brbuttons · 2 months
me, checking Tumblr wondering where all the LumiCogs went... only to realise its ship name changed in the decade we were off our bullshit.
Back on it now though so have a win for the gays.
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taylornation · 2 years
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Our reaction when we found out the Midnights pre-save page is also a clock… 🤗🕰
Pre-save/pre-add now!
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svtskneecaps · 2 months
ok i do need to ask, do we like KNOW know that some egg admins have been playing as other silly npcs during this downtime or are we speculating. like i've seen people identifying admins with varying strength of basis since the eggs first existed but like. for a while there anytime an npc spoke portuguese everyone thought it was richas and then occasionally it would be agent 18 lmao so. . . are we doing that now or do we like Know lmfao
oh and to be clear i do mean varying strength; people were apparently spotting a leo admin's speech patterns earlier and since leo has such a distinct pattern (tho i'm not fluent in spanish LMAO) i'm inclined to believe that. but yea for a while people seemed to think portuguese=richas and to be fair there weren't many non-english npcs for a WHILE and really no portuguese besides richas (that we knew of) but it does mean i'm a bit more skeptical now when the audience starts trying to clock npc admins lmfao
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wejustvibing · 4 months
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carlos' ptsd was like well hold on now 💀
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rklf001 · 3 days
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this applies to me and me only tbh
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paskariu · 1 month
What wizard did you offend to get yourself turned into a car? D:
I sold my soul to our lord and saviour Toyota Yaris XP9F Life Facelift 1,33L Dual VVT-i featuring automatic climate control, a length adjustable steering wheel, height adjustable driver's seat and many more comfort features for your 2010 needs.
If you have more requirements, the Executive variants feature an enticing bluetooth radio and heated side mirrors.
For all of your sport needs the Toyota Yaris TR brings you the Tokio Drift straight from Japan with its 255HP.
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 10 months
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street of chance |1930|
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ye-xiu · 7 months
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medieval-elephants · 10 months
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Hammer Time! Well, elephant goad clock time...
This upgrade on the cuckoo clock comes from an early 14th-century copy of the Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by Badi' al-Zaman ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari, a thinker based at the Artuqid court in what is now northern Iraq in the late eleventh or early twelfth centuries. Al-Jazari described how a chain reaction would take place every hour to signal the passage of time. I've tried to make a gif demonstrating the sequence of events below:
Materials: paper, ink, watercolors, gold Date: 1315 AD (715 AH) Origin: made by the scribe Farrukh ibn `Abd al-Latif, who may have been working in the area that is now Syria or Iraq New York, Met Museum, 57.51.23
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 months
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Murder by the Clock (1931) Edward Sloman
April 20th 2024
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thegeminisage · 18 hours
ok. it's star trek update time. only one day behind thankfully! wednesday i pussied out of kiraodo hell so we did voy's "threshold" and "meld" and last night we finally DID do ds9's "crossfire" and then "return to grace."
threshold (voy):
absolutely nothing that i'd heard about this episode could have prepared me for the reality of it.
firstly, it must be said, the episode IS awful. there's absolutely no point to any of it, except, vaguely, tom paris's self-esteem issues, the thing he has to tackle after conquering his daddy issues. all told though he wasn't unbearable this episode, except for maybe when he insisted on taking the 2% risk to his fucking life
that said, did i give it a "must see" on the spreadsheet? yes, absolutely, even though it comes right before meld, which i gave a "must see" in a totally different way
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like, sorry, if you can't tell what kind of a time you are getting into with one vs the other i can't help you
look. the fact of the matter is firstly i didn't expect all the body horror. also i didn't expect the salamander edging ie i thought they'd be salamanders the entire time and they only were for a few minutes. and finally: their wet, heaving, salamander bodies in the fog...was enough for me.
finally, what the hell even was that conversation he and janeway had at the end. why aren't they more worried about their salamander babies. none of it makes any SENSE. it's glorious
meld (voy):
easily. EASILY. the best voyager episode we've seen so far. prior to now it was the one with the romulan but this one blows that one out of the fucking water
first of all, did you know tuvok has 4 babies and breed orchids because it's very important and he is so important he is my special little guy. i think if i was murdered i would definitely want him solving my case. he's a very thorough detective
the like..he just COULDN'T understand violence without reason. and instead of being like "wow that guy's got horns well not gonna let it ruin my day" he turns around and MIND MELDS WITH HIM? WITH THE SERIAL KILLER? "my vulcan nature will allow me to control it" YOU ARE INSAAANE
everybody talks about spock being crazy but it's gotta be just a vulcan thing. tuvok was willing to do the shady business deal, he is ALWAYS the first to put his hand on his phaser (so jumpy...), he's always clenching his jaw (thanks cathy i'm never going to be able to unsee it), like he is so far away from home and his babies and potential grandbabies and also his orchids, except for that one spock orchid he keeps in his quarters. he is under an immense amount of pressure. he got tortured like two or three episodes ago and (worse) someone HEARD HIM SCREAM and he just has to deal with that. my best friend tuvok. where was i even going with this
i love that he's afraid of himself. like he said about the torture: sometimes you simply have no choice but to endure the experience. he tried everything suder did: the holodeck, the therapy. it didn't work. (him fake killing holo-neelix was so scary btw because it was premeditated)
and i love that he has a REASON to be afraid of himself. this is the first instance since "amok time" and "all our yesterdays" we got a glimpse of what vulcans were like before they decided to go full surak, and like NO WONDER. BECAUSE THEY WERE SCARY. between telepathy, sheer brute strength, and incredible intellect, tuvok was nearly unstoppable. he fought his demons with all the fervor of spock himself. and speaking of spock...
the doctor said (and im copypasting here) "There's a definite neurochemical imbalance in the mesiofrontal cortex. That's where the Vulcan psycho-suppression systems are located." is this to imply there is a physiological component to the emotional control vulcans have, and if yes, spock may not have access to the full range of those abilities given his half-human heritage...? ie he's potentially stuck with the strength and lasting power of vulcan emotions and attempting to stay on top of them with fragile human impulse control
i don't know if i like it better that way, or if i like it better that he DOES have that ability and all the other vulcans still judge him anyway. after all, he certainly doesn't have half a pon farr or half the strength of a vulcan, biology doesn't work that way. but it is. sorry. fascinating to think about
and finally, who would i be if i didn't mention penetration? what a fucking line that was. i want to paste it over some spones screenshots. good fucking lord
sorry to make this voyager episode about tos. janeway and tuvok remind me SO much of kirk and spock i can't help but be into it a little even though i know their platonic friendship is really important and everything. i wouldn't have been mad if tuvok was single, you know? especially since, sigh, chakotay ends up with seven. he was so afraid of hurting her physically and then he hurt her emotionally and he was SO contrite...kill me
crossfire (ds9):
i don't want to talk about it.
actually wait yes i do. this episode wasn't fair to sisko. he NEVER yells at his people for no reason especially when it's clear they are normally competent and they're having trouble bc of emotional reasons. he sits down and talks to them about it! this was character assassination
okay and fine while i am talking about it i will also say i was pleasantly surprise by quark and the quark/odo. i'm gonna be a kira/odo girlie forever but i have been DYING for quark to do something interesting or with some emotional weight and he MET the challenge. this was the last person i expected to figure odo out, but in the end i don't think there could have been a better choice. odo said he didn't want sympathy and he meant it, and anyone besides quark would have attempted to give it to him (except maybe worf, lol)
oh, speaking of worf, their shared autism conversation...they need routines...personal space...love that for them
sorry, back to quark, it was REALLY funny when he gestured to his ears and went "hello?" it's exactly how i talk in 2024 so it got a huge laugh out of me
i don't dislike shakaar, and i did like a lot of cute kira/odo moments in this ep, but i think the elevator thing was stupid. i think it was also kind of rude for kira to be 20 minutes late to their meeting on both a personal and professional level and then be like :( when odo decided not to do them anymore. there was a lot of classic "friendzone" tropes in this episode, which weren't as tired and aged then as they are now, but jesus
anyway, i can comfort myself by knowing they go canon in the end. ik a lot of people hate them as a couple and i have a vague understanding that some of the bumps along the road continue to have these vibes, but i am prepared to ignore all that as long as they start kissing eventually
final note i read this on memory alpha:
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this, but he saves kira instead and shakaar almost dies, and THAT'S when he has his breakdown about his love life interfering with his job/who he is and decides to attempt to get some distance. that would have been a much cleaner episode and also more gentle. idk why the think what they have is gentle. it was pretty brutal in places
return to grace (ds9):
man, every time they bring dukat in he becomes more complex and more layered and interesting. and we NEVER miss a beat with this guy. i was just saying aloud "this is all extremely fun and funny but i wish we remembered more often he ran a labor camp and did war crimes" and literally less than three minutes later they were discussing the fact that he did war crimes
like, you spend this whole episode thinking he's laying the moves on kira bc of his bajoran fetish/he's single now (which: lmao) and kira straight-up says "what he wants from me is forgiveness" when we as viewers got tricked into thinking what he wanted from her was the strap. (or, you know, both. one must be intrinsically linked to the other, naturally.)
and it si funny. again, they have that q and picard energy. the more he wants her the less she wants him and the less she wants him the more he wants her. he is a disgusting little creature and will Never be worthy of the strap!!!
love also that kira was like yeah you know what if you wanna run off half cocked fine i will raise your baby. you cant turn her into a little terrorist i cannot let you radicalize the child. that's twice she's wound up saving his daughter now
though i DEEPLY loved these two episodes with kira and dukat, i also miss when dukat had some weird gay thing going on with sisko. what, bc sisko's got a gf now he's just supposed to bow out gracefully? not my dukat
anyway, it was absolutely amazing to see kira in her element here, but i think it was such important character development that she goes "no, this isn't secretly what i live for, this TRAUMATIZED me, and i will live with the effects for the rest of my entire life." a lot of people on star trek post-war episodes have picked fights just so they could keep on fighting, because they quite literally don't know what to do with themselves otherwise. they NEED the war, they NEED the enemy. kira doesn't, and you get the sense she's only just now realizing that about herself. it's such a subtle but important bit of growth <3
NEXT TIME: ds9's "sons of mogh" and potentially voy's "dreadnaught" depending on time
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tsutsumi-kurose · 2 months
very interested to see in the coming chapters, with all that’s changed, specifically regarding timelines, if tsukasa and nene are still able to slip through time in the same ways they were previously able to
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goatsandgangsters · 2 years
Sleep is absolutely the most insane mcr song to experience live because it has such a long outro
for the last three minutes, you're not singing along anymore, no! Ray and Frank and Mikey are shredding. And Gerard is just. Screaming. Howling. Yelling. Retching. Moaning.
for three solid minutes, you are watching Gerard listlessly wander the stage wailing like a ghost on the moors OR crouched on the ground letting out Primal Screams living and dying and coming back to life once more
and you just have to stand there! and watch it! both a powerless spectator to the anguish and also so enmeshed in it that you are the very atoms of Gerard's lungs
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whippetcrimes · 1 year
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We are becoming friends with another fast puppy at the dog park! It's funny watching them not know how to engage each other in play. They did a few fast laps and seemed to have fun though. Misty cheated and ran under benches and tables to slow him down
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hella1975 · 1 year
i don’t think my mum appreciates my bargain hunting
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wicked-source · 11 months
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