#ppv: revolution 2023
jonmoxleys · 2 years
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finndoesntwantthis · 2 years
All I know about tonight is that mox and hanger are gonna kiss, max and Bryan are gonna kiss (and Brie might slap max idk but I goddamn hope so), the bucks and Ken are gonna suffer (as they should), and I will curse the name Tony Khan at least 10 times for any and all bad outcomes 😁
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jeshaisabookworm · 2 years
AEW Revolution 2023 Prediction | Pro-Wrestling
#AEW #AEWREVOLUTION2023 #AEWRevolution #AEWDynamity
Hey there guys and gals! It’s almost AEW Revolution and me being a fan would like to give out my prediction! Note that I am not a professional but a simple fan fantasy predicting the results of a show.I divided the predictions into pages because it’s a tad bit long. Hope you enjoy. Comment your own predictions. (more…) “”
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moxley · 10 months
Would it be alright to get some recommendations on how to get into wrestling? I'm intrigued by your posting but I also have no idea where to start do I just search "most homoerotic wrestling" and go from there?
i will do my best to provide a baby starter guide … this is kind of how i got into things, but streamlined so that you dear reader can figure out what you want out of life, instead of fucking around consistently like i did
“isn’t wrestling silly and fake?”
yes. however, the unreality of wrestling and the blend between what’s real, what’s staged, and the genuine athleticism of the wrestlers makes for incredible long-term, partly improvised narratives that can happen nowhere else. you’re not watching a sports show — you’re watching a mix of theatre and gymnastics.
“is wrestling for me?”
suggestion: watch supereyepatchwolf’s video , “professional wrestling is stupid and beautiful and i love it”. it’s meant to convey the wonder and fun and joy of this silly silly thing to people who are not into wrestling or don’t understand it. if you’re still curious about wrestling when you’re done, it’s time to start watching for real.
“ok, i’m still curious. now what?”
fuck it, we ball. the beauty of wrestling is that whilst there are long term narratives, all the individual matches need to convey is the struggle of that moment. whether it’s a long term feud coming to a head, friends who have to compete or have turned on each other, someone struggling to the top of a championship mountain, or a challenger coming in to try and dethrone a champion - all that matters will be conveyed to you by the tone of the match and the commentators. so you can just pick up anywhere and dive right in. but across dozens of promotions, where do you start?
well, for you i’ll do what i did, which is pick on all elite wrestling (aew). they’re not better or worse than anyone else, but bluntly for me i think a lot of the wrestlers there are cute and they’re easy for me to find. here are a few matches off the top of my head, not in any particular order. i list their names and then what show you can find the match on. most of these can be found on the internet archive, if not all.
MJF vs CM PUNK (Revolution 2022) — dog collar match. they’re collared and chained to each other. mjf hits cm punk over the back with the chain and it leaves very real, visible marks. extremely sexy if you’re into that sort of thing.
DARBY ALLIN vs JON MOXLEY (Dynamite 08/05/2020) — i’ll be real this one awakened something in me it’s just very. um. it’s just very. umm. uhhh. 😓
DARBY ALLIN & STING vs TEAM TAZ (Revolution 2021) — this is fun because it’s filmed in a warehouse location and more cinematically. it’s goofy, but has some intense stunts too. i love this match. bonus points because sting literally picks darby up and throws him.
BRYAN DANIELSON vs KAZUCHIKA OKADA (Forbidden Door 2023) — so fair warning, bryan breaks his arm for real in this match. you can’t really tell except for how he stops using his right arm for the last 10-15 mins of the match, but i love this match. bryan and okada are just both great and very intense. (btw okada broke bryan’s orbital socket last month, please help)
MJF vs KENNY OMEGA (Collision 28/10/2023) i wanted a kenny match on this list and this one is recent but great, in part because of the respect the two men show each other, rather than being an outright feud. my heart grows three sizes whenever matches end in a cuddle.
i also recommend AEW ALL IN 2023, which was a ppv at wembley and literally every match is incredible and a banger. fucking rules.
“i watched those and they sucked!”
i dunno man try wwe or npjw or gcw idk or maybe you just don’t like wrestling
“i watched those and they RULED!”
congrats! now look into aew’s weekly shows or their numerous PPV shows, and start looking at shows from other promotions like wwe, njpw, and gcw! search the names of wrestlers you enjoyed to find more matches that they’re in! be free, and let the half naked sweaty men consume your brain 💜
i hope this helped 🥹
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heelkenny · 1 year
Hangman said that he and Kenny were never really friends. He's right, in a sense. Their relationship has always been complicated, and they were at odds with each other more often than not. This was the case even when they were a tag team. They started and ended their tag run with one of them wanting to stay a team and the other wanting to walk away.
it's worth mentioning that Hangman and Kenny started their tag team on very different pages. At the time Hangman was still very insecure from all his singles losses at the start of aew. He was more hesitant about their new tag team, while Kenny was the one pushing to see how far they could go. Kenny tried to bond with Hangman outside of their tag matches, but early in their tag run Hangman usually turned Kenny down. Kenny was still pretty fresh off of his short-lived tag run with his Golden Lover, Kota Ibushi. He was most likely trying to fill a void by tagging with hangman. Though he also tried to be a supportive partner to hangman, by using what he learned from his tag runs with Kota.
Hangman and Kenny had great chemistry in the ring as a team. Which is why they managed to win the tag titles a few months into their tag run. Holding the tag belts was a huge accomplishment for Hangman and something he was obviously very proud of, but it also meant that he was trapped in a tag team with Kenny for as long as they held the belts. Hangman was less than thrilled about this at the time, despite his fondness for Kenny, because hangman still wanted to leave the elite. It wasn't all bad, and the two of them had moments where they got along well. Kenny also insisted that they were equally important to their tag team's success. There was a part of Kenny that resented having to share the spotlight, though it's something he tried to suppress for the sake of their tag team.
Hangman started butting heads with the Bucks over the tag team belts. He often got mad at Kenny for trying to defuse the situation or step away instead of taking Hangman's side over the Bucks'. Hangman walked out on a couple of his and Kenny's interviews leading up to revolution 2020 because of this.
Kenny and Hangman managed to beat the Bucks in a tag match and retained their belts. Once revolution was over and the bucks were no longer a threat to their tag titles, Hangman and Kenny seemed to get along a bit better. but that was short lived because of the pandemic. The two of them wouldn't team up again until Stadium Stampede at the following PPV. The time apart gave Hangman the chance to reflect on his time as Kenny's tag partner and as a member of the elite.
Stadium Stampede seemed to be a turning point for Hangman and Kenny. The two of them teamed up to fight an inner circle member in a bar. afterwards, Hangman poured Kenny some milk, while Kenny poured alcohol for hangman. The two of them clinked glasses while Hangman said, "cheers baby", to Kenny before they chugged their respective drinks.
[it's also worth a mention that in 2023 after Hangman reunited with the elite, he brought Kenny a half gallon of milk to celebrate. which called back to a time in Kenny and hangman's past when they were the happiest together.]
After stadium stampede, Kenny and Hangman started to spend more time with each other outside of tag matches. Sometimes splitting away from the bucks to spend time alone. Hangman usually drank alcohol while Kenny kept him company and only drank milk. The month or so following stadium stampede was the time, during their tag team run, where Hangman and Kenny seemed to be the most content with each other. However, in the lead up to fighter fest 2020, Kenny and hangman admitted that they were neither good friends nor best friends. [Which Hangman later echoed after rejoining the elite.] In a segment right before this match Hangman also referred to the tag belts as "my titles." Kenny looked concerned but didn't address it.
Hangman started to drink with ftr after they showed up in aew. Kenny nearly got into a couple fights with them over spilt beer, And each time Hangman would take ftr's side instead of Kenny's. As Hangman spent more time with ftr and less time with his tag partner, Kenny started doing heelish things like beating up his opponent after a match.
Things got much worse after ftr convinced Hangman to sabotage the Bucks' chances at a title shot for kenny and hangman's tag belts. That led to the Bucks kicking Hangman out of the Elite. Hangman had betrayed the bucks, his friends, for a couple of guys who had only pretended to be his friends for a shot at the tag titles. All of this meant that Kenny was the only person Hangman had left on his side.
In the aftermath of the betrayal, Kenny spoke about how Hangman was going to have to live with betraying the Bucks for the rest of his life. Alluding to the fact that Kenny still regretted betraying his former partner in a similar way. Kenny had given a lot to his and Hangman's tag team in the hopes of helping Hangman avoid the same mistakes Kenny had made in the past. he felt that he had failed Hangman. The betrayal also made Kenny see something in Hangman that reminded Kenny of the worst parts of himself.
Hangman went into the match against ftr desperate to hold onto the belts. Keeping the belts would have meant that Kenny had to stick around, and that Hangman could have a chance to fix everything. Hangman broke up pins, checked on Kenny during the match, and kicked out of most of what ftr threw at him. Kenny gave it his all too, and even seemed a little hopeful about the fate of their tag team after he and Hangman pulled off a synchronized move.
Kenny and Hangman lost the match and their tag titles in the end. Kenny considered attacking hangman after the match but threw aside his weapon. Then Hangman stumbled and reached out for Kenny, but Kenny just let Hangman fall to the canvas. Kenny wouldn't disband their team until a few weeks later, but their time as a tag team was as good as over once they lost the tag titles. It's a nice reversal of how the two of them started their tag team, with Kenny as the one fighting to make it work, while Hangman had one foot out the door.
Despite everything they have put each other through as a tag team and even as enemies, Hangman was right that he and Kenny are family. The two of them still care about each other deeply and share a connection that keeps pulling them back towards each other.
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dogcollarpunk · 2 years
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Ah, well…Bleh, Revolution PPV 2023 colorized
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homoeroticgrappling · 7 months
Revolution is going to be emotional
Or: me reflecting on wrestling and Sting, under the cut
Revolution marks the anniversary of the first time I sat down to watch AEW, I got invited by a friend who was into wrestling to come hang out for the PPV weekend and watch it as a social thing and figured why not? We spent the day before doing a crash course for me (and the one other non-wrestling fan in the room) so we'd know who we were going to see at the PPV and what storylines were going on so we could follow and pick who we wanted to root for. One single clip with Danhausen in the background tipped me from intrigued to actively invested, I stayed up all night catching up on things and when the PPV started I was so excited to watch even if I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I got into wrestling in a big way immediately, I haven't missed a show since then and I've met so many incredible people through wrestling especially here on tumblr, including the love of my life. (Wish I could time travel and try to explain to my past self that thanks to a wrestling demon with a thing for teeth and his hoodie wearing, chip chomping tag partner I met the most incredible person, wrestling is such a wild thing to explain without context) I guess people are right when they say wrestling really does bring people together, it definitely changed my life for the better
Before that point, the most I'd done was keep loose tabs on Rhea Ripley after seeing clips of a match of hers late 2018, but I hadn't thought wrestling was "my thing" so I never tried engaging with it more. I didn't grow up with it, I wasn't allowed to watch it when I was younger, the most I can remember interacting with wrestling as a child is getting to play with a friend's action figures when we were maybe 9. I couldn't for the life of you tell you who most of them were supposed to be, there's only one that stuck out in my memory enough for me to know who it was: Sting. I didn't know who he was, but I had a cool goth uncle so I wanted to play with that one because it looked like the guy in that movie my uncle liked. I remember my friend excitedly telling me "HE'S THE BEST ONE" and showing me how to pretend swoop down from the rafters of an imaginary venue so I could properly play Sting.
I can remember watching AEW when I was a new fan and didn't know anyone and going "I know him!" Sting's reach extended beyond wrestling fans, and although I didn't know much about his career I knew he was a big deal. I watched his run in AEW, I got recommended matches of his throughout his career to check out, and I could see why they called him the icon. When I spoke to people who watched wrestling when they were younger but didn't keep up with it, they'd ask if there was anyone they'd know and I'd always immediately say Sting, usually getting a response along the lines of "wow, he's still going? I used to love him"
(I also managed to meet some people at an event for All In 2023 and discussed with them my ranking of Sting eras by most attractive, because I am not immune to an attractive person in face paint. Then maybe 15 minutes later as we were waiting for the elevator to leave the hotel, who should come up also wanting to leave but the man himself. I have never gone so silent in my LIFE I swear, made panicked eye contact with our little group, and as soon as he'd gone on his way I got asked if I was okay, as if I hadn't just felt my life flash before my eyes)
Like a lot of people, I haven't known the world of professional wrestling without Sting in it, and it's going to be strange for him to not be there anymore. So many wrestlers are posting tributes, he paved the way for the current era of professional wrestling in America and he has inspired so many people. Seeing the outpouring of love and sharing of memories it seems like everyone is united in celebrating not only his career, but the man behind it as well. Although it's bittersweet knowing tonight will be his last match, I'm grateful I got into wrestling in time to see him wrestle live in person and see him go out on his own terms, happy and healthy. Knowing he got to decide how he wanted this to go, who he wanted to wrestle with and against, it doesn't matter to me what my personal feelings might be on if I would've picked this for his last match because it's what he wanted, and Sting always delivers an entertaining match.
I hope we all have fun, but most importantly I hope Sting has fun in his last match before retirement. He's earned it.
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queer-auntie · 10 months
AEW Full Gear 2023... puzzles of mismatched pieces?
There are few things that are inevitable in life: Death, Taxes, and the Internet Wrestling Twitter bitching about wrestling.
Last night was AEW’s Full Gear PPV. While some spent it in the comfort of their own home, struggling with the BR Live app, I went to a wrestling viewing party with a handful of friends to watch. We typically go to the movie theater to view AEW PPV but we combined friendsgiving so here we were. (I highly suggest viewing a PPV in a theater at least once)
The best part of a viewing party is the friends part. This requires you to have friends, which I definitely recommend some of you get some friends (and some deodorant), YOU NERD.
*** cue the laugh track ***
All jokes aside, I felt it was important to be IN THE MOMENT with my friends. I love viewing parties with friends. These friends can be of all different levels of knowledge and experience with wrestling. Some have been wrestlers themselves. 
My fiance, who has been watching wrestling since the 80s/90s was sitting next to someone who had never watched a wrestling program in their life last night. The varied levels of knowledge and experience made the viewing party exciting. While I am usually sucked into my phone watching my twitter feed, it felt necessary to experience it with my friends.
Here is what I experienced, from memory, complete with quotes and inner thoughts of a person on the spectrum. ENJOY.
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I won’t be talking about the pre show as much because we arrived late. I know. There was traffic and I was cooking Buffalo Chicken Dip. I heard Eddie Kingston won and the preshow was very exciting. I love that for them. 
The main show started with the six-man tag team match of Darby Allin, Sting, & Adam Copeland versus The Patriary. The lights went up… and there are children in turtlenecks being forced to acapella sing Christian Cage’s theme…. Were these fatherless children? Should we be supporting them monetarily? That’s when I heard one of the friends at the party who has never watched the wrestling show go… 
(Celebrity sightings literally doing their job here.)
I think Entrances (and I mean to capitalize it) are very special for the casual as well as the expert viewer. They are special, they showcase the wrestlers creativity, and are also COOL AS FUCK. 
Hearing the crowd sing “Metalingus” after the music cut is where I started to cry. This match is a special moment and rightfully so to start the show. This is Sting’s last time wrestling in the state of California. He announced his retirement from in-ring activity at AEW Revolution in 2024, five months from now. While I mourn the ending of Sting’s wrestling career, I need reminding that this man is 64 years old WRESTLING ACTIVELY week after week. He deserves the time off and time away. We learn at the end of this match that Sting’s son is ringside which is truly special. 
Something I love about AEW PPV is that each show gives you a match style and type for everyone. You like tag matches full of story and emotion, watch the six-man tag team match that starts the show. You want a match stipulation you know will be violent? Stay tuned because we have a Texas Deathmatch to enjoy. You love watching OSHA Violation videos? We have a four-way ladder match to fill that void. Wrestling is truly FOR everyone. 
Opening with the six-man tag match full of layers upon layers of storytelling was a great starting point for this PPV. There is the layer of Sting’s last match in California, second to the last big PPV for Sting. There is the layer of Darby being betrayed by his mentee Nick Wayne, whom he trained at his father’s wrestling academy when he was just starting out. You have the layer of Christian Cage and Adam Copeland, real life friends and seven-time tag team champions, on opposite sides of the ring. You have Luchasaurus, trapped under the spell of Christian Cage’s spell. And then for some reason, Ric Flair is here… because everyone loves a good nostalgia pop. 
And layers like an onion, this match started with tears and ended in tears. 
After back and forth, in and out of the ring, Christian Cage showed how cowardly he was… The Patriary lost as Adam Copeland covered Luchasaurus for the 1-2-3!
The next segment of this show happened to be Tony Schiavone, the National Treasure, announcing that MJF could not compete in tonight’s main event for the AEW World Heavyweight Championship. As Tony was announcing everyone’s worst nightmare, Adam Cole’s music hit… and on crutches, he hobbled to fight in MJF’s place. This brochacho-ship… an unlikely friendship… has truly captured the viewers hearts, a bromance to last a lifetime. This main event match should be an easy win for Jay White, but we’ll talk about that in due time. 
The AEW International Championship match is next, Orange Cassidy, accompanied by Hook, defending against the FORMER champion who is out for Blood, Jon Moxley. The promo segment beforehand had Mox’s wife, Renee, say he will do ANYTHING to get that championship and no one will stand in his way. 
I turned to my fiance and said, if I ever acted like this to PLEASE stand in my way. He laughed… Am I the Jon Moxley of my relationship? Will I risk it all, concussion and all, for what I want and thirst for the taste of another man’s blood?  Honestly, I can see it… but I digress…
The match started with Moxley exploding with energy to gain the advantage over the casual Orange Cassidy. The friends who had never watched wrestling recognize Orange Cassidy from the show “The Floor is Lava” which everyone should watch as well. The brutality juxtaposed to Moxley’s brutality may seem like dirty mismatched socks… but this match truly brought out the intensity and focus each wrestler initially lacked. The usual feral nature of Moxley seemed focused tonight while Orange’s demeanor seemed to be far more serious and violent. Between suicide drives to the ring announcers desk to scratching backs & biting noses, the play by play of this match told the story of changed men willing to do anything for a championship. This championship means something to both men… and with the title of international means either men could defend this championship ANYWHERE to further their dominance. 
The friends in the room who participated in the predictions chatted back and forth on who would win this match. With the NJPW WrestleKingdom, their Wrestlemania, on the horizon, my friends argued that Moxley would win as to take this title to Japan and defend it there, a place he’s been before. However, I argued that Orange has been showing a more focused intense side of him we’ve only begun to see.
Moxley’s fighting like he’s the final boss… and Orange, after FIVE Orange Punches, finally brought the monster to his knees. After the three count, and still your AEW International Champion, Orange Cassidy.
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This show fifty minutes in this PPV, has started off with thunder and lightning. Full Gear has been the event to sign off the wrestling year. It’s the final test, the crossed T’s and dotted I’s… this event has been known for title changes, surprise debuts, and unforgettable moments. 
Timeless Toni Storm’s music hits… and the screen goes to black and white. 
This match up is between Hikaru Shida, a three time AEW Women’s Champion,  versus Timeless Toni Storm, a two time AEW Women’s Champion. Both women have trained in Japan. Both women have gone through changes and progressions throughout the years. Toni Storm a 28 year old NewZealander faces Hikaru Shida, a 35 year old Japanese wrestler. Both women started wrestling at the end of the 2000s. Both women are from each other’s Roman Empire. (photo credit: AEW)
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This character for Toni Storm has been my favorite. She combines that old Hollywood charm, the looks of Marilyn Monroe with the psychosis of Joan Crowford. The smeared lipstick, the dramatic robe, all the way down to the tray where she places her golden shoe. This is the same shoe she uses behind the referee’s back to take down her opponent. She truly is a star.
The match is a war of blows. Toni Storm emptied her arsenal and couldn’t get the advantage over Shida. Shida emptied her arsenal as well but came up short. What would it take to end this battle of forces? Well, a steel plate aptly placed on the hip of Toni Storm is what would end this battle crowning Timeless Toni Storm a three-time AEW Women’s World Champion. 
I really enjoy how new signee Maria Mae has interwoven herself into this storyline. This just makes me excited to see this admiration-ship of Maria with Toni unfold week after week, which is a different tone from a few months ago with the AEW Women’s Championship scene. 
Here we are… the AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder match. Four teams participated in this tag team match. The moment the bell rang, everyone squared up, including the big meaty men. I am simply a human who lusts after big wrestling meaty men slapping meat. 
La Facción Ingobernable are high risk, high reward wrestlers willing to put their bodies into the match. FTR, in the last two years with AEW< has proven they are all fists no flips in their search for gold once again. The House of the Dark recently dropped the trio's titles and have shown no mercy to their opponents. These opponents would not make this first title defense on a PPV easy for Rikcy and Big Bill. 
“Why are there ladders in this match? They have to climb those to get the ....”
“Yeah, they have to climb it to get the belts. That’s how they win.” “Why are there different size ladders?” “They need options.” :”Okay, but why are there so many? Isn’t that setting them up?” “Exactly” *looks nervous* “Okay….”
Watch a ladder match with a new wrestling fan. It feels special again, I promise. 
I am a gimmick girlie, as they say. Anyone can be a gimmick girlie. I bet you are a gimmick girlie. You like a stipulation, an elevation, upping the stakes kind-of-thing. I bet you do… and if you don’t, I think you’re lying. Have you ever said, “It’s so easy, I can do this with my eyes closed?” Well, most people aren’t usually referring to defending their title belts in a wrestling match, something that would be actually VERY HARD and more DANGEROUS given most of us aren’t trained wrestlers. Well, Ricky and Big Bill have solidified they can defend their new titles anywhere… and to up the stakes, they can *metaphorically* do it with their eyes closed. (OH GOD, WE ARE NOT DOING A BLINDFOLD MATCH… no matter how loud your TNA chants are….)
This ladder match had so much going on, I had to watch it THREE TIMES. No joke, something new popped up in this match every time. The crowd is heavily behind Rush. He’s been a highlight of AEW’s saturday night “Collision” programming… Yet, overwhelmingly, in the middle of the match, “MEAT!” chants are overpowering as Big Bill, who stands at almost 7 feet tall, goes toe to toe with Brodie King, who stands at a slightly smaller six feet five inches. These boys are big meaty sons of bitches. 
Every wrestler in each team was insanely over in this match. And each wrestler would have been fined by OSHA for how they all used ladders as weapons. There was a sequence between Cash Wheeler and Maliki Black used a ladder leading against the top rope as a slingshot against a moving Cash Wheeler as he bounced off the ladder and into the floor… which precariously transitioned into a piledriver on another ladder leading into the corner square on his head. The crowd cheered “HOLY SHIT!” (you'll see what I mean here)
The ending of this ladder match saw every wrestler on one side of a ladder, three in a row, fighting to get to the title belts above. This match felt like a BIG DEAL. It felt important. And the weighted cost of each move, each bump, each impact was felt in every fan watching on. Ladder matches are for everyone. If you don’t agree… you are a liar.  (Photo credit: AEW)
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I haven’t seen enough love for this ladder match so please go back, watch it if you can… better yet, play it on a loop at my funeral and invite everybody.
We transitioned into the AEW TBS Championship three way match between the champion Kris Statlander, Julia Hart, and SKye Blue. In the last few months, both Julia Hart and Skye Blue have had more character and in-ring development than I have seen of any other women’s wrestler. Julia Hart, once a bubbly cheerleader valeting for the Varsity Blondes, now channeled into her spooky bitch era. She’s focused with a killer moonsault. Skye Blue has blossomed into a spunky yet moody wrestler. “She might be Skye Blue but the skies are certainly in for a storm.”
Kris Statlander out wrestles, outweighs, and could bench BOTH Julia and Skye on her shoulders. Yet, the three of these women put on one hell of a showdown. Nearfall after nearfall, each woman unloaded everything they had. There was a great moment where Kris and Julia were on the outside of the ring. Kris baited Julia to bring it, but Julia got sucked into the most gnarly powerslam. Kris’ power is absolutely unmatched here but Julia and Skye have to use her power SOMEHOW against her. While Julia had Skye in a submission hold, Kris picked up Julia from the ground into a German suplex. 
She did this FOUR times in a row with Julia and Skye.
As Kris landed a piledriver on Skye, Julia came in with a closeline, picking up the scraps… and stole the victory. Julia Hart became the youngest champion in AEW at the age of 22.  (photo credit: AEW)
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I really enjoy the hype over the new AEW Signing. It felt very important for AEW as a company. After the firing of CM Punk, many online voices have voiced their concerns on AEW being a comparable alternative to the mainstream WWE. It’s important to remember that AEW is not going to be LIKE or the same flavor as WWE. They are there to provide the alternative. They exist to showcase all different types of wrestling and wrestlers. That is important. While some could describe it as bad patchwork, I feel this promotion is more like those pictures that, as a whole, is one image… but are composed of a bunch of little images. As we slide right into the next match, I want to preface that this match could be its own article. It stands alone as a masterpiece. It is the blueprint for all deathmatches in AEW Hall of Fame. (There isn’t one, but there should be… it’s been three years already.) Texas Deathmatch existed long before November 18th, 2023. A little google search could not confirm the origin of the wrestling Deathmatch (capital D!). However, the 1980s really captured the Deathmatch art in Abdullah the Butcher, The Sheik, Atsushi Onita, and Terry Funk. These wrestlers match after match put their whole bodies on the line in the name of violence. (There is a whole episode of Dark Side of the Ring about FMW where Onita started these Deathmatches…. Absolutely brutal)
AEW has had a few Texas Deathmatches since its inception. The first AEW Texas Deathmatch was July 21st, 2021 with Lance Archer vs. Jon Moxley. The two had fought previously in a Texas Deathmatch at Wrestle Kingdom 14 where Moxley defeated Archer. The last two Texas Deathmatches have involved “Hangman” Adam Page, one against Adam Cole in 2022 and one against Jon Moxley in 2023. With two Texas Deathmatches under his belt but a loss at Wrestledream against Swerve, “Hangman” already had a taste for brutality. So, in the middle of Swerve asking the audience WHOSE HOUSE it was, Adam Page attacked him before the bell rang.
(Also, side note, it is surreal hearing an arena with 13k fans chant “SWERVE HOUSE” after hearing a room of a few hundred chant it not a few years back… Simply wild.)
The story between “Hangman” and Swerve is personal. This feud has changed both wrestlers, and especially after this match, it has changed both men to their core. 
Weapons, in this match, come out early as “Hangman” initiates with duct taping Swerve’s wrists and using an industrial stapler on his chest. Staple after staple into Swerve, the crowd gasps at the flood dripping from Swerve as “Hangman” staples his son’s artwork onto Swerve’s face… and then drops the blood off Swerve’s INTO HIS MOUTH. Hangman spits into the sky as the crowd chants “YOU SICK FUCK.”
Deathmatches are for SICK FUCKS. And Hangman? He’s won TWO of them. 
The continued staples, chairs, barbed wire plywood boards (even a piece of barbed wire that clips Hangman's lip from above) unlock brutality needed in this personal feud. Both of these men showcase how they will do anything to settle the match in their favor, a true fight vs. flight scenario. These men are not scared to face their demons… but only one can be victorious tonight. (photo: AEW)
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I believe this is one of the bloodiest matches I’ve seen in AEW. The bright red blood flowing down Swerve’s forehead… to Hangman’s crimson blood congealing into his hair like a gelatin. 
It was believable, credible, and a candidate for Match of the Year. This was real to me, damnnit. 
The camera with blood splattered on the lens. The ring canvas dripped with these men’s blood like an art piece you’d hang in your house.
The image of Swerve dumping glass on the back of Hangman, climbing to the top rope, doing a 450 splash, and then a JML Driver (thanks Excalibur) will live rent free in my mind. I see it when my eyes are closed. (photo: AEW)
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This match was a masterpiece. And Swerve coming up on top, the look to the crowd, this was magic. If you got to see this live in person, I am incredibly jealous of you.
 The show could have stopped there. I honestly forgot about the last two matches left on the card. I could have done without the next match. 
I wish I was more invested as Kenny Omega is one of my favorite wrestlers. 
Alas, the Texas Deathmatch was such an emotional high that dropped the moment this match came on. Was this match on its own great? Sure! Kenny, Matt, Nick, and Jericho could wrestle a paper bag and it’d be great. I just wasn’t as interested until the last 3 minutes of the match. Kenny pinning Matt was absolutely the right call and having the Bucks continue their little tantrums added to the story. I just want Kenny out of a Jericho angle. That’s all.
The main event seems to be where the discourse lies. It is the AEW World Heavyweight Championship. I get it. However, the story they are telling really mirrored what they were telling at All In just a few months ago. Jay White thought he had it in the bag facing Adam Cole, still recovering from surgery… with MJF out of action and a crippled Adam Cole, he should have been able to win the triple B…. but he just wasn’t able to beat him. 
MJF risked a FELONY to defend the title he rightfully won. 
Once MJF entered the match, Jay White singled out his hurt leg. That would be the logical thing to do, find the area of weakness and get your opponent off their feet. 
Every time Jay White did something to get the advantage, MJF did squeeze his way out of the situation. MJF was taking risks he hadn't taken before in a match. Defending his title with such a difficult injury put MJF task, so to speak. He had less of an advantage than starting the match healthy. In my opinion, having the AEW World Heavyweight Champion ALSO holding the ROH World Tag Team Championships seems to cheapen the AEW World Heavyweight Championship's prestigious nature. It’s not that I think the champion should not defend the title but it puts the champion at a disadvantage so his competitors don’t have the option they should get to a fair fight with MJF. If I am going to fight and become the new champion, I want to prove I don’t need to win by taking advantage of an injured wrestler. To me, that cheapens the match for me. 
This match did nothing but just make MJF look risky working hurt, and in kayfabe, putting other wrestlers at risk by not being 100% healthy. Jay White (and Bullet Club Gold) looked silly and weak, not being able to capitalize on an injured wrestler. And MJF had to rely on the diamond ring once again to take the advantage. 
I get that they are telling a story. Maybe that is the point… MJF is SO strong that he could not merely be taken down like a regular man. No, he is superior. He is our scumbag.  (photo: AEW)
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Whatever the case, not seeing a final shot or even reference to the Devil seemed like… incomplete. The last two matches are fine on their own but seem a little misplaced in such a great show. Full Gear 2023 lived up to the hype promised yet… I’m waiting for the metaphorical fat lady to sing. I am waiting for the final number. I am waiting to finish… and feel a little… regular. The ending was just… regular. And that kind of sucks after such a great show with a Match of the Year candidate of Swerve vs. Hangman. But that’s the beauty of an opinion… the beauty of having likes and dislikes. That’s the beauty of the alternative. Each match doesn’t have to complete the set to be worthwhile. Many of those matches in Full Gear 2023 PPV can be their own hit single… performing better than the main event. That is alright. I liked it.
But, I felt like it was a show full of great puzzle pieces that seemed to not fit in the order presented… all great storylines, great talent, great momentum… they just, didn’t come out with a crystal clear picture needed to be a Show of the Year contender. What did you think of Full Gear 2023? Did it live up to the hype or did you feel it fall out of sync?  Let me know!
I love you. You’re wonderful.
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blueonwrestling · 1 year
Fun fact for the people who complain about Chris Jericho all the time.
Jericho has lost his last 6 matches on PPV, being the following;
ROH Final Battle 2022: lost to Claudio Castagnoli.
Revolution 2023: lost to Ricky Starks.
Double or Nothing 2023: lost to Adam Cole.
Forbidden Door II: lost in a trios match to Sting, Darby Allin and Tetsuya Naito.
All In London: lost to Will Ospreay.
WrestleDream: lost in a trios match to Sammy Guevara, Will Ospreay and Konosuke Takeshita.
As if Jericho isn't putting over stars.
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abadbadbrujah · 4 months
ok so Anarchy in the Arena was easily the fucking craziest wrestling event. Jack Perry gets drowned, then he runs over Darby Allen, Darby sets Jack on fire, then Darby is hung from the roof by his feet (HE JUST HAD A BROKEN FOOT) and kicked in the face with shoes that have tacks on them and left to dangle whilst bleeding out his face. I literally can't think of a crazier match than that.
Last night's Double or Nothing PPV was one of the best easily 9/10, would have been up there with All In/Revolution 2023 if they just let Willow retain, she fucking deserves a run as shes easily one of the top womens talents they have. It's the reason why every PPV match Toni has with someone it's their best match, because it's against Toni who's also one of their top women's talents. You can't have a fantastic run of matches like that without someone like Willow/Toni anocring the matches. Mone has the draw for sure but I don't think she has the same level of wrestling talent, here's hoping I eat these words.
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blackbellaswan1 · 2 years
Guys,,,,that was one of the greatest matches ever AEW Revolution 2023 is the best AEW PPV of all time. I’m sorry i can’t put into words MJF and Danielson went 60+ minutes absolute barn burner on par with omega and ospreay. I fucking love pro wrestling
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corneroffandom · 7 months
Weekly Writing Update #87 (March 3rd, 2024)
Quick update, Revolution is on so I'm going to just really quickly run through. Decent week of writing, still have a lot to work on, but I'm pleased with the progress I made this past week. I've been super sleep deprived since the Elimination Chamber and also watched All Of Us Strangers last weekend and my thoughts and my emotions have been all over the place since. Yeesh, haha. And I've had a lot of new weird ideas to work on? Fun. So I'm going to go now, enjoy the PPV, and will be back with more news next week.
Back to Basics: 696 World Wrestling Digidestined: 633 Encontrar una Manera: 383 Back to Earth: 409 Encontrar una Manera bonus story: 0 New Years 2023: 361 New Years 2024: 168 Frustrated: 1652 The Split: 215 Exhaustion: 238 Spiraling: 198 A New Beginning: 249 Strangers: 88 Fathers: 74 Sixteen: 0 Renatus: 0 Passenger: 0 Evidence: 0 Sensatus: 0 In total: 5364 Annual Word Count: 59942 New fic plot notes: 2 Team Work chapters booked: 0 Old fics uploaded to AO3: 0
Find me on Ko-fi at https://ko-fi.com/corneroffandom Any questions or comments, please let me know!
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AEW Revolution 2023 Theory #1
The Iron Man match is incredible, intense and satisfying, MjF wrestling blows our minds but ultimately he wins through shenanigans.
He is still in the ring, barely able to stand, the crowd going crazy with a mixture or boos and cheers when suddenly static echoes out over the tannoys and Tony Khans voice is heard, slightly electronic and distant.
It's another voicemail, telling the recipient that the decision has been made in conversations with the lawyers that they can come back, that a spot has been made available to them at Revolution and that he hopes they accept these terms.
Bonus point if-
The recipient is called 'Phil' rather than their in ring name.
There's a reference to approval from the EVPs
Tony explains that this is the recipient's last chance and that he needs to behave himself from now on
The crowd is losing their mind, MjF is looking around him, half panicked, half in hope.
Cm Punk walks out the tunnel, there's no music, it's just him and his expression is dark and he is not taking his eyes of the champion. MjF takes a beat before raising the belt, pointing at Punk and mouthing 'come and get it.' The ppv ends with the two men glaring at each other across the arena and we've gone full circle since the end of All Out
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danwhobrowses · 10 months
My Highlights of Full Gear 2023
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And we're back with the wrestling.
Full Gear has a lot of moving pieces looking to build; a variety of title matches, grudge matches and friends fighting one another.
Let's see how what I enjoyed
Spoilers for the PPV of course
Buy In
Stoke staring daggers at Eddie while the crowd still pops for him
'He listens to anime soundtracks' - okay Stokely's a heel in my mind now anime soundtracks slap
In wrestling lore, Anne Hathaway is Stokely's adopted sister XD
That overhead belly to belly into the turnbuckle was so fucking clean
GOODNESS that guitar crack into Sonjay (for a retired backroom staff member Sonjay always takes a lot of bumps)
Ortiz and Eddie together makes me wonder, Santana for next ROH champ?
Eddie's commemorative popping the crowd with Renee - but he was too busy cussing out Stoke to cuss out RJ
I think we don't appreciate enough that the Blackpool Combat Club as a faction exist outside of alignment; all four dabble in heels and yet Claudio is the face against Buddy, Bryan is a face for the Continental Classic, but Mox and Yuta are heels against OC and HOOK (surprised we didn't have a FTW title match here)
This match slaps as well, Claudio and Mr Rhea Ripley are just not human
Cheeky Nandos Kick foreshadowing
Gunns' entrance still slaps, it's perfect and it also elevates BCG when they use it together
In this house we chant 'JOE!' repeatedly
MJF with 365 days on his robe
LA Lakers attire too
'I'm a poor' sign - who isn't these days bud?
Gunns have been flying around everywhere in this match
Leg injury angle adds to the drama too
Main Card
Starting with a big trios match
A fucking children's choir doing Christian Cage's entrance (with a new tron)
I mean 'he comes more often than herpes' is apt for Ric Flair
Adam Copeland with Darby's paint, and those coats
Crowd continuing Metalingus
You can tell when two wrestlers have trained together, the synergy is there
Darby, just. Why?
Darby Allin loves his spine as much as Kota Ibushi loves his neck
He's climbing Everest AFTER THIS???
Nick Wayne's heel development is almost as good as Dominik Mysterio's I must admit
Clever from Christian climbing under the ring to sweep Adam and then lure Sting out to give Darby no options
It was of course a tease, but it was probably wise to keep Copeland and Christian apart all match, save it for Revolution or Winter is Coming
Sting getting an ovation
It felt quite rushed, but OC going over was the right call
I like that Shida has been using a lot of colour to counter Toni's black and white
Kingston putting his titles on the line definitely raises the stakes for the Continental Classic
Brody and Bill staring each other down at the start of the match
MEAT Chants are still alive
Malakai just flung that ladder into Cash
Suicide Dive into a Ladder!?
Red Hart, Sky Blue and Purple Cobras
Hart still has an amazing moonsault
That was a great snap for Code Blue
I thought Sky would take it but good for Julia
Billy Boy Bird is All Elite and he still has Elevated Bruv
Swerve gets the Nana Dance with a trope Entrance
Hangman didn't even wait for the Entrance
I've been guilty of stapling myself in my youth (I didn't realise the 'metal face' is what makes the ends bend and wanted to see for myself) so I know that hurts like a motherfucker
He's fucking drinking his blood!
Swerve's Killshot instincts have awakened
DVD on a Cinder Block!
I do love that spot when someone beats 10 by rolling out the ring (this time dragged)
And the Chain comes back
I don't think you can't call that a match, that was a WAR
Omega selling a story with sentiment
Kenny you need to rename it something other than 'You Can't Escape' because buddy they can escape
Bucks did the low blow
Jericho kicked out of the BTE Trigger
Choices of V Trigger
Matt Jackson OWA
BCG with the mocking limp
MJF with the ambulance return spot
Jay White's heel work has been great throughout
Nigel literally hiding in the corner
The table collapsed and Max hit the elbow drop anyway on pure ground
Conclusion There was a lot of great wrestling on this card.
However, between the opener and the TBS title match it did feel like some matches were very rushed; OC/Moxley was a complete sprint, same with Storm/Shida, and the Ladder Match felt rather messy to try and contain all the spots they wanted. Also TK seriously, I get Toni has done a massively over reinvention but I am begging you to let Shida successfully defend a title in front of a PPV crowd, for god's sake man.
I didn't quite like the Jets beating the Bucks either, with Ibushi signed there's not much reason for their team to exist and now they have an anytime tag title shot. I guess it does end Kenny's PPV losing streak but still.
And I must say I was on the fence about the Main Event, I get using drama to narrate the match but the leg injury did end up weakening Jay White's very strong build that he couldn't beat a one-legged MJF, and too much shenanigans leave that for every Roman Reigns defense in the last year (all 5 of them).
But on the plus side, some amazing storytelling, some electrifying spots, the TBS championship being given to a young and deserving talent, and just an all timer brutal war of a match. It's not the strongest of AEW's current strong PPV runs but it's still pretty damn strong.
Match of the Night: Texas Death Match Best Entrance: The Patriarchy's children's choir just beats the Nana Dance trope Best Attire: Sting, Darby and Adam Copeland just ekes out Statlander's Globogym Purple Cobras outfit Best Performance: Hangman/Swerve tied Spot of the Night: So much of the Texas Death Match could've gone on here but I'm giving it to MJF's over the top rope and out the ring cutter because I did not see that coming
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