#possibly lumpygrab?
marisdumbdrawings · 3 years
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Y'all, these are the one and only OTP you can't change my mind 🤚😭💛💜💛💜
Also what the heck is the ship name for this? Lumpygrab?
Lemonspacegrab? Lumpyspacelemon? Lumpylemonprincess? Lumpyspacegrab? Lemonspaceprincess? Lumpylemongrab?
I think its Lumpygrab but all the possiblities sound funny
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rainbowbrash · 4 years
1, 6 and 10! (This is advtime-theories btw this is just my main)
shdjdjjd lets gooo
1 - favorite of the two
lemongrab but they're both neat. i lean towards lg because he's easier for me to project on
6 - if they had appeared more as a couple in the show what would you have liked to see them do/become
a full-on lumpygrab date episode would've been nice. i really like idea of them having a sleepover and hanging out at night, maybe with an interrupting appearance from finn somewhere in the middle. he knocks on the door bc he saw the lemon camel got loose or something and while lsp is talking to him in the doorway lemongrab steals and eats all of her ice cream
10 - what's most appealing abt them as a ship
i really like underlying themes that are in their relationship. it's nice to see two characters that are considered to be jokes by a general audience get together and be able to find love with each other. seeing as others in the show treat both of them fairly poorly and regard them as being weird and offputting, i think what i can most easily describe them as being is a set of people who have been through a lot of shit and don't stand very high in the social food chain, yet can still find comfort and safety when they're together.
aside from the deeper part mentioned above, i really enjoy all the possibilities they have for developing as a couple. because they only appear together for a handful of scenes you can honestly spend hours thinking about all the ways they can interact. for example :
lsp : *drips water on the floor and doesnt mop it up with a towel after getting out of the shower* okay im out now ur turn
lemongrab, who just stepped in a cold puddle on the bathroom floor with his bare foot :
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imagine-lumpygrab · 5 years
For the fanfic ask meme... C, D, H L, M, Q, and U
@charliecharlo I keep procrastinating when replying pls don’t kill meh
C: What character do you identify with most?
Of those in my fics? Welp, if I had to only choose from my AT writing then there’s not much choice there. After giving it some thought I decided that I – surprisingly – don’t identify with Lemongrab all that much. The lemonboy has got some trauma I have never experienced and, unlike me, is currently in the process of getting his life together and has a girlfriend. So I think – and it’s equally surprising – that I identify with LSP the most. She didn’t really have that much of a reason to run away from her parents but because she’s impulsive (like I tend to be) she did it anyways. It reminds me of how I started going camping with this scouting club. Going on my first three-week camping trip was like a punch to the guts, and so must’ve been living in Ooo, sleeping in a forest, making herself shelter, (not) getting along with other creatures... But she rarely loses her confidence in front of others. She doesn’t allow herself to give up, partly because she wants to show off, and I get that. Because despite genuinely wanting to be a best me I can possible be, there’s a small bit of me that wants the approval of others, and LSP yearns for this approval too.
Also, she loves Lemongrab and supports him with her heart and soul and I definitely identify with that sentiment :D
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with “Pretty, pretty lemonman” and “Will everybody please give him a little bit of space”?
Y’know it’s a weird coincidence, but when I started writing my AT fanfics, I started writing down songs that the reader could potentially listen to? I guess? And I never did that before, so it’s funny that I’m answering it here.
I don’t have a specific playlist I could provide a link to, at least not yet. BUT my main inspiration and mood setting music is made by Cavetown, who for example made a song named “Lemonboy,” I mean, what a coincidence! I think if no other, their songs “So Much” and “Meteor shower” should definitely be on any potential Lumpygrab/Lemongrab/Adventure Time related playlists. But almost all of their songs really fit the bittersweet aesthetic most Lemongrab-related fanart possesses.
H: How would you describe your style?
Most of the time it’s all hugs, softness, occasionally wings and/or dancing. Very rarely nightmares, stress-talking and endless tears, and also hugs.
My style consists of everyone being happy, although sometimes they have to suffer first. It’s great because if you’re a reader who likes angst with happy endings, my angst is almost guaranteed to always end well :)
L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with?
Well, you reminded me that we’ve come up with what we call the “David Černý AU” where everything is the same except the Czech artist David Černý is Lemongrab’s architect. He builds cars with four legs, buses with muscular arms, and giant babies with barcodes for faces. In our reality they’re all statues. In his reality? They become cryptids or normal Ooo citizens :D
That means when he builds Lemongrab’s castle it’s frickin magnificent.
This is, however, more @charliecharlo’s AU than mine, honestly, I just provided photos :D
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I am... still working on “Battle over the planet Lemongrab,” and developing that world. Because of surprising demand on Charlie’s Discord server, I’m also considering adding more chapters to my High School AU, but I don’t know about that yet. I’m always open to prompts so if you got them then throw them at me!
There’s two AU one-shots I’m trying to focus on, but I won’t specify what those are about just yet.
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Not really, no. I know I’ve said it many times, but I don’t have that many AT fics and even though I haven’t worked on some of them for months, I’m not considering them discarded just yet. Just... works in progress. Forever and ever.
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
Well, if I’m being honest, I’m considering writing a self-insert with Breakfast Princess? Just because she’s adorably tsundere and I wanna make her a better person. But I haven’t written self-insert since I was like twelve so I still don’t know if I wanna do that.
Thanks for asking!
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t4t-lumpygrab · 3 years
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image description: a digital drawing of lemongrab and lsp from adventure time in a sort of comic, where the drawing has a line through it with one character on each side. The first half has Lemongrab talking into a flip phone with heart stickers on it, smiling with his other hand raised. He is wearing his usual uniform. There’s a speech bubble coming out of his phone that reads “and then she broke up with him!”, there is another lemon shaped speech bubble pointing at Lemongrab that reads “oh my glooob that’s crazy!”. The other half shows lsp sitting by a pot and stirring vegetable soup, holding her phone to her head, her phone has a star charm attached to it on a chain and she has a shaggy fringe that is partly clipped back by a hairclip, with a long ponytail kept back with a scrunchy. Her eyes are half closed and she’s smiling pleasantly. There’s a lemon shaped speech bubble coming out of her phone that reads “oh oh I’ve got one - remember when ghost princess-” and then cuts off. end description. 
I just think that in order for Lumpygrab to work Lemongrab also must be into gossip, which means the possibilities are endless and unexplored. 
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t4t-lumpygrab · 3 years
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woo some lumpygrab bits and pieces for Valentine’s day! 
LSP used gOogle maps to look up “weird potentially haunted mansion” to find the place from the newspaper she’d found. It was on the top of a hill on the outskirts of the wood Tree Trunks lived in, and when Lemongrab strained his sensitive nose he could smell the faint whiff of an apple pie on the wind. It made him strangely nostalgic, and that made him sad. Was it even possible to feel nostalgic for memories that weren’t really yours? Was it right? Wasn’t it like stealing, or intruding on something that didn’t belong to you? He tried to put these thoughts out of his head. 
“Looks like this place was built before the mushroom war.” LSP said, bobbing along beside him in the breeze. “A lot of stone buildings survived. I guess the radiation didn’t destroy them or something - it’s kind of cool I guess. Like a blast from the past or whatever.” 
“Do you know a lot about old earth architecture?” 
“Nah. But Lumpy people came from irradiated stardust and irradiated humans and aliens, basically just irradiated everything really- we have a very mixed heritage. So the mushroom war is part of our history and we have to learn about it in school.” 
“I see. I have never attended a school institution, what is it like?”
“School is boring, and sad. Everyone is mean to you, you’re mean to everyone. You think you know all about everything but you don’t know anything. And if you do know anything you forget it all by the time you’re an adult. It’s a weird time. Also you have to do math.” 
“Hm, interesting.” 
“So if you’ve never been to school, how do you like, know stuff? Did you get homeschooled? Oh my glob you’re like, so fancy I bet you did. Did you have one of those weird british tutors that can do magic or is that just fantasy? It’s honestly so hard to tell with old earth movies what’s real and what’s not.” 
“No. Iiii had all my knowledge written on my brain before my creation.” 
“Convenient. No exams.” LSP raised her hand to knock on the rotting wooden door and then stopped. “Wait. You wanted me to wait outside right?”
Fishing Trip:
Lemongrab frowned as he looked down at his fishing line slicing aimlessly through the pink lemonade. “This is strange. I have not had aaaa single bite. There are normally many fish in this spot… hmm…” Lemongrab let go of the fishing rod and folded his bare arms, frowning. “I wonder... I worry... Perhaps something has happened to them?”
“Or maybe you're just bad at fishing.” LSP said without glancing up from her notebook. 
Lemongrab let out an offended gasp. “I am good at fishing thank you very much! I have extreme talent and mmm capabilities in this area and myyy expertise is unparalleled.” He realised LSP was either not paying attention to his rant or pretending not to pay attention, so he pushed down her notebook to force her to look at him. “I wrestled a lemon shark and have over 500 confirmed-”
“Okay okay I get it but... Where are the fish at tho?” LSP liked winding him up like this. 
Lemongrab narrowed his eyes.  “How dare you. I do not like these insinuations Miss Lumpy Space.”
“I'm just pointing out the facts babe.”
“One more word on this subject and I will push you in.”
“I can float.”
Caring by yelling:
Lemongrab propped the brown bear up on the pillow next to him. “Yes I always sleep with my teddy or my catcher's mitt.” 
“That's so cute… I used to sleep with a teddy too when I was little.” 
“Why did you stop? Did you not like it?”
“I don't know…” why had she stopped. That was easy, because only little kids sleep with toys. And she was a grown up. She had a job and everything- she wasn't supposed to like that kind of stuff anymore. So it's only natural that she'd throw it out. “I don't know. I guess I just thought it was like, unacceptable, or something.I don't know why I threw my toys away.” 
Lemongrab looked at her and then picked up his bear and scooted towards her under his blanket, then placed his stuffed toy next to her on the foot of the bed. “You may have him.” 
“O-Oh.” LSP gingerly picked the toy up and looked down into his shiny button eyes. “Thanks.”
“Me and Marceline played in a band together. I’m cool like that.” LSP said smugly.
“Ooo! How lucky, and how was it?”
“I played drums. And people threw rotten tomatoes at me-”
“Oh dear.” Lemongrab would never live it down if people threw rotten tomatoes at him. He wouldn't even admit it out loud if someone held a gun to his head. He was disturbed by how easily LSP threw out these strange things about herself but also he couldn't help but admire it. It made him feel strangely close to her, or perhaps that was just a sign of how lonely he was. 
“But it was fine I caught them all perfectly in my mouth.” 
“But they were rotten? Were you alright?” he asked with rising concern. 
“Yeah? I eat rotten and rancid food all the time. Really adds something.” 
“But what if you get food poisoning and… And your tummy hurts?” 
“I can’t get food poisoning because I’m from another dimension. I can eat anything basically. Like wet cement and molten lava and um, oh I ate a sprout once that was gross. I can’t eat bark though my doctor said I’m allergic to trees.” 
Lemongrab's brain short circuited at this final sentence. "To. To trees?"
"Yeah I can’t eat trees.” LSP said matter-of-factly. “I can kiss them and I can lick them and I can touch them and sniff them but I can’t eat them.”
He didn’t know what to say to this. What could anyone say, when faced with someone allergic to trees who also publicly ate rotten tomatoes? The only logic seemed to be that there was none. “Understandable. I will put no trees in your food.” 
“Aw you’re sooo sweet omg do you have any allergies? Like boys with allergies are sooo cute I love pathetic men.”
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t4t-lumpygrab · 3 years
the lumpygrab denial on the adventure time wiki is very very funny. they’re listed as each other’s “POSSIBLE boyfriend/girlfriend” and their kiss and date scenes have 1 line descriptions followed by “BUT THEIR LONGTERM RELATIONSHIP STATUS IS UNCLEAR AND UNLIKELY TO WORK OUT!” 
diversity win - the couple the wiki writers are upset and salty about becoming cannon in the last episode isn’t the gay couple. 
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