#pretend im on time for the last intruality week day 😌✨
rataticaisdreaming ¡ 11 months
day 7 - dancing & now or never @intrualityweek
Summary: Patton decides it’s now or never to ask Remus to spend some time with him.
Pairing: Platonic Intruality (he/him for both)
Word Count: 1319
Warnings: Intrusive Thoughts / Decapitated head / Blood
The more Remus hanged out with the others, the more Patton realized that maybe, maybe, Remus wasn’t the worst like he initially thought, and now he wanted to hang out with him and had no idea how to ask. 
He started to practice what he could say by talking to the air, all while he walked towards the duke’s room.
“Hey! Do you wanna help with dinner?” he said, realizing the gremlin was banned from the kitchen. 
“Mmm… I was thinking you could show me the imagination?” that was not going to happen, he was terrified to go! Roman’s side was unpredictable enough, he didn’t want to think about what Remus’ side would be like.
“Let’s play a game!” nope, he learned from Virgil that was a terrible thing to say to the duke.
When he finally reached the green door, he started to panic. He looked down at his feet, hands sweaty and thinking those are some cute barnacles. Barnacles aren’t cute, Patton! Remus’ door had water stains, tiny barnacles and marks that looked very similar to claw marks, but he decided they were definitely not claw marks. So no, the door was not cute! Maybe it was a little bit.
It’s not like he was scared, he and Remus had been spending some time bonding and truly, it was kind of a good time. Janus had given him a look that said he was finally able to pawn the kraken to someone else, and Patton didn’t mind! In fact, he was more than happy to spend more time with Remus, that’s what this whole thing was about! Nervous. He was nervous, he realized as he started to fidget with his paw sleeves.
Maybe… He should just go. 
It’s not like Remus wanted to see him anyways, he probably had better things to do… But he wanted to see Remus, he came all this way and there was no turning back! He worked all his courage up for this and hey, maybe he will just decline and that’s okay! Just because he doesn't want to spend time with him now, doesn’t mean he won't accept the offer in the future!
Come on, Patton! You’ve got this! It’s now or never and you know it! Just knock on the door and everything will be A-OK!
He took a deep breath and shakily knocked six times, ruining the cheerful tune due to how nervous he was.
After the disruptive knock on the door, he waited, and he waited a little bit more. This was a mistake. Why would he answer the door, there was nothing important he needed to say. Maybe he was asleep, sometimes Virgil takes naps in the afternoon, sometimes he takes naps too. What if he recognized Patton’s signature knock and he is purposely pretending to not have heard the door, waiting to hear footsteps walking away… What if he hates me, what if he thinks I’m being rude or trying to make fun of him for asking him to spend time with me. The spiral of thoughts were cut off by the door slowly creaking open, hinges screaming in agony. The bottom of the door dragged blood across the floor as it opened in a sickening display. It didn’t open completely. This confused the moral side who, a little bit scared, leaned forward to look inside for any sign of the duke.
“Remus…? Are you in there?” no answer. “I just wanted to ask you something, nothing to lose your head over, don’t worry!”
The first response he got were wet sticky sounds coming from inside the room. Patton leaned back to the hall, happy there was someone, and hopefully not something, inside the room.
Remus’ decapitated head bounced its way outside the room to meet Patton, leaving splats of blue blood that mixed with the red blood on the floor. 
Patton jumped a little at the sight of the beloved devilish grinning head looking up at him, but to both his and Remus’ surprise… He wasn’t scared, he didn’t feel disgusted or feel any ill feelings towards the stunt.
No. He laughed. 
Giggles filled the empty hall, shoulders relaxed and the grinning head turned its expression to one of annoyance.
“Oh, Remus! That is awesome!” he said in between giggles and tugs of his cat sleeves.
Remus stared at him for a few seconds, smile now looking out of place with the new annoyed, confused frown. His headless body came to pick up the head, cradling it in his arms like a trophy.
“It’s not funny if it doesn’t scare you, you know?” the head said, smile replaced with a childish pout.
“Hmhmhm! I think it’s good, it means you'll have to come up with new ideas to scare me!” he said genuinely, despite not really looking forward to the heart attacks he would have in the future.
Remus didn’t look fully convinced by that, but he resigned and put his head back on. Lazily resting the side of his body against the door frame, he looked at Patton with squinting eyes.
“What are you here for?”
Oh. Right. He came here for a reason.
It was so easy to forget everything when you were around the duke, it all felt light-hearted and drama free. It was silly and, to be honest, a breath of fresh air. His mistakes were not looked down upon, instead, they were turned into sympathetic jokes and a playful punch on the shoulder. They shared a similar sense of humor. No butt of the joke (heh, butt), just funny phrases and nonsensical word play that had nothing to do with the topic at hand, but hey, it made them giggle.
That’s why it was so easy to hang around him. If you didn't think much of the gruesome commentary and simply enjoyed the moment… Remus was one hell of a friend.
Which is why he was here. He wanted to be his friend.
“I was wondering…” he started, looking at his, fingers crossed, new friend. “If you wanted to play DDR before dinner?”
“You mean the same DDR Jan and I have been using behind your back?” the gremlin said, smiling gremlinly.
“Yeah! I thought we could play some songs and then chill out in the bean bags while we wait! You know, just catching up. After dinner we could watch a movie! Any movie! Well, not any movie, just one you think would be appropriate for me, you know? And I mean it’s totally okay if you don’t want to! I just thought that maybe, and only if you want to, we could spend some time together?” 
Remus stood there, blinking and processing the rant he just heard. So many questions and ideas… Patton was sure he messed it up, he should’ve gone slower. Simpler. Now the duke would never want to spend time with him, he was too awkward! There was no way he accepted.
Except there was.
“Really?” he asked carefully.
“Oh yeah! I have literally nothing to break, steal and/or poison so… I’m free!”
Patton lit up and with bouncy steps, guided Remus towards his room.
“Are you still stealing things from Roman?” he asked, looking at the demented, yet endearing, red eyes of his new, official, friend.
Friend. He was his friend! Well, not like he had explicitly said he was or anything, but it was implied! Besides, all good lasting friendships start with intense dance battles, serious discussions about whether or not cereal is a soup (they both agreed it was), annoying Logan time and falling asleep cuddling each other, after swearing to Thomas himself they wouldn’t fall asleep on their Lord of the Rings movie marathon.
Perhaps not every friendship started that way. Maybe they were not your usual duo, but that would make them special. It would make their relationship theirs and Patton was very happy it was that way.
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