catgirlanarchist · 1 year
What is your opinion on Marxist-Leninism, Tankies, and is Left Unity between Anarchists and Marxists is a good idea?
truth be told i haven't read as much theory as i would like to or familiarized myself with the persuasions of various schools of thought to the extent that most online leftists have, both due to my collection of syndromes and disorders, and due to the fact that i'm admittedly pretty young as far as leftist theorists go
that said my understanding of marxist-leninism is that it places a lot of focus on the idea of erecting an explicitly leftist state (if such a thing is possible) to replace the capitalist state?
as an anarchist i think that idea kinda sucks, not going to lie. i think there is no way to form or maintain any kind of state apparatus without constant, egregious abuses of power and of people, even if those running said apparatus have collectivism as a value/goal.
i think leftist organization is good, i vibe with a little syndicalism sometimes, i'm an iww gal, but that all has to come with a heavy dose of free association and that is not something that a state apparatus seems capable of providing.
obviously if i'm wrong in my understanding of marxist-leninism then correct me, but that's how i see it.
i think "tankie" is a fun perjorative that some leftists, mostly anarchists, use to describe (and decry) leftists that they perceive as too authoritarian, people who have maybe killed the boss in their head but not the cop, or people who claim to be leftists but end up being really classist/ableist/generally shitty and uptight about it. i don't think it's a specific or serious enough term to use as a definitive label or to have debates about, it's just a funny insult.
i haven't read much marx yet but from what i have read i liked. he seems to have generally correct analyses of economics and i think his theories aren't too incompatible with anarchism. i don't think any theorist is required reading because a lot of the things leftists agree on is pretty self evident, it just gets beaten out of everyone, but i do think marx is pretty good.
i don't think anarchists should have solidarity with people that hate anarchists and want to throw them in jail, but i don't think that's true of most marxists, so
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