#president muffley
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muffley my beloved
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joespinell · 2 months
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i think i watched the wrong dr strangelove
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Dr Strangelove PSA
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clavtheft · 19 days
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I got a little frame for my desk and then I remembered I have a bunch of stickers also
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President Merkin Muffley from Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb gets called Babygirl!
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vodkaing · 1 month
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nuclear autism 1003884 injured ladies and gentlethem purrkin meowffley and bark furgidson
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turgidmuff · 11 days
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most normal kubrick autist
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Fictional President Election Bracket 1
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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George C. Scott in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Stanley Kubrick, 1964)
Cast: Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, Slim Pickens, Peter Bull, James Earl Jones. Screenplay: Stanley Kubrick, Terry Southern, Peter George, based on a book by George. Cinematography: Gilbert Taylor. Production design: Ken Adam. Film editing: Anthony Harvey. Music: Laurie Johnson. 
In 1964, Stanley Kubrick told us that the world would end not with a whimper but a "Yeehaaa!" And given the bullying and posturing jingoism currently on display in American politics, he may have been right. A lot of Dr. Strangelove has dated: There is no Soviet Union anymore, and the arms race has gone underground (where it may be more dangerous than ever). Some of the gags in the script by Kubrick, Peter George, and Terry Southern have gone stale, such as the jokey character names: Jack D. Ripper, "Bat" Guano, Merkin Muffley. (Although to fault Dr. Strangelove for that is as pointless as faulting Ben Jonson for naming characters in The Alchemist Sir Epicure Mammon and Doll Common. Satire loves its labels.) Where Dr. Strangelove has not dated, however, is in its attitude toward power and those who love and seek it to the point where it becomes an end in itself. Those in Kubrick's film who are capable of seeing the larger picture are ineffectual, like President Muffley (Peter Sellers) and Group Capt. Mandrake (Sellers). They are invariably steamrollered by those in pursuit of the immediate goal, like Gen. Ripper (Sterling Hayden) defending his precious bodily fluids, or Gen. Turgidson (George C. Scott) devoting himself to getting the upper hand on the Russkies, even to the extent of getting our hair mussed a little, or Dr. Strangelove (Sellers) himself, enraptured by the wonders of military technology. But the film really works by Kubrick's mastery of his medium: We find ourselves, against our better judgment, rooting for the bomber crew to reach its target, thanks to the way Kubrick, with the help of film editor Anthony Harvey, manipulates our love of war movie clichés. The film is full of classic over-the-top performances, especially from Hayden and Scott, and of course Sellers's Strangelove is a touchstone mad scientist character, anticipating Edward Teller's selling Ronald Reagan on "star wars" by a couple of decades. In fact, if the film seems to have dated, it may be that reality has outstripped satire. Who could have invented Donald Trump?
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harveylembecks · 2 years
the first time i watched dr strangelove i was like why did peter sellers have such high billing if he only played mandrake? and then i looked at the wikipedia and realized he was literally two other characters. and i just rewatched dr strangelove and i was like huh? i thought he played three characters but i'm only seeing mandrake and dr strangelove. guess the third one was a small part. and i looked at the wikipedia and he was literally president muffley
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thebigshotman · 1 year
(As suspected, my “Dr. Strangelove” review got looooong 😂 It’ll be under the cut for those interested!)
Well despite it being delayed somewhat it’s time once again for my weekly movie review! Where I talk about the movie I watched this week in film class at college. This week is one I’ve wanted to see since I decided I wanted to go into film: “Dr. Strangelove, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”, by Stanley Kubrick. I wanted to watch any Kubrick film, really, but considering this was his one and only comedy that had a lot of interesting elements (like the same guy playing three very different people) I was the most curious to check this one out!
Dear lord, do I wish I checked it out sooner. This movie is going up there with “Everything Everywhere All at Once” and “Horse Feathers” as one of my favorite movies ever so far. I guess you can tell I have a thing for absurdist comedies lol. Anyway, the plot!
The plot is set during the Cold War, and is kickstarted when a certain General Jack the Ripper (sorry, Jack D. Ripper) orders a nuclear attack on Russia, with no reason why except for a crazy conspiracy of his about “fluids” and the fact that he used the one attack plan that would allow him to get away with it. From there, we jump between three places: Ripper’s base, one of the planes, flown by Major Kong (played by a cowboy character actor), and the Pentagon’s War Room as tensions flair in each spot. Things turn dire once it turns out Russia has a “doomsday device” that will kill everything if they are attacked, and from there the race is on to recall the bombers. But fate continually has other plans, and officials continually are utterly crazy.
Would you believe this is a satire you’re supposed to laugh at? Well you better, cause this movie was very funny indeed! True, it take 20 minutes of its 90 minute runtime to get going, but once it does it doesn’t let go til the strains of “We’ll Meet Again” by Vera Lynn. Let’s start with the names as to why. General Jack D Ripper. General Buck Turgidson. President Merkin (…yes really) Muffley. Premier Dimitri Kissoff. And of course Dr. Strangelove himself. These are just some of the names that are treated with complete normalcy in this movie. And they aren’t the funniest thing by a long shot.
The acting is superb. All three of Peter Sellers’ characters, though very different, all get moments to shine (Strangelove, the ending scene, Muffley, the phone call to Russia, Lionel Mandrake, the gambit to call the president about the plane recall code). George C Scott as Turgidson was trolled by Kubrick into giving the scenery chewing performance he does but by god is the movie better for it. And Sterling Hayden as Ripper is deadly serious and sane-seeming at all times, perfectly at odds with his bizarre logic. Even Slim Pickens as Kong gets a few moments, especially the famous scene where he rides a bomb to the ground like a cowboy on a horse at a rodeo.
The look of the movie was really good, too, particularly the giant War Room (I honestly wish it was real, like as a museum exhibit or something). The script, of course, is awesome as well, with amazing line after amazing line (“Gentlemen, you can’t fight here! This is the War Room!”). But above all the thing that’s most amazing is how dry and audacious this movie’s sense of humor is. From Strangelove’s tongue slipping as he calls the President “Mein Fuher” to Muffley’s “if this wasn’t a friendly call you probably wouldn’t have even got it”, I can’t really imagine any comedy or satire today saying or doing half of this stuff. Imagine the reaction it got when it first came out and all of this was still going on! You could argue it still is, but I digress.
If I were to compare this movie to stuff that’s more modern my top two contenders would be “Airplane” and “Don’t Look Up”, but even then it’s not a straight one-to-one comparison. Both this movie and “Airplane” have actors acting dead serious while they say and do funny stuff, sure, but even in its most hilarious moments it’s not balls-to-the-wall like “Airplane”. “Don’t Look Up”, meanwhile, treats its doomsday ending very seriously (like it even gave me pause for a few minutes). While this one doesn’t even give it thought. “Oh, the world just ended? Here’s a cheerful song!”
What I mean by that is that I don’t think there’s really anything else completely like this movie out there, and it’s all the better for it. If you don’t mind military-precision humor that expects you to laugh at the more-than-ever very real possibility of the world ending, I highly recommend this movie! I would absolutely watch it again. If “learning to love the bomb” is a metaphor for learning to laugh at mistakes and the absurdity of life I think this movie is helping me get there lol
Anyway, enough rambling! Cause I could definitely ramble more about this one. Next week is another Kubrick movie! “2001: A Space Odyssey”. I’ve heard mixed things about it but I’m going to go in with an open mind and see what I think! My review of that will probably be the next time you hear from me, as like I said I’m not coming back just yet in order to focus on midterms. But I will be back soon!
Thank you for sticking to the end and reading all of this lol. We’ll meet again some sunny day soon, as the song so nearly went, and I’ll talk to you all then!
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George C Scott was so good 😆 Shame he had to be duped to give this amazing performance but still!
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joespinell · 2 months
this is my uber driver we’re gonna crash 😭
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President Muffley Kiss later fancam <3
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computersucker · 2 months
im president muffley and im walter skinner
the slapping his bald spot while i hit it from the back brothers
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bendtsenschou80 · 3 months
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Cycling duo Neil Fachie and Craig Maclean took gold within the males's B2 tandem dash. Shooter Drew Christie gained silver within the men's skeet event. Frankie Jones had earlier gained Wales' first gold of the Video games within the rhythmic gymnastics' ribbon occasion, whereas cyclist Peter Kennaugh gained the Isle of Man's first medal, taking silver within the men's points race. President Muffley (Peter Sellers) breaks up a brawl between his general and the Soviet ambassador, admonishing them not to struggle within the Struggle Room. James Dean stars as Jim Stark, a troubled child whose bickering mother and father are "tearing him apart. This is the War Room!" in the Cold Battle satire "Dr. Strangelove"?
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