#posts to covertly send to my english teacher through an elaborate student network
saltedsolenoid · 11 months
lord of the flies if it was good:
ralph: i'm going to play minecfaft and trade with villagers. also sorry for being fatphobic piggy
piggy: it's okay
ralph: what's your name btw
(Also the island's on fire)
piggy: i'm beepo.
Jack: fuck you i'm gonan go play fortnite
roger: who want crack
Simon: I'm a furry
beepo: I believe that fortnite makes you predispositioned to violence, as putting yourself in the shoes of a cold-blooded killer in a simulated world without consequences lets your mind think freely without consequences, something that isn't sustainable in ethics
jack: yea idiot smartass gayboy that's why i'm playing it. Who want sow head
Simon: I should go into software development
ralph: society
Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad: yo mista white i've been thinkinga bout humanity's disposition to evil lately
Walter White: jesse we need to hunt
Jesse Pinkman from breaking Bad: but mista white i'm scared of the beast
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