#post-nur fics my beloved
breakfastteatime · 1 year
Today's fic is for the anon who requested 'I can explain!'
"Hey, Cal."
Greez's voice drags Cal out of his dozy musings. He shifts, stab wound grumbling. His breath catches and he presses a hand to his chest. He is really, really over this. "Greez? What is it?"
"Just checking in, seeing how you're feeling."
"I'm okay," Cal says, even though he's about to figure out the best way to get out of this bed and find another painkiller. His attempts to sleep it off have failed, and he knows he’ll get a lecture if he doesn’t ask for help when he needs it.
"Good, good.” Greez nods. “Yeah, that’s good to hear.”
“Are you okay?” Cal asks, because Greez is being weirder than usual.
“I’m fine. There's something I need to talk to you about."
It’s right then when Cal notices two of Greez’s arms are behind his back, holding something. He reaches out with the Force, senses…
Ohhhhh, shit.
"Actually, Greez, can it wait? I'm not feeling - "
Greez pulls out an egg. A big egg. An egg that can only have one source.
BD scans it immediately, cheerily announcing his findings.
“Ah!” Greez raises a hand. “I don’t wanna hear a peep outta you, BD.”
BD shrinks back.
"Guess what, Cal?" Greez asks, voice dangerously soft. "This ain't the only one. I even saw it wiggle earlier, so what does that tell me?"
Knowing he is totally busted, Cal goes for honesty. “That you should put it back so the mother can properly nurture it.”
“Oh, I will, kid, believe me. I don’t need this thing hatching and then locking onto me and calling me ‘Mama’.”
“Actually, Greez, boglings can’t talk.”
A finger comes out, jabbing in Cal’s direction. BD tells Cal maybe he shouldn’t keep pushing his luck this time.
“How long has it been aboard?” Greez demands.
“A while,” Cal says. He lost track of time ages ago. “She’s harmless, I promise. I can explain! She’s – ”
“Harmless, yeah, uh huh. She’s why I’ve been hearing weird things, smelling gross things, finding food missing…”
“What do you think would happen if she nibbled her way through some of the wires, huh? Suddenly we’re falling out of hyperspace at the worst possible moment, reverting in the middle of a star or crashing into a planet, or…”
“But she hasn’t,” Cal says brightly. “And she probably would have by now if she was going to.”
It puts pause to whatever rant Greez was about to go off on.
Because it was not the right thing to say.
BD-1 skitters off down the hall.
“You’re lucky you’re still injured,” Greez says, and for the first time ever, Cal thinks he might be afraid of him. “The second you’re fit and able, we’re going back to Bogano so you can reunite mother and babies with their homeworld. You can fight off any stormtroopers that might come for us too and –”
“Really, Greez? You’d abandon helpless babies on Bogano, a world now on the Empire’s radar?”
“Oh no, don’t you even try it! I won’t have any of your Jedi tricks! They’re going back. I don’t care if the whole planet’s on fire! This is a critter free ship, Cal, and you better remember that.”
“But – ”
“Silence!” Greez bellows.
There’s a skitter of claws from the vent above Cal’s bed. He doesn’t need to look to sense the bogling. Greez looks up with a growl.
The bogling growls back.
“You!” Greez hisses.
The bogling’s parental rage zings through the Force and sinks its teeth into Cal. “Hey, Greez? She really, really wants her egg back.”
The vent rattles. The bogling attempts to break through.
“Hah, like something that small could – ”
The rest of what Greez has to say is lost to a scream as the bogling does indeed break through (with just the teeniest, tiniest application of the Force). Greez (and the egg) rush out of the engine room, the bogling in hot pursuit.
BD-1 returns with Cere, both of them staring after Greez. “Do I want to know?” Cere asks.
“Probably not,” Cal says, settling back against his pillow.
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auxiliarydetective · 4 months
OC Masterlist - German media!
Note: Not all of these are actually from Germany, but I've also put fandoms here that I'm likely to post about in German.
As per usual, everyone's age is listed at their introduction
Fandoms featured:
Die Drei ??? (books/audio dramas & early movies, 1964-?)
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (movies, 2018-2020
Der Kleine Prinz (cartoon, 2010-2017)
Der Räuber Hotzenplotz (2006 movie)
Die Rosenheim-Cops (2002-?)
Die Vampirschwestern (movies, 2012-2016)
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Die Drei ??? (book/audio drama series & early movies; 1964-?)
-> Jelena
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(Technically, she isn't an OC but a canon character, but she's a rare canon character that I created an AU version of and made the main focus of my hyperfixation for about a year, so I've decided to grant that AU version OC status)
"Ждать ли чьей-то ручечки, ручки? А кто подаст мне ручку, девочки?" - Manizha, in: RUSSIAN WOMAN
Full name: Jelena Atropos Charkova
Birthday: February 8th (16 years old)
Identity: lesbian but does occasionally fall for boys, cis female
Canon tag: x | Auxiliary!tag: x | Fic: -
Jelena and Justus don't get along. It's a known fact. It's a constant battle of wits that drives them apart. But when they're inevitably stuck together on a trip to South Africa, will they bury the hatchet?
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JIM KNOPF (movies; 2018-2020)
-> Helena
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"Eine Insel mit zwei Bergen und dem tiefen, weiten Meer, mit vier Tunnels und Geleisen und dem Eisenbahnverkehr - nun wie mag die Insel heißen, rings herum ist schöner Strand? Jeder sollte einmal reisen in das schöne Lummerland." - Michael Ende, in: Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer
Full name: Helena
Birthday: March 29th (14 years old)
Identity: lesbian, cis female
Faceclaim: Holly Earl
Tag: x | Fic: -
Helena is the daughter of steam engine driver Lukas, one day having been brought to the shores of Morrowland by the postman's boat, with her mother nowhere to be found. Unlike her father and her best friend Jim, she's more focused on books, languages and foreign cultures than machinery and mechanics, but she's happy on the little island with its two mountains. But then the king declares that Lukas's beloved steam locomotive Emma has to be removed, and Lukas, Jim, Emma and Helena all leave the island for lands unknown. Promptly, they find themselves setting out to rescue a kidnapped princess, and Helena starts noticing mysterious scaled rashes across her skin.
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DER KLEINE PRINZ (originally: Le Petit Prince) (animated tv show) (2010-2017)
-> Sonata
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"Und du weißt: Was man auch tut, nur mit dem Herzen sieht man gut." - Der kleine Prinz Intro Theme
Full name: Sonata of the Utopians
Birthday: September 12th (she's a child)
Identity: cis female
Tag: x | Fic: -
Sonata is the sister of the diva Euphonia, who keeps their planet in rhythm with her singing. But without her sister’s voice, the planet falls into chaos, and Sonata’s voice isn’t strong enough to replace her. Using her special gift of imagination that makes her songs come alive, she sends a message into space in search of help – and the Little Prince answers her call.
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-> Chryssi
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"Tanz kleine Waldfee im rauschenden Blau. Versprühe die Freude, die Nacht ist ganz lau." - Heidemarie Andrea Sattler, in: Kleine Waldfee
Full name: Chrysantheme
Birthday: May 12th (says Chryssi - she actually has no birthday and is a perpetual child)
Identity: ??? (as cis as a supernatural being could be, aroace through lack of a better term)
Faceclaim: ?
Tag: x | Fic: -
A wild nature spirit, Chrysantheme protects the local forest, but she's perpetually bothered by a mean and stupid burglar and an annoying wizard in his stupid castle. However, things change when two boys from the nearby village come to her forest, looking to catch the burglar.
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-> Eva
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"Y anque los vientos de la vida soplen fuerte, soy como el junco que se dobla pero siempre sique en pie." - Resistiré 2020
Full name: Kriminalkommissarin (~ Inspector) Eva Gardner Rivero
Birthday: July 9th, 1979 (30 years old)
Identity: pansexual, polyamorous, cis-female
Faceclaim: Ísis Valverde
Tag: x | Fic: -
Eva has been to many places in the world. Originally from Argentina, with an indigenous mother and a German-Canadian father, she studied in the US before moving to Germany and ending up working for the police. But her new positioning in Rosenheim, Bavaria, poses yet more challenges, with far too many murders cases, not one but two really attractive men, and very chatty coworkers.
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DIE VAMPIRSCHWESTERN (movies; 2012-2016)
-> Circe
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"We're gonna get sky-high and create a new world where somebody might die but nobody gets hurt." - Måneskin, in: HONEY (ARE U COMING?)
Full name: Circe Kairos
Birthday: September 2nd (160 years old)
Identity: bisexual
Faceclaim: Triz Pariz
Tag: x | Fic: -
Circe is a vampire and the younger sister of vampire rockstar Murdo, whom she accompanies to his tours. Things start to grow a little out of control when he falls in love with the half-vampire Dakara - who just so happens to be the daughter of the band manager's arch nemesis. But the world can always use a bit more chaos, right?
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breakfastteatime · 5 months
Kicking off Cal Kestis Week with a Post-Nur fic, my BELOVED!
(Also, this is what happens when I revisit a minific and make it less mini. Also also - MORE ANGST)
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