#prepping survival shtf bug out
preppers-will · 10 months
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Build an Emergency (Bug-Out) Kit:
Call it what you want, this is an essential tool in any emergency plan whether staying where you are or bugging out. Everything is together in one container to grab-n-go and easy to transport or store. Each person (and pet) should have their own as well as each vehicle. Each bag should have a minimum of the "Eleven Cs (11-Cs)" supplies inside. In the event of an Emergency, this bag should be one of the first things to grab and stay with you through the entire emergency event. Contents: The contents of your Bug-Out Bag will be as individual as you are. Item categories are, basically, universal. Think small/compact and light weight. Expand on the Eleven Cs (11-Cs)
Air-filtering masks
Eye protection
Shelter - tent, space blankets
Water container and methods to filter/purify
Food - emergency bars, basic fishing/snare gear, utensils
Multi-tool, saw, shovel
Fire-making skills/supplies for heat, light and cooking
Cordage - rope, paracord, duct tape
Compass and map
First Aid kit
Mini sewing kit
Flashlight - hand crank, solar or xtra batteries
AM/FM/NOAA radio - hand crank, solar or xtra batteries
Emergency cash and/or credit/debit card
Clothing - gloves, hat, coat, extra, raingear
Self-Defense tools
Important documents and contacts on flash drive
Entertainment - playing cards Other items to consider but K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Survivor).
Learn How to Properly Use Your Gear and Supplies and When: If I have all the stuff in the world to go camping or use in an emergency, but don't know how to use my stuff, all I have is STUFF. And, if I don't have a plan for my camping trip or what I will do in an emergency, now I have a pile of stuff with no map to follow for their effective use. Face-to-face with an emergency, or at the campsite, is not the time to learn how to use the gear and supplies that has been accumulated for this very purpose. What was thought to be the right tool when purchased, may now prove to be no help at all "in the moment". Don't go unprepared with not having the correct supplies in the correct quantities and not knowing how to use those supplies. Make the time to learn how to properly use all of the gear when it's first acquired and to discover if it should stay or be traded for something better. Use supplies and gear, periodically, as a refresher course. Initial testing and periodic refreshers will help take some of the stress out of the actual camping or emergency event.
• Look at, and slowly handle, each item to learn how it works. • Rehearse, in your mind, why each item is significant, and what role it will fill in any scenario. • Recall any past experience, information, and training that each item has been used. • Secure Gear. Place each item securely in your pack, in proper order for use. Keep everything tied down or zipped closed. • Exercise and drill with "full gear" to understand personal limits and adjust if needed. • ALWAYS keep your pack on your person or within direct arm's reach. • Never wander away from your pack to, possibly, forget where you left it. • Never place your pack on a slope, hill, or ledge to, possibly, fall or roll away. • Never leave items laying randomly on the ground, making them hard to find.
Prioritizing Use of Gear and Supplies: Part of knowing your gear is knowing their limitations, quantity available and alternatives that can be used in their place. Your gear and supplies are not inexhaustible. Before using your supplies, think of other renewable resources that might be used instead so that your exhaustible supplies can be used as a last resort another time. Save the most precious resources as a last-ditch option; the "most precious use last". For example; never start a fire with a lighter if a magnesium fire-starter (ferro rod) is available and don't use the ferro rod if the sun (renewable resource) is available (using a magnifying glass). Hunt or gather off the land for food before eating your packaged, long-term food supply. Filter a natural water supply before drinking stored/bottled water. Test with Your Bug-Out Bag (BOB): Create a list of exercises, drills, and tactics (sample below) that will test the gear, no matter what it is.
Small hikes building up to multiple miles
Urban and outdoor tactical drills
Crawling, running, swimming, lying prone for extended periods of time
Running and jogging with fully loaded BOB
Pushups and pull-ups
Climbing steep hills with all weaponry
Climbing urban environments such as stairs, walls and fences
Long hikes with sprints and running
Perfecting your stances for long periods of time while crouched
Compact and Lightweight: Innovations and technology have made bug-out supplies more compact and lightweight. When putting a bug-out bag (BOB) together, research the many options that are available, keeping these two factors in mind as well as quality. Here is a suggestion: Compressed Towel "Tablets" come in a variety of sizes and can be used for cleaning and bandages. Just add water to expand. Dollar Store Checklist NOTE: While water is essential to life, it is heavy (8 pounds per gallon) so carrying large quantities is not practical. That's why a reuseable container (suitable for carrying and boiling water) and water purification method(s) should be included in the kit if you'll be on the move. Proper Packing: There is a correct way to load a backpack; something most hikers find out the hard way while suffering from all sorts of uncomfortable backpack related pains out on the trail. Everyone wants to cram as much stuff as they can in their pack but, realistically, determine how much YOU can carry and for how long and how far. The only sure way to find out is to Test Your BOB.
Determine how much you can, realistically, carry and don't exceed that weight limit
Pack only gear that is "essential" to your ultimate survival (11 Cs)
Choose lighter-weight alternatives to heavier and bulky
Choose items that serve more than one purpose to help lighten your load
While some packing rules are flexible and will depend on your unique needs, there are a few rules of thumb you should keep in mind.
Bottom of the Bag - items you don't need quickly (tent, sleeping bag)
Middle of the Bag - heaviest gear packed somewhere near the middle of the backpack (near your belt line).
Top of the Bag - filled with light items and the gear that you will need the most.
DIY Primitive Bushcraft Backpack: Regardless of what you have to carry, most times, strapping it to your back, or over the shoulder or around your waist will be easier than holding it in your hands. In a survival situation, your hands should be free to hack through brush, move branches, hold a compass or carry a walking stick, to name just a few. If, for whatever reason, you find yourself without a useful pack, learn how to make your own. You can lash a frame together with rope and fill the frame with some kind of bag or tarp, or just tie a bag shut and sling it over your shoulder or tie it around your waist or make a pack or pouch from scratch with the materials on hand, like tree bark, animal skin, vines, clothing, whatever. Here are some ideas for your brain to ponder: [Bushcraft BackPack Video 1] [Bushcraft Packing Video] [Bucket BackPack] [Pants BackPack] [Tree Bark Pack] [Grapevine Basket] [Making Your Dispatched Deer into a Backpack] FEMA Restrictions: If The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) wakes you up in the middle of the night with an alleged community emergency, understand that they prohibit "hazardous" items (guns, knives, lighters, etc.) and limits the amount of items a "victim" can bring with them to a FEMA Emergency Facility (field camp). If you become a "guest" of a FEMA Field Camp, you cannot bring any pets and what you bring must fit on your lap. If a sudden event causes you to become a FEMA Guest, it's best to prepare for such an encounter by building a FEMA-friendly kit within your Bug-Out Bag as the Bug-Out Bag may not comply with their guidelines. You may only have minutes to evacuate, with FEMA assistance, so having this kit at the ready is a good preparedness step. It is recommended to bring your wallet with legal, government-issued, identification and cash:
Your Emergency Bag may be OK as long as its contents comply with FEMA guidelines (above)
Ear plugs to help sleep in a room full of noisy people
USB drive containing electronic copies of important documents
[Author's Reference Link] Other Resources: My Favorite Everyday Carry (EDC) Items Think S-U-R-V-I-V-A-L in an Emergency 3 Zones of Assessment for Emergency/Survival 5 Components of Survival BugOut Bags on Amazon Pocket Survival Kits Survival Guides/Manuals Knowing When It's Time to BugOut Prepare an Evacuation Checklist and Plan What Makes a Good Bug-Out Location? Everyday Uses for Your Emergency Kit (Bug-Out Bag) 10 Essential Items for Your Survival Kit
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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yearzerosurvival · 2 years
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reliableprepper · 3 months
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vterun · 1 year
The Top 5 Prepper Websites You Need to Follow
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Prepping, short for “preparing,” is a lifestyle that many individuals adopt to be better equipped for potential emergencies, disasters, or crisis situations. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or a newcomer to the prepping community, there's no denying the value of staying informed and up-to-date on the latest techniques, tools, and resources available to you. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the top 5 prepper websites you need to follow to stay in the know and well-prepared.
Survival Blog - www.survivalblog.com
Survival Blog is one of the most comprehensive and well-respected prepping websites on the internet. It covers a wide range of topics, including food storage, self-defense, and emergency medical care, among others. The website's founder, James Wesley Rawles, is a former US Army Intelligence Officer and has authored several books on prepping and survival. The website is updated daily with informative articles and is an excellent resource for preppers of all levels.
The Prepper Journal - www.theprepperjournal.com
The Prepper Journal is another popular prepping website that offers a wealth of information on various prepping topics. The website features articles, product reviews, and survival tips, and is updated regularly. It covers everything from basic prepping skills to advanced techniques for surviving in extreme conditions. The Prepper Journal also has an active community forum where preppers can connect with each other and share their experiences.
SHTF Plan - www.shtfplan.com
SHTF Plan is a prepping website that focuses on news and current events related to prepping and survival. The website covers topics such as geopolitics, financial collapse, and natural disasters, among others. SHTF Plan provides a unique perspective on prepping by analyzing how current events can affect the prepper community and offers advice on how to prepare for them. The website also has an active community forum where preppers can discuss and share their views.
The Prepared - www.theprepared.com
The Prepared is a prepping website that offers practical advice and resources for preppers of all levels. The website covers topics such as food storage, water purification, and bug out bags, among others. The Prepared offers a step-by-step approach to prepping, with detailed guides on how to prepare for specific emergencies and situations. The website also has a community forum where preppers can share their experiences and ask for advice.
Graywolf Survival - www.graywolfsurvival.com
Graywolf Survival is a prepping website run by a former Special Forces operator, who goes by the name of Graywolf. The website offers a unique perspective on prepping, with a focus on practical skills and techniques. Graywolf Survival covers topics such as survival gear, bushcraft, and self-defense, among others. The website also offers courses and training programs for preppers who want to improve their skills.
These top 5 prepper websites offer a wealth of information, resources, and community support for preppers of all levels. Whether you're just getting started with prepping or you're a seasoned veteran, following these websites can help you stay informed, up-to-date, and well-prepared for whatever challenges come your way. Remember, being prepared is not just a hobby or a lifestyle, it's a mindset that can help you and your loved ones stay safe and secure in times of crisis.
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prepperscommmunity · 17 days
10 HIDDEN Survival Tools You Need in Your Stockpile NOW!
10 HIDDEN Survival Tools You Need in Your Stockpile NOW! Are you sure your survival stockpile is complete? In this video, we uncover 10 hidden survival tools that most preppers overlook but absolutely need in their emergency supplies. From innovative gadgets to essential items you’ve never thought of, these tools could make all the difference in a crisis. Don’t wait until it’s too late – ensure your stockpile is ready for anything! 📦 Discover these hidden survival tools now and be prepared for whatever comes your way. 🔔 Subscribe to our channel for more essential prepping tips and survival gear recommendations! #SurvivalTools #Prepping #EmergencyPreparedness #SurvivalGear 10 Hidden Survival Tools,hidden survival tools you need,stock up on these hidden tools now, Hidden Survival Tools,Survival Gear Essentials,Must-Have Survival Items,Preppers Survival Tools,Emergency Stockpile Tools,Top Survival Gadgets,Bug-Out Bag Essentials,Underrated Survival Gear,Essential Prepping Tools,Survival Tools for Preppers,Stockpile Survival Gear,SHTF Survival Tools,Survival Kit Essentials Prepper Gear You Need,Emergency Preparedness Tools,Prepping Essentials
10 HIDDEN Survival Tools You Need in Your Stockpile NOW
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thepennyprepper · 6 months
The Importance of Fasteners
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One of the categories of preps that are of top importance are fasteners. Now, we are talking primarily for the purpose of bugging out. That is, if you are forced to leave your home for a safer location.
My personal opinion is that you should "bug in", or stay at home, if possible when the SHTF event occurs. Unless you are in danger, and it would be safer to leave your home, you should plan to remain there and "shelter in place".
However, it may indeed be safer, in some scenarios, to leave your home and seek a more remote, protected location. For example, if you live in a large city, bugging out may turn out to be the best option for survival. Let's say your water supply is compromised due to a grid-down situation where sewage treatment plants cannot continue to operate. Without a supply of potable water, your life is definitely in danger. Cities will also be quick to devolve into rampant crime and wandering hoards of criminals and hungry people. Bugging out may be your best option, in a case like this.
However, even if you are able to remain at home, FASTENERS will be important to have on hand. You need fasteners to hang blankets on doorways, for example, to keep heat in one area of the house in cold weather. You certainly need them for building and maintaining a shelter if you're bugging out. They will come in handy for innumerable purposes, especially if the crisis lasts a significant period of time.
Below is a checklist of fastening materials you should have in abundance in your prepper stash. Most are very inexpensive and can be found at discount stores, hardware stores, etc. as well as online. As you peruse the list, you will see why these items could well be needed in an emergency survival scenario.
Clips: You'll need a variety of clips for fastening, particularly in fashioning shelters. These include; binder clips, kitchen food bag clips, clothespins, carabiner clips, paper clips and some good, strong spring clamps
Rope and String: Make sure you have plenty of these on hand before the SHTF! Cotton string, twine, yarn, fishing line, dental floss, shoe laces, boot laces, clothesline rope, acrylic rope, cotton braid rope, sisal rope, paracord (lots of paracord) [make sure you teach yourself how to make a variety of KNOTS - there are plenty of instructional books and videos to help you]
Hardware: Have an assortment of various sizes of nails, screws, small tacks, thumb tacks, nuts, washers, hinges
Adhesives: Super glue, gorilla glue, apoxy glue, all-purpose adhesive
Tape: Electrical tape, duct tape, shipping tape, masking tape, scotch tape, foam tape, painter's tape
Wire: floral wire, galvanized steel wire
Kitchen type fasteners: bread ties, elastic bands, plastic zip ties in various sizes
Additional fasteners: bungy cords, velcro, safety pins, adhesive waterproof patches
If you can think of additional fasteners that would be good to have, please message me and let me know, and I'll add them!
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justmeister · 2 years
Doomsday preppers list
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#Doomsday preppers list how to
#Doomsday preppers list professional
two spigots that will let you fill two canisters at the same time water purification tablets. 3 Sugar: You can buy canned sugar and it’s cheap to stock up on. Preppers list for 2022 your survival checklist. They can last for years and you can buy almost any type of food in a canned variety. This checklist will help you become properly and professionally prepared. 1 Canned Goods: This a staple on every prepper’s list for obvious reasons. Leaving one vital piece of survival gear out of your plans could be the difference in life and death. Can you do them yourself? With these lists you can! Preparing from these lists should help you dramatically increase your chances of surviving any situation. Should you have professionally designed first aid kits, survival kits, and the training to use them? Absolutely! They will be valuable to you in any emergency situation at home, on the road, and at work.
#Doomsday preppers list professional
If you are near your automobile, office, or home during a survival event, having well-prepared professional first aid kits, survival kits and a good bug-out bag at your disposal can make your ability to survive much easier and surer. Leaving one thing out may reduce your chances of survival. Ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. Long-term survival means acquiring a dependable source of nutrition, and one of the easiest starting.
#Doomsday preppers list how to
Some of the most basic skills yield the best results as you learn how to prep for doomsday, and sewing is one of. Having a prepared list to go by will be of tremendous value when a survival event occurs. Doomsday Prepper’s List Your Guide of SHTF List of Supplies Sewing. From it you can put together, in a moment's notice the perfect bug-out kit, or auto kit. From it you can construct the perfect survival and medical disaster preparedness solutions. It includes three complete lists for home or bunker, auto, and personal or travel for both survival and first aid. This comprehensive survival and first aid checklist was carefully put together and field tested for over eight years during the development of the book "Survive Until The End Comes". Just dip the wand in the water that needs to. Steripen is an ingenious handheld ultraviolet water purification system. MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) are the most popular sources of food. The following 3 all caught our eyes: Lifestraw Great for the single person in mind, hiker, backpacker, and for general emergency preparedness. There are plenty of options to chose from when it comes to food. The day of reckoning is at hand! If you are a survival prepper, a survivalist, or someone just thinking about how to protect yourself and your family from the coming hell on earth then you need this "Survival Preppers Doomsday Survival Checklist". Food and water are absolute musts if you want to survive, and are at the tops of every doomsday preppers supplies list.
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davodu-blog · 7 years
6 items you'll need in a long term power outage
Living in America in the 21st century means you probably have access to a good power grid.  Blackouts and busted transistors are rare, but they do happen.  That's why when the lights do go out, you see people running around panicking.
Don't be one of those people.  Plan and prepare for a power outage before it happens so you can turn it into something fun for the family, and not riddled with anxiety.
Here are 6 items you'll need in a long term power outage
1. Flashlights or Headlamps
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Obviously, if the power goes out you're going to need light. A good flashlight will have a zoom function so you can stand it up and use it to illuminate a room. Headlamps are good in situations where you need two hands.
2. Batteries
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Without power, batteries become more valuable than gold. Maybe not on the second or third day but by day 5, when people start running out of juice, they will be ready to trade for power. Consider getting rechargeable batteries, and multiple sizes. You will want a solar charger as well.
3. Portable Gas Stove
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Unless you can cook outside every day, you'll want a portable stove that can cook your meals. In the winter these can produce good heat as well. Kerosine bottles can be found on sale for as low as $1.
4. Power Inverter
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If you're trying to use electronics like a laptop, you'll quickly see how fast you run out of juice.  The power inverter lets you turn your car battery into a replenishable power source.
5. Solar Battery Banks
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A battery bank or charger will keep your devices charged up, even if it isn't very sunny. If you're waiting for loved ones to check in, the last thing you want is a dead battery when they try to call.
6. Kerosene Heater
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If you're in a colder climate, staying warm can be tough.  Cooking meals over an open flame helps, but depending where you live it might not be enough.  For warmer climates, you can try to make your own AC but buying one from Home Depot will set you back a few hundred and they take up a lot of juice.
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preppers-will · 2 months
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Tips for Sheltering in Place:
Sheltering in place is [hopefully] a short-term solution to address a biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological or civil unrest threat. The objective is to protect those of us inside, from the bad stuff outside. Pre-planning should stock the "shelter" with water, food and other supplies for, at least, 2-weeks without venturing outside. Additional tips, here, will help take the necessary actions to effectively shelter in place. Learn how to evaluate When Bugging Out Is not an Option. Stay where you are (Shelter In Place) at home, or at work, and be able to Survive Where You Are for a reasonable period of time without any outside assistance. An Emergency Kit will be just as important when Sheltering In Place as it would be if evacuating (bugging out). Fortifying your residence (or where you are) at the time of an emergency, my require blocking and covering windows and doors for protection against bad weather or intruders. This should be considered and planned long before it is necessary. [Author's Reference Link] Related Resources: Tips For Sheltering In Place Tips for Bugging in and Staying Safe at Home Build a Bunker or [Hidden] Safe Room Additional Information to Consider During a Nuclear Event Dealing With the Unprepared Strangers Approaching Your home Knowing When to BugOut
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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6 Items That Are Flying Off Shelves Before Hurricane Irma
Did you think Hurricane Harvey was bad? I know I did. But a recent study of 94 hurricanes has shown us that hurricanes with female names are even more deadly.
"Their findings — based on data from 94 hurricanes that made landfall in the U.S. from 1950 to 2012 — were telling. While hurricanes with masculine names caused an average of 15.15 deaths, those with female names caused 41.84 deaths."
Currently, Hurricane Irma looks like it could be even more powerful than Harvey.  
This means if you're in the path of the storm, you could be looking at a loss of utilities for a week or more depending on how much damage is done to infrastructure. If you have not stocked up on survival supplies, the time to do so is now.
Here are 6 items that will sell out the fastest
1. Bottled Water
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Bottled water is the first thing to go when the loss of utilities is a possibility. If you think you might run out of water, consider filling your bathtub up first.  Then you can boil or use a water filter to clean it. Think about getting a Water Bob which allows you to use your tub as a fresh water reserve. Reminder: 1 gallon per person per day.  A family of four will need 28 gallons to last a week.
2. Batteries
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Batteries are one of the fastest things to go because they're the only thing most people will be able to rely on to keep them connected if the utilities go down. Consider a solar battery charger to keep your devices fresh as well.
3. Food
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Canned food flies off the shelves right before a big storm. Soups and stews are great and only require heat to prep. These require no prep skill you can make them with a camping stove and mess kit. You'll also want dry snacks that don't require heat or water like beef jerky, power bars, and dried fruit.
4. Portable Propane
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If your power goes out you can still use your propane grill to cook up some food. These tanks sell fast because a lot of people have grills that don't get much use throughout the year until a big BBQ or disaster comes along.
5. Flashlights and Candles
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Flashlights (preferably rechargeable and waterproof) and candles will be the only thing that illuminates your home in the event that you lose electricity.  Candles can be used to create waterproof fire starters as well if you feel like you may need to bug out of town.
6. Generators
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If you can afford a generator then get one. The downside is that you will need a few cans of gas if you're looking at being out of power for a week or more.  You could always go with a battery generator but once you drain it, you'll be waiting a long time before your solar charger refills its juice.
What's one thing you always stock up on before a storm?
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reliableprepper · 3 months
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survivalsmartsblog · 5 years
Do you have one of these?
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yearzerosurvival · 5 years
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prepperscommmunity · 2 months
25 Essential Items You’ll Wish You Had After a COLLAPSE
25 Essential Items You’ll Wish You Had After a Collapse
In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the "Essentials for Survival: Be Prepared for the Unexpected." Learn the importance of being ready for any situation with critical survival items such as water filtration systems, non-perishable foods, well-stocked first aid kits, and robust multi-tools. Discover the life-saving benefits of fire-starting tools, portable radios, high-lumen flashlights, and durable batteries. We also explore the necessity of proper clothing layers, makeshift shelters, reliable knives, and rope. Emphasize personal hygiene, navigation tools like maps and compasses, and the importance of keeping essential documents, cash, and communication devices handy. Plus, understand the value of mental resilience and sustainable food sources.
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#SurvivalGear #EmergencyPreparedness #SurvivalSkills #BePrepared #SelfReliance #EmergencyKit #SurvivalTips
00:00:00 The Calm Before the Storm 00:00:54 Water Filtration System 00:01:46 Non-Perishable Food 00:02:03 First Aid Kit 00:02:19 Multi-Tool 00:02:35 Fire Starter 00:02:55 Emergency Radio 00:03:14 Flashlight 00:03:29 Batteries 00:03:46 Warm Clothing 00:04:01 Shelter 00:04:18 Knife 00:04:32 Rope 00:04:45 Water Containers 00:05:01 Cooking Supplies 00:05:17 Hygiene Products 00:05:34 Maps 00:05:51 Compass 00:06:06 Personal Documents 00:06:22 Cash 00:06:38 Protective Gear 00:06:55 Books 00:07:11 Seeds 00:07:26 Tools 00:07:44 Communication Devices 00:07:59 Entertainment 00:08:17 Prepared for Anything
tags:essential survival items list,preparedness essentials for emergencies,survival gear checklist,emergency preparedness supplies list,must-have survival tools and gear critical survival items for disasters,best survival equipment list,emergency survival gear essentials,top survival items for SHTF,survival kit essentials checklist,prepper gear and supplies,essential items for disaster preparedness,survival essentials checklist,emergency gear checklist,survival equipment must-haves,essential prepping items list,survival items for bug out bag,disaster preparedness kit essentials,essential survival gear and tools emergency supplies for survival
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