#agent christoper (mentioned)
pollyna · 3 years
It works, for a little while, between them. But Lucy doesn't stop looking for Amy and Wyatt has a baby girl who sleeps in a cribe chosen by Jessica herself. It's them, Lucy and Wyatt just like it was all the years they spent chasing after Rittenhouse but isn't just them anymore: there's the baby who still doesn't have a name, Amy and Jessica's ghosts around the house they bought and they're between them. It isn't a clear cut but it's definitive: one morning the baby is crying and Lucy doesn't get up. She doesn't want to because the baby isn't hers and she hates Jessica for the position she putted her. Wyatt gets up the moment he gets Lucy isn't gonna and he doesn't expect much the next morning but seeing her ready to leave is still a shock. He says I love you and Lucy says love is not enough and it seems a scene from a bad romcom where they both are suppose to be crying but no-one of them is near the right emotional state to do it.
Lucy ends up slipping on Agent Christopher's couch the first night, while she is waiting to find a new house and avoiding Wyatt's call. Jiya offers her a room the same Monday she has an interview for her old job and a part of her doesn't want it back, because having it back means accepting some things, people, won't be back with it. She gets the job, a room in Jiya and Rufus's house and coffee every other morning she decides to stay in bed ten minutes after the alarm goes off. She gets Jiya incessant talking during dinner and Rufus string codes on the mirror of the bathroom, she gets a home and she looses Wyatt but, at the end of her third week of her new life, she feels better. He ends up calling the baby Sarah Jessica and comes around when she's working. It weird, not always very practical but they make it work, until Lucy won't be ready to talk with Wyatt.
Garcia coming home from God knows where is unexpected and almost destabilising because, when she looks at him all she can see is his body on an autopsy table, cold and his eyes distant. No name to identify him and a non descriptive tombstone, in a cemetery four states away from where Iris and Lorena were having dinner when he died. For weeks she hears him but doesn't see him, because he spends most of his time in his own bedroom or in the garden. Jiya explains, over breakfast, that they're alive in this timeline but he was supposed to be dead and Lorena remarried and Iris is calling some elses dad now.
They come together, or better Lucy joins him, a night where she can't seem to fall asleep and he's wide awake because insomina is his best friend now. He's watching TV and nursing a beer and she bypasses the rest of the couch to sit on his lap and hug him as tight as she can. The next morning she wakes up in her own bed, a coup of coffee on the bedside table, and near it, a notes where Flynn asks her to take a walk with him that same night. He doesn't write it's a date but he writes remember to put your scarf on, it's almost winter! and the day don't seem an earculian effort anymore.
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novemberhaenys · 3 years
happier than ever, prologue - peacemaker (christopher smith)
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fake marriage fic
synopsis: you are required to go undercover with christoper smith, a man you despise ever since he killed your best friend, rick. not only must you work with chris, you have to pretend to be married to him. how can you maintain professionalism and complete the mission while spending every day in close quarters with a cold-blooded killer?
pairing: christopher smith (peacemaker) x female!reader
warnings: language, mentions of death and violence (no smut yet but there will be eventually) 
word count: 1.1k
author’s note: i’ve been working on this fic since before the show came out so it won’t follow the plot of the show :) this is the prologue! i’m so glad i can share it with you all. i’m not sure how quick updates will be and i want to get a bit ahead before i post the actual first chapter but i just wanted to put this out, i couldn’t wait any longer. 
this fic is rated 18+, minors dni. your media consumption is your responsibility.
A loud cackle echoed through Amanda Waller’s office, bouncing off the walls in pure comedy. 
“That’s a good one, Ms. Waller. But no thank you.” you say, a smirk on your face as you cross your arms. 
“I’m not asking,” Amanda’s tone is stern, and the smirk drops from your face, “you are an expert at undercover work not to mention body language and observation. Besides, your powers will come in handy for this particular mission. It’s deep, deep cover. Months. A year or two, maybe, but you and Chris are the two most capable for the mission.” 
You stare at Amanda, your fists clenching at your sides. 
“When do we start?” Christopher asks, hands folded behind his back. 
You scoff, “What? No! Absolutely not, I will not be going on this mission, not with him!” 
“This mission is imperative to national security, Agent,” Waller counters, “need I remind you your crimes against the nation.”
“Crimes? I saved thousands of innocent people from dying by leaking those documents and you damn well know I’d do it again. You also know I saved your ass by fabricating your signature on the opposition papers. You would have been fired had I not removed your name from the approval list, every other fucking person was. I did you a favor Amanda, you said it yourself that you owe me, so please, please do not make me do this.” Your tone is pleading, eyes almost watering as you ask. 
Amanda sighs, walking around her desk, saying your name softly, “I can do you any other favor, I promise. But I can’t offer any form of flexibility on this. You and Chris have to go on this mission, it’s out of my hands.” 
You maintain eye contact with her, “I can’t pretend to be married to him. I can’t fake those things.” 
Amanda walks back around her desk, sitting down in her chair, pulling some files out of her desk drawer, “Listen, when you’re in your house and the blinds are closed you don’t have to be in the same room with him. You don’t have to talk to him or look at him unless it’s related to the mission. But you put yourselves in the community and the neighborhood. You go to the barbecues, you hold hands, you go on dates. It won’t be as hard as you think it will.” 
“How can I hold hands with him knowing that those hands are the same ones that killed Rick.” Your voice cracks as you say his name. You see Chris turn his head from the corner of your eyes, grimacing at the mention of Rick Flag. 
Amanda sighs, “You’ll just have to figure it out, Agent.” 
A few days later, you find yourself standing in front of a floor-length mirror, fingers tracing over the white material that fell against your legs. You moved the material between your fingers, trying to bring yourself back to reality, but you didn’t wake. 
This was your reality.
Today had been somewhat grueling, as preparation for the undercover mission started. You and Chris had been forced into all different sorts of outfits and pushed in front of a camera, taking pictures for your home. 
In all your years of finally getting a place to call home, you never thought you’d be sharing that place with Christopher Smith. 
Up to this point, all of the photos required basic personal displays of affection. Hand-holding, hugging, casual physical intimacy, kisses on the cheek, even a peck on the lips here and there. But now it was time to take the wedding photos. There was something haunting about the whole thing: standing in the dressing room on some ranch in the middle of nowhere, drinking champagne and sitting in a makeup chair, talking and laughing with women you’d just met only hours prior. Women who were supposed to be your family, your best and closest friends, and in the past few hours, they truly became that. It seemed they were also all under Waller’s thumb, which created a great bonding topic. You felt like you were getting ready for your wedding, your actual wedding. But there was no love to make the day glow with excitement and tenderness, there was no emotion to bring the makeup artist back for a quick touch-up or letters to exchange with your soon-to-be legally recognized partner. Waller refused to answer when you asked if the officiant was actually ordained, so you simply decided to put it in the back of your mind. 
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you barely recognized the person who stared back. Your entire presence this whole day had been fabricated. Maybe instead of being a government agent, you should have been an actor. Seeing some of the photos that you had taken with Chris, you were satisfied with how in love you looked. To an outsider, the two of you would look like soulmates. But to you, he was a killer: a robot who listened to the commands of the government, a robot without a moral compass or its own thoughts. Christopher Smith was simply a pawn and here he was, his chess piece being moved to the suburbs with you. 
“Y/N,” your maid-of-honor (whom you met four hours ago) says softly, “it’s time.” 
You take one last look in the mirror, smoothing down the dress and taking a deep breath. Although the marriage was fake, Waller gave you the choice of a majority of the wedding setup, including the dress, so you chose something you knew that you would love, something you would keep, even with the bad memories that were attached to the dress just like the train. 
You turn around, walking towards her. She smiles sympathetically at you, and you know she means it. She hands you a bouquet of flowers, and you take them, wrapping your hand around the bunch of stems. 
“Are you ready?” she asks, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“No,” you answer honestly, “but I doubt one can ever be ready for a situation like this.”
Your words echo throughout your brain, you truly had no idea how this mission with Christopher would go, and the possibilities scared you. 
What scared you the most was the idea of coming out of the mission actually enjoying the time you spent with Christopher. The mere thought made your stomach turn, and your mind is covered in the images of Rick and Christopher rolling around, throwing punches and insults at one another until Christopher lodged a piece of broken concrete into Rick’s heart. 
You felt like a piece of broken concrete was being lodged through your own heart. After all, Christopher brought a serving of pain with the peace he claimed to provide. 
How much more pain would the Peacemaker bring to you?
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Heya! I’m Ghost! The old bean from CST. I’m going to be penning both Princess Ophelia and Agent Christopher so I decided to be lazy and just make on post that I will also be reblogged on agent boy’s account and yes. These are just some rough little write ups I need to refine a little more. But they are my children and I will get connection things going for them after I eat fish tacos~~
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[ caitlin stasey, 27, cisfemale, she/her ] — who’s that emerging from a private plane? oh, it’s ophelia grace chapman, crown princess of Australia! intel commends them for being compassionate & supportive, so they just might do well here. watch out though, since they are also reported to be secretive & impulsive. i hope they won’t get themselves into too much trouble.
Ophelia would like you a whole lot better if you maybe you stick to calling her O or fi. She has nothing against her name it just seems too proper to even a princess. She’s the eldest of the Australian royal children and it shows. She watches out for her siblings and has maybe given them advice they didn’t care to hear. While she’s not known for appearing on the cover of gossip magazines for being drunk, going to rehab, etc. She has been the subject of a few scares where people just couldn’t find her. If she has been involved in the previously mentioned she’s good at hiding it(is fi a secret party girl?? vague.... ghost is being vague). Her parents had a relationship with savoy’s of italian before her birth so it was natural for the two families to spend time together. There was a boy that was just a year older than her and one of two things was bound to happen. One, they could be on the opposite ends of personality spectrum and hate each others guts. Two, they could get along and develop a friendship that lasted. Ophelia is actually happy it’s the second, even more so since the betrothed. Leon knows her better than anyone else and she couldn’t imagine marrying anyone that didn’t know her. The future honest to god terrifies her. Even more so now with everything going on. But with her friend and siblings everything might just be alright. She has a passion for photography and traveling.
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[ rami malek, 31, cismale, he/his ] — who’s that gorgeous person in uniform over there? oh, christopher dahar, a.k.a. agent icarus from mi6! intel commends them for being loyal & independent, so our young royals are in good hands. watch out though, since they are also reported to be sarcastic & perfectionist.
Christopher Dahar had always been known as Chris. The joke master of his friend group. Every joke was always well thought out and precise. Christoper and Chris are hardly names he responds to anymore since joining MI6. Now he’s Agent Icarus the loyal sarcastic sometimes oddly charming ass. Somethings he does can be considered questionable but his loyalty and attention to detail are two things that can’t. He’s an only child. His parents met when his father was on vacation in England from his home in Egypt. It didn’t take long before they were married and his father permanently relocated. He had a five year engagement at one point. But ultimately he broke it off because of his lifestyle. He really hasn’t been romantically linked with anyone since. Though he’s there at any of their disposal really, Chris seems to mentor Theodora more than the rest. She’s stubborn and admittedly aggravates more often than she pleases him with progress. But for some reason the Agent hasn’t thrown up his hands in one final admittance of defeat. It’s quite possible it’s actually fun to him. He also probably refuses to call her Teddy just because he’s a butt.
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