#pre-lucy x flynn (if you want to read it in that way but like for now they're just friends)
pollyna · 3 years
It works, for a little while, between them. But Lucy doesn't stop looking for Amy and Wyatt has a baby girl who sleeps in a cribe chosen by Jessica herself. It's them, Lucy and Wyatt just like it was all the years they spent chasing after Rittenhouse but isn't just them anymore: there's the baby who still doesn't have a name, Amy and Jessica's ghosts around the house they bought and they're between them. It isn't a clear cut but it's definitive: one morning the baby is crying and Lucy doesn't get up. She doesn't want to because the baby isn't hers and she hates Jessica for the position she putted her. Wyatt gets up the moment he gets Lucy isn't gonna and he doesn't expect much the next morning but seeing her ready to leave is still a shock. He says I love you and Lucy says love is not enough and it seems a scene from a bad romcom where they both are suppose to be crying but no-one of them is near the right emotional state to do it.
Lucy ends up slipping on Agent Christopher's couch the first night, while she is waiting to find a new house and avoiding Wyatt's call. Jiya offers her a room the same Monday she has an interview for her old job and a part of her doesn't want it back, because having it back means accepting some things, people, won't be back with it. She gets the job, a room in Jiya and Rufus's house and coffee every other morning she decides to stay in bed ten minutes after the alarm goes off. She gets Jiya incessant talking during dinner and Rufus string codes on the mirror of the bathroom, she gets a home and she looses Wyatt but, at the end of her third week of her new life, she feels better. He ends up calling the baby Sarah Jessica and comes around when she's working. It weird, not always very practical but they make it work, until Lucy won't be ready to talk with Wyatt.
Garcia coming home from God knows where is unexpected and almost destabilising because, when she looks at him all she can see is his body on an autopsy table, cold and his eyes distant. No name to identify him and a non descriptive tombstone, in a cemetery four states away from where Iris and Lorena were having dinner when he died. For weeks she hears him but doesn't see him, because he spends most of his time in his own bedroom or in the garden. Jiya explains, over breakfast, that they're alive in this timeline but he was supposed to be dead and Lorena remarried and Iris is calling some elses dad now.
They come together, or better Lucy joins him, a night where she can't seem to fall asleep and he's wide awake because insomina is his best friend now. He's watching TV and nursing a beer and she bypasses the rest of the couch to sit on his lap and hug him as tight as she can. The next morning she wakes up in her own bed, a coup of coffee on the bedside table, and near it, a notes where Flynn asks her to take a walk with him that same night. He doesn't write it's a date but he writes remember to put your scarf on, it's almost winter! and the day don't seem an earculian effort anymore.
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