this as a jab towards him, but I say this to point out the key differences between them.
Tsu-chan would understand how it feels to have your efforts to be discredited, or to know how frustrating it would be for people to summarize you to the bare minimum because of your gender. So, she’s probably more inclined to BELIEVE than anything else.
When you take into consideration her upbringing, and the other small differences that come about because she’s a woman, it makes sense why her personality deviates from the original Tsuna, and how with those changes, she naturally feels more dominant and assured than canon Tsuna. She’s a powerful force to be reckoned with.
BASICALLY, taking into consideration everything to her backstory and everything, she’s portrayed in a way that makes sense for her. She may be different from canon Tsuna, but her core traits remain, so you can tell who she is to be. You’re doing such a great job with her.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Neo and her amazing essay about my portrayal of female Tsuna.
I am speechless. ♥
You know exactly why she is the way she is, and what influenced her. You even understand why it deviated a bit from the canon. I am touched that you understand my portrayal. I'm amazed (in a good way) at what image you've formed of her based on all our interactions and interactions with others.
I always like to hear opinions and criticism about my portrayal because that's part of it too.
I am very pleased by your words because roleplayers had never seen my female Tsuna like this in the past.
Thank you. This is just another motivation to keep writing Tsuna. I'm glad she brought a breath of fresh air to roleplay for you too, because she's different from the canonical Tsuna. ♥
By the way, if there are any posts that I haven't replied to, feel free to send me the links because it often happens that I lose something or it doesn't show me the notification. It's not showing me notifications at all right now. I try to check them out manually. This is how several people have already sent me our unfinished roleplays. Not to mention that recently some of my asks have also disappeared. So feel free and send me what I missed. Tumblr is a bit chaotic for me. (n__n)
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signorinavongola · 1 year
→ This is an independent roleplay blog for a female version of Tsunayoshi Sawada from the Katekyo Hitman Reborn series by Akira Amano.
→ My interpretation may be different from what you expect. Since I haven't watched anime for a long time or very occasionally, my portrayal is not very anime-ish. It is more influenced by TV series or reading books from the mafia environment. I just really like Tsuna as a character, and I found it interesting to develop her further based on her differently.
→ Although her origin is in anime, I would not wish to label her as just an anime character.
→ My portrayal is the female version, meaning Tsuna was born like a girl.
→ My portrayal is essentially 12-year post-canon, so Tsuna is 26 years old with all the development Tsuna had throughout the series and manga and has a grown mentality, much like Tsuna‘s future counterpart from Future Arc.
→ It's a heavily headcanon-based portrayal.
→ My attempt is to add another dimension to the portrayal of this muse. In terms of portraying this muse, I try to give her a psychological component and a realistic interpretation of her life within the mafia.
→ As much as possible, I would like to break down the boundaries so that this muse can be a part of both anime fandoms and TV show/movie fandoms. That's why my interpretation is fandomless and fully adapted into the world of TV fandoms with a mafia theme.
→ As stated above, this portrayal is headcanon based, so please do not re-post, paraphrase or use my headcanons as your own. I will not tolerate that.
→ I'm always open to plot, and if you ever have an idea for a roleplay, message me, and we could discuss it. You can message me privately anytime. I'll get to you as soon as possible. No need to be shy. My private messages are always open. Don't be afraid to start a conversation with me. I don't bite, I swear.
→ I write in a third-person point of view. I can be detailed and descriptive to create a long storyline, but I can also write short banter. Banters are fun to do next to long storylines. Sometimes a little banter turns into a bigger roleplay. For long storylines, I prefer plotting before writing.
→ English isn't my native language, and currently, I am learning it by myself, so I am sorry for any mistakes. I'm trying to improve it as much as possible, but I make grammatical and spelling mistakes. So please, do not bash on my English. However, you are welcome to correct me nicely and politely so I can improve.
→ Writing in my native language – Slovak language – is highly desirable.
→ Writing with Czech roleplayers is very welcome as well.
→ If we start writing, I only ask you to be patient with replies because I'm an adult with a real job and hectic life or sometimes don't feel like replying. Just as I am patient for replies from my writing partner. I may not respond for a couple of days or weeks. You can remind me if I haven’t replied for a long time (let’s say 7 days) unless I have stated a reason for my absence. But sometimes my muse or I just am not feeling in the mood.
→ If I disappear and do come back months later, I am either super willing to continue old storylines like no time has passed, or I will drop things and come to you asking for fresh new things.
→ This account is multiship and multiverse. It means that every romantic relationship will go into a different world.
→ Shipping will only happen if my muse feels romantically interested, if we build up a close emotional connection between muses and if our muses have brilliant chemistry after long-term interaction. I prefer slow-burn romance.
→ If my muse ship with someone, I will continue doing romantic roleplays with other muses because, as I said, this is a multiship roleplay account.
→ Other fandoms, crossovers and alternative universes are more than welcome! I'm excited to put my muse in other universes. But I prefer TV show/movie fandoms and anime fandoms I am familiar with.
→ I am OC friendly, but I will hold OCs to the same standards as canon muses. I will write only with well-developed, well-written and that make sense in the context of my muse.
→ Sexual content will only be written in DMs (private messages) because I am uncomfortable with it in public.
→ Smut will only happen if my muse feels romantically interested if there is already a close emotional connection to the other muse and our muses have brilliant chemistry.
→ As for the explicitness of sexual scenes, I put more emphasis on the playful form of interaction, teasing and foreplay, flirting and body language. I don't mind the description of the sex scene, but I prefer sex was "tasteful" and not too explicit. I personally dislike a sex scene that feels like an anatomy lesson and sounds too clinical. I prefer to linger on the emotions involved rather than the body parts. These scenes, I believe, are supposed to show the emotion and intimacy between the muses, which means more sensual terms and less pornographic actions. For me, a bit explicit works better with fast and rough, and tasteful more with soft and slow.
→ Adding me just for pure smut is a waste of your time because it's not my cup of tea.
→ Dark and triggering themes will be present. However, it is earned and story-based when occurring. My muse is a mafia boss, so there can be violence, blood, alcohol or offensive language, and some adult situations involved with this account naturally because she is associating with the underworld.
→ This account is drama free. I have no tolerance for real-life drama or out-of-character drama. If you don’t like the content I post or how I portray my muse, you are free to unfollow me. Please don’t start drama or anything. I'm here to have fun and write my muse.
→ The writer of this blog is 30+.
→ She/her pronouns are preferred.
→ My time zone is Central European Zone (CET).
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signorinavongola · 1 year
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an ask game ft niche questions i don’t see v often
@juudaimes-true-form and @queenharumiura
a song that reminds me of them: Imagine Dragons – Whatever It Takes
what they smell like: Perfume with vanilla scent. The scent of vanilla is not only identified with warmth, softness and caring but also evokes feelings of purity and simplicity. It's sweet, but not too sweet and goes well with many things, so it's versatile and not overpowering. The aroma of vanilla is one of the top scents relieving stress and can act as an antidepressant and make us feel happier. I think it's a perfect fit for Tsuna!
an otp: Xanxus x fem!Tsuna
a notp: Reborn x Tsuna, because my portrayal of female Tsuna sees Reborn more like a father figure.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: Reborn x Tsuna
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: I will refer to Tsuna in general. I personally don't see male Tsuna as someone into the boys. When I read some fanfictions, Tsuna always slips into a too cute and feminine male character. It gives me diabetes.
the position they sleep in: She sleeps curled up into a ball.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: Tsuna in John Wick verse. Oh, I love that idea so much! ♥
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: I'll show you the outfit she has worn in one of my roleplays. Tsuna loves to wear white & gold outfits. My favourite is the elegant white suit in the picture below.
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