#post reconciliation marc’s like do you wanna go to the gym with me :D and vale is like why on EARTH—
moonshynecybin · 8 months
I’ve been watching interviews with Vale recently…whatever YouTube has to offer….and I enjoy how he says in multiple interviews that the younger riders are much more worried about working out and eating well and being healthy than he ever was. And I know it’s a valid point and all but in my head he’s only just thinking about Marc when he says it…he’s all THEY ARE ALWAYS WORKING OUT, THEIR BODIES ARE SO FIT, SO TIGHT….girl we get it
i will admit i often think of marc posting eighteen thousand different slutty videos of him working out and his insane abs and his scars wanting the WORLD to know how hard he works and how hot he is vs valentino “i used to buzz my hair everytime it got too long to maintain” rossi (confidently aware of how lazy hot he is) not training at all for like a decade and then STEALING jorge’s workout routine in his thirties. like older than marc is now. honestly he is a king for that it is so funny.
i will also say that he was in the sport so long that he started out surrounded by old grizzled dudes just trying not to die and ended racing with FABIO. like after biaggi and gibernau having a rival who was at least SEXY must’ve been a lil more fun for him. so i shan’t blame him for any subliminal horny fixation… it is hard being an old man bisexual…
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