dozydawn · 3 months
Margarita Drobiazko and Povilas Vanagas Free Dance, 1996.
Soundtrack from Wild at Heart (1990) by Angelo Badalamenti and Sing, Sing, Sing by Benny Goodman.
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Margarita Drobiazko and Povilas Vanagas's free dance at the 1995 Skate Canada and the 1996 World Championships.
(Photos by Barry Mittan)
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unhonestlymirror · 10 months
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Mikalojus Povilas Vilutis
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bukimevieningi · 8 days
Patikrinkime: ar Vaidas Žemaitis yra išdavikas? (video)
Šį kartą pakalbėkime apie “išdaviką” Vaidą Žemaitį, kuris išdavė LGBTQ+ parade pasiruošusį žygiuoti Eduardą Vaitkų. Vaidas Žemaitis yra niekšas, kuris nesutinka palaikyti Eduardo ir LGBTQ+ propagandos. Kaip jis taip gali elgtis? Kaip jis gali prieštarauti sudievintam Eduardui Vaitkui ir jo palaikymo komandai?! Atsakymas yra labai paprastas – Vaidas Žemaitis yra užsispyręs ir negali pakeisti savo…
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human-antithesis · 2 years
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Hermit’s Lair - Human Antithesis https://t.me/Human_Antithesis
Autism - Have You Found Peace? (February 4th, 2019) Country: Lithuania Genre: Post-Metal Reuploaded: FLAC
Tomhetas - Guitar
Karolis - Guitar
Linas - Bass
Domantas - Drums
Krzysztof Traczyk - Vocals, Narration
Mateusz Szymański - Ambient Drone (Track 1)
Povilas Vaitkevičius - Ambient Drone (Tracks 2, 7)
Laurynas Jukonis - Ambient Drone (Tracks 3, 6)
Valdas Voveraitis - Saxophone (Track 4)
Evaldas Petkus - Cello (Track 4)
Miscellaneous Staff:
Tomhetas - Engineering, Mixing, Mastering, Layout, Artwork
Laima Stasiulionytė - Photography
Anton Zolo - Photography
Rememorari - 02:32
No Word - 11:06
Tremorous Luminance - 07:55
Haunting Recollections - 10:53
Watching The Flame - 06:13
Nycto- - 03:24
No Word (Instrumental) - 10:56
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maidabazaar · 2 years
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myartlyescape · 1 year
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Česlovas Povilas Nomeika
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yesterdayandkarma · 9 months
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MARTIAN by Povilas Vaketis
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Skynex Against Shaheds - Ukraine Got a New Weapon - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/skynex-against-shaheds-ukraine-got-a-new-weapon-technology-org/
Skynex Against Shaheds - Ukraine Got a New Weapon - Technology Org
Back in December 2022, Germany revealed that it will provide Ukraine with two Skynex short-range air defence systems. This was basically a response to Russia’s kamikaze drone attacks that were destroying Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. It was revealed now that the first Skynex system has been delivered to Ukraine at the end of last year.
The 35 mm Revolver Gun Mk3 cannon of the Skynex system on a truck chassis. All components of the Skynex system are mounted on HX trucks. Image credit: Rheinmetall via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
„Defense Express“ analysts say that this delivery was a bit unexpected, because Skynex wasn’t mentioned in the recent military aid packages. However, as said before, it was planned over a year ago. The second Skynex system should arrive in Ukraine in March. These systems are supplied by the German defence industry giant Rheinmetall and are paid for by the German government. It is estimated that the two systems will cost an astonishing 182 million euros.
It is an incredibly valuable tool though. A Skynex system includes four Revolver Gun Mk3 cannons, a CN-1 control centre, and an X-TAR3D radar all mounted on the HX truck chassis. The main advantages of this system are its mobility and ability to respond to different threats very quickly, whether it would be drones, like the Shahed-136, or even cruise missiles. With air-bursting ammunition, which basically creates an impenetrable cloud of shrapnel in the air, the Skynex guns can defeat even tiny targets at a distance of 4 km or more.
The 35 mm Revolver Gun Mk3 is, obviously, the dagger in this system, even though it would not work without the X-TAR3D target acquisition and tracking radar. These autocannons have an astonishing rate of fire of 1,000 rounds per minute. It is computer-controlled and estimates where it should fire in relation to the target position and speed in the sky.
The entire system of radars and guns is connected in a C2 network, shares data and works together to engage multiple targets at the same time. In simple terms, Shahed drones will not fly through an area protected by the Skynex systems.
The Skynex is a short-range system, armed with automatic guns – of course, it cannot defeat ballistic missiles. But such a high-tech weapon will be able to protect some sensitive areas in Ukraine that would be repeatedly attacked by Shahed drones.
Ukraine will likely position Skynex guns on the frequent routes of the drones, trying to intercept them on their way. Of course, these systems themselves may be targeted by Russia, which is why their positions will constantly change and you may not even see their pictures online.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: TSN.ua, Wikipedia
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crazysodomite · 1 year
What I think of variations/spellings of my name
Like: Pavel, Paweł, Pavlo, Paval, Paviel, Pauwel, Pavle, Pavol, Paavali, Pavo, Paavo, Povilas Not a fan: Pablo, Pavli, Pavlos/Paulus, Paolo Don't like: Paul. I really don't like Paul…
Pavlo and Paval are especially my favs :) And Paavali…
Boulos, Bulus(Arabic) Boghos, Poghos(Armenian) < this is interesting… I kinda like it
Do you guys like any of your name variations or just one… It must be crazy being named Alex…
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dozydawn · 10 months
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figureskatingcostumes · 7 months
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Margarita Drobiazko and Povilas Vanagas practising and competing their Phantom of the Opera free dance at the 2006 World Championships.
(© A. Chempinski)
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unhonestlymirror · 10 months
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Mikalojus Povilas Vilutis
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bukimevieningi · 15 days
Vygantas Kelertas atskleidžia kraupią tiesą apie į Seimą besiveržiantį Žilviną Razminą ir kitus veikėjus (video)
Šį kartą Vygantas Kelertas vėl kerta “saviems”. Pasirodo, kad prie lovio besiveržiantis šiaulietis Žilvinas Razminas yra smurtautojas šeimoje. Paskambinusi Vygantui Kelertui, Razmino žmona teigė, kad Razminas yra nedirbantis tinginys ir pastoviai smurtauja prieš žmoną, kuri nuo jo jau kenčia daugelį metų. Daugeliui Razminas yra žinomas kaip kovotojas už tiesą, bet pasirodo, kad jis tėra sąjūdinis…
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oanthore · 6 months
Le fait que les uns tiennent la catastrophe pour inconcevable ou surmontable et que les autres l'estiment au contraire inévitable ne change rien. Dans les deux cas, nous disons qu'il n'y a plus rien à faire. Le sort serait scellé dans le choix que l'humanité à fait à l'aube de la modernité. Elle court vers son destin à trop vive allure pour bifurquer dans une autre direction. Elle est engagé, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. L'instant critique de la décision est passé.
Povilas Aleksandravičius Camille Riquier -  Du bon usage de la fin du monde. Bergson ou l’humanité tenue à l’impossible
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chrisshort · 1 year
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