#ppgd ranting
lune-redd · 9 months
im not to familiar with ppg fan comic stuff (im just recently been getting into the show for a while) but if i may ask
what is ppgd? and who created it?
Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi (PPGD for a short) is a webcomic that features not only the Powerpuff Girls, but a bunch of other cartoon characters from other Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon shows as well. Sounds cool, right? The same cannot be said about the execution jfc. The story is very all over the place and I consider it to be extremely angsty for a story based on the fucking Powerpuff Girls.
The webcomic was created by artist Bleedman, who lets just say is a... questionable individual. I remember hearing something about him doing weird things with other people's OCs. Also he's a pedophile. It really shows in the ways he draws little girls
Bad Webcomics Wiki's page on the comic better explains the criticisms behind it than I do.
Give it a read if you'd like to!
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 1 year
Oo how is she a Mary Sue ? Sorry if this is annoying you I’ve been tryna find rants about PpgD but there’s barely some that are good 😭
Well from what I read back in the day she was just horribly balanced as a character which was leads to me viewing her as a sort of Mary Sue. She beats Blossom pretty effortlessly in their first encounter. So much so Blossom has to use Gir to try and deter her. Her dad (?) Is some super evil dude. She might actually be a robot (That's about the time I gave up with the comic). Just no matter what she does the scales seem to tilt in her favor in a very unbalanced way. Not that the entire comic is known for stellar writing or even balance in terms of whose stronger than who. Lest we forget, the whole "Dee Dee being dead" thing appeared suddenly and abruptly amidst what was seemingly a very light-hearted crossover series. There would be points where the comic would randomly and abruptly get dark in a constantly fluffy of tonal whiplash. Not to mention whenever there's a joke he's worried the audience won't get he just up and explains it with a blurb. Which usually reeks of not having confidence in his own writing.
The Cartoon Network fancomics are the only thing this dude is remembered for, for a reason (Yeah he had a whole original comic too, but nobody gave a flying flip about it because there weren't identifiable characters for people to latch onto. I bet this is your first time hearing about it too.)
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lune-redd · 9 months
Honestly if PPGD did get adapted into a show (which some people have wished for despite it being very unlikely) it would be the Netflixvania of Powerpuff Girls (derogatory)
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