#lucy and wyatt break up
sam-winchester1327 · 1 month
Story- My Own Funeral
My Own Funeral.
I sit and watch the funeral bordering the time limit it was set for. In their defense, it's a graveyard, and who will stop a funeral full of grieving people? I shadow the crowd of only a few weeping people. Those weeping people were some of what I learned to be my true friends, the people who cared, only a very small percentage of the people I knew. I guess the others just wanted sympathy and attention. They just wanted to play the “my friend just died” card. They were over the world about my supposed death. 
I leave before the funeral ends. I retreated to my apartment. Elizabeth Burch was now gone, just a memory. Only little do I regret what I did. I regret leaving my friends, even though it's probably best. I already bought a new car with a new license plate under the name, “Clara Walls”. Almost all of my belongings were already in the trunk. The only things that remained were the items that I could easily carry. As the sun started to set, I piled myself into the small bug-looking car and drove approximately 3 hours outside of town, far from any hospitals. I got to a town where the missing posters hadn’t been taken down yet. Not far enough. It didn't matter though, this was only a spot to stop at a gas station for a snack. I know they wouldn't know me from the posters. I had changed my hair from a long flowing blonde to a vibrant black short layered cut. I finally arrived at our destination. A cabin on the outskirts of a small town in Oregon. It may not have been out of state,  but it would work.
TIME SKIP: 13 years.
I've been living in Crescent, Oregon for about 13 years now. I have been doing detective work. It doesn't bring in many exciting things, mainly just petty theft. I adopted one of the K-9 puppies that couldn't work a few years back. Grim was a black, long-haired German Shepherd. He was my best friend. Work was somewhat boring, well up until Jan 14, 2019. I look down at my desk, still a little hungover from having my 31st birthday the night before. I read something that made my heart almost stop. Shit. It was a break in the case of Elizabeth Burch from Portland Oregon. My family had a thing for keeping things as they’ve always been. For example, when my older sister went off to college, her room was untouched. It was like she never left. 
There was a break in the case. A book of the maps of Oregon had been found. A book of maps where the town that I had found to be home, had a small dog-eared page. I vaguely remember hiding that in the bottom of a wardrobe somewhere. Why? Why had they gone into my old room? After 13 years to the day. Then it hit me. 13 had always been my favorite number. They must have remembered that. I had been just 18 when I “died”. I realized what I had to do. I had to confess what happened. Why I had to get out, this was going to be a “fun” drive. I get home and pack a few things into a bag. As I’m packing when my boss calls about the case. Crap. I try to explain everything. He surprisingly isn’t mad. I look at him as I did my father. The fact he wasn’t mad made me tear up and I started to cry. I hung up, finished packing, packed Grim into the car, and went back to Portland as Elizabeth Burch. 
After a long 3 hours, I arrived in Portland. I drive into town and the first place I stop is my own grave. Wait. There is someone there. Then I realize who's at my grave. It's Wyatt. He was one of my best friends when I was Elizabeth. I get out of the car and walk up to him.” Wyatt”? I ask. He looks back like he’s seen a ghost. Well I mean he kinda has. “Lizzy”? I nod. He runs and hugs me. He then does something I didn’t expect. He gives me a well-deserved bitch slap. I’m not even mad, all I say is, “Fair enough”. “What in the world were you thinking, did you not think of us” he yells at me. I do not respond, all I do is give a confused look. “We missed you terribly. You should probably know this, Lucy is dead.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Lucy was one of my best friends when I was Elizabeth. Wyatt can tell by my face that I’m about to cry. He pulls me into a hug and we talk for a while at my grave. 
We decided to walk into town and go to the diner we always went to. We are about to order our regulars when the waitress recognizes me. “Elizabeth”? She asks. When I nod she goes on about how I wouldn’t know her but she never gave up hope and knew I would come back. When she catches herself talking too much she apologizes and takes our orders. We get our food and continue talking. After we pay and are saying our goodbyes he slips in an, ” I love you”. I stop mid-sentence. Had I heard that correctly? “What”? I ask, still a bit in shock. “Here, this will clear it up”. He strides right up to me and kisses me. When we pull away my face feels like it’s on fire. He takes out a pen and writes his new number on my hand. He nods and says, “Now get out of here and go see your parents”. 
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
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Day 1: Gay
–› Wyatt Weaver & Kurt Hummel (Glee)
Wyatt adjusted the tie around his neck impatiently. He finally gave up after a few seconds, realizing it would never feel right to him anyway.
He looked around hesitatnly. The room was filled with other Broadway-hopefuls, nervously mingling with each other, still trying to hide their jealous glances. They knew there would be someone better than them at singing or dancing. Wyatt couldn’t imagine ever going to a school like NYADA, he was just here to support Kurt.
He looked around for the boy he’d harboured a crush on for a year, ever since Sabine and Sam had tricked him to come on their cross-country camping trip with Kurt. He chuckled to himself. Having a crush seemed so high school in hindsight.
“Well, well, well.”
Wyatt smirked, turning around and putting on the sultriest face he could manage with the discomfort he was feeling in his suit.
Kurt looked at Wyatt, hands on his hips. He made several ‘tsk’ sounds. “Look who cleans up nicely.”
Wyatt spread his arms, holding back from doing an actual twirl in a room full of people. “Only you could get me to put on one of these torture devices, Hummel.”
Kurt smiled, letting out the most genuine laugh he’d managed since his disastrous break-up with Blaine. Maybe there was light on the horizon. Maybe there was more love in the future.
TAGGING: @waterloou @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @oneirataxia-girl @wordspin-shares @nejires-hado @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen
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chiefnooniensingh · 1 year
one more chance to say what really mattered
A/N: I’ve been caught in a Timeless spiral this last week, and the amazing Titanic episode of @timeless-season-four plus this (completely canon) add-on by @qqueenofhades has finally inspired me to write. I have to wake up in 4 hours to go to Berlin but fuck it. Enjoy some Garcy post-Unsinkable/pre-Aloha ‘Oe fluff. The title is a quote from The Matrix Revolutions because I’m watching that in the background. Sorry, neighbor.
Rating: M for mature. No smut but a looooot of kissing and some suggestiveness and nakedness.
Summary: It’s freezing worse than Lucy has ever experienced, her clothes are soaked through and stiff with frost, yet the physical cold is nothing compared to the cold fear that strikes her heart when she and Wyatt board the Carpathia and there is no Flynn anywhere in sight. The chaos on deck makes it hard to search, but Garcia Flynn is built like a slightly enthusiastic tree and should be able to stand out like one. The fact that he isn’t…the thought is too horrible to entertain.
on AO3 here
It’s freezing worse than Lucy has ever experienced, her clothes are soaked through and stiff with frost, yet the physical cold is nothing compared to the cold fear that strikes her heart when she and Wyatt board the Carpathia and there is no Flynn anywhere in sight. The chaos on deck makes it hard to search, but Garcia Flynn is built like a slightly enthusiastic tree and should be able to stand out like one. The fact that he isn’t…the thought is too horrible to entertain.
And there’s more people than expected. Lucy remembered only a little over 700 people making it alive to the Carpathia, yet she’s pretty sure the ship is already loaded with more than that. And there are still lifeboats being hauled onto the deck. She has flashes of her and Wyatt warning people, forcing the crew to led third-class passengers board, and under different circumstances she would feel some form of relief. There’s only ice-cold terror. Lucy, I’ll see you soon. I swear. Was Garcia’s last promise to her a lie?
They were prepared. They knew beforehand where and when things would go south. This mission, this one mission, had the highest probability of them making it back alive. And yet, here they are, freezing, soaking wet, and sans a Croatian.
“Lucy…” Wyatt says, reaching for her helplessly, trying to offer her some form of comfort. Soup and dry blankets are shoved at them, Wyatt taking one, Lucy still frozen in place, her eyes scanning the despairing, half-drowned Titanic-survivors. Tears slowly blur her vision as the realization that Garcia probably didn’t make it hits her like a…well, like an iceberg, she supposes.
At that moment, behind her, there is some commotion as a collapsible lifeboat is being hoisted to the top. Another heart-breaking, horrifying view as it reaches the deck and a whole wave of dead and dying people spill onto it. Others, however, are staggering, half-frozen and dazed. Among them…
Lucy’s heart lurches, hardly daring to believe, and she takes a single step. “G-Garcia?” she stammers, her voice weak with cold, pain and emotion.
The figure straightens up, whirls around, and stares straight at her. Lucy lets out a sob of relief, as the whole world falls away and her sole focus becomes him. It’s him, it’s Flynn, miraculously standing right there, alive. Half-frozen, shell-shocked, but very much alive. His mouth falls open slightly as he clocks her and then he’s moving. It looks painful, but he’s moving faster than he has any right to move. She’s crying, and either there’s ice melting on his face, or he is too, and then he reaches her. Grabs her around the waist, lifts her up with a strength neither of them knew he still possessed and kisses her.
Weeks, months, perhaps years of tension and emotion breaks open over them like a tidal wave, culminating in this one single moment of relief, hope, despair, love. They could be anywhere. The Carpathia could blow up around them and they would probably not notice. Lucy wraps her arms around his neck, and lays kiss after kiss on him, barely noticing how soaked and freezing they both are. She wraps one hand into his hair, holding on, making sure, because he’s here and she’s never letting go if she can help it.
Vaguely, she’s aware that he’s moving, shifting his grip on her so he can grab a blanket, which he wraps around her shoulders. She does not stop kissing him, and he lets her, sometimes managing to mumble her name between kisses. Then he’s moving down, through a door, into the slightly warmer, drier interior of the ship. His back hits a wall in a hidden corner and he sinks down with her in his arms. It’s dark, cold, and quiet, and not even a little comfortable, but this is not the time for physical comfort.
They break apart for a moment to look at each other. His dark eyes gleam in the darkness as he takes her in. His hand comes up to stroke her hair, her cheek and finally comes to rest in her neck, like he’s checking her pulse. She, likewise, moves her hands from his hair to his face, all the way down to his chest, where she can feel his heart beating. She lets out a small sob, then moves in to kiss him again. And again.
Vaguely, she hears more bodies hitting the deck above them, more desperate cries and shouted commands. If she had any energy left, she might wonder what Wyatt was doing, but all her remaining energy is focused on Garcia. He’s alive, he’s alive, they’re both alive, miraculously. The chances of making it off the Titanic were astronomical, and somehow, they’d all managed to.
“Lucy…” Garcia mumbles, his hands coming up to frame her face, and that’s how she realizes she’s been staring blindly at him for several moments. “We’re here, Lucy. I’ve got you, I’m here, draga.” She wants to ask what it means, but finds she doesn’t really care at the moment. She moves in again, capturing his mouth in another desperate kiss. She shifts position, placing her knees firmly on either side of his legs, pushing her body forward to get even closer. His arms wrap around her waist, and he pulls her against him. They’re basically one, unable to tell where one ends and the other begins.
The Carpathia finally starts to move, Lucy notices distantly. Relieved and anguished cries fill the early morning air, and she pulls away from Garcia to look at him again. Her eyes have adjusted to the dark some more, and she can see more of his face now. He looks at her in awe and wonder, as if he can’t believe he’s holding her, kissing her. “You-you saved more,” Garcia mutters, moving a hand to touch her cheek again. “You changed history.”
Lucy shakes her head, fingers tangling in his hair. “We did that. We saved more. Those passengers from third-class…that was you, wasn’t it?”
Garcia shrugs one shoulder. “I might have killed a steward and destroyed some White Star Line property.”
Lucy lets out a laugh, because of course he did. Chaos incarnate, always looking to do the right thing in the most dramatic way possible. “I adore you,” she says, breathlessly, before moving back in. Garcia is caught off guard this time, and he lets out a small noise of surprise. But he’s not fazed for long, and reels her back in. The kiss turns hungrier this time, the first desperation of their reunion finally fading and the relief of their survival, their…success, in a morbid way, washing over them. She has no intention nor desire to take this any further than what it is, but the swooping feeling in her stomach is building, and if they don’t stop soon, a slightly more animalistic side might take over. But, as ever with Garcia Flynn, rationality is simply thrown out the window, because this wonderful, frustrating man is holding her like she’s the most precious thing in the universe to him, and she’s not immune to that kind of attention.
In the end, it’s a sharp turn of the ship that jostles them enough, Lucy nearly keeling over at the sudden movement. Garcia holds her tightly, pulling her back, and despite everything, they giggle. It’s a wonderful sound, and slightly weird to hear from the mouth of a man that usually growls or sasses. She settles more comfortably against him, pulling the blanket over them both, and puts her head on his chest. His heart beats strongly, comfortingly, against her ear, and she sighs. Now that they’ve finally settled down, she notices again how cold she is, and she shivers. His arms tighten around her and he rubs her arms to give them some warmth. She closes her eyes, counts his heartbeats, reminding her with every beat that he’s alive. Alive alive alive.
“You checking my pulse, Lucy?” Garcia asks, a slight tease in his voice, even as his hand wraps around her wrist to do the same. Lucy can only nod. “I’m alive, Lucy, I’m here.”
Lucy nods, doesn’t move. “I keep thinking that this is a dream. That I’ve slipped into unconsciousness from the cold. Or maybe never left the Titanic at all and these are just my dying moments.” She shakes her head to clear her mind before the fear takes control of her and sends her into a panicking spiral.
Garcia takes her hand, pulls it up to his mouth and kisses every digit individually, his warm breath washing over her freezing skin, sending pins and needles through each digit. “I know the feeling.”
They sit in silence some more, the hold around them slowly filling up with shivering and frightened people. It feels unreal, having read about the most famous shipwreck in history, having watched the movie, having known about this part of history for most of her life, and she’s living it. “The RMS Carpathia takes three days to get to New York, dodging icebergs for most of the journey. We’ll be slowed down by thunderstorms and fog, so it won’t be a pleasant journey.” She can feel her historian side beginning to kick in, take over, take control. Teaching is good. Teaching is not crippling fear. “I hope you’re not seasick.”
Garcia lets out a breath. “Three days. That’s going to be rough.” Lucy nods, linking her fingers with his. It will be rough, but at least they’ll be together. “Rufus is going to be waiting for us at the harbour, on the 18th.”
At hearing Rufus’s name, she looks up hopefully. “Rufus made it out?”
Garcia glances down, and Lucy can see he’s uncertain. “I told him to go straight to the Lifeboat. He promised he would. I hope to God he made it out.”
Lucy feels the fear creep into her heart, but then thinks of Rufus’s brilliance and resilience, and her she looks Garcia straight in the eyes. “He made it out. There’s no other option.” He nods, pulls her close again, kisses the top of her head.
“Lucy? Flynn! Did you guys die of hypothermia or what?” Lucy and Garcia are startled from their little cocoon when a nearby voice starts calling their names. “Guys!”
“Over here, soldier boy,” Garcia calls, half-sarcastic, half-relieved. Lucy feels a little guilty. She’s pretty sure they’ve been down here for at least 2 hours, and not once have they given a thought to Wyatt. From the shadowy darkness, Wyatt stumbles towards them, relief written clear on his face as he drops to his knees next to them and, to everyone’s surprise, wraps them in his arms. Lucy wraps her own arm around his shoulders, too. She feels Garcia, frozen in shock, slowly move to pat Wyatt on the back. Flynn and Wyatt aren’t usually on the same page, and even less physically affectionate, but they seem to be equal parts relieved and embarrassed to be relieved in this situation.
“Look, I know you needed your alone time, but I’ve been getting really worried. I’m sorry if I interrupted…you know…”
Garcia rolls his eyes and pulls Lucy into his lap so as to make room for Wyatt to sit. “We’re slowly contracting hypothermia after just having survived one of the most horrible disasters in recent history, in the hold of an over-crowded early 20th-century steam ship. But yeah, we were humping like bunnies.” Lucy hits him in the chest at that, and he takes it with a wry chuckle. Even Wyatt manages to chuckle at that.
Wyatt settles in next to them, wrapping himself tightly in his own blanket and produces another he managed to snag. He drapes it over the three of them, and the huddle together for warmth, settling in for the gruelling three days yet to come. Ridiculous, Lucy feels a sense of calm. The three of them are together, and Rufus is waiting for them three days from now, as they’ll arrive. They’re going to be fine.
The three of them stumble off the RMS Carpathia in the early hours of the evening on 18 April 1912. Their clothes are stiff from the cold, still slightly damp, and all of them must look ridiculous. It doesn’t stop a lone figure from barrelling towards them and wrapping the three of them in a bone crushing hug. A huge wave of relief washes over Lucy, and fresh tears threaten to spill over. With one hand tightly holding on to Garcia’s, she wraps her other arm around Rufus’ shoulders. Rufus buries his face in her shoulder, and she feels more than hears his sob. “Thank God, thank God, you guys made it,” he mutters.
Garcia wraps him in a gigantic hug, too, the first time Lucy sees true affection between the pair of them. “I was worried you hadn’t made it to the Lifeboat,” he said, his voice breaking a little.
“How long has it been for you,” Wyatt asks, giving Rufus another hug of his own.
Rufus laughs a little maniacally. “Only a couple of minutes. I went back, had to change clothes, because I was soaked to the skin. Had to wade through waist deep ice water to get to…” He clocks their soaked and dirty clothes, realises they’ve been through worse, and stops talking. “Sorry. It doesn’t matter. I changed clothes and jumped straight here.” He takes a step back, looks at them all with tears in his eyes. “You all look like crap, you know.”
And despite everything they’ve just been through, despite all of them being colder than they’ve ever been in their entire life, they burst into laughter. The euphoria of having the Team back together, of being alive, finally settling in, as Flynn, Lucy and Wyatt realise that they’re safe and going home, to functional plumbing and hot water. They hug again and Lucy lets tears fall, and she’s laughing and crying at the same time, but it doesn’t matter, because they’ve made it and her boys are safe.
“Let’s go home,” Rufus says at last, and he links one arm with Lucy’s and wraps another around Wyatt’s shoulder. Garcia moves naturally to Lucy’s other side and slides his hand into hers. They hold each other tight as Rufus leads them towards the Lifeboat. Garcia helps all of them in before climbing in himself, and Rufus prepares to take off while the other three strap themselves in. From across each other, Lucy and Garcia take each other’s hands again, holding on tight, reluctant to even let go for a second. When Rufus turns around to check if everyone is secure, his eyes land on their hands and he raises an eyebrow. “That’s new…”
“Rufus, can we do this when we’re clean, warm and dry, please?” Garcia interrupts, and Rufus turns back with a nod. Lucy locks eyes with Garcia and gives him a soft smile. He squeezes her hand and at that moment Rufus flips the switch. The Lifeboat rocks and spins and then disappears. They materialize a second later, landing roughly, and with a high whine.
“Yeah, she did not like that. Three jumps without a charge is pushing it. But we made it. Let’s go get you guys warm and dry.”
The door opens and they pile out, dazed, confused, a little seasick. “Showers,” Wyatt grunts, as he hugs them tightly once more and then moves immediately towards the company showers.
“No offense, guys, but I gotta get to Jiya. She’ll be worried sick.” Rufus hugs them once more and then hurries off, leaving Lucy and Garcia alone in the landing bay. She moves closer to him, allowing him to wrap his arm around her waist and pulling her against him. He presses his lips to her forehead, then looks down at her. Lucy asks before she can stop herself.
“Garcia, do you – do you want to come home with me?”
He rears back, stunned, and Lucy has to giggle. They kiss like the world is ending, don’t let go of each other for three full days, and the man is still surprised she might not want to leave his side now. “Lucy,” he says, voice raw with emotion, “Are you – are you sure – ?”
“Yes. Yes.” Lucy is more than sure, and is absolutely done with pretending like she doesn’t want to spend every waking moment with him, like he isn’t the reason she gets up in the morning sometimes. She’s done waiting, and when Lucy Preston sets her mind to something, she usually gets it. “If you don’t want to, of course, then you don’t have to, but – ”
“No,” Flynn says, half to himself and then louder, “No. I want to.” He breaks out into a grin and leans down to kiss her. She kisses him back fiercely, determinedly, and the kiss is full of promise, of possibility.
“Come on then,” she whispers, takes his hand, and leads him to the company garage. He follows eagerly, and they can’t help but stop a few times to make-out like teenagers against several walls. They make it back to her home slightly more dishevelled than they left MCI. And then suddenly he’s nervous, and she has to take him by the hand and lead him up the stairs and into her shower. They undress each other as the water heats up, but there’s not heat behind it. They’re gentle, kind and the warm water nearly causes them to drop to their knees with satisfaction. They help each other wash all the muck and rime off, as they slowly remember what it’s like to not feel cold anymore. Lucy fetches them towels and they dry each other off, without any meaning behind it other than taking care of each other. After they’ve both wrapped themselves in towels, Lucy takes his hand and looks up at him with bright, clear eyes. “Should we – do you want to – ”
Garcia takes her face in his hands and silences her with a heated, searing kiss that sends tingles all the way up her spine. “Yes,” he whispers. With a sly smile, she starts walking backwards, taking his hand once more to lead him towards her bedroom. Garcia follows, gripping her hand tightly. When they enter her bedroom, he doesn’t hesitate. He pulls her into him, lifting her up so she can wrap her legs around his waist, and closing the door with his foot. He presses her back against it and captures her mouth in another searing kiss. “Lucy…” he whispers, as he moves his hand down to unwrap her towel. She lets him, feels his fingers brush the side of her breast and the top of her thigh. It’s thrilling, and they’ve waited far too long. She allows the towel to fall away, and he takes a sharp breath. They’ve seen each other naked in the shower, but this is different, the air between them is charged and the promise of what’s to come pours out of every kiss.
“Take me to bed, Garcia,” Lucy whispers, as she starts frantically pulling at his own towel. He grins, kisses her hungrily, then turns around to move over to the bed.
“Yes, m’lady.”
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taystrashwriting · 2 years
Love In Secrect; Garcia Flynn X Reader.
Summary: Flynn is helping with a mission, when you have to spend the night in a hotel. The night before you snuck into your (Secret) boyfriend’s room, to spend as much time together as you can. You wake up in his arms and everything is fine, until there’s a knock at the door from the other’s wondering where you are.
Genre: Fluff, Drabble
Words: 659
Pronouns: She/Her, no mention of body parts besides waist :)
Warnings: Like one swear word, one suggestive comment, two uses of y/n.
A/N: This is my first drabble that I’ve written. It’s been a while since I last watched Timeless, so hopefully this is fine. I’ll be rewatching it again soon (after I finish my watch of the 5th doctor’s seasons lol). Also, my friend Madi beta read this for me, which I greatly appreciate!
I wake up to the sound of the early morning hustle and bustle of the local area. My eyes slowly open and I look at my boyfriend, just waking up, next to me. His arm slightly tightens around my waist as he smiles at me. “Good morning darling.” I smile at his rough voice, accent slightly thicker than normal. “Good morning love. What’s the time?” I ask Garcia. He shuffles enough to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table. I’m thankful that we’re currently in the 1990’s and not the 1800’s. “6, so we’ve still got time before we need to meet the others.” He tells me, then gives me a kiss. I get out of his arms and get out of the bed, walking over to the window. “That gives me time to have a shower here, then sneak back into my room.” I tell him, buttoning up his white shirt that I’m wearing. I hear Flynn get out of bed and make his way over to me. His arms snake around my waist as he kisses behind my ear. “You could do that, or we could go back to bed and enjoy each other’s bodies.” He whispers in my ear. I smile at his proposal, “as much as I would love that.” I say and turn around to face Garcia. His hands lower a little and my hands go to his chest. “I do have to get back to my room before the other’s become suspicious of where I’m at.” I explain to my boyfriend. He leans down and kisses me. We stand there kissing for a minute, when there’s a knock on the door. We both look at each other confused. “Well, are you going to get that?” I question him. “Right.” He says, kisses me one more time, then heads to door.  
I watch from my spot by the window as he opens the door. “Where is she?” My eyes go wide as I hear Lucy’s voice. I have a look around the room at where I could hide. I get on the floor and crawl over to the bed as Flynn talks to our guests, “Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus. Good morning to you too.” I crawl under the bed, having enough room to. The blanket has fallen most of the way over the edge of the bed, almost touching the ground, giving me the perfect cover but enough space to see my friends on the other side of the door. “Y/n isn’t in her room. What did you do to her?” Wyatt questions. “I haven’t seen her since we all went to our rooms. Maybe she went for a walk.” Flynn tells them, covering our relationship. I watch as Lucy sighs and rolls her eyes. “If you’ve done something to her.” “You’ll kill me. I know.” My boyfriend says, cutting Rufus off.
The three of them walk away and Garcia closes the door. “Where are you hiding?” He questions. I crawl halfway out from under the bed and smile at him. He sees me and just bursts out laughing. “I had to hide quick and didn’t know where to go!” I exclaim as I crawl the rest of the way out. “The bathroom would’ve been a perfect contender.” He says to me, as he helps me up. I hide my face in his chest and mumble, “Fuck off.” He shakes his head and laughs a little. “I better sneak off to my room, especially with the others looking for me.” I tell him as I make my way to the door. “I’ll see you in a few minutes then. I love you y/n.” Garcia says to me. “I love you too Flynn.” I reply and kiss him. When we break, I have a quick look out the door to make sure the others weren’t hanging around, then quickly leave and make my way back to my room to get showered and changed.
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galactic-pirates · 4 months
Ok Episode Two time of the Timeless movie.
Just realised I probably should have said I’m not a Wyatt fan, and I like Flynn and Lucy upfront. Oh well.
I don’t think I’m ever not going to be stuck on all the paradoxes. Episode One is just… no sense, logic is not found. I get that time travel is like that but I think it made sense in season one.
Right rambles!
Ok so they were in a helicopter crash. We didn’t get to see any of that. They basically have very few wounds. We get told that Wyatt is a hero who saved them, because of course (rolling my eyes).
Rufus is shipping team Lyatt? I am cringing so hard at the almost fourth wall break. And likening Lucy and Wyatt to all those famous couples? Blech.
And choosing Lucy over Jessica? Not a second choice? But he didn’t. I mean that is literally not what happened. Jessica came back and Wyatt immediately chose her.
Whomever the writer is for this, was shipping Lucy and Wyatt so hard and determined to make it work. I guess we should be kinda flattered that they had to write Flynn out so quickly or it would never have happened? I guess I sort of did that in my fic. But I at least gave Wyatt a happy ending with Jessica. Writing Flynn out as just getting to see his dead family one last time… I mean couldn’t they have had him do something more practical to save them? It’s like he just gave up and I hate that. Like why would he do that?
Anyway again Wyatt making it all about him. My fault. You said you’d never forgive me. /sigh.
Rufus seems a bit more… like the whole “I can’t wait to sleep with future you” and “have a thing for older women” - he was always pop culture joking but this feels like something else.
I sort of like that they are saving this random Korean lady but at the same time… it just feels, not very tight on the plot.
St Christopher - patron saint of travellers ha! I just got that. Very clever with Agent Christopher.
Emma stealing the Mona Lisa was funny and I did like Cahill’s reference to “it’s a family thing” which does callback to what Emma said about bloodlines etc. So that was a plus mark in the plot column.
Labour takes ages and women often walk about so why not just keep walking?
This just feels like such a diversion.
And Lucy is screaming for Wyatt like the damsel she never was /sigh. And Wyatt’s being the big damn hero with a soft side delivering the baby in the warzone. Could they be anymore obvious? It’s like ramming it down my throat
What’s with the frostbite talk and none of them wearing hats? Apart from Rufus. Clearly the only smart one.
I did like earlier that Jia expressed some hesitation about the 3 years they lived apart and the different memories. But they really did not have time to unpack that. And so it felt like they didn’t deal with it all. Just kiss and call it good. I wish Jia had told Rufus her concerns and they agreed to work it out. That would have felt more real.
Nice that Lucy mentioned Flynn.
Blech. Lucy���s “my life was over when I thought you were dead”. This just feels so forced. Like Wyatt hasn’t had a personality transplant. I can see their extreme circumstance leading to attraction but he is just not the guy to fall in love with. A fling, not a relationship.
Ok Jia pointing out the Agent Christopher patron saint of travellers was a bit on the nose. I knew the mothership was coming and I did smile at Agent Christopher’s “I wanted to time travel at least once”.
I also do like not forgetting about Amy. It was right for Lucy to not trust Emma. I also applaud Lucy’s morals but Amy is a bit different because the time travel itself scrubbed her from existence. It’s not like she died and they are trying to rewrite history.
But are they really leaving the lifeboat in North Korea? Wait… so did they jump home, to then jump back to move to the lifeboat? Also Rufus is flying the mothership but Jia could have flown the lifeboat. She purely wasn’t to give Lucy and Wyatt that moment.
Everyone is important to someone - and so they rewrite history for random person but no Amy? And screw Flynn I guess.
Rufus no need to be rude about the knitting. Seriously he doesn’t feel quite like himself. Like came back rude.
Why did they keep the lifeboat and destroy the mothership? Why not keep the stronger ship?
So Lucy and Wyatt had kids and it’s 2023 so they just have got busy real fast for them to be that old. Twins?
Oh no. Oh no they absolutely did not. They called them Flynn and Amy?!?!? Oh hell no. That is wrong on so many levels. I’m not even touching that.
I do like the future imagined for Rufus and Jia. Genius inventors and doing science fairs with kids. Yeah that works.
And I do not understand. They are going back to give Flynn the journal which kickstarts it all. So now they care about paradoxes? Also how are there no side effects now? Ah ok there is the headache at least. But if Lucy and Wyatt have kids then why the hell did BOTH of them go? Surely they should ensure that at least one of them doesn’t have an exploded head.
Praising Flynn - good. Calling him a hero, I like it. That part can stay. But honestly Flynn deserved so much better. Setting him on that journey and even stealing the hope that he ever gets his family back. He obviously thought maybe he could change it anyway but ugh!
And I super hate that Lucy was all “we have to do this or all this will disappear”. Like ok you have your happy perfect life with tenure, and kids, and you need Flynn to suffer and die in order to keep it. Like how is that fair? Lucy is usually so moral and this is horrible.
Soooo yeah.
Considering they had to try and wrap-up everything in two episodes it could have been a lot worse. At least they were clear about what they wanted. I disagree with the Lucy and Wyatt show but they “went big or go home” with pushing it and I can respect that.
I hate that it doesn’t make sense. All the paradoxes will fry my brain. Like the future Lucy and Wyatt? How does that even work but they still had to go back to give the journal to Flynn? Like why are some things the same and others not. It hurts my brain!
I hate what they did to Flynn. He got some respect but no justice.
The hint at future invention of time travel was… something. I guess saying that wiping out the time travel altogether wouldn’t stop it from being a thing. Although I thought the point was Rittenhouse and yet they seem forgotten? Like they got Emma, they got the Mothership but that wasn’t all of Rittenhouse was it? Did they even return the Mona Lisa?
I’m so glad I wrote my own version. That can be my canon. This… sure was something.
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cinderellaremix · 2 years
[insert photo here: 540 px]
Name: Wyatt Mano
Age: 20s
Gender: Male
B-day: July 20
Species: Humanoid (Stickman)
Height: 5'6"
Appears in: Your Boyfriend, Your Girlfriend
Relatives: Mom, and Sister
Affiliation: ##
biography: Is a young man who had lived with his widowed mother and younger sibling. He moved out after a severe argument with her, in which the tensions have been steeping ever since his father's passing. This is what led him to move to the city where YBG takes place in.
Aside from working in Dad's Damn Diner in the Downtown area, he's also studying part-time in community college (Music or Computer Science?) where he attends together with his roommate Lucy, whose Roommate request ad he responded to.
He enjoys flirting casually, though isn't against looking for a serious relationship. He just loosens his expectations after breaking up with a few that he really liked.
[In YB] ...
[In YG] After the events of YB, he went on a serial hooking up spree, in which he broke up on messy terms with his most recent girlfriend before meeting his dream girl in Sarah. She's everything he wants and hopefully more. He met her by chance after bumping into her at his University's quad, but were they really brought together by fate?
He's the male Y/N the audience surrogate for the male players.
He's bilingual [Eng/Esp]. It's not often explored because Pumpkin is not fluent in Spanish lol.
He's American of hispanic origin!
He enjoys dancing and attending parties for the food and vibes!
His facial moles were inspired by Kobeni from Chainsawman
Just like the other Y/N's, his palette and personality changes, depending on the route
Pumpkin was inspired to give him a cross necklace same as them, because of the song lyric from Happy, Healthy, Well-Adjusted (Max Bennett Kelly): "When I have casual sex, I wear my grandma's necklace"
He uses Axe Body Spray and is an avid user of hair gel bought from his local pharmacy
Story mode will have him be somewhat of a Casanova who gets around, and is bad at long-term relationships despite low-key wanting one. This will be very significant in his conflict with YG/YB.
He's bisexual (heteroflexible)
I will draw him with multiple ships with both peeps' ocs and official characters, but NSFW ones are usually with official characters.
ref: https://rttnpnkpmpkn.tumblr.com/search/wyatt/page/2
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psykicks · 2 years
Lucy I hate to side with Wyatt but you have to break up with white man #527.
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pollyna · 3 years
It works, for a little while, between them. But Lucy doesn't stop looking for Amy and Wyatt has a baby girl who sleeps in a cribe chosen by Jessica herself. It's them, Lucy and Wyatt just like it was all the years they spent chasing after Rittenhouse but isn't just them anymore: there's the baby who still doesn't have a name, Amy and Jessica's ghosts around the house they bought and they're between them. It isn't a clear cut but it's definitive: one morning the baby is crying and Lucy doesn't get up. She doesn't want to because the baby isn't hers and she hates Jessica for the position she putted her. Wyatt gets up the moment he gets Lucy isn't gonna and he doesn't expect much the next morning but seeing her ready to leave is still a shock. He says I love you and Lucy says love is not enough and it seems a scene from a bad romcom where they both are suppose to be crying but no-one of them is near the right emotional state to do it.
Lucy ends up slipping on Agent Christopher's couch the first night, while she is waiting to find a new house and avoiding Wyatt's call. Jiya offers her a room the same Monday she has an interview for her old job and a part of her doesn't want it back, because having it back means accepting some things, people, won't be back with it. She gets the job, a room in Jiya and Rufus's house and coffee every other morning she decides to stay in bed ten minutes after the alarm goes off. She gets Jiya incessant talking during dinner and Rufus string codes on the mirror of the bathroom, she gets a home and she looses Wyatt but, at the end of her third week of her new life, she feels better. He ends up calling the baby Sarah Jessica and comes around when she's working. It weird, not always very practical but they make it work, until Lucy won't be ready to talk with Wyatt.
Garcia coming home from God knows where is unexpected and almost destabilising because, when she looks at him all she can see is his body on an autopsy table, cold and his eyes distant. No name to identify him and a non descriptive tombstone, in a cemetery four states away from where Iris and Lorena were having dinner when he died. For weeks she hears him but doesn't see him, because he spends most of his time in his own bedroom or in the garden. Jiya explains, over breakfast, that they're alive in this timeline but he was supposed to be dead and Lorena remarried and Iris is calling some elses dad now.
They come together, or better Lucy joins him, a night where she can't seem to fall asleep and he's wide awake because insomina is his best friend now. He's watching TV and nursing a beer and she bypasses the rest of the couch to sit on his lap and hug him as tight as she can. The next morning she wakes up in her own bed, a coup of coffee on the bedside table, and near it, a notes where Flynn asks her to take a walk with him that same night. He doesn't write it's a date but he writes remember to put your scarf on, it's almost winter! and the day don't seem an earculian effort anymore.
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hello! have you heard of triad verse? it's basically AU where polyamory is normal, even required, it's really interesting AU, someone came up with it here on tumblr, you can check it out on triadverse tumblr com - i binge read your garcyatt fics and i think this thing is right up your alley :)
Hello! I haven’t heard of this particular incarnation of the triad verse, but I have come across the trope previously. And by ‘previously’ I mean, when I read this ask I went “oh hey I think I read some fics with that premise way back in like ‘13” lol. It’s a very interesting AU and it would definitely work with Garcyatt (aww thank you for reading them that fills my heart with warm fuzzies!) but I’m not sure it would work with the other Timeless couples…
…although Riya could be an exception who stubbornly refuse to add a third because they’re happy just the way they are and that’s a part of their arc…
…Jess and Dave having Noah and then losing him and being heartbroken and then meeting Amy and slowly working their way back to happiness again…
#lincoln answers things#I have such sweet nonnies#this would probably be some kind of relationship drama#oh like say it opens with wyatt and lucy meeting because they're breaking up with jess and noah respectively#because you don't always meet both your partners at once sometimes you just meet one and together you look for the third#and then noah and jess meet dave and it's all great and lucy and wyatt are like le sigh if only there were two people for me#because they're idiots#and then they lose noah and everyone's sad and on the day of the funeral flynn is there for the anniversary of lorena and iris's deaths#and is trash per usual#and wyatt and lucy are just appalled at him#but they keep running into each other#and amy comes back from new zealand where she's been living#and jess is like HELLO#and feels guilty for finding someone else so quickly#and dave kind of has to be talked into it#and amy is just such a smitten kitten with them#and meanwhile rufus and jiya are like y'know some people only have one soulmate and that's fine get off our goddamn backs jesus christ#and denise only has michelle so she kind of mentors rufus and jiya and helps them#and mason has no partner of course#and flynn slowly but surely worms his way into lucy and wyatt's hearts because of course he does#and then all three of them are uselessly pining because that's how it goes with these fools#and something something something happy ending#goddammit why do I do this to myself#*adds fic to the ever-growing list*#garcyatt#garcyatt fanfic#timeless
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mia1989 · 6 years
New Lucy/Lyatt theory
Actually I've been thinking about this for a while, but still... We know Lyatt is endgame, but we don't know how they officially get there yet. We know next week there is a big showdown between Wyatt and Carol where I'm guessing she will tell Wyatt that Lucy has a target on her back thanks to Rittenhouse. On most shows, there is a big moment where at least one of the characters involved in an endgame coupling has a realization that they are meant to be. My theory is that in one of the upcoming episodes, possibly the finale, Rittenhouse will do something to finally try and take out Lucy and Wyatt will witness it and will come to his realization that Lucy is who he is meant to be with. I'm just hoping that this happens sooner than later because, personally, I wouldn't mind an episode of Wyatt doing some grovelling. As much as I don't blame him for the situation he is in, Lucy has been through hell and will understandably have some trust issues, so he may need to beg for forgiveness and prove himself.
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If Jessica could just not this season that would be nice
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Hello. Ok so I saw your recent garcy posts and had an idea. If you’re not down for writing more of them/just not feeling it THATS OK!!!! Do whatever you please and know that there is never any pressure💖
Ok SO: Carol is alive and she/Rittenhouse find out where the team is (past or present idk 🤣) The team knows they practically have no chance but they’re going to fight anyway. HOWEVER Carol reaches out saying that she/rittenhouse will spare the team if they turn over Lucy >;) the team is obviously HORRIFIED by this and flat out refuse. Lucy decides to sneak away and surrender herself to save her team. Enter flynn who discovers her plan and has to stop her. Of course he feels terrible about retaining her because of their history 😇
Ok thanks for listening!!! Have a good day🥰
The bunker is quieter than Lucy has ever heard it.
She stares blankly at the wall, her face still throbbing, her body suffused with a bone-deep ache that she can't imagine ever going away. Even that, however, is nothing compared to the black hole in her chest, the gaping maw that will open up and swallow her whole if she lets herself slip for a single instant. The nightmare of Chinatown keeps replaying on a vivid loop, over and over. Her mother whispering that she wished she had raised Lucy in Rittenhouse from the start, her idea of a last blessing. The world blowing apart, the way Lucy would have murdered Emma herself in that alley if Flynn hadn't found her. And the worst, the most unbearable, unendurable. Rufus. Rufus. Rufus.
Lucy leans forward, putting her head in her hands. She doesn't know where the others are. In a piece of exceptionally bad timing, Wyatt decided to tell her that he loved her, and she didn't know what to say back. Turning back to desperately clutch at her after Jessica vanished, or thinking it would comfort her, or... Lucy doesn't know, and she can't spare the emotional energy to riddle it out. Jiya is crying herself to sleep, plucked back from three years in Gold Rush San Francisco only to wake into another nightmare. Maybe they should have left her there; it seems like it would have been kinder for all of them. Mason is trying to comfort her, no doubt, even as he is reeling over Rufus like the rest of them. Denise is doubtless burying herself in work as a coping mechanism. And Flynn --
Once again, Lucy's train of thought breaks off, won't resolve clearly, doesn't make sense. Back in 1888, he was going to say something to her in the shed before Wyatt burst in, she's sure of it. But he's been shot too and went through just as much of a wringer, and she doesn't know if she can face him right now. If nothing else, he will take one look at her and know exactly how much of a wreck she is, and Lucy is desperate to maintain a few illusions. Even that, or --
Just then, a steady beeping catches her attention, and she jerks up to see a light flashing on the Lifeboat's control console. For an insane moment she thinks that it's Rufus, paging them to come back and pick him up since he can't understand why they left him behind. But when Lucy turns her chair around and wheels over to the screen, she sees that the encrypted message has her name on it, in block capitals. LUCY.
Moving as slowly and dully as if through mud, she clicks on it, opening up a brief block of text. It is short and almost brutally to the point.
Princess --
I'd like to finish what we started. I'm sure you do too.
Give yourself up to me, and I'll bring Rufus back to life. Yes, I know how to do it. I know much more than any of these other idiots. Such a pity you didn't understand that sooner.
If you don't answer and don't turn up, I'll blow the bunker. My new best friend Jess made sure to tell me where it is.
Lots of love,
Lucy stares at it until her eyes cross, until she is shaking from head to toe with rage that scalds like poison. She wants to put her fist through the console; wants to tear everything apart and leave nothing standing, a fury that frightens her with its need and its potency and its utter plausibility; she could, and seeing it so clearly terrifies her. She pushes her chair back with a jerk, staggering to her feet. She has enough of her wits remaining to know that she's obviously being baited, forced into making a reckless, emotional decision just like this, but she's so angry that she almost doesn't care. If Emma still thinks she can toy with Lucy like this, with this sneering mockery and disrespect, after Lucy very nearly did kill her not even three hours ago and a hundred and thirty years away --
Maybe the part about Jessica revealing the location of the bunker is a bluff, but maybe, and more likely, it isn't, whether or not Jessica actually wanted to do it. Not even to mention the rest of it -- bring Rufus back to life. It's a lie, it's obviously a lie, Emma will say anything to provoke Lucy into a response, but it likewise has a poisonous ring of truth. Emma knows more about Rittenhouse, about time travel, than anyone, and yet she's used it in the service of this. If Lucy could seize her, overpower her, force her to cough it up --
She feels like she's in a fever dream, hot and giddy and delirious, seeing everything with the clarity of madness. Now, it has to be now. If she's going to slip out the back while everyone is paralyzed with grief over Rufus, maybe bring him back as if he was never gone, then she has to be quick. And so Lucy turns around, runs directly into a man who, despite being the largest resident of the bunker, has managed to come up silently behind her, and almost screams.
"What are you doing?" she hisses at Flynn, who is standing there in his burgundy sweater with his wounded arm in a sling, looking at her as if she's the one who has lost her mind. "Get out of my way!"
Flynn doesn't budge. The silence crackles. Then he reaches out with his good hand and very lightly touches her chin, tilting her head back to look at him. "Lucy," he says hoarsely. "What's wrong?"
Lucy almost snaps that it's none of his business, but he's still the only person in the bunker that she wants to talk to on a regular basis, and he did hold her in the alley while she sobbed, cradled her to his chest like she was the most rare and precious thing in any timeline. Besides, Flynn is obviously useful in the killing-people department, even if he's not at his best, and she has a feeling that he'd have no objection at all to following her around. Still, her pride won't quite bend, won't crack, fears (entirely reasonably) that he might object to this very stupid idea and attempt to stop her. "I just need to.... do something," she says, trying to dodge around him, which has all the effect of a tugboat versus the Titanic. "By... by myself."
Flynn continues to look at her without a word. Then he lets go, steps past her, and looks at the screen, where Emma's taunting message still glows, before Lucy can stop him. He reads it with a single sweep of his eyes, then turns back to her. Very simply, he says, "No."
"You can't tell me what to do," Lucy spits, heartbroken and furious, determined to make him rile, to shout back at her, to do something. "You're the one who's done so many stupid things trying to stop Rittenhouse! Isn't it my turn?!"
"Maybe." Flynn's voice remains quiet, gravely. "That doesn't mean you should."
"Rufus," Lucy says, clinging to it like a lifeline, the self-evident reason why she has to do this. "She said that she would bring back Rufus."
"And you actually think she would?" Flynn sounds utterly disbelieving. "That Emma Whitmore would do anything to help her enemies get back the one man they need the most? She won't, Lucy. She won't. She'll just take you and destroy you too, and I can't -- "
Again, infuriatingly, he catches himself. He swallows visibly, throat moving, and looks away. Then he finishes, "We can't do this without you either. Not even possible. Besides, we're dead on our feet."
"She said..." Lucy feels like she's sinking in quicksand, the darkness closing over her head, and she reaches out for the only solid thing she can find -- which, of course, is Flynn. He goes rigid from head to toe when she grabs his good arm, but he doesn't move away. "The bunker. She'll come here. She'll destroy it. She'll kill us all."
Flynn laughs, grim as winter. "I would love to see her try."
Silence, another instant. Lucy wants to end this conversation and storm out, but then she would have to let go of Flynn, and she isn't sure that she remembers how to stand up. He gazes down at her with the softest look she has ever seen from any living creature, and she feels it to the back of her spine. Once again, his hand lifts as if to touch her cheek, then falls. "We will get Rufus back," he promises her. "And we will do it the right way. Not with Emma. Now you need to sleep, Lucy. You need to rest."
"No," Lucy murmurs, already tilting forward. "No, I won't."
She's dimly aware that she's losing her footing, that her surge of rage-fueled madness is draining out of her and leaving only endless cold, and Flynn swoops in and catches her with only a small grunt of effort. Then he lifts her up, carries her down the hall, and kicks open the door to her room, setting her down on her bunk. Lucy reaches out for his hand, trying to grasp it, trying to get him to stay, terrified that he too will be gone when she awakes, but she is asleep before she can even properly close her eyes.
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imaginefan · 2 years
Mobile Masterlist (A - M) Part 3
13 Reasons Why
Clay Jensen
Invisible To You
I Really Like You
Planned *Part 1* *Part 2*
Think About It
Justin Foley
Just Talk
Only Answer
Tony Padilla
My Type
Your Rock
Zach Dempsey
Shoulda Said Something
Altered Carbon
Takeshi Kovacs
Forget About Tomorrow
American Horror Story
Big Hero 6
Tadashi Hamada
Brought Back To Me
Andy Trudeau
Heart Grow Fonder
Jealous Detective
Charmed Ones
Broker Demon *Part 1* *Part 2*
Chris Halliwell
A Little Push
A Secret Unknown
Birthday Dinner
Body Swap *Part 1* *Part 2*
Cold Shoulder
Father Of My Child *Part 1* *Part 2*
Finding Your Strength
Flipped Jealousy *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
For The Better
Future Cop *Part 1* *Part 2*
Get Rid Of Him
I Remember
Last I Saw You
My Baby
“Not To Be Forward But I Love You” (Prompt)
Real Somehow
Save A Soul *Part 1* *Part 2*
The World Needs You
We’re Okay
Yeah You
You Need To Talk *Part 1* *Part 2* 
You Were Always First
Cole Turner
Get Lost
Like Father Like Son
Secret Sister *Part 1* *Part 2*
She Wants Coal
Reconnection *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4*
Darryl Morris
Leo Wyatt
Could Have Been You
Separate Lives
Truth Spell
Unneeded Distraction
Piper Halliwell
I Never…
Criminal Minds
Alex Blake
Profiler To Be
Aaron Hotchner
All An Act *Part 1* *Part 2*
Point It Out
Valentine’s Offer
You Forever
Derek Morgan
Can I Kill Him?
I’m Back
You’re Married *Part 1* *Part 2*
Emily Prentiss
Break Time
Acceptance *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Spencer Reid
Dates And Feelings
Nerd Boy
The Other Reid
Diabolik Lovers
Ruki Mukami
Low Expectations
Final Fantasy XV
Coffee Shop Drama
Noctis Lucis Caelum 
Between Prince
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
He Cares About You
Now I Don’t Care
Harry Potter
My Secret
To Late To Tell Him
Hunger Games
Gale Hawthorne
Calm In The Crazy
Katniss Everdeen
Best Girlfriend
Lab Rats/ Elite Force
Chase Davenport
Emotional And Creative
Marcus Davenport
Do This Right
Emotional And Creative
Life Is Strange
Nathan Prescott
Always See You
Locke & Key
I’ll Make It Up To You
You're Cute
Tyler Locke
What Can I Say?
Penny Adiyodi
Not Your Type
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Memory Lane
Charles Xavier
My Mistake
Loki Laufeyson
Super Suit
Peter Parker
Change Of Events *Part 1* *Part 2*
Loss Of Life *Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3*
Masked Friend
Photography Connection
Without The Mask
Tony Stark
Set Me Free
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Enoch O'Connor
Story Time
Requests and general question!
Next Part ---->
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basiccortez · 3 years
hi!! i have a few name suggestions for the baby series if you’ll allow me—
josh - would honestly gravitate towards something more nature-y i feel like,, even though he is super like Out There with his fashion choices (though, which of the boys Aren’t) i feel like he’d be into something cute that will fit them as a kid then into adulthood/something with good imagery so like maybe marigold, juniper, clementine, lavender or magnolia for a girl and for a boy something like elmore, cosmo, grover or forrest. (bonus points for film reference) also feel like he is such a nickname person not because he can’t remember names but because he likes giving the people he loves cute little names he remembers them by and honestly the mental image of him calling one of his little girls goldie, june/junebug, or maggie is enough to make death’s heart melt.
jake - if the baby is a boy you cannot tell me Jacob Thomas Kiszka (sir) would Not suggest him being named after himself. he is 100% most likely to have his kid named after him and would consistently talk about having “jake 2” running around the whole duration of your pregnancy. jake would want something simple and sweet as a name on paper and then literally never call them that because; like his twin brother, jake is also notorious for giving nicknames. he’d probably like hugo, max, jude, or finn for a boy and for a girl something like isabel, lucy, norah, or may.
sam - would absolutely love to name his daughter after someone he looks up to musically. knowing that his little girl has some badass woman to look up to that she’s named after would make him legitimately so happy. doesn’t matter first or middle name, but joni strikes me as something sam would Really love. or maybe something generally music related like harper, piper, or calliope. for a boy i can’t really pin anything specific down but it would definitely be more eccentric. i can imagine sam bringing up a baby name book and sitting next to you being like “no, babe, you don’t understand it’d be so cool like, “check it, my son: Blade” … why are you laughing” could definitely see him liking something like lennox (or if we’re going back to music theme then lennon), scout, or jasper.
danny - strikes me as a completely traditional guy. he’d consider something more out of the box if his partner liked it or suggested it, but genuinely i think this man is just into something simple, classic, timeless, all of it. if he isn’t carrying down a name like his fathers or grandfather’s name he’d gravitate towards names like theodore, arthur, wyatt, or luke for a boy and for a girl i’m thinking Definitely penelope, eleanor, sofia, or grace.
sorry that’s literally a whole novel, but i really like baby names/etymology so i thought i’d give suggestions! (also yes there are many subtle and less so subtle beatles references throughout this because they’re all into classic rock, you can’t tell me they wouldn’t wanna have a tribute to the biggest band on the planet via their kids)
i read this at like two AM last night and spent the whole night fantasizing about it. ITS TOO CUTE!!!! I bet you didn't except a novel back, but here it is
i had some names picked out cause… i know something y’all don’t… but i am rethinking choices now. so let’s break down my thought process a bit. also feel free to message me so we can talk more about names:)
Josh: i feel the same way about nature-y vibe names for this man. something very simple, but old fashioned. The way I have portrayed Y/N in his scenario is as an artist like him, and I feel like they would be on the same page about names. I looked up names from the early 20’s era all the way to the 60’s-ish. I tried to stay away from music/artist names because i didn’t want to feel like i was copying any writers. I have changed the name like 30 thousand times i had picked out for josh’s baby because i feel like that’s a very josh thing to do. I feel like Josh would be so conflicted on names and be that type of: “when i see them, that’s when i’ll know what to name them”. some names i’ve thought of for a boy are: Henry, Thomas (my personal favorite), Abel, Francis, Oliver. Some names for a girl i’ve thought of are: Olive, Ruth, Etta, Ora, and Clara
Jake: So for Jake I've gone back and forth on names for him. I do agree that he would 100% want to pass on his namesake to his son (hence why TJ is named TJ in A Song Unknown). I feel as though Jake would pick something for his son that is a bit older and kind of makes us go like "huh, not what I was expecting," but also something music based (I feel like out of all the boys, he would do a music reference name) for boys names I was leaning towards: George, Ezra, Wallace, Hendrix (my favorite), Harrison, Arlo, Dylan. For girls though, I can see Jake and Y/N picking out something super strong for a female name. Again with the same theme of the "that's not what I was expecting", it would be something that was unique. For girls names I was thinking of: Maverick, Lennon, Zeppelin, Hendrix (hehe, I said it was my fav), Viola.
Sam: For some reason with Sam, I am stumped when it comes to names. I feel like Sam would pick names that are just like "what? are you on drugs?" (I can't remember if it was this installment of the Baby Series or next week where Sam and Y/N have a conversation about names. . . anyway no spoilers). We know Sammy boy says whatever comes to mind, so I feel like he would say something random and Y/N's like "no." But all jokes aside, I feel like Sam would be very much like his older brothers, choosing something simple, but unique. I feel like for boys, Sam would be more towards the musical side like Jake: Deacon, Cash, Jude, Otis, Stephen. For girls I think Sammy Boy would be wanting the perfect name. I can see Sam, like Josh, fussing over the name. Y/N is definitely going to have to help him out with this one. For some reason, for a girl, I see Sam choosing something very simple, kind of free spirited: Willow, Lily, Celeste, Clementine, Kai
Danny: The way I have portrayed Danny and Y/N's story is one of heartbreak to happiness. They have been through the struggle of infertility, losing a baby, failed IVF, and are finally getting what they’ve fought hard to have. In my mind I have envisioned them picking names that have the same common theme(s). something along the lines of their rainbow baby being an ultimate gift, something strong, something powerful. For a boy, i feel like they would choose something like: Gabriel, Jonah, Arthur, Elliot, Theodore. For a girl, it would be something classic but beautiful: Hope, Grace, Freya, Harriet, Minerva
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
I'm so glad to see you again, even if it's just to drop by. I've been thinking about you in the heat wave(s) and all but I wasn't sure if you'd appreciate me bothering you with messages. 💗
Also also! I see that you're also a fan of Timeless! You have most excellent taste in media. However judging by the gif set you reblogged, I have to wonder if you're a lyatt shipper and if we'll have to come to blows over my lord and saviour the gloriousness of Garcia Flynn and the garcy ship. 😉
Ahh thank you ♥ and you're no bother! I'm just behind on all my DMs rn, and it's a little daunting ಥ_ಥ
I love Timeless. I'm so sad it got cancelled. But, as with most of my fandoms, I am a multishipper. I love Lyatt, I think they're gods damn adorable, and I somewhat love that the issue in their relationship (the wife) isn't...actually Wyatt's fault, for once. He didn't take back his ex-wife or something, time changed on him and suddenly he had her back and had to cope with that! I thought that was a great twist on the usual ~drama~ in shows where the guy is just a cad who goes back to his wife because, idk, they had a one-night stand while he was on a break with his gf and now she's pregnant, or she swears she's changed or whatever.
That said, I also love Garcy so much. I used to watch this fanvid on repeat so much. They tick all my boxes.
I feel like Lucy and Wyatt were always going to be endgame, they were very much set up that way (and, gods, the episode where they got together was gorgeously put together), but I was so invested in seeing where Lucy and Flynn went, seeing how they enemies-to-lovers'd and so on.
I think if I had to choose between Lyatt and Garcy I would choose Garcy, but I'd be downright moody about it because I loved Lyatt a lot.
That said, I was... very upset when Timeless got cancelled, but I'll be honest that in hindsight I wish the finisher revival hadn't happened. They did Flynn dirty and I don't think I'll ever get over it, and I dislike pretty much every other decision they made in that whole thing. I get that they had to finish the whole thing - which they clearly had numerous plans for that would, potentially, have spanned 5 or more seasons - in, what was it, two hours? But fuck.
I enjoyed it when I watched it, don't misunderstand. My mom and I watched Timeless together (and OFMD, and the Witcher, and a bunch of other shows I drag her into the hell of with me 😂) and when the finale came out we were so excited and we nestled down and put it on and I really enjoyed it with her (up until Flynn's end, actually, at which point I immediately stopped enjoying it), and then afterwards I actually... thought about it? And I hate it, in hindsight. I enjoyed watching it at the time, but I really hate it.
I didn't even like Wyatt's wife (Jessica? Was her name Jessica?) very much but I felt she was done horribly dirty ("oh the pregnancy was a lie!" was such a cop-out, but an understandable one, I suppose), I thought Flynn was done horribly dirty (I think if I was writing it, I'd have him and Lucy have an ongoing on-and-off thing that was never really right but was full of love and passion, and in the end I'd have Lucy be the one to choose to save his family (possibly over her own sister) and send him back to them, erasing everything he'd gone through, all the ways he'd become a monster and learned to hate himself, to show how much she loved him - enough to let him go, to be happy. And then maybe I'd have him see her at the end and say something like, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" to show that maybe, just maybe, a door was left open, and maybe they'd find each other again, one day...)
I think Lucy was done so horribly dirty I don't even know where to start. It's like - no pun intended - her sister never existed? But her sister was her whole drive. Like I say, I love Lyatt! But Wyatt wasn't her drive. Nor was Flynn. Her sister was her drive, she was desperate to get her sister back, to fix what had been done.
I feel like Lucy and Flynn were horribly out of character in the finale, the only thing they had in common with their s1 and s2 selves was their faces. That's it. Lucy would never give up on her sister, and Flynn would never give up on his family! It wasn't about getting to go back to them, he had already accepted he'd never get to go home after what he'd become, it was about his kid getting to live, more than anything else, just like it was about Lucy's sister getting to live too.
Then there was Rufus and Jiya who I love more than I can express in words and I feel like they were done dirty too :( I think Rufus is the only reason I'm vaguely glad the finale happened? I'm glad he got to live? But we already knew he'd live! That was made clear in the s2 finale, so even then I don't...feel like I need the finale to be sure Rufus lives on. I did not like how they doubled down on Jiya's trauma with only two hours to deal with it, I did not like how Rufus acted with Jiya. I don't know. It all sucked lmao
but yeah I love Garcy. I think my otp is, well, lucy/flynn/wyatt but [gestures] that was never going to happen, but nor was lucy/flynn as any kind of endgame, I don't think.
Anyway, you won't have to beat me up in a parking lot, I promise I love Garcia Flynn ever so much. He is my problematic fave ♥
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"you don't have to get up, I'll get it for you"
for your Garcy prompt? 👀
episode tag for Chinatown
Garcia “Do It Yourself” Flynn decided that he would be the only one qualified to stitch his wound. He might curse his way through it, but it would get done. And done…fairly well.
Everyone was dazed, and rightfully so. Losing a team member, losing family really, was the biggest punch in the gut. Flynn cursed the fact he couldn’t take that hurt away from her. From Jiya. Connor ran after Jiya, Denise was discussing details with Wyatt and Lucy was just standing off to the side. Blank look on her features. The swelling around her eye was only getting worse and some trickles of blood still leaked from her lip. It hurt to see her like this.
He walked over to her, careful not to startle her. “Lucy?”
She hummed but didn’t look up at him. She took a ragged breath.
“Come on.”
He took her by the hand and lead her towards their makeshift medical bay. It was cold in every sense. It wasn’t comfortable but it got the job done. He had her sit down, grabbed the first aid kit and stood in front of her.
The sound of it hitting the metal table seemed to break her trance and she watched him pull out the alcohol wipes and butterfly strips. She realized just then he hadn’t tended to his own wound.
“Flynn, your shoul-“
“It’s fine,” he said softly. “It’s not bleeding much, the pain is as tolerable as it can be.”
“No, no.” She starts to get up but he stops her. She gestured to his arm that was still in the sling. “You’re literally down one hand, Garcia. You need to take care of yourself. I’m fine, really.”
He’s almost startled by the use of his first name but he recovers just as quickly. He gives her a look. They both know she’s not fine. “To hell with that right now. Let me help you.”
She wants to protest but she knows it wouldn’t do any good. He was set on doing it and he was going to stop at nothing. So, he cleaned the blood up - and pretty damn well for only having one hand - and carefully placed the butterfly stitches to help close the cuts. Lucy’s eyes flutter closed as he works. His hands are rough, the result of working hands, but somehow feel so soft against her cheek and her chin. It was very… soothing.
“There you go. You just need to put some ice on that eye.”
She almost wonders if he’ll kiss the top of her head. He lingers there for a moment like he had the same thought. Neither of them move.
Finally she just says, “Now. Take care of yourself. Please.”
He smiles ruefully and moves to get the stuff he needs.
“Sit down. You don’t have to get up, I can get it for you.” She hops up and moves the trash from her own bandages. “What can I get for you?”
He tells her what he needs and where it is and she gathers it all quickly and lays it next to him. She helps him unhook and remove the sling but lets him remove his shirt. He’s now only in an undershirt and his trousers.
Lucy clears her throat and takes a small step back. “I’d help you stitch up but… I don’t know how. And if I did, I don’t think I could actually stomach it.”
He chuckles with her. “I just about couldn’t stomach it the first time, either. I’m definitely not a doctor but I can get by.”
Lucy watches him work, what she can stand anyway, and admires his steady hand. His jaw was set and his teeth were obviously clenched but otherwise didn’t show any emotion. Didn’t even flinch. He finishes the stitches and reaches for the bandages. Lucy can definitely help with that and steps forward to help him place it. With no spike e words they effortlessly decide he holds it, she tapes.
They’re in a comfortable silence but she wants to say something. Something about what happened. Anything. She doesn’t know where to start. “Thank you,” is all that comes.
He looks up at her as she finishes the tape. “For what?”
“For…” Lucy pauses. She realizes that she doesn’t know what she’s thanking him for in this moment because there’s so much to thank him for. She realizes that maybe she’s taken him for granted this entire time. Him being there, being there for her, helping the team. They haven’t exactly made it easy on him but he still stayed. He still helped. She could feel the sting of tears in her throat. “I’m sorry.”
Flynn furrows his brow, now concerned. Her eyes get glossy. She’s trying her hardest to not let the tears spill over. “Lucy, Lucy… what, what’s wrong? Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Of course he would be concerned about her well-being right now. That’s so…him. She lets out a sort strangled sob. He stands up to hold her arm, steady her a little bit. “Lucy?”
“I’ve been so…so selfish,” she says it with such fury and anger at herself that he’s almost taken back by the time. “I was screaming at Emma, asking what do you do…when someone has taken everyone you love and you… that’s what you’ve been doing this entire time. I’ve been wallowing about my own losses for weeks but you’ve…”
She laughs at herself and angry wipes away her tears. He pulls her, carefully, to his chest and rests his chin on her head. He’s not sure what he can say to comfort her but he definitely knows what she’s feeling, what she’s dealing with. “You don’t have to apologize. Not to me.”
They stand there for a while in silence. He holds her and she hangs on as if her life depends on it. She cried silently for a little bit. When she decides she’s done, she comes to her senses, notices he’s still only in his undershirt and blushes. She pulls away and wipes her face. “Sorry. Again.”
He shrugs it off. “We’ll figure it out, Lucy. We always do.”
She nods, decides she’s comfortable with that for now. “Well, uh, guess I’m gonna go change. You probably want to, as well. I’ll just uh… yeah.”
In true Lucy Preston fashion, she awkwardly lingers at the door before actually leaving.
“Don’t forget the ice!” Flynn calls after her.
“Yes, thank you!” She comes right back in to grab it, smiles and leaves again. Flynn softly smiles after her.
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