cishetsylveon · 11 months
guess i should be grateful it wasn't a larger fire type
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dewitty1 · 5 years
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy Additional Tags: Post-Hogwarts, HP: EWE, Fluff, Smut, Pining, Miscommunication, Tequila, past crush, Drunk Sex, Grimmauld Place, Community: hd_erised Summary:
There are big problems at Grimmauld Place and Harry needs Draco Malfoy’s reluctant help to fix it.
Harry took a Muggle taxi back from the rental car place, and it was very late by the time he was once again back at Number 12. As he moved up the front walk to his house, he saw a shadow move to his left.
 He pulled out his wand and prepared to cast a shield charm, but the shadow moved into the light and he saw Draco standing there with what looked like a piece of wood in his hand.
 “Malfoy! What the hell? Why are lurking on my front step?” His questions came out more roughly than he had intended, so he tried to soften it, “Um...you should come inside...you’re probably cold.” He bustled through his front door without waiting for Draco’s response. He felt awkward and uncertain having Draco just show up here.
He moved down his hallway and into his dining room before turning to Draco. He followed him slowly, in a manner Harry would have described as hesitant if it were anyone else but Draco. When Draco was within two feet of him, he thrust the piece of wood out and said, “Here. This is for you. You were right.”
Harry reached out without thinking and grabbed the wood. He realized only then that it was a piece of Draco’s bedpost, the part with the initials. 
“So...you spent the day vandalizing Hogwarts?” he asked, confused about why Draco was here and why he had given him this odd gift. He looked down at their linked initials.
“I had permission,” Draco huffed, looking expectantly at him.
“What...er, what was I right about?” Harry’s exhaustion was catching up to him and he couldn’t seem to follow any of Draco’s thoughts. Silence followed his question. He could hear the faint ticking of a clock somewhere in the house. He set the section of bed postdown on the dining room table.
Draco broke the silence, “I did have a crush on you. Did have – do have, I don’t know...it never really went away.” He looked down at his hands and unclenched them. He swallowed hard and looked back into Harry’s eyes. “I know we have ‘history,’” he grimaced on the last word. “But do you think you could ever-” before he could finish, Harry interrupted him and grabbed his hand.
“Yes. Yes, I could ever,” he whispered. He reached up with his free hand and tenderly pushed Draco’s hair behind his ear, something he had been dying to do for days. He then cupped Draco’s jaw and pulled him close for a soft kiss. 
Their lips brushed together softly before Draco moaned and Harry deepened the kiss, twining his tongue with Draco’s.
This seemed to unleash something in Draco and he made short work of pulling Harry’s shirt over his head and starting to open his jeans. 
He wiggled his hand into Harry’s jeans to cup him over his pants. He pushed himself between his legs and forced him back onto the table.
Harry pulled his mouth free to gasp, “No, no wait. I don’t want...”
Draco pulled away and stiffened, his features shuttering into a cold mask, “I’m very sorry, Potter. I obviously misunderstood.” He turned and started walking away.
Harry threw his arms around him and pulled him close before he could say any more. “Shut up, you ponce and get that cold expression off your face. I didn’t mean it like that, Draco. I just meant that I didn’t want our first time to be on my dining room table.” The stiffness seemed to leave Draco’s body and he pressed his face against Harry’s neck. 
“Maybe we can do it on the table for our third or fourth time,” Harry tried to make him smile but he just buried his face closer. Harry pulled back, cupping his cheek so he could look at him. 
“Will you come upstairs with me?”
Draco let out a shuddering sigh and quietly answered, “Yes.”
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sololinuxes · 4 years
Instalar y configurar WireGuard VPN en Ubuntu y derivados
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Instalar y configurar WireGuard VPN en Ubuntu y derivados. WireGuard es una aplicación VPN facil de usar, rápida y segura que utiliza las últimas novedades en criptografía. Si lo pruebas te darás cuenta que es el muco más rápido y ágil que otros protocolos VPN, como los afamados OpenVPN o IPSec. WireGuard todavía no está en su version final, pero incluso en su actual estado es más potente que el resto. La configuración de WireGuard es bastante simple mediante SSH. La conexión se establece mediante el intercambio de claves públicas entre el servidor y el cliente. Solo el cliente que tenga en su poder la clave pública en el archivo de configuración del servidor podrá conectarse. WireGuard se puede configurar en cualquier interfaz de red estándar, como ethernet o wireless.
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Instalar y configurar WireGuard  
Instalar y configurar WireGuard VPN en Ubuntu
Instalar WireGuard en Ubuntu La instalación de WireGuard en Ubuntu y derivados es bastante simple. Tan solo debemos agregar el repositorio e instalar la herramienta. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard sudo apt install wireguard ejemplo... sololinux # sudo apt install wireguard Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho Creando árbol de dependencias Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes adicionales: wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools Se instalarán los siguientes paquetes NUEVOS: wireguard wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools 0 actualizados, 3 nuevos se instalarán, 0 para eliminar y 2 no actualizados. Se necesita descargar 358 kB de archivos. Se utilizarán 2.041 kB de espacio de disco adicional después de esta operación. ¿Desea continuar?   Configurar WireGuard Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es generar una clave publica. umask 077 wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey Puedes ver las claves generadas con: cat privatekeyy cat publickey. En nuestro ejemplo creamos el archivo de configuración wg0.conf. nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf Copia y pega lo siguiente (donde "Tu-KEY", agregas tu clave). PrivateKey = Address =, fd86:ea04:1115::1/64 ListenPort = 51820 PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE; ip6tables -A FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE; ip6tables -D FORWARD -i wg0 -j ACCEPT; ip6tables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE SaveConfig = true Modifica las configuraciones según tus necesidades. Address: define las direcciones IPv4 e IPv6 privadas para el servidor WireGuard. ListenPort: especifica qué puerto utilizará WireGuard para las conexiones entrantes. PostUp y PostDown: define los pasos que se ejecutarán después de encender o apagar la interfaz con respecto a las iptables. SaveConfig: ordena al archivo de configuración que se actualice automáticamente cada vez que se agrega un nuevo par.   Configurar el cortafuegos Abrimos el puerto ssh y el de WireGuard. sudo ufw allow 22/tcp sudo ufw allow 51820/udp sudo ufw enable Verificamos que los puertos están abiertos. sudo ufw status verbose   Iniciar WireGuard Iniciar el servicio (según el nombre que hayas definido dependiendo de tus interfaces). wg-quick up wg0 Habilitamos el servicio para que inicie con el sistema. sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0 La VPN ya debería estar funcionado, puedes verificarlo con los siguientes comandos. sudo wg show ifconfig wg0   Instalar WireGuard cliente La configuración de un cliente es similar a la del servidor. Si usas Ubuntu como sistema operativo cliente, la única diferencia entre el cliente y el servidor es el contenido del archivo de configuración. Instalamos la aplicación como mencionamos anteriormente, después generamos las claves. umask 077 wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey Creamos el archivo de configuración. nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf Copia y pega lo siguiente. PrivateKey = Address =, fd86:ea04:1115::5/64 Guarda el archivo y cierra el editor.   Conectar el cliente con el servidor La forma más sencilla de conectarnos al VPN es editar el archivo... nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf Ingresa tus datos reales. PublicKey = Endpoint = :51820 AllowedIPs =, fd86:ea04:1115::5/64 Guarda y cierra el editor. Podemos verificar la conexión con el siguiente comando. sudo wg La configuración de la red se agregara automáticamente al archivo *.conf. Si no te fias y quieres forzar el guardado puedes ejecutar el siguiente comando (con el nombre correspondiente). wg-quick save wg0 Ahora y como punto final del articulo puedes verificar la conexión con... ping sudo wg   Canales de Telegram: Canal SoloLinux – Canal SoloWordpress Espero que este articulo te sea de utilidad, puedes ayudarnos a mantener el servidor con una donación (paypal), o también colaborar con el simple gesto de compartir nuestros artículos en tu sitio web, blog, foro o redes sociales.   Read the full article
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belgianbeerday · 7 years
Here Are All The Warnings About Fire Safety Risks In Tall Towers Before Grenfell
Here Are All The Warnings About Fire Safety Risks In Tall Towers Before Grenfell
Here Are All The Warnings About Fire Safety Risks In Tall Towers Before Grenfell {$inline_image} Here Are All The Warnings About Fire Safety Risks In Tall Towers Before Grenfell  BuzzFeed NewsGrenfell Tower fire: Downing Street criticises council over aborted meeting  BBC NewsLondon fire: May’s office rebukes council for ending meeting  Washington PostDowning Street says Grenfell council meeting…
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cishetsylveon · 11 months
nothing like waking up to the wonderful sound of two 'eons fighting in the hallway because some idiot decided to let their poorly socialized pet flareon 'play' with the competitive trained umbreon down the hall
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cishetsylveon · 1 year
[ICON IMAGE ID: a cream-coloured rabbit-like creature with pale lime green markings lifts its arm in a friendly greeting. it has panda-like markings and is modeled after the Spinda pokemon, but with some modifications. one of its eyes is shaped like an X, and it has a three-fingered paw-like hand with a thumb. it wears a rainbow scarf, and regards the viewer with a slightly dopey, friendly smile. END IMAGE ID]
i keep forgetting pinned posts are a thing on tumblr now lol
anyways hi my name is Spindown (it/its) and my url is ironic. i'm an ace trainer, gym leader-in-training, and pokefur. you can read more about me here [LINK].
not super regular. pokecollege is always kicking my ass.
i don't really have a DNI other than "don't suck", but if 'evil team' members so much as look at my blog i will earthquake you with my aggron. ex-team members are on thin ice.
hi this is my pokemonirl blog! because of this, a broad warning for unreality will cover this entire blog. i'm mostly just here to have fun and maybe draw stuff/respond in-character to other pokemonirl posts. i don't really plan to do high-stakes stuff or *roleplay* roleplay on this blog, more ARG-style stuff. spindown does have its own backstory and lore, but it is just a tumblr blogger and not anybody super special.
i'll eventually add a page to the blog compiling its canon as i build it but i try to stick with what the broad pokemonirl community agrees on. because spindown is from the 'mainline' pokemon games, 'pokemon using tumblr' type blogs will be regarded as roleplayers by it. sorry!
other pokemonirl-specific tws include pokemon consumption and probably discussion about the ethics of battling, breeding, and caring for pokemon. also spindown has a bit of a thing about evil team members, especially team magma and aqua. hoenn-raised behaviour, you know how it is.
you can send asks to spindown if you want! it will answer them when it gets the time (i.e. i have energy). i might not answer every ask and i get Nervous about doing stuff like this, but all in all i just wanna be silly :3
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