#prayer of jabez
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1 ਇਤਹਾਸ 4:10 ਯਅਬੇਸ ਨੇ ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਦੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਅੱਗੇ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਹਾ, “ਕਾਸ਼ ਕਿ ਤੂੰ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਸੱਚਮੁੱਚ ਵਰਦਾਨ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਰੀਆਂ ਹੱਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਧਾਉਂਦਾ। ਤੂੰ ਮੇਰੇ ਅੰਗ-ਸੰਗ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਬੁਰਿਆਈ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਾਉਂਦਾ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਦੁੱਖ ਨਾ ਦੇਵੇ।” ਅਤੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਨੇ ਉਸ ਦੀਆਂ ਬੇਨਤੀਆਂ ਪੂਰੀਆਂ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ।
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel. He said, “I wish you would bless me. I wish you would give me more territory. Let your power protect me. Keep me from harm. Then I won’t have any pain.” God gave him what he asked for. — 1 Chronicles 4:10 | Punjabi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-PA) and New International Reader's Version (NIRV) Punjabi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version © 2010 by Bible League International and The New International Reader's Version Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.®. All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: 1 Chronicles 4:9; 1 Chronicles 4:11
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bojackson54 · 3 months
The Prayer of Jabez Was Good. Here's One I Like Even Better
Do you remember The Prayer of Jabez,  the best-selling book from a couple of decades ago? It had wide circulation among evangelicals, and it certainly stimulated some thoughts about praying for results. Let’s take another look at the man made famous for his prayer: A Famous Prayer? “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in…
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patcegan · 1 year
Expand My Spiritual Horizons
Mr. Wilkinson created a beautiful interpretation of the Prayer of Jabez in his book: Dear Lord, please bless me, indeed. Please expand my spiritual horizons O Lord, may I walk with my hand in Yours And keep me from all evil. I have enjoyed this prayer for years for it reminds me of God's unlimited power and faithfulness. I especially have used the line which says, Please expand my spiritual…
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kemiowonibi · 2 years
What’s In A Name? The Prayer of Jabez
What’s In A Name? The Prayer of Jabez
Are Names Important? People bear names for these two important purposes: primarily names are for identification purposes. Secondly, they are for sentimental purposes, symbolising a form of gift or affection given to you by the person who gave you those names – usually your parents, family members both nuclear and extended, spouses, friends, etcetera. That is why it gets worrisome when there is…
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kdmiller55 · 1 month
A God Who Can Be Trusted
1 The sons of Judah: Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur, and Shobal. 2 Reaiah the son of Shobal fathered Jahath, and Jahath fathered Ahumai and Lahad. These were the clans of the Zorathites. 3 These were the sons of Etam: Jezreel, Ishma, and Idbash; and the name of their sister was Hazzelelponi, 4 and Penuel fathered Gedor, and Ezer fathered Hushah. These were the sons of Hur, the firstborn of Ephrathah,…
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kingofkingsschizo · 1 year
A flash of light hits the night sky, like a bolt of fire that burns with intensity that strikes the ground. The prayer that was answered through Jabez in the Bible to one man who holds his prayer to god all so dear. I DEFIANT declares war over tyranny. I will use my trademark Jaybez to build an empire from the gift of music and art given to me by my God. I will fight through storming black hail to fight for my  causes with injustice and serve the underdog who suffers like I do with mental illness. Coming soon Wally aka DEFIANT music. I project in the next week I will upload to YouTube then bring my music to tumblr. The birth of the Parasocial Album.
Jabez prayer. “ enlarging my territories and show me no pain”
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cccdynapro · 1 year
Shinwon's thoughts about Jabez
I don’t know if you have come across the prayer of Jabez. In 1 Chronicles 4:10, the prayer of Jabez is mentioned. He prayed to God saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!”Jabez prayed for God’s blessing, asking for an increase in territory, just like Jabez you can ask…
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presentinglight · 2 years
The prayer of Jabez
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christianmedias · 2 years
O Holy Night (Beautiful Saviour) | The Spirituals
O Holy Night (Beautiful Saviour) | The Spirituals
O Holy Night (Beautiful Saviour) | The Spirituals Lyrics: Ooooooh Ahhhhhh Oh, holy night! The stars are brightly shining It is the night of the dear Saviour’s birth Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices Oh, night…
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opencase-o-many · 1 year
Happy 30th Birthday to me!! 3 whole decades out here! 🙌🏽
I burned the Prayer of Jabez on this 14x11 bamboo tray last night. What can we learn from one of the simplest prayers in the Bible? First, bring all of our wants and concerns in a sincere way to the Creator. Even though he knows all, don’t always lean on a “God knows what I want” attitude. Be specific with your blessing request and be faithful to pray for it. Think about your motives for your prayer as well as your personal calling because only He knows that for you. Your problem or request may not be easy to fulfill, but He always answers. Sometimes He gives a Yes and sometimes we receive No’s, but His Will always lines up for what is best for you.
Hallelujah(Praise Yahweh)
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freebiblestudyhub · 13 days
The Power of Prayer: A Christian’s Guide to Connecting with God
Prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s life. It’s how we communicate with God, express our gratitude, seek guidance, and find comfort. Knowing how to pray properly can deepen your relationship with God and enrich your spiritual life. This article will guide you through the essentials of Christian prayer.
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Understanding the Purpose of Prayer
Before diving into how to pray, it’s important to understand why we pray. Prayer serves multiple purposes:
Communication with God: Prayer is a way to speak with God and listen to His voice. It’s a two-way conversation where you express your thoughts, needs, and feelings, and God responds in His way.
Building a Relationship: Just as in any relationship, communication helps to strengthen your bond with God. Prayer helps you grow closer to Him and understand His will.
Seeking Guidance: Christians pray to seek direction and wisdom from God. It helps in making decisions and understanding His purpose for your life.
Expressing Gratitude and Worship: Through prayer, you can thank God for His blessings and praise Him for His greatness.
Requesting Help: Prayer is also a means to ask for God’s help in times of need, whether it’s for strength, healing, or other needs.
The Structure of Effective Prayer
Effective prayer doesn’t have to follow a rigid formula, but having a structure can be helpful. Here’s a simple guide:
1. Adoration
Begin your prayer by adoring God. Praise Him for His attributes, such as His love, mercy, and power. Adoration focuses on who God is rather than what He can do for you.
Example: “Lord, You are great and mighty. Your love and mercy are boundless, and Your power is beyond measure. I praise You for Your goodness and grace.”
2. Confession
Confession involves acknowledging your sins and asking for forgiveness. It’s important to be honest and humble before God. Confessing your sins helps to clear your heart and mind, making you more receptive to His guidance.
Example: “Father, I have sinned and fallen short of Your glory. I ask for Your forgiveness for the times I have not followed Your ways. Please cleanse me from my wrongdoings and help me to live according to Your will.”
3. Thanksgiving
Take time to thank God for the blessings in your life. Gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have been given. It helps to build a positive perspective and recognize God’s goodness.
Example: “Thank You, Lord, for the gift of life and the many blessings You have bestowed upon me. I am grateful for my family, my health, and the provisions You provide daily.”
4. Supplication
Supplication is where you bring your requests before God. This can include prayers for yourself, others, or the world. It’s a way to express your needs and desires while trusting God to answer in His perfect timing.
Example: “Lord, I ask for Your guidance in my career. Please provide me with wisdom and direction. I also pray for my friend who is ill, asking for Your healing touch and comfort.”
Biblical Examples of Prayer
The Bible provides many examples of how to pray. Studying these examples can offer insights into effective prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer
Jesus gave His disciples a model for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. This prayer includes adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”
The Prayer of Jabez
In 1 Chronicles 4:10, Jabez prays for God’s blessing, protection, and increased influence. His prayer is a good example of asking for God’s favor and guidance.
“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.”
The Prayer of David
David’s prayers in the Psalms often express a deep sense of trust and reliance on God. Psalms 23 and 51 are notable examples of trusting God and seeking His mercy.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10)
See Also: Who Is The Messiah In The Quran?
Common Pitfalls in Prayer and How to Avoid Them
Even with the best intentions, there are common pitfalls that can affect the quality of your prayer life. Here’s how to avoid them:
1. Rushing Through Prayer
Sometimes, people rush through their prayers due to a busy schedule. This can lead to shallow communication with God.
Solution: Set aside specific times for prayer each day. Make it a priority and avoid multitasking during your prayer time.
2. Using Empty Repetitions
Repeating phrases or prayers without meaning can make prayer feel mechanical.
Solution: Focus on sincerity and intention. Each prayer should come from the heart and be meaningful.
3. Focusing Solely on Requests
It’s easy to turn prayer into a wish list, focusing only on what you want.
Solution: Balance your prayers with adoration, confession, and thanksgiving. Remember to praise God and express gratitude, not just make requests.
4. Avoiding Silence
Prayer doesn’t always have to be verbal. Sometimes, listening and being still before God is just as important.
Solution: Spend moments in silence during your prayer time. Allow space for God to speak to you and reflect on His presence.
Incorporating Prayer into Daily Life
Prayer shouldn’t be confined to specific times or places. Here are some ways to incorporate prayer into your daily routine:
1. Morning and Evening Prayer
Start and end your day with prayer. It sets the tone for the day and provides reflection before you sleep.
Example: “Lord, guide me through today and help me to honor You in all I do. As I rest, I commit my worries and cares to You.”
2. Prayer Journals
Keeping a prayer journal can help you track your prayers and God’s responses. It’s a way to see how God is working in your life.
Example: Write down your prayer requests and answers. Reflect on how God has been faithful.
3. Short Prayers Throughout the Day
Incorporate short prayers during routine activities, like commuting or waiting in line. It helps keep your mind focused on God.
Example: “Lord, thank You for this moment. Help me to be patient and kind.”
4. Praying with Others
Join a prayer group or pray with friends and family. Corporate prayer strengthens your faith and connects you with others.
Example: Set up a regular prayer meeting with friends or family members to share and pray for each other’s needs.
Proper prayer is more than just a ritual; it’s a profound practice that nurtures your relationship with God. By following a structured approach, learning from Biblical examples, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can develop a richer and more meaningful prayer life. Remember, prayer is a journey, not a destination. Continue to grow in your understanding and practice of prayer, and trust that God is always listening and responding to your heart.
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1 ਇਤਹਾਸ 4:10 ਯਅਬੇਸ ਨੇ ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਦੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਅੱਗੇ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਹਾ, “ਕਾਸ਼ ਕਿ ਤੂੰ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਸੱਚਮੁੱਚ ਵਰਦਾਨ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਰੀਆਂ ਹੱਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਧਾਉਂਦਾ। ਤੂੰ ਮੇਰੇ ਅੰਗ-ਸੰਗ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਬੁਰਿਆਈ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਾਉਂਦਾ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਦੁੱਖ ਨਾ ਦੇਵੇ।” ਅਤੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਨੇ ਉਸ ਦੀਆਂ ਬੇਨਤੀਆਂ ਪੂਰੀਆਂ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ।
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel. He said, “I wish you would bless me. I wish you would give me more territory. Let your power protect me. Keep me from harm. Then I won’t have any pain.” God gave him what he asked for. — 1 Chronicles 4:10 | Punjabi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-PA) and New International Reader’s Version (NIRV) Punjabi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version © 2010 by Bible League International and The New International Reader’s Version Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998, 2014 by Biblica, Inc.®. All rights reserved worldwide. Cross References: 1 Chronicles 4:9; 1 Chronicles 4:11
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faithupsidedown · 28 days
Prayer of Jabez: Asking Big, Believing Bigger 
Sometimes we feel guilty for asking God to bless us, but Jabez shows us it's okay to be direct.
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wolint · 2 months
Isaiah 43:1
What’s the meaning of your name?
What is in a name? Names identify us, but only as we recognize, acknowledge, and accept them.
In the Western world, a name rarely has significance beyond a highly sentimental, perhaps aesthetically conditioned response from proud, doting parents to the intoxicating joy of a new arrival. Some names are so outlandish and ludicrous that they can be offensive or insulting, such as the trendy “Covid” or “Corona.”
Not so in the Bible. Human names typically reflect character and mission anticipated in life, which may turn out for either good or ill. They may embody the spiritual vision of parents for their child’s future. In other instances, they are prophetic of future outcomes or events. On the negative side, they may typify a life come to ruin.
He knows my name! God has called each of us by name, not merely “called” in general. God knows your name!
So many people are in bondage to one thing or another, and the gatekeeper wouldn’t even allow some to go after a ransom has been paid because they either don’t know their names, understand the meaning of their name, or think God has forgotten or doesn’t know their names. But that’s not according to John 10:3, which says, “To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.”
Names were chosen to express something about or through a person, and not simply to hang a convenient label around their neck.
What’s your name? Why did your parents name you that? Naming is a way to record the identity of a person’s birth. Moses was named by his adoptive mother because he was drawn from the water, the sound of the name recalling a Hebrew verb “to draw out” in Exodus 2:10.
Some people, like Jabez (meaning pain or sorrow) in 1 Chronicles 4:9, are named according to the circumstances of their birth, just like Isaac (meaning laughter) in Genesis 17:17-19, Jacob (deceiver) in Genesis 25:26, and Samuel (I asked God for him) in 1 Samuel 1:20.
Why are you named what you are? Does your name remind you or your parents of a season, a circumstance, a role model, or was it just chosen out of fancy?
What name are you answering and responding to? The one your parents gave you. Your picked names or society’s given names?
Names are prophetic, and the more our names are called, if we believe it, the more it acts as a key to our destinies, as seen with Isaac.
Isaac - How did his name come about?
Who is calling you a name that God hasn’t? Even your parents may have done so, like Jabez and Ichabod (meaning glory has gone) in 1 Samuel 4:21.
Does God know my name?
God doesn’t know my name!
Sure! God knows everyone’s names. He knows your name! If God says in Jeremiah 1:5 that He knew you before you were born, that means He knows your name.
He knows your name because, according to Isaiah 49:16, “He has tattooed your name upon His palm.”
God has given us all a new name. He knows us by our names, whether we know those names ourselves is another matter entirely.
Your name is distinctive to you; it is the designation of your personality and reputation.
Revelation 2:17 says God will give each person a white stone on which is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it.
Do you know your name? Even if everyone forgets your name, God won’t! He knows your name!
Lord, thank you for knowing and tattooing my name on your palm. Help me to always remember that my name is important to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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saraloveliness-blog · 2 months
"I think it's funny to put up pictures of my retarded family," Abigail Kipp said. "I hate going to family reunions. My family goes to reunions to get dates." Abigail Kipp is royalty in my brain. IN MY IMAGINATION, she said "-------------- you, dude," to this insult. Today's reading from 2 Chronicles confirms: Royalty and incest go together. The family tree is too difficult for this dumbass to examine. Do they have the same parent, the same grandparents? The kings all have multiple wives and concubines. I don't understand how the musician and the wise guy had so many without it being considered adultery. The only thoughts I had about this book were blasphemous, brain vomit incest. The Prayer of Jabez guy actually had some profound things to say. The main thing I think God is trying to convey through this boring book of the Bible is that I have a severe paucity of imagination, love, and intelligence. If that were not the case, I would be effectively loving God with 1 & 2 Chronicles instead of habitually not reading it and making bad incest jokes . Let's move to be a real conversation I had with my inner Godvoice while reading a very good letter.
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