#prayer warriors I need you now 🙏🏻
skippyv20 · 1 year
Dearest Skippy and friends, I hope this finds you all well. Please forgive my delay in up dating you on my dear brother in Spain who underwent an amputation and was awaiting further medical intervention to try and 'save' his remaining leg. I can report that he had a PICC line put in three weeks ago and has been receiving intravenous 'treatment' to improve circulation to his remaining foot and leg. (I have to be honest I don't understand what medication he was receiving). The extremely positive news today is my brothers lovely partner reports that he has now regained some movement in his foot and leg. Skippy God is good !! He has laid his healing hands on my brother and has not forgotten him and his suffering. My brothers struggle has been great, but our dear Lord has has always kept him safe in his loving hands. We pray that this improvement will continue and a further amputation may not be needed at this time. This means, with Gods blessing, my brother can start his physical rehabilitation again soon. Please Skippy can you keep my brother on your prayer list ? He needs our love and prayers.
Skippy and all the prayer warriors, thankyou so, so much for your love kindness and the comfort you bring to so many.
This is wonderful news! So happy for your brother and your family. Prayers answered! Thank you so much for the update. Of course, he will remain on our Prayer List. God Bless him as he continues to heal.🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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dratiniest · 2 years
Secretly hoped this guy would be able to drive me home because I am sick with the COVID and must drive 12 hours and I do not want to. But he cannot, instead I must suffer greatly and try desperately not to die
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phoenixonwheels · 3 years
Dying to own the libs
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Mike’s an antivaxxer and an antimasker.
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Mike is also transphobic.
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Oh yeah and he’s super racist - and he wants everyone to know it.
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Of course he’s a Christofascist and a Trumpet. Were we expecting any different? (We were not.)
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I’m a member of the group who believes in science Mike. You’re a member of the death cult.
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I see we’ve reached the prayers stage.
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Aaaaand the inevitable “Please can everyone now pay the medical/funeral bills of this antivaxxer” post.
Oh and just in case you think the family learned something from this…
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Is a highly infectious deadly disease the same as cancer? Is a vaccine the same as crack? Can Lysol kill you? Asking for Joy.
The pandemic will be over when all the antivaxxers are dead.
[ID: Facebook posts by Mike Willis: Apr 2, 2021; “Unmasked. Unmuzzled. Unvaccinated. Unafraid.” Apr 30, 2021: Profile photo of a very smug looking older bald white man with a frame that says “I don’t care if you’ve had your vaccine.” Apr 28, 2021: An altered Peanuts cartoon. Lucy: “Liberal scientists can prove climate change is real.” Linus: “They can’t tell the difference between boys and girls!” “This is funny. I don’t care who you are! 😂🤣😂” Jun 21, 2021: “BLM Blue Lives Matter. Let me hear an Amen for our law officers.” “Old White Men's Lives Matter!” Jul 19, 2021: “Humanity is splitting into two groups. A. Those who accept the propaganda and want to be controlled. B. Those who see through the propaganda and want to be free. Which one are you?” Jul 26, 2021: “🙏🏻✝️🇺🇸💙💪🏻🙏🏻 GOD, GUNS AND TRUMP” Joy Mims Sawyer, Jan 16, 2022: “Ok I need all my prayer warriors to join me in praying for my step dad, Mike. If you don’t pray, it’s ok. Please send good thoughts and vibes. He’s in ICU battling pneumonia, covid, and sepsis. He’s not eating much and he’s very weak.” Bobby Hudgins, Jan 30, 2021: “Many of you knew Mike Willis and know Patty Ann Willis . Our Brother and friend Mike passed away this week. If you haven't seen this, I wanted to pass along. As any of us in this situation, I'm sure Patty would appreciate most of all our prayers and if possible, help with funeral expenses. See the above link if you would like to help out in this, such a difficult time <3 .” Joy Mims Sawyer, Jan 29, 2021: “I’m so over this vaccine mess. Stop asking if someone is vaccinated. It’s a persons choice. You can’t make anyone get vaccinated, just like you can’t make anyone smoke a crack pipe. The Lord did not give us vaccines. For those that don’t know, they are manmade. Here’s a little tidbit. Yes, Covid is killing people. However, cancer, alcohol, crack, Lysol, people, and many other things kill people, too. How many have died previously from the swine flu? It was never made a big deal, but it was a lot. #Unashamed #Unmasked #Unvaccinated #Unafraid”]
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skippyv20 · 2 years
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Well, we are closing the old year and welcoming the New Year.  Reflecting on the past year is always mixed with many emotions.  The good times, the bad times, the sad times. It’s been another rollercoaster ride.
Some have found faith, some have renewed their faith, and some have had their faith grow stronger.  We have picked one another up, and carried each other.  We have prayed for one another, we have cried for one another.  We have had tears of sadness, and tears of happiness.  We have learned many lessons on our journey together this year. I think perhaps some of us have become more tolerant, and have also strengthened our patience.  We have opened our hearts.   I think we have also opened our minds to accept there are many changes going on in the world.  More bad than good it seems.  It is a scary world right now.  I don’t like it.  Therefore, I will focus on praying for a world that is peaceful, that embraces morals, traditions, and values that I grew up with.  I will pray for the “woke” to be silent.  I will pray for all Christians.  I will pray that we hold strong, and speak up to defend our beliefs.  I will pray that God hears our cries, and helps us to make the world a much safer, loving world.  I will pray that we will get off this rollercoaster ride, and feel peace in our hearts and minds.
Goodbye 2022….thank you each and every one of you who has stayed with me, or who has dropped by…I am truly blessed and grateful to be on this journey with you.   You add so much to my life daily, and keep me going.  I send hugs and love to you. A very big thank you to my friends that keep me together.  You have helped me through many rough days and nights.  You will always have a special place in my heart.  You all know who you are…. A huge thank you and lots of hugs and love to all the Prayer Warriors.  Thank you for taking time to pray for those in need of prayers.  Truly one of the greatest gifts we can ever give one another is praying for them.  Prayers can change the course of a person’s life in seconds.  Prayers can bring the desperate peace in their hearts.  Prayers can make someone feel loved and cared for.  Prayers can make one feel not alone.  The Power of Prayers can bring not only answered prayers,  but Miracles as well.
Another year has gone by, and a big thank you and hugs, and love to @fortheheavenssake for birthday videos, and @67flipper75 for the Birthday Gifs.  Thank you for giving everyone the gift of Birthday Wishes, as not all have someone who wishes them a Happy Birthday.  You add to their day, you make them feel special.   To all those who are finally coming to the realization that Diva and her Hubby really are just pure evil….I am sorry you were suckered in by them, but don’t feel bad, many were.   For those of you that are still being suckered in by them…Wake Up!
So, goodbye 2022….we are now ready for 2023.  God Bless you and yours. God Bless your countries, your sick, your homeless🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Dear Skippy
I have never asked for prayers before especially from someone I’ve never met. I’m struggling. Truly struggling. My Dad will be gone 1 yr on Aug 16. It was THE worst day of my life. I lost my Mom when I was 4 and my Dad married a narcissist. You can imagine what it was like. Luckily I went to boarding school then college. I never had to live with her again. That didn’t stop the abuse. I won’t bore with all of her wrong doings but my Dad got dementia. 2yrs before he passed she got mad at me. She kept me from seeing him and blocked my phone calls. This went on until the day he died. I was very close to my Dad in spite of his wife( Merry Widow). She mocked me for crying and told me that he hated me. It may be possible. I’m sure she told him all kind of lies. In his condition it’s possible he believed her. I don’t know but it’s very difficult. We weren’t able to have children so we have dogs. 3 ShihTzu. My oldest has bladder cancer which is not curable. He’s been receiving chemo but he had a bad reaction the other day. I’m at a lose of how to handle it all. I’m so lost. I take meds for general anxiety and depression but I feel as if they aren’t working. I would very much appreciate a prayer from you. I believe that you carry more weight in Heaven than I do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sending love Terri.
Hi Terri! I am so sorry to hear you are going through so much. I do understand how carrying so much, is so overwhelming. You said said you and your father were close, then trust his heart knew your love for one another. He left this world, with your love. The Merry Widow could never have taken that away. Even dementia can’t take away love in one’s heart. I’m sorry about your pup. I too have three shih-tzu. I lost my Baxter (from first group of three)…to cancer. A very good friend, knew it would be so hard for me….so she told me, as it got closer to the end….to take his last day, and make it wonderful. Sit outside with him, brush him, give him his favourite treat (potatoe chips), let him eat as many as he wants. Cuddle him and let him feel how much love I had for him. I did all that, and my last memory of him is wonderful, makes my heart smile. I don’t associate the sadness, but the wonderful day we had. It might help you, deal with your pain. Plan a wonderful day.
How do you handle all this, right now? One moment at a time. Don’t look at tomorrow. Give all your pain to God. He will comfort you. Although your dad took all the love you had for him with him…sit down and write him a letter. Tell him all about how much you loved him. When you are done….dispose of it. He will read it as you write it. That is more for you…then him, as he already knows.
I certainly do NOT carry more weight than you in Heaven. God loves us all equally. When you come here for prayers, you get the attention from pray warriors around the world. It’s the Power of Prayers! The more that pray together, the less waiting time, is how I see it. All our prayers are important. You don’t have to know someone for them to pray for you. I don’t know anyone here that I pray for…I don’t need to….God knows who I am talking about.
You will get through this. I know you will. I am here whenever you need me. If you need to talk about your pup, I am here. I pray for God to give you peace and comfort, and may you feel his loving presence. God Bless you. 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skippyv20 · 3 years
UPDATES TO OUR PRAYER LIST 04/2/2022🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Anne is still low energy and pain but had a nice hair cut and is feeling better after having half her hair fall out. The hairdressers made her feel comfortable and never seen something like that before. She was able to get into the doctors finally. Suspect thyroid. Will need surgery at some point. Thank you for your prayers Skippy and Warriors.💕
Update on 9 year old boy fighting leukemia
It has been awhile since I was able to update and things were quite difficult for some time but here is the latest on “K”
K was released from the hospital, to return home with close monitoring on January 27. He was very excited to do so but didn’t know he was going until it was a sure thing. He had been terribly disappointed and depressed a week or so earlier because they told him he could go home and then he had a setback.  He “rang the bell” on the way out the door signifying that he had reached the end of his bone marrow transplant inpatient stay.
Results from the bone marrow biopsy and Lumbar Puncture showed 100% donor cells, 0 disease , and no disease in CNS!  All wonderful news.
The next phase will be close monitoring- it is pretty common to have to be re-admitted shortly after going home, especially within the first 100 days so K and his family are enjoying every minute they can. He has a large bag of medications including immunosuppressants and steroids (boy do those make him eat!).
  He will have appointments 2-3 times a week for lab work and has home care for his CVC line.  They decided to have him keep his central line, due to his ongoing complications (something called “GVH” and other current “watch” issues).  Also, monthly he’ll have a  lumbar puncture with chemo in the spinal fluid for at least 6 months.  This is extra protection for his CNS due to multiple prior relapses in this area.
Despite being cleared for release from the hospital, he is still very immunocompromised and will have to take precautions for at least the next couple months, while the new immune system takes over.  He will isolate at home and will start virtual school.
K is very fatigued and still recovering from transplant, his mobility is slower but getting better and better.  He was very excited to see his pets, sleep in his own bed and eat ramen noodles (this is what he is craving on steroids)! He made it home in time to watch the WWE Royal Rumble 🤼‍♀️ and cheer on the Bengals 🐅🏈  
We are all hoping and praying that he continues to make strides in his recovery.  His labs are showing some possible complications arising, prayers that these don’t surface and that he can remain at home.  
So there you have the latest news as I have it. Thank you to all who have been praying, sending positive thoughts or just wondering how this brave boy and his family are doing. Please keep it up so hopefully K and his family can put this long ordeal (over 7 years now) behind them.
Thank you so much for the update! Such wonderful news….don’t you worry, he will stay on the list….as long as he needs it….🙏🏻❤️
Our friend’s Father with broken leg
Hi Skippy, Anon who was feeling overwhelmed helping her mom and taking care of her dad with a broken leg here. You may remove us from the prayer list. However, can I get one personal prayer that he continues well with his recovery, please? Thank you.
Our friend’s husband who had bowel surgery
Thank you so much lovely Skippy and all those who kindly prayed for my husband with bowel cancer. I am very grateful to you. He has been doing well since his bowel resection and subsequent chemo. He is still tired and foggy but growing a bit stronger each day. Only time will reveal whether the treatment has worked. May the Lord bless you all.
Prayer list update from Linda: my neighbour and cousin are doing really well after their ops so no need to keep them on the list. My son seems to be handling his depression well at the moment but would be grateful if he stayed on the list for now. My husband is going into hospital tomorrow for a follow-up procedure on his ear which has been cancelled twice so would appreciate thoughts for him.
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Update on Novenas Baby James!  Get your Kleenex...you will need it....before your eyes you are reading the answered prayers of God!  This is what prayers and good thoughts do!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Skippy, I wanted to share amazing news from today.  My mom left to fly back home today, but before flying out we went to see James. She needed one more hour of grandson time. When we walked in, the nurses said they were going to take his breathing tube out in an hour. They changed their mind and did it within ten minutes of us arriving! Which meant my mom got to see her grandson off the ventilator and hear his first sounds! We also learned the blood clot behind his heart has shrunk!  Mom left the hospital soon after that, satisfied with his stats. My mother-in-law then came in about fifteen minutes later. James was doing so well breathing on his own that the doctors told his nurse I could hold him if I wanted! My poor husband couldn't be there as he had to work, but I video called him several times throughout the procedure and hold time, sent photos and videos. It's not the same, but at least he could see how James was doing throughout the day. (Parental leave for dads is not great where we live.)  It's been 17 days since James had open heart surgery. That's 17 days since my husband and I had about 30 seconds each to hold him. Today I held him for two hours! James' fussiness immediately went away and he fell asleep in my arms. He was so calm during that time.  Thank you God! Every prayer has been heard! He's not out of the woods since his condition is still considered severe, and there are alternative breathing machines on standby in case his body gets tired or his body isn't able to sustain saturation levels, so prayers are still welcome.  You and the prayer warriors have helped me so much since he was diagnosed with Ebstein's back in December and on through to today. Look at what these prayers have done! We've had some bad days, emotional days, and heard some hard things, but his doctors and nurses now shake their heads in amazement at his progress.  He continues to fight. He wants to live. The Great Physician, our all-knowing and listening God has heard the prayers. James is evidence of Grace, of answered prayers, and a fighting spirit. I am so happy for this day.   Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 💙💚💙
Thank you God!  Thank you!  Thank you!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skippyv20 · 3 years
Thank you for all your prayers. You don’t know how much comfort you and your prayer warriors gave in times of our greatest need. Your prayers comfort us so we can move forward. I am so happy to have found your blog. Hope you will continue this wonderful service so that others can experience the love and comfort you sent. God bless you and all your prayer team. Much love and hugs from Lucy’s sister
I’m so sorry about dear Lucy. Heaven is a better place now. I don’t think of losing someone the same way many do. I feel the sadness of their physical presence of course. However, I do find great peace in knowing they are in heaven with God, and I will join them. They never “leave” us.....it is alway an honour to pray for others, so thank YOU for trusting us with your dear sister....God Bless you and your family and may you feel peace....🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Urgent Prayer Request🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi Skippy, I have an urgent prayer request. My cousin Daniel was just diagnosed with Covid-19 yesterday.  Daniel is special.  He has been developmentally disabled, deaf and intellectually challenged since birth. He is a fighter--a warrior for and of life. At 36 years of age he has endured more than I have the time to explain.  Currently, he is not responding to Resdemivir (sp?).  His oxygen levels need to improve. The next step is plasma treatment.  I am asking for a miracle of healing for Daniel.  I know Jesus can bring that very special miracle Daniel's way--supernaturally, just for him all for the glory of God.  There are so many beautiful prayer warriors here on Tumblr, that I was hoping for some prayer help.  I know his mother, father, sister and I would be so very grateful.  Thank you--TartanandTulle.  
I’m so very sorry to hear about Daniel.  Prayers are on the way my friend.🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Dear God, we pray for Daniel.  We pray for Daniel one of your special chosen who is in need of a miracle.  We pray for Daniel who has a love of life, one of your greatest gifts you have given us.  Daniel has fought many battles God, and he desperately needs your help now.  We pray you will touch Daniel with your loving, healing hands.  We pray you will breathe into him the breath he needs to get his oxygen level up.  We pray that you take on Daniel’s battle for him.  We pray that you restore Daniel to good health.  We pray to all the Saints and our Beloved Virgin Mary to intercede on Daniels’s behalf.  We pray that Daniel be given renewed strength in order to heal.  We pray for a miracle for Daniel, if it be your will God.  We pray for his family to stay strong in faith.  We pray for his family to feel your loving presence.  God Bless Daniel.  God Bless his family.  🙏🏻💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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I will start a Flying Novenas for Daniel starting tomorrow.  
9 times 9 days......🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Update on Church/Prayer Services for Lilly, her mother, family PG & her cousin 🙏💙🙏
Good Morning Sweet Skippy! 😊 I’m not the best at writing & expressing my feelings, so I ask the Good Lord to help me with this! 🙏Yesterday’s church/prayer services for Lilly, her mother, & family, PG, her cousin & Skippy’s tumblr was something I haven’t experienced in years! There wasn’t a dry eye in the place! Some of our key Prayer Warriors were unable to be there ( because of Covid19 ) however they were there in spirit & praying with all of us! We call our elders at the church the “Prayer Warriors” They lead our prayer groups & when they’re called upon to pray, pray they do! I have seen many a miracles they have done! They can bring in the Holy Spirit like no one else can! At the end of the 11:00 AM service we all lit candles & prayed silently for about 20 minutes! You could just feel the power of the Lord in the church! It was amazing! I’ve come to love everyone so much here at your Tumblr Skippy! I feel like everyone on here is like my family! When they hurt I hurt! My heart has been so heavy for PG & her cousin… kinda hard to explain, however I do believe everyone here can understand! What wonderful people you have brought into my life Skippy! Like Julie said you do not give yourself enough credit…I really do believe your an angel 😇 on this earth & what a wonderful idea Julie had for the prayer blanket! God is working miracles now, just look at what we all have done here together… We’ve all brought people from around the world together to pray for people & animals in need!!! I call that a Miracle & it’s all because of you Skippy!!! God Bless You & everyone that reads this! I love all my tumblr family & will continue to pray for everyone!!! I’m still amazed at how God has brought us all together….what a wonderful thing he has done for us all… ✨Rhonda ✨ 🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙🙏💙 🙏💙🙏💙😊
Thank you so much Rhonda.  I think you said everything perfectly!  Thank you so much to you, your church and your pray warriors.  It is so greatly appreciated.  The Power of Prayers!  There was a different feel yesterday....PG touched on that as well yesterday....I agree.  We are family indeed.  Honestly, an earth angel I am not.  What goes on here....is because of us all collectively.  We do all this together.  This wasn’t even my plan...God decided we needed this place...that is the miracle.  For God sees what we don’t.  We are blessed to have you here with us Rhonda.  You are loved.  You are appreciated.  Thank you Rhonda, and God Bless you and yours. God Bless your church, and all your amazing Prayer Warriors.🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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skippyv20 · 5 years
🇦🇺60Minutes ‘Duchess of Scandal’ Pt 1
My apologies if my thoughts are bit scattered Skippy! I also making the posts into two parts!
The opening of the programme is PH is PD baby boy when met the ‘American scarlet’ the whole world went Ah!! Showed pictures of MM and PH at IG Toronto! Then when PH and MM get married, they became the duke and duchess of the world!! Now the couple want a bit of privacy, is that too much to ask? You bet! The public and the tabloids have turned the tide of criticism aimed squarely at MM. 15 months on , the fairytale has turned sour, what went wrong?? Bring out the Markles and what they said at the beginning and drama before marriage. A Morton said that MM is being viewed as the AntiChrist by the Fleet Street. It’s a rite of passage for any new member of the royal family to go through. AM says that MM has been treated unfairly and she hasn’t done anything wrong. She’s done everything right! Patrick Jepsen was a former PD secretary, he disagreed saying that MM needed a lot of work to make it as a ‘royal’ Hmm… Things went wrong for both PH and MM when they demanded privacy, keeping Arch away from public, FC renovation using taxpayers money. Wimbledon , MM was acting like a snob, PH and MM being eco-warriors travelling in ‘style’ AM said that MM should be given 💐 and accolades for what’s she’s doing!!
PJ says the BP are fickle when it comes to when the RF if they have something to hide and certain members of the RF control their image.
Katie Hopkins is Brit commentator is anti MM and we as the British public don’t need a divorced, nobody who dresses poorly! KH says I know that I’m a b**** in this country but MM is unpopular right now. MM is the 2nd most unpopular ‘royal’ after Camilla. KH says that MM is dragging the RF down and that MM should step down. KH says that PH is recently losing his mojo and that he is redeemable because he was a soldier who served in Afghanistan . KH said all that MM is good for is the local economy because she and PH are the new money and are good for business. The race card that gets used in media is old and tired says KH PJ also said that anyone who uses the race card isn’t a reasonable argument and he advised PH not to use it when PH defended MM. Interesting…. I will be back with part 2 🇦🇺Shelia xx
Duchess of Scandal part 2
AM said that MM problem is that she uses US PR and her US friends( O, SW , GC& AM etc… MM US ‘court’ isn’t helping MM, because it’s coming from the American perspective not Britain. JP said that MM hasn’t got the understanding of a ordinary British person and has to figure it out how to make herself relatable!!! And of course, the PD card got played by AM and JP. JP said MM is constitutionally irrelevant as she’s sixth in line but with her high profile she could do better. Never happened before, in the RF JP said. JP also said that celebrities have to ‘earn it’ and to be a royal it is ‘granted’ Interesting choice of words 60 Mins interviewed Lizzy Cundy who was MM former friend. She starts saying that MM was friendly, fun, and liked to drink. She also said that MM loved England and as she was single she wanted a celebrity boyfriend. After when MM joined the firm she ditched her! The reporter challenged Liz by saying you’re bitter friend because MM dumped you. Liz shot back saying ‘that’s not true, I’m telling the honest truth! ‘ So nothing really new to MM drama, but it begs to question; is this like a PR test to work out the next step!! Anita Skippy, it’s the best I can do here… Off to bed, I’m dozing off while I type!! 😆😊😊😘. 🇦🇺Shelia xx
Thank you so much for doing this....we greatly appreciate it! Great job!  Thank you Sheila! Hugs, love and prayers....🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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