#had so much fun with this one!!! 💙💚
rataticaisdreaming · 11 months
day 7 - dancing & now or never @intrualityweek
Summary: Patton decides it’s now or never to ask Remus to spend some time with him.
Pairing: Platonic Intruality (he/him for both)
Word Count: 1319
Warnings: Intrusive Thoughts / Decapitated head / Blood
The more Remus hanged out with the others, the more Patton realized that maybe, maybe, Remus wasn’t the worst like he initially thought, and now he wanted to hang out with him and had no idea how to ask. 
He started to practice what he could say by talking to the air, all while he walked towards the duke’s room.
“Hey! Do you wanna help with dinner?” he said, realizing the gremlin was banned from the kitchen. 
 I was thinking you could show me the imagination?” that was not going to happen, he was terrified to go! Roman’s side was unpredictable enough, he didn’t want to think about what Remus’ side would be like.
“Let’s play a game!” nope, he learned from Virgil that was a terrible thing to say to the duke.
When he finally reached the green door, he started to panic. He looked down at his feet, hands sweaty and thinking those are some cute barnacles. Barnacles aren’t cute, Patton! Remus’ door had water stains, tiny barnacles and marks that looked very similar to claw marks, but he decided they were definitely not claw marks. So no, the door was not cute! Maybe it was a little bit.
It’s not like he was scared, he and Remus had been spending some time bonding and truly, it was kind of a good time. Janus had given him a look that said he was finally able to pawn the kraken to someone else, and Patton didn’t mind! In fact, he was more than happy to spend more time with Remus, that’s what this whole thing was about! Nervous. He was nervous, he realized as he started to fidget with his paw sleeves.
 He should just go. 
It’s not like Remus wanted to see him anyways, he probably had better things to do
 But he wanted to see Remus, he came all this way and there was no turning back! He worked all his courage up for this and hey, maybe he will just decline and that’s okay! Just because he doesn't want to spend time with him now, doesn’t mean he won't accept the offer in the future!
Come on, Patton! You’ve got this! It’s now or never and you know it! Just knock on the door and everything will be A-OK!
He took a deep breath and shakily knocked six times, ruining the cheerful tune due to how nervous he was.
After the disruptive knock on the door, he waited, and he waited a little bit more. This was a mistake. Why would he answer the door, there was nothing important he needed to say. Maybe he was asleep, sometimes Virgil takes naps in the afternoon, sometimes he takes naps too. What if he recognized Patton’s signature knock and he is purposely pretending to not have heard the door, waiting to hear footsteps walking away
 What if he hates me, what if he thinks I’m being rude or trying to make fun of him for asking him to spend time with me. The spiral of thoughts were cut off by the door slowly creaking open, hinges screaming in agony. The bottom of the door dragged blood across the floor as it opened in a sickening display. It didn’t open completely. This confused the moral side who, a little bit scared, leaned forward to look inside for any sign of the duke.
? Are you in there?” no answer. “I just wanted to ask you something, nothing to lose your head over, don’t worry!”
The first response he got were wet sticky sounds coming from inside the room. Patton leaned back to the hall, happy there was someone, and hopefully not something, inside the room.
Remus’ decapitated head bounced its way outside the room to meet Patton, leaving splats of blue blood that mixed with the red blood on the floor. 
Patton jumped a little at the sight of the beloved devilish grinning head looking up at him, but to both his and Remus’ surprise
 He wasn’t scared, he didn’t feel disgusted or feel any ill feelings towards the stunt.
No. He laughed. 
Giggles filled the empty hall, shoulders relaxed and the grinning head turned its expression to one of annoyance.
“Oh, Remus! That is awesome!” he said in between giggles and tugs of his cat sleeves.
Remus stared at him for a few seconds, smile now looking out of place with the new annoyed, confused frown. His headless body came to pick up the head, cradling it in his arms like a trophy.
“It’s not funny if it doesn’t scare you, you know?” the head said, smile replaced with a childish pout.
“Hmhmhm! I think it’s good, it means you'll have to come up with new ideas to scare me!” he said genuinely, despite not really looking forward to the heart attacks he would have in the future.
Remus didn’t look fully convinced by that, but he resigned and put his head back on. Lazily resting the side of his body against the door frame, he looked at Patton with squinting eyes.
“What are you here for?”
Oh. Right. He came here for a reason.
It was so easy to forget everything when you were around the duke, it all felt light-hearted and drama free. It was silly and, to be honest, a breath of fresh air. His mistakes were not looked down upon, instead, they were turned into sympathetic jokes and a playful punch on the shoulder. They shared a similar sense of humor. No butt of the joke (heh, butt), just funny phrases and nonsensical word play that had nothing to do with the topic at hand, but hey, it made them giggle.
That’s why it was so easy to hang around him. If you didn't think much of the gruesome commentary and simply enjoyed the moment
 Remus was one hell of a friend.
Which is why he was here. He wanted to be his friend.
“I was wondering
” he started, looking at his, fingers crossed, new friend. “If you wanted to play DDR before dinner?”
“You mean the same DDR Jan and I have been using behind your back?” the gremlin said, smiling gremlinly.
“Yeah! I thought we could play some songs and then chill out in the bean bags while we wait! You know, just catching up. After dinner we could watch a movie! Any movie! Well, not any movie, just one you think would be appropriate for me, you know? And I mean it’s totally okay if you don’t want to! I just thought that maybe, and only if you want to, we could spend some time together?” 
Remus stood there, blinking and processing the rant he just heard. So many questions and ideas
 Patton was sure he messed it up, he should’ve gone slower. Simpler. Now the duke would never want to spend time with him, he was too awkward! There was no way he accepted.
Except there was.
“Really?” he asked carefully.
“Oh yeah! I have literally nothing to break, steal and/or poison so
 I’m free!”
Patton lit up and with bouncy steps, guided Remus towards his room.
“Are you still stealing things from Roman?” he asked, looking at the demented, yet endearing, red eyes of his new, official, friend.
Friend. He was his friend! Well, not like he had explicitly said he was or anything, but it was implied! Besides, all good lasting friendships start with intense dance battles, serious discussions about whether or not cereal is a soup (they both agreed it was), annoying Logan time and falling asleep cuddling each other, after swearing to Thomas himself they wouldn’t fall asleep on their Lord of the Rings movie marathon.
Perhaps not every friendship started that way. Maybe they were not your usual duo, but that would make them special. It would make their relationship theirs and Patton was very happy it was that way.
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acacia-may · 2 years
From The Ground Up
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Description: The last thing Langris wants is to intrude on Lady Finesse’s birthday. When she asks him to stay and spend the afternoon with her, however, he can’t find it in him to deny her—even if he can’t understand why she wouldn’t rather just spend her birthday with Finral and his perfect gift. He has always felt wedged into their story where he didn’t belong, but he might just discover that he is the only one who feels this way. Maybe there is a place for him in the story after all

Rating: G
Warnings: Langris is an unreliable narrator (and just being Langris I guess...)
Fandom: Black Clover
Genre: Friendship Fluff, Much Deserved Warm & Fuzzies, and Slight Hurt/Comfort (thanks to Langris the unreliable narrator)
Characters: Langris Vaude, Finesse Calmreich, & Finral Roulacase
Part of the Friendsgiving Event 2022 Series But Stands Alone
Word Count: 2079
Link to AO3. Thank you for reading!!
“Oh! They’re beautiful.” 
Langris stopped as soon as he turned the corner into Lady Finesse’s favourite part of the garden. He gripped the handles of the bag he had brought with him until his knuckles turned white as he watched her face light up—positively beaming at his brother and the large bouquet of freshly cut lilies and roses he had brought to her. 
“Thank you so much,” she continued as she gazed at the flowers admiringly. “You’re very thoughtful.” 
“Thank you. I—I’m glad you like them, Lady Finesse,” said Finral with a slight smile and a tint of pink in his cheeks, Langris presumed, from being complimented. As neither Lady Finesse nor Finral had seemed to notice him yet, he wondered if it might just be best if he left before they knew he had even been there. They seemed to be having a wonderful time without his intrusion and
He didn’t get to finish that thought as Lady Finesse said, “I’ll go get a vase for these right away” and turned the corner almost directly into him. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled, not nearly so brightly as before, perhaps, but politely enough. “Langris, what a pleasant surprise.” 
“Good afternoon, Lady Finesse,” he replied curtly before he stared at his feet feeling rather sheepish for having been caught lurking around her garden.
“Langris is here?” asked Finral running over to them. “Hi Langris! I didn’t know you were coming too.” Langris sighed but resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He could say the same thing about Finral, but as they were both here now, he supposed they would have to make the best of it. 
“I apologize—I didn’t mean to intrude. I was just passing by and wanted to wish you a happy birthday.” That was a lie of course, and Langris could only hope the blush he felt rising in his cheeks wouldn’t betray him on this point. If it did, Lady Finesse gave no indication of it and instead offered a polite, kind smile. 
“How kind of you. Thank you. Now that you’re here won’t you stay for tea?” 
Finral looked over at him expectantly, but Langris shook his head. Langris was sure Lady Finesse was only being polite, and he didn’t want to overstay his welcome or dampen her afternoon with his and his brother’s discord. Though they tried their best to be civil with each other around her, Langris knew it had always upset her that they had never gotten along very well. “Thank you, Lady Finesse, but I don’t think I should. I don’t want to interrupt.”
“You’re not interrupting,” she reassured him, and Finral nodded emphatically in agreement. “Please stay.” 
Langris sighed. Lady Finesse asked for so very little that he struggled to say no to any rare request she made of him on any occasion but especially on her birthday. If she wanted him to stay for tea with her and his brother—though he couldn’t for the life of him imagine why—he wasn’t going to deny her. He sighed again but conceded with a slight shrug of his shoulders, “Alright.” 
Finral, at least, looked particularly thrilled and pulled a chair for him over to the table where they had been sitting.
“You can set your things down anywhere you like,” said Lady Finesse seemingly noticing the bag Langris was carrying. “There’s a bench over there or I could take them inside for you.” 
“Please don’t trouble yourself, Lady Finesse,” Langris replied though his words got a little muddled as his brother talked over him on impulse. 
“Oh, don’t worry, Lady Finesse, I can portal them inside for you.” He quickly made a shiny, shimmery portal and stuck his hand through. “I can get a vase for those flowers too,” he added as he pulled a crystal vase out of the portal, and Lady Finesse set the large bouquet of flowers inside it. It was even more extravagant close up, Langris thought. Such a lavish bouquet must have cost Finral a small fortune, and the flowers were so beautiful. Truly a perfect gift. Langris pursed his lips together and gripped the bag handles tighter. 
“Langris do you want me to take that—?” Finral stopped as Langris jerked away from him with the bag and shook his head. Finral tilted his head in confusion before a smile spread between his cheeks. “Oh, is it a gift?” 
Gritting his teeth, Langris glowered at his brother, and his cheeks grew embarrassingly warm. He supposed it would be ruder to lie that he hadn’t brought a gift at all than to have to admit that he brought something so stupid and ridiculous when compared to Finral’s flowers. As much as Langris hated to admit it, Finral had a knack for gift giving he himself didn’t possess. He had agonized over what to get for Lady Finesse’s birthday for weeks and had, admittedly, even considered a bouquet of cut flowers like his brother had gotten. He had decided against them in the end, however, and had actually been excited about what he had chosen instead which seemed so unbelievably stupid to him now. 
“Yes, but you don’t have to worry about opening it now, Lady Finesse” or ever, his mind finished for him. “It’s nothing really.” The sweat on his palms made the handles of the bag stick to his hands as he tried to give it to her. 
“I’m sure it’s lovely, Langris, but you really didn’t have to get me anything.” 
Langris sighed. He was wishing he just hadn’t gotten her anything, but it was too late for that now. Finral, it seemed, couldn’t quite contain his curiosity though he tried to be polite and not overtly look into the bag. Instead, he waited patiently as Lady Finesse slowly pulled out three small pots of dirt with the smallest sprigs of green poking out of them. 
Langris took a deep breath and stared at the ground. This wasn’t at all how he had imagined this moment, and his head was racing with everything he could have—should have—done differently to avoid it. If only he had just been more like Finral and bought her the cut flowers he had originally visited the florist shop to buy. He had been there for hours—wandering through rows and rows of flowers wondering which would be best for a birthday bouquet but all the while thinking about how they’re such temporary things. Beautiful for a time, but not something Lady Finesse would get to enjoy in the long run. He wished he could get her something that would last. 
“They’re seedlings
for your garden
” he answered as curtly as he could—hoping Lady Finesse wouldn’t notice the flush in his cheeks. In the silence that followed, Langris shuffled his feet. He knew that his gift paled in comparison to Finral’s, and, truthfully, Langris thought that was just as well, seeing as he himself had always paled in comparison to Finral in Lady Finesse’s opinion. She was polite enough never to voice this opinion to him directly, of course, but he knew—had always known—that she genuinely liked Finral and enjoyed his company whereas she merely tolerated him at best and hated him at worst and possibly most likely. If Langris was being completely honest, he wouldn’t blame her if she did. After all, there were times that he didn’t even like himself so he couldn’t begin to expect anyone else to, especially someone good, someone gentle and kindhearted like Lady Finesse
like his brother
Langris swallowed hard and pushed the thought away, reminding himself it was much better to be tolerated than to be invisible. Though truthfully, in a moment like this, he almost wished he was, in fact, invisible. 
“But please don’t feel obligated to—” Langris began to add before Lady Finesse gently cut him off.    
“Oh, they’re wonderful, Langris. Thank you!” The genuine, almost-infectious joy in her voice coaxed Langris to look up at her. She was staring at one of the little pots just as admiringly as she had stared at Finral’s flowers—with a bright smile that reached her eyes. Langris suddenly realized why his brother had blushed earlier when Lady Finesse had loved his present so dearly. 
As his cheeks grew warm again, his mouth twitched in the corners, and he mumbled, “You’re welcome. I’m
glad you like them.” 
Finral was positively beaming though for the life of him, Langris couldn’t imagine what his brother had to be so excited about. “We can help you plant them this afternoon, if you’d like Lady Finesse,” he suggested. 
Lady Finesse’s face seemed to light up. “I’d love that. If you don’t mind, of course.” 
“Not at all.” Finral nodded at her with an emphatic reassurance before he began prattling on about where Lady Finesse might want to plant the new flowers. His brother’s cheeks flushed pink as she clasped onto his hand, and they began to walk off towards another corner of the garden. Langris smiled slightly after them but stayed in his seat, taking this as his cue not to follow after them. There was no place for him in the bond between Finral and Lady Finesse. He was and had always been on the periphery of it all—exactly where Lady Finesse had put him years before when she had made it clear that she thought Finral was the better magic knight, the better person. He had no resentment towards her for it though. She was far too kind to be resented and the fact of the matter was, it made him more sad than angry—to be wedged into their story where he didn’t belong. 
“Langris.” Lady Finesse stopped—her arm outstretched as her hand still held onto Finral’s a few steps ahead of her. “Aren’t you coming too?” 
Langris shook his head. “You two go on ahead. I don’t want to—” He didn’t finish that thought as his attention was suddenly taken by Lady Finesse holding out her other hand to him. 
“Please, Langris. These were your gift, and it was so thoughtful. I’d love to have you help me plant them.” She smiled at him and met his eyes. “Please?” 
“Yes, please, Langris. It will be fun, and you know I’m terrible at gardening. We need you,” said Finral with a smile before holding out his other hand as well. 
Blinking in almost a disbelief, Langris turned his attention back to Lady Finesse’s and Finral’s outstretched hands. A slight smile twitched in the corners of his mouth. “Alright,” he conceded as he rose from his seat—reaching out for their hands with flushed cheeks. He quickly let go of Finral’s so they wouldn’t be walking in an impractical circle, but Lady Finesse gave his hand a quick, gentle squeeze as if asking him to hold onto hers. He did, and her smile seemed to grow even brighter as she walked off towards that corner of her garden holding Finral’s hand in one hand and Langris’ in the other. 
Langris couldn’t help but smile himself as he watched how her bright smile stayed in place all afternoon—how she laughed and laughed when Langris’ spade had unintentionally flung a piece of dirt at Finral’s face and when Finral had entertained them at tea with the story of how that tiny glutton had accidentally fed his squad a soup made from magical mushrooms that made them all sing everything for nearly two days. Even Langris had had to stifle his own laughter then, causing Lady Finesse to laugh even harder. They stayed there laughing, chatting, gardening, and drinking tea together for hours—completely losing track of the time until the sun began to set. 
When they began to say their goodbyes, Lady Finesse pulled him aside to thank him once again for the plants for her garden. 
“It was nothing,” Langris muttered, shuffling his feet. 
“And thank you for coming today too,” she added before turning to Finral as well. “Both of you! I’m so glad I got to spend my birthday with you.” 
A tint of pink filled Langris’ cheeks as she beamed at them, at both of them. Even looking back on it years later, Langris could have sworn that Lady Finesse had never looked so happy as she did when she spent her birthday with him and his brother. And perhaps, Langris himself had never been so happy either. 
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universalcas · 2 years
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kurishiri · 3 months
official IkeVil JP twitter role-played with fans as Roger
translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties. Please reblog, not repost!
and here are some of my favorite responses and some tidbits about Roger (and some others, through his eyes) đŸ„č👌 also I wouldn’t consider these spoilers; they’re more like bite sized fun facts you might find in a random scene in some random side story or event or something lmao also I don’t like the green gun emoji on my phone so I’m using the beer one instead.
1. Roger is trying to get along with Alfons (it’s not working so well though I guess, haha)
💬: Roger!! Have you been getting along with Alfons recently?
đŸ»: That’s always my intention, but whenever I see him he gives me a kind of disgusted look. So maybe he’s just shy or something.
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2. maybe Victor is trying to get everyone drunk
💬: Roger, have you gone out to drink with Victor before?
đŸ»: I don’t think Victor really drinks outside. If anything, he’s the one bringing some good booze back to Crown for us. Could it be — he’s scheming something and trying to get us drunk?
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3. Roger can crack a joke 😂👌
💬: I kind of just ate this without knowing what that liquid is, but what is it, actually? đŸ§Ș
đŸ»: That’s a love potion. If you drink it you won’t be able to think about anything but me——just kidding.
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4. Roger and Ellis are the strongest!
💬: Who is the strongest in Crown?
đŸ»: Me, followed by Ellis. You wanna compare our strength now with an arm wrestle? Though I reckon you wouldn’t be able to win against me even if you used both hands.
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5. Roger’s worst fight with Alfons
💬: Please tell us the worst episode of a fight you’ve had with Alfons〜!!
đŸ»: Once during a mission we got into an argument where Al and I almost died — that day I’ve never seen Victor look that quietly angry before.
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6. drinking with William! (they’re the older bros of the group)
💬: What do you talk about with William when you drink with him?
đŸ»: Will knows a lot, so we’ll talk about all sorts of stuff. Like how Victor’s overworking himself, or how Jude’s got bad feet, or how Liam hurt himself again——wait, what are we, their guardians?
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7. Alfons bombed the drinking date
💬: Hey Roger, what sweets do you like? Other than Alfons’ scone.
đŸȘž: Are we talking about me? Oh, that’s my handmade scone that I put a lot of love into. Don’t you feel naughty with just one bite? What do you think is in it?
đŸ»: Hey, you, get out and go somewhere else already.
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8. drinking with Elbie!
💬: Have you drank with Lord Elbert before? đŸ„șđŸ»đŸ’šđŸ’™
đŸ»: I have, yes. But I can never tell whether he’s drunk or not.
đŸȘž: That’s because he always looks drunk.
đŸ»: Oy, Al, what are you doing here? Tonight’s supposed to be just me and the lil lady, so don’t get in the way like that. Shoo shoo!
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9. Roger doesn’t just drink beer (surprise surprise!)
💬: What do you like to drink other than beer?
đŸ»: I also drink whisky, though I always prefer beer. What about you, lil lady?
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10. Roger comforts you after a long day of work
💬: Roger, I finally finished work

đŸ»: There, there, you did well. I remember your efforts very well. Good job today.
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11. Jude and drinking, according to Roger
💬: When you’re drinking with Jude, have you seen him when drunk before? I want to know what he’s like when he’s drunk.
đŸ»: Can’t say I’ve seen him drunk before. It seems like that guy always got a calm look on his face, no matter how much he drinks.
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12. what Ellis is like when drunk
💬: Cheers! I have a question, what is Ellis like when drunk?
đŸ»: Ellis isn’t that weak to alcohol
 but he becomes a bit more fluffy than normal, I guess. But he can walk back to the castle just fine.
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13. trying to get Ellis drunk
💬: I heard Ellis is a little weak to alcohol. Have you taken care of him when he was drunk? Also how many cups does it take for him to become drunk?
đŸ»: Pfft, haha
 Are you trying to get Ellis drunk? I’ll have you know Ellis is like a cute younger brother to me, so I won’t tell. I have taken care of him though——let’s leave it at that.
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14. who can hold their alcohol in Crown?
💬: Who is the worst at holding their alcohol in Crown?
đŸ»: I think everyone in Crown is pretty good at holding their alcohol. But should we put that to the test? 
No way, this really isn’t for me to gather information on them?
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15. he be takin care of Crown when they’re drunk
💬: Who do you drink with most often? And have you taken care of someone when they got drunk!?
đŸ»: Taking care of someone
 Ellis — no, Al, maybe? Oh, and also Jude
 whoops, can’t say any more than that, or he’ll be after me.
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16. what Harry drinks
💬: I always get the impression Harry drinks strawberry milk a lot, but when it comes to alcohol, what does he drink? I want to know 🩊🍾
đŸ»: Harry likes whisky soda. It goes well with chocolate, and I’ve seen him eating it together with the drink. Noww then, now that I’ve told you some important information, you’ll stop that lying fox from eating too much sweets for me, won’t you?
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17. Roger’s advice for those who simp to the point of illness 😆
💬: My friends love you to the point they might be a little ill, Roger. They love you so much it’s too much for me to handle. Is there medicine to make them feel better?
đŸ»: I can introduce you to a doctor I know who has some good medicine. Want me to? His name’s Roger Barel.
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18. he cooks?!?!
💬: I want to eat a meat entree with you, Roger! (this is sausage and roast pork that I made) đŸ˜‹đŸœïžđŸ„©âœš What’s your favorite type of meat? And what other foods do you like?
đŸ»: I would say steak, but any meat is good. But I also like salty things too. Sometimes I make things that go well with alcohol. Want some?
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19. oh..? 😳
💬: Yippeeee✹✹✹ it’s everyone’s older brother Roger!! Congrats on your main story🎉💕 I really look forward to this summer! (I have 🩑 with beer)
đŸ»: You have as much excitement as Victor! For sure, look forward to it. I’ll make it a summer you won’t ever forget.
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20. Roger’s recommended drinks
💬: I want to know your drink recommendations!
đŸ»: Mine is beer, beer, and more beer. Ah, having some ginger ale in between seems pretty good too.
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21. he drinks with Ellis and Jude often!
💬: Out of the members of Crown, who have you been drinking with recently? Have you drank with them several times
! đŸ»âœš
đŸ»: I go out to drink with Jude and Ellis quite a bit. Well, I think I prefer drinking together with you the most though.
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22. he loves meat at the end of the day eheh
💬: I’m thinking of drinking with you tonightđŸ» What do you eat (snack) with alcohol? I’m thinking chips goes well.
đŸ»: My favorite is salty meat. But chips go well with beer too. Should we order some?
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23. Roger’s advice for those who just turn the legal age
💬: I’ve turned the legal age, what do you recommend for a first timer
? Was your first drink a beer
đŸ»: At first, you should go for drinks that don’t have high alcohol content to see if you can drink it or not. Other than that, drink together with someone. For example, with me. And of course, the first drink I had was beer!
24. Roger’s favorite drinking partner is
💬: Is there anyone you want to drink alone with?? What types of things would you talk about with them!?✹
đŸ»: The one drinking in front of me, right now.
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dearfish · 5 months
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Here's my piece for @ikesorenzine 💙💚
I had so much fun making this one, RD is probably my favourite FE game ever and IkeSoren will always have a special place in my heart;;
Remember leftover sales will be open until 5/10!
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gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Can you write jason todd with ftm reader where he defends him from transphobia in public? I need my big beefy boyfriend to beat up transphobes for me pls. Thanks and happy pride â€ïžđŸ§ĄđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’™đŸ’œ
Jason Todd x FTM reader
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idc what anyone says, gotham knights Jason is beautiful to me
Hallo zusammen. Happy pride. My teacher decided last second to change everything about my next exam, so ive been stressing. So to make myself feel better, here’s some Jason going to pride with his BF.
As much as Gotham is a shithole filled to the gills with crime, its got a large demographic of LGBT. Even the heroes and villains are somewhere on that spectrum, which also means none of them target the local pride parades.
But like any pride parade, there are bigots at the sidelines. Now, Gothamites don’t do stupid well, so most are sent packing before they can even start up with their usual theatrics. Are you gonna yell homophobic slurs at poison ivy? Or when Killer Croc is walking by wearing rainbow streamers?
That doesn’t mean there aren’t stupid that sticks around. They are rarely locals, since even the most hateful locals know not to be dumb enough to cause a ruckus the one place the villains and vigilantes get along and have the same goal.
Not every hero was suited up though, seeing as you and Jason were walking side by side along with everyone else. Jason was wearing a less flashy outfit, mainly because he doesn’t do bright colors too much, but your sexuality and gender were more out in the open.
At least obvious enough for some hateful person to spot that you’re trans. And since you look like an easy target, amongst Gothamites at least, they decide to focus on you with their hateful rhetoric.
Insults weren’t anything new slung around Gotham, a city where you would get called a bad nickname more than your actual name. but it was never focused on something like your gender, your sexuality, or your race. It would be something like the fact that you wore ugly shoes, or that you ate weird.
which was why it catching the attention of more than just your boyfriend when the transphobic slurs get thrown at you. Apparently, you freezing up at the slurs seem like a win to these people, as they start yelling and jeering at you even more.
 Surprisingly it isn’t Jason that throws the first punch. Its some random chick wearing a lesbian flag over her shoulders and purple ladder laced boots. Her punch seems to unleash what everyone had been holding in, not wanting to give these bigots any attention.
Jason gets his own punches in of course, specifically targeting the people that had been yelling slurs at you. And as much as you hate this city sometimes, seeing people from all across the board come together to beat up bigots seems like its as unified as Gotham is ever gonna get.
Some other people wearing pride flags or colors come to check up on you, but you are honestly too busy watching Jason throw a guy with an offensive sign across the pavement.
The other people nod approvingly at your boyfriend. Fun to think Jason, the most Gotham guy you know, gets the approval from the Gotham gays.
When Jason comes back, he’s still jittery, his blood clearly rushing from the confrontation, but a couple of kisses and thank you gets him to settle down for the most part. He ends up more colorful than he would like, being given flower crowns and different lanyards and sashes. But hearing you laugh is enough to make him put up with it.
And if you’re wondering where the heroes were? Well, they just happen to have been busy with something else, even if Red Robin had been sitting on the ledge of a building, wearing his own pride flag the entire time.
You and Jason can both tell he won’t hear the end of this when you guys get home later. At the end of the day, the hateful speech doesn’t weigh too much on you, knowing that not just Jason, but Gotham as a whole, would chew up and spit anyone out who tried it.
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jaythes1mp · 13 days
I loved the way you wrote the Goldfish! Reader one shot I was surprised you wrote it so fast but excited! You could’ve taken your time with writing but it had me giddy when I was reading it!
This idea popped up again in my head from where you said that Conner would have to break the news to Damian about the goldfish reader not being there and it’s a fake fish that looks real similar.
During lunch:
Conner who barley had any classes with Damian that day and only could meet with him during lunch: H hey buddy you know that’s not goldfish! Reader right?
Damian who’s feeding the fish: hmm what do you mean of course it’s them.
Conner who can see the little differences and maybe hear the different heartbeat or something: that’s not them
Damian realizing the differences is like: this is just a common fish?! Who could’ve- *cuts himself off realizing who and growls out* Drake!
*the common goldfish just vibing, liking the tank and food* (^.^)
Wayne Enterprises:
Tim who’s doing paper work for Bruce sneezes out of nowhere: huh wonder who’s talking about me now?
*Tim smiles at reader in goldfish form realizing it’s time to feed me opens the enclosures little lid or something dropping premium pellets in*
Tim: here you go some food! Huh it’s time for lunch for me too.
*goldfish! Reader who had been sleeping on a comfy rock perks up at the sound of fish pellets hitting the water*
Goldfish! Reader!: As much as I hate the fact that I’m like this these some really good freaking premium fish pellets *the words just come out in air bubbles*
*quickly swims to get them and eats the pellets going through the hoop that’s in the tank after that and decides to go to the filter bubbles bored swimming against the mini current letting it push them away having fun and than determined to not get pushed by said current so swims determinedly against it*
Tim watching this taking pictures that he’s definitely gonna print later: Wow look at you go!
Also another scenario Raccoon! Reader sneaking out and determined to get to the trash and is going through it when their picked up by an unamused Alfred who promptly squirts them with a water bottle as he carries them back into the manor taking and scolding them and the reader just chitters and screeches angrily at him but doesn’t attack him because he makes good food.
Raccoon! Reader: *chittering and screeching angrily in Raccoon speak* Alfred it’s in my nature to do this you can’t stop me! The other raccoons are doing it why can’t I?! You’re embarrassing me and ruining my street cred in front of them! *sees the other raccoons nearby and screeches louder chittering more embarrassed and angry* I’m not a cub / kit s not fair! *throughs up paws to cover themselves the face and grabbing their ears*
Alfred tsking carrying them by the scruff: We must take you a bath now and take out that raccoon book bag harness (like a kids child leash book bag thing) during the night! Who would like to have you first during the night to make sure you don’t escape hmm Master Richard or Master Damian? Or Master Bruce?
Raccoon! Reader: *screeches more*
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Hey ⭐! I’m good, how are you?
These are so cute!! I love your little raccoon reader scenario. If they were more lenient yans who know that you’ll come back, then that would definitely happen.
Also, RIGHT??? Goldfish facts are actually crazyy
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faefetti · 6 days
Hey Baby Dino! Ready to have some fun? .đ–„” ʁ ˖🩖.₊ âŠč.đ–„” ʁ ˖🩕
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Here by popular demand, it’s a Dino room just for you! 💚💙
Made this one with some cool little boy blues and greens but of course this room is for any little one that likes it! Featuring some yummie Dino nuggies, a soft blanket that you can throw on top of the table to make your own dino cave, plenty of dino toys to play with, a soft book for reading and stimming with lots of fun textures, some chewies to keep those dino teeth nice and sharp and of course, a dino paci to take a nap with after a full day of fun!
Sorry this one took a minute lovies! Had too much Halloween on the brain heeheeđŸ–€đŸŽƒ Remember that you can check out any of the rooms I’ve made you so far in the softroom time tag! With that being said

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sp-by-april · 1 month
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE could i get a main 4 x f!reader smut ! im obsessed with the idea of them being obsessed with her!!
You didn't say it had to be a fic, so I came up with some fun HCs! Age-wise I picked HS Senior year! I definitely went a little yandere with it. đŸ„°
Idk should I write an obsessive main four fic? It sounds like lots of fun, but it would have to be a few chapters so every character gets a meaty role. They can all share you. 😘
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Yandere!MainFour x F!Reader
STUFF THEY ALL DO: 🧡 Make lots of excuses to touch you. Their hands will always linger on you. 💚 Save any picture you post on your socials and get off to them. 💙 Invite you to everything. 💔 Fight over you like crazy. 💜 "Haha, there's a rumor going around that we're all fucking you! That's crazy as hell, right? Unless..."
KENNY 🧡 He definitely keeps an eye on you at all times. Guard dog vibes, for sure. 🧡 If it's a slow night and nothing is happening Vigilante-wise, he will sit on your roof. To keep you safe. 🧡 Will occasionally also hang out on your neighbor's roof so he can see into your bedroom. He wanted to just catch you undressing, but when he sees you masturbating, he gets hooked for sure. 🧡 Will invite himself along if he finds out you've made plans with Stan &/or Kyle. 🧡 Watches your drinks at parties. 🧡 He will bring you lots of little gifts he finds from his adventures around town. 🧡 You turn him on like no one else and he doesn't even try to hide it He is always telling you how fucking hot you are and how good you look.
KYLE 💚 He wants you so bad, it will drive him crazy. His history with girls is so bad, he's got kind of a complex. 💚 Much like Kenny, Kyle is prone to lots of staring. 💚 Will always offer to help you with homework and offer to pair up for group projects. 💚 He will send you messages (both horny and thoughtful) in the middle of the night and delete them before you wake up. 💚 Get's crazy jealous and will pick fights with any guy he sees you talking to. 💚 Will generate racy AI pics of you and masturbate them.
STAN 💙 So much longing! He'll write songs about you that will never see the light of day. 💙 Like Kyle, he is prone to writing long-ass texts about how badly he aches for you and how you make him feel. Unlike Kyle, Stan never sends them. 💙 Makes you lots of playlists and will sneak a bunch of sexy and sensual 90s/00s R&B on them. 💙 Does a huge deep dive into your interests. He wants to know what makes you tick and why you like what you like. 💙 Throbs hard every time you touch him, even the smallest bit.
ERIC 💔 He will manipulate the high school's staff into changing his schedule so you have almost all the same classes. 💔 He will talk shit about the other guys, both directly and indirectly so you know how absolutely fucking weak they are. 💔 He'll sketch lots of drawings (both cute and XXX) of you in his notebooks. 💔 Will drive you around a lot so he can trap you in the car and fuck you. 💔 He will steal your stuff and hide it, then offer to help you look for it. 💔 He'll spread bad rumors about you throughout school so other guys won't be interested, and then comfort you when your social life becomes hell.
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xaharadesert · 3 months
Super Chatty MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: For another lovely anon! I wasn’t planning on writing 2 days in a row, but this was a super cute and simple one, so I had a lot of fun with it! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes (it’s 4am as I finish this, so I’m sure there’s plenty of errors) requests are open!
He’s undeniably verbose himself, so he’s in no position to judge
There may be moments where you’ll be in the middle of a rant and he’ll accidentally cut you off because you’ve reminded him of one of his own adventures
He will apologize of course, and encourage you to continue what you were saying, but he hopes he’ll get the chance to tell you the story later
Unfortunately he is prone to getting distracted while you’re talking, so while he would love to actively engage with all of your ideas, his mind is too busy making connections to other topics
But even if he struggles to pay attention, he’ll never grow tired of your boundless energy
As long as the topic is interesting, she doesn’t mind at all
She’s a big fan of gossip, so she’s always listening in to your latest rambles, even if they’re not directed at her
She has a way of needling her own thoughts into your rants and turning it into a proper conversation
You’ll hardly even notice since she matches your energy so well
It might be a bit of a pain for the people around you if you’re in public, but you two seem so happy in your own little world that no one has the heart to bother you
This man has never been an active listener in his life, and as much as he loves you he is not about to start
He won’t stop you from rambling, but he’s definitely not paying attention to what you’re saying unless it’s directly related to him in some way
He’s mostly just thinking about all the things he’s gonna say when it’s his turn to talk again
It’s almost like a competition over who gets to speak; every time one of you pauses for too long, the other gets started on a topic that might not even be related
That being said, when you two are mutually interested in a topic (particularly drama), the conversation can last hours with full investment from both sides
He’s really not a talker, so you’ll never be in competition with him for talking time
That being said, he’s not much of a listener either; he tries his best to pay attention to what you’re saying because he wants to show that he cares for you and your thoughts, but he gets tired quickly
He’s not really used to the constant noise, and it can stress him out sometimes, so he’ll not so subtly shoo you outside to go chat to the chickens
That does make him feel a little bad, and he hopes you understand that he doesn’t have any ill intentions
He just needs a bit of alone time to recharge so he can be the best version of himself for you
He loves to listen to the sound of your voice even if the topic isn’t interesting
After knowing you for years, he seems to have some sort of sixth sense that tells him when he actually needs to be paying attention to what you’re saying
You’ll never be able to tell if he’s actually listening though, because he always looks like he’s in dream land (whether he’s gazing at you with a dreamy look in his eyes, or staring off into the distance like he sees an entirely different world, Asra always looks like he’s got more going on in his head than he lets on)
Occasionally he’ll mention some obscure detail that you spoke of maybe once like a month ago just to throw you off track when you think you’ve got his listening patterns figured out
It’s really not something to stress over; he makes it clear that he loves you, and loves your chatty nature even if he seems distracted day to day
She is perhaps the only person in Vesuvia with enough mental power to always pay active attention to what you’re saying
Being a politician has given her plenty of practice at effectively dividing her attention, so she can listen to you while still completing other tasks and even holding other conversations
Just when you think you’ve lost her, she’ll ask a relevant question to assure you that she’s invested in whatever you’ve been ranting about
It’s not always an easy task for her, and she does need a bit of quiet at the end of the day to recharge, but she understands that you have no ill will
In fact, she occasionally takes advantage of your chatty demeanour and sends you out to distract various important individuals who she doesn’t really want to talk to herself (with your knowledge and consent, of course)
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 9 months
Do you think the bayverse turtles ever get stuck on the back of their shells???
I cackled at this mental image XD
-A bayverse adorer and a huge fan of your work❀❀
Turtle Spinning Tops
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A/N: Thank you so much, it means a lot😘💚🐱 The short answer is no, I don’t think so. But if one were to keep them on their shell and spin them around
 hehehehe. I also decided to write a whole piece on this, because I have no chillđŸ’™â€ïžđŸ’œđŸ§Ą
Warnings: Spelling and mental imagery of back spinning Bayverse turtles.
On one really knew when it started. It had just always been a thing they did to each other, especially as children. If one were to slip and fall, and land on their shell (which wasn’t too nice already), it wasn’t uncommon for that poor turtle’s brothers to jump into action, force them down while one to a hold of their ankles before spinning them around like a spinning top. Or as Mikey called it, a Turtle Blade, finding it similar to a Beyblade.
None of the turtles were a big fan of being a turtle spinning top, but they couldn’t deny how hilarious it was to watch their brothers spin helplessly on the floor. Besides, they had done it to him, so why shouldn't he also do it to them? It was only fair!
With that being said, a turtle spinning on their shell did cause a lot of distress. Especially when they were younger. Regular turtles aren’t meant to be upside down for a long period of time, so for a mutant baby turtle, their survival instinct would kick in. But as they grew older, it became less distressing and just more annoying. Once they hit their late teens, it became more and more rare for them to do it. If Raphael was watching television, and Donnie accidentally slipped on his way from the kitchen, Raph couldn’t be bothered enough to call in Leo and Mikey to help him. Instead he would just look over and ask, “shell’s good?”, which it usually was.
If you were to ask Master Splinter, he’ll tell you this started around the time they started walking. One would fall onto their back, either because their legs gave out, or because they took a misstep, and in no time the others would be upon the poor fellow. Back then it was almost a terror for them to be stuck on their shell, and Splinter had to step to comfort them.
But as scary as it was for them as toddlers, they almost found it fun once they hit their early twenties. After two to three years of not doing it, because it was “child-like and so not cool”, they started doing it again. But now it had suddenly turned into a way of celebrating. Instead of holding their brother above their heads and praising him around like many humans did, they get them on their backs as fast as possible. Leo finally mastered that technique he had practiced for months, maybe even years? Get him on his shell, now! Mikey finally had the world record in some obscure game none of them had ever heard of before? Turtle Blade! Donnie had finally cracked the code on something, or he finished that thing, he had been working on day and night in his lab? Spin and jump, so his legs don't kick you out! Raph set a new weight record, just like he had been trying to for months now? Spin! Spin! Spin!
God forbid if any of them ever got married. People will be asked to move from the dance floor, so they can give their brother a proper spinning. They only spin that could rival that, was if any of them had children. Their partner would quickly learn to keep a space open, if they ever had to tell his brothers any big news.
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binahs-sinbin · 2 years
Overstimulating the tweels? (+riddle and idia if it's ok :))
Well of course it’s ok!!💙💚 Did ficlets!
All characters below are 18+
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Cw: overstim, bondage, c*ck rings,
Jade playfully tugged against the restraints you had put on him, leaving him tied to the bed while you go grab a few ‘toys’ to make the night more interesting.
Though he wouldn’t admit it, he was relieved when you came back into his line of site. “(M/C), might i ask what’s in the bag?” He eyed the black bag you carried at hip height. You climbed onto the bed, settling yourself beside him, placing the bag so he can’t see what’s in it.
“It’s a surprise.” You hum out, grabbing the first toy you had, it was bright pink. You slid it down his cock, to the base. You flipped the switch to turn it on. You reach into the bag and grab
another ring?
“Why do you have two rings?”
You ignore the amused look he gives you, instead you grab
a handful of rings? They all were in different colors. You hum to yourself, slipping a few more into his cock, letting one rest right under the head of his cock. You click it on, earning a gasp. “A-ah, those are really t-tight.”
He yelps feeling you grab his cock roughly pumping it. Unsurprisingly he doesn’t last long, trembling under you as he cums. Jade collapses against the bed, he hisses when you don’t stop, milking his cock.
“Wait,” He groaned out. “It’s too much, please turn them off. I-I can’t take both.” You hummed in acknowledgment but made no attempt to remove them or even turn them off. You let go of his cock, watching it bob excitedly.
You let your hand slide up his cock to the tip. You roughly rubbed the slit of his cock. Jade jerks under you, yanking on the restraints. “You look so cute like this
you can take more.”
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Cw: overstim, vibrating wands
Floyd purred at the near painful stimulation. The wand trapped his cock against his stomach, you had it on its highest setting pressed against the tip of his cock. “F-feels so good, d-don’t stop.” Floyd murmed out.
You nodded, lightly pressing it against his cock, releasing the pressure than repeating the process. Floyd groans, cumming hard onto his own stomach. Floyd purred, leaning back against you, hips trembling. He bucks against you before pressing his hips against you.
He hissed as the overstimulation starts to become too much. “S-Shrimpyy! Please it’s so much!” He whined out, tensing up. He grabs your wrist to try and stop you only for you to slap his thigh.
“Quit being such a bitch, you just asked me to keep going.” You squeeze his thighs, tapping the wand on his cockhead. He fell back against you. You can hear his high pitched cry as you pin his cock again.
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Cw: overstim, , dracryphilia, tip polishing
“N-no more, hurts!” Riddle whimpered, tears streaming down his face. He’s lost track of how many times you’ve made him cum. There has to be a rule saying you can’t overstimulate the Queen of Hearts, right?
Well, no matter how much riddle tried to reason with you, but you had no interest in listening. Instead, you chose to teach him a ‘fun’ thing you read about. Your palm was flat against the head of his cock while your other hand rubbed his cock against it. He was grateful you had at least used lube, though it also made your movements seamless.
“Ah, ah, ah!” You mock, laughing at the whines that escaped him. “You’re a housewarden! You should be able to take this much!” You sigh in mock disappointment. “If your stamina is really that bad, I guess I could go to Carter
Riddle practically jumped up at that. “N-nnono! I can take it!” He grabs your arm for support, hiding his face as much as he could, muffling his panting. “I can take anything-“
“Anything?” You interrupt, Riddle nods in response. “So you would let me sound you?” Riddle went rigged, paling at the thought. He slowly nods, pressing himself against you.
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Cw: overstim,slight praise kink
Pathetic whines escaped Idia, though he made no attempt to move away from you. You thumbed the slit of his cock, watching in amusement as Idia thrashed under.
Or at least he was trying to thrash but it was completely pathetic, honestly he was so much weaker than you that he could struggle all he wanted but it was in vain. He couldn’t get away, not that he wanted to.
“Aah! Ah! So much s-so goood!” He whimpers, out, trying to thrust up into your hand. “T-thank you!” He trembles and you can feel his nails digging into your back as your free hand tease the glands of his throbbing cock.
“Good boy!” You praise, feeling him twitch in your hand in response. “You can cum again, right?” He quickly shakes his head earning a huff from you. “I’m sure you can handle more, come on.”
You get rougher with the tip of his cock, only using his own cum as lube. You drag your nails along his cock watching the panicked look on his face as your nails scrape the head of his cock.
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just-a-fluffy-knight · 4 months
Ok now I have a T-word related fic request.
The readers superpower is invisibility and her favorite thing to do with her power is to do surprise tickle attacks on her friend loki. He doesn't mind initially but one day he finally gets her before she can attack him and he enacts his revenge. Feel free to say no. No pressuređŸ–€đŸ’™đŸ’šđŸ’œ
Putting a Stop to the Unseen
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Word Count: 741
A/N: Thanks for the request!! I certainly don’t write enough for Loki and it should be a CRIME 😞 Was able to quickly finish this before a Statistics exam I have tomorrow! So I may be a bit behind on other requests for the time being but,,,, here’s some food for now I guess 😭 Hope you guys like it!! <3
“GAH-! Will you- stop doing that?!”
Loki sighed as a cheeky cackle came from
 somewhere in the room before it faded out.
That was the fifth time today. And probably around the thirtieth-something time this week. Curse you and your stupid invisibility powers.
You’d been using them to pester the god ever since you discovered a rather embarrassing weakness of his.
 it was embarrassing to Loki, anyway. To you, it was like finding a goldmine.
Even just giving him a little poke to the side or brief tase to the ribs was enough to satisfy you. Because his reactions were always the best when caught off guard, having no way to prepare himself or attempt to hold back any silly involuntary noises.
The thing was
 the god couldn’t exactly say he didn’t like it. It was hard to hold back an amused smile as you laughed as ran off after slyly attacking him. It reminded him of himself in a way. So mischievous and sneaky.
But again
 he was the God of Mischief. He wasn’t going to allow a little brat to attack him and get away with it.
A cheeky snicker left your mouth as you peeked through the gap of the door to a nearby room of the Compound.
Loki was sat there, contently reading a book on Asgardian Tales.
Activating your powers, you vanished from sight. You snuck through the gap in the door, creeping towards the god as carefully as possible in hopes to not give yourself away.
One close enough, you spread your arms out, and

“Gotcha!” You declared, lunging towards him. However, no form was wrapped around your arms. As you landed on the couch, you looked up in confusion, only for the god to shimmer away in a flash of green light.
“What the-“
You popped back into visibility due to your confusion, only to feel an invisible force pull you down to lie on your back as well as both your wrists above your head, making you yelp.
“Come on, dear. You do realise you’re not the only one here with deceptive powers?” A purring voice came from behind the couch and the god peered over it, an impish smirk on his face.
“Okay, wahait, wait-!” You were already giggling nervously as the god circled the couch. “I wahas just messing arohound!”
Loki chuckled darkly, sitting on your waist to ensure escape was impossible.
“You say that as if that’s the only time you’ve done it.”
You briefly held your tongue. The sorcerer did have a point, you’d lost count of all those pokes you’d done.
Loki held up an interrupting hand.
“No buts. You know the God of Mischief isn’t not going to get revenge on those who dare to go against him.~”
Before you could even protest, Loki’s hands had already began mercilessly squeezing your sides.
“EEE- Lokihihi!” You squeaked, bursting into giggles. Normally the god started out softer when tickling you! This was a lot more firmer, more playful.
He really was out for revenge.
“Ah-ah-ah, I said hush, Y/N. You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn.” Loki teased, that grin refusing to detach from his face as he moved his hands up to scribble into your armpits.
“NooOOAHAHA-! LOKI WAHAHAIT-!” A high-pitched squeal filled the room, much to Loki’s amusement and your embarrassment.
“Aww, is the little mortal finally apologising? I think it’s a bit late for that, don’t you?”
No matter how hard you tugged at your wrists, Loki’s magic held faster. He even went as far as moving one hand down to your belly, using the other to randomly alternate between both of your underarms.
“Yohohou’re the wohORST-!”
“Now that’s not very nice, Y/N. Looks like some more punishment is in order.” The god briefly paused, allowing you to catch your breath.

For now.
“Hmm. What was it that Stark said really gets you giggling?” He brought a hand to his chin, feigning thoughtfulness before a sneer grew on his face.
Oh, I know.~”
Without warning, Loki leant forward to press his lips against the crook of your neck, blowing a strong raspberry whilst his fingers dug in between your ribs.
As you continued to laugh and shriek, you couldn’t bring yourself to mind. I mean, you did expect some kind of consequences.
 you would without a doubt be getting him back. And that time, you wouldn’t reveal yourself period.
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elvenbeard · 3 months
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... has been a blast with you all this year! đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ
It all started with a small, random idea...
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... and turned into one of my biggest VP projects so far - and also one of the most fun ones I ever worked on uwu
Thank you so much again to @lokiina @pinkyjulien @wraithsoutlaws @teddys-shion @therealnightcity @morganlefaye79 @taiyo-yokai @kharonion @chevvy-yates @lucky38-2077 @arcandoria and @sammysilverdyne for trusting me with your kiddos and celebrating Pride together this way â€ïžđŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’™đŸ’œđŸ©·
Would love to again next year with even more friends and new ideas! :D
[All NC Pride 2024 Posts]
Some bonus behind the scenes shenanigans:
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The whole gang is here! (Valentin was constantly wiggling and Dante had to be frozen because he was mean! At least in his merc outfit xD)
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Rainbow arrangement (and Vicco's wig snatched and Hiro's legs and ass gone xD)
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Those pesky shy rainbow flags!
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Had to contain the NPCs by blocking the road with Judy's van because they kept walking into the shot with a death despawn-wish xD The more I despawned them the more followed, but like this they were finally properly contained (and watching over everything ominously).
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*Dagger greatly disapproves*
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And this is what happens when at the end you turn everyone hostile and unfreeze them. The three survivors/winners just stood there and did nothing while everyone else started murdering xD
Altogether, from finding a good location to setting up everything and taking the pictures (minus editing them all) this took around 4 hours to do XD Four hours well spent with lovely friends, thanks again for hanging out!! ïŒˆă„ïżŁ3ïżŁïŒ‰ă„â•­â€ïžïœž
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
Fuck it Friday đŸ’šđŸ§ĄđŸ©·â€ïžđŸ’œđŸ’™
Hello my friends, thanks for the tags @eddiebabygirldiaz @inell @repressedqueen @tizniz @loveyouanyway @loserdiaz
So today I’m doing something a bit different cos why not.. this week I got a comment on an older fic from ao3 user starspangledwriter (hello) that lead to a lovely conversation about the Buddie of it all and why they mean so much to me. The person I was chatting to suggested it might be nice to share here, so I am.
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And also just to say this is what i think we writers love/hope for with comments, it’s not about wanting people to say nice things (which is obviously lovely) but having a chat about my beloveds and the story I created.
And speaking of the story
 here it is if you want to check it out.
Fifteen Minutes 1.4k
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“You look happy.”
Buck smiles at Eddie because he’s right, he is happy. He hasn’t been for a while but today he is, he might not have everything he wants but right now he’s happy to be in this place with these people.
He takes a deep breath and says that around his smile  “I am.” He scans Bobby and Athena’s living room takes in its occupants all chatting and laughing together. “Everyone I love is here.” He looks at Eddie expecting to see him smiling but he’s sees a frown instead. Eddie doesn’t look at him when he says,
“I didn’t see Taylor arrive. Is she here?”
Oh yeah that. He hasn’t actually told Eddie yet has he.
“Um no” he says casually. He can see Eddie trying to process that, he’s adorable when he’s confused.
“But you just said.”
“I know what I said.” He replies also not looking as he confirms the news that Taylor is not here and that he’s worked out he doesn’t love her. There’s a pause, he can’t resist a quick look at Eddie so he catches it when it finally clicks.  Eddie says  “oh”  and Buck sees a smile flash across his face like quicksilver before he wipes it away. There and gone again, so quick Buck might have imagined it. He’s pretty sure he hadn’t though. There’s another moment of silence before Eddie asks the question good friends are supposed to in these circumstances.
“You ok?”
“Yup like I said everyone I love is here. I’m perfect.”
He should probably distract Eddie or he might get interrogated as to why he’s broken up with his girlfriend and that’s a conversation he’s not keen to have. He doesn’t like lying especially to Eddie and any explanation as to why he did what he did is going to reveal more than he’d like.
He can practically hear Eddie thinking, his mouth opens and he just knows the next sentence is going to start with why so Buck jumps in.
“Did you know the Ancient Greeks thought there were 7 types of love.”
Eddie’s expression changes instantly and settles into something softer as he says “No Buck I didn’t, but I guess I’m about to find out huh?” He thinks Eddie looks quite happy about it. No one else looks at him like that when he’s infodumping. It makes him feel warm all over.
“Well” Buck twists towards Eddie and leans in without thinking.
There’s philia that’s family love so like how I feel  for Maddie and Chim. Bobby and Athena too really and Hen. That’s for the people you love and trust cos you know they’ll always be there for you.
Eddie nods.
“All of  us have kinda got agape; that’s universal love for others, it’s why we do what we do, help people.”
And like Hen and Karen they’ve been together for years so they’ve got pragma that’s long lasting love, it’s just there warm and steady. But they’ve got eros too, that’s you know,  desire and stuff.”
Eddie chuckles “I guess Bobby and Athena have that if the firefighter role play is  anything to go by.”
“Eww I just told you they’re like my parents, why would you do that to me. It was bad enough first time round.” He shakes himself to clear the image and Eddie laughs.
“What else? That’s only five.”
He carries on “Well there’s ludus” he’s hoping to skim over the last two “that’s about sex without commitment, just for fun.” He doesn’t say that’s what he had with Taylor and that was why he’d ended it. He doesn’t say he wants something different from life now and that he’d thought he could find it with her but he'd been wrong.
Eddie purses his lips and nods “ok” that seems to be it, Eddie seems happy to move on from that one too.
“And there’s the love parents feel for their kids that’s called storge.”
“So what I feel for Chris and what Bobby feels for you?”
He can feel his cheeks heating “You and Chris yeah, for sure”  he looks over at Bobby, it’d be nice if Bobby felt like that. His thoughts must be written all over his face or maybe Eddie’s just good at reading him.
“I think he does” Eddie says gently, Buck shrugs the colour high in his cheeks.
“What about you and Chris?” Eddie asks. Buck hesitates, cheeks getting pinker by the second. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to answer that. Which answer Eddie wants. He risks a look at him, he looks the same, smiling fondly. He waits and when Buck doesn’t answer he says “You're allowed to feel it you know, say it, if you want to.”
“Am I?” All his doubts are on show.
And the rest is on ao3 đŸ©·
Tagging for FIF if anyone wants to share anything at all!
@hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @shortsighted-owl @bi-buckrights @fiona-fififi
@rogerzsteven @bekkachaos @thekristen999 @ronordmann @hippolotamus
@stagefoureddiediaz @spaceprincessem @underwaterninja13 @wildlife4life @exhuastedpigeon
@weewootruck @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @elvensorceress @jesuisici33
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @steadfastsaturnsrings @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @actualalligator
@rainbow-nerdss @shipperqueen6
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justkennadi · 1 year
Dating Wade ripple as an Earth person đŸ’™đŸ’šđŸ€Ž
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Notes: Yes ik he is water but still😭 honestly i think it’s more abt his personality i like. Anyways this is a mini series i’m doing rq while it’s still all fresh. If someone already did it i’m sorry😭 i don’t see anything so i guess just let me know but this was honestly my idea the only inspo i used was pinterest and the movie itself. We didn’t get much info abt earth ppl from the movie or anything ignoring clod so imma make up stuff. (i had this in my draft for a month so imma just drop these cause i’m too busy for anything else rn 💀)
Content: Wade ripple x fem!Earth person, all fluff
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- You met Wade on day while watering your garden. You had mostly flowers and sold them as a hobby. You often stayed to yourself but one day you heard someone sniffling behind you

- You see a crying water man in a yellow shirt and before you say anything he goes, “This is just the most *sniff* beautiful garden i’ve ever seen!!”
-You kinda freak out seeing him cry, you knew water people were emotional but he takes the cake.
- You invite him into your yard for a tour and even gave him a flower take with him.
-From that day forward he visited you everyday before and after his shift as a City inspector.
- One day you asked to go to a botanical garden. He agreed but, of course, cried since this would be his first date ever.
- You wore a nice dress (as shown in the pic above or whatevr u want ofc) and he teared up. “You are just sooo beautiful!!”
- After looking around a bit you wanted to try hold and hold his hand.
- “I wanna try!”
- “Are you sure? I guess so..”
- Wade would gently grab your hand and nothing really happened. Your hand would just get a little damp and occasionally a tint flower would bloom from your hand.
-Wade is very touchy feely so after this he’s all over you
- He hugs you every hour of the day just about!
- He invited you over to see his family after a month of dating. Everyone admired how pretty you looked and how the flowers in your hair were so beautiful.
- You even witnessed “the crying game” which was honestly so funny.
- Once it got to you and wade he got you by saying he loves you! You never cried before but a single tear fell from your eye and it was honestly so sweet.
- Wade would help you water your garden by crying sometimes.
- Wade listens to you talk about how you feel and offers the best advice he can despite being a water element and not earth.
- You two once played in a mud puddle after a rainy day and it was amazing. Wade had turned slightly brown and you were damp but it was the best fun you’ve ever had tbh
- In the end you and him complimented each other greatly and you both couldn’t be happier.
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