acrownmartyr · 5 years
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      it was much too warm to stay indoors. after the last child was picked up by their parent, stefan and the last remaining student stepped outside to wait on their parent. most teachers would have left their student at the office or on the playground to be supervised by one of the faculty members during after school programs. although, staying after hours to look after his students wasn’t part of his salary, the kindergarten teacher did it for free. no child should believe they’re being a burden. especially not to someone who was supposed to be their guardian. instead, he decided that because the day was so hot, he’d do some grading out by the tables while he waited for the sophie’s mother to arrive. grading meant placing stickers on various art projects and getting glitter glue on his clothes. every now and then, he’d look to the playground and make sure that sophie was still there. it wasn’t the first time that he’s stayed several minutes after class to watch over her until her mother arrived. lips pressed together as a streak of glitter stained his shirt. in despite of the misfortune, he smiles it off and continues looking at all the crafts. ms. gilbert worked hard to provide for her daughter and he was patient enough to understand that. “i’m tired, mr. salvatore.” sophie expressed drowsily and plops down next to him. “your mom’ll be here soon.” he looked over at her then began looking through the math assignments. a small groan falls from the lips and she looks ahead idly. the sun’s bright beam was enough to make anyone sleepy. even stefan was feeling somewhat fatigued himself.
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witheriingsouls · 5 years
“I want your fingers inside me.” rebekah?
𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒. | @prettyspecial | accepting!! 
            𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖱𝖤   𝖶𝖠𝖲   𝖭𝖮   𝖧𝖤𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖠𝖳𝖨𝖮𝖭   𝖮𝖭   𝖱𝖤𝖡𝖤𝖪𝖠𝖧’𝖲   𝖤𝖭𝖣   𝖥𝖮𝖱   𝖭𝖮𝖣𝖣𝖨𝖭𝖦   𝖰𝖴𝖨𝖢𝖪𝖫𝖸   𝖠𝖭𝖣   𝖳𝖤𝖤𝖳𝖧   𝖲𝖨𝖭𝖪𝖨𝖭𝖦   𝖨𝖭𝖳𝖮   𝖧𝖤𝖱   𝖡𝖮𝖳𝖳𝖮𝖬   𝖫𝖨𝖯   :   all   because   of   elena’s   small   request.   the   original   doesn’t   waste   any   time   in   grabbing   both   sides   of   elena’s   underwear   and   to   swiftly   pull   it   down   her   legs.   she   lets   the   fabric   hang   onto   the   brunette’s   ankles   as   she   focuses   her   full   attention   in   making   elena   feel   incredible.   her   fingers   slid   up   the   vampire’s   already   slippery   slit   ,   rubbing   gently   at   her   clit   for   a   few   moments   before   sliding   back   down   and   entering   two   digits   inside.   the   other   female’s   walls   seem   to   immediately   clench   around   rebekah’s   fingers.   she   bites   down   at   the   sensation   and   continues   to   massage   the   other’s   insides.   sweetly   and   carefully   combing   at   her   tightness   ,   vibrating   her   fingers   a   little.   ❛   like   this   ,   elena   ?    ❜    she   asked   even   though   she   knew   the   answer.   after   all   ,   she   couldn’t   take   her   eyes   off   of   her.
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bourbonlaced · 5 years
“just… come back alive, okay?”
Five word prompts@prettyspecial
Her words make him pause briefly, brows furrowed as his eyes flickered across her features. The worry that displayed on her face wasn’t foreign as if he had never seen it. In fact, it was an expression that she usually wore, even at times when Damon would consider the day mundane, but very seldom were they directed at him. “I’ll be fine, Elena.” A part of him wished he could come up with something better to ease her mind but even after another moment of silence, he came up blank.He inclined his head in her direction, eyebrows raising as a fragment of a smile ghosted on his lips. “I promise.”  
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ofmartyrs · 5 years
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he should know better,  that  the  answer  would  always  be  yes.  no  matter  where  they  were,  who  they  were  with,  what  place  on  the  continent  they  resided  in,  he  would  always  be  her  ‘yes.’  the  warmth  she  emanates  pulls him  inside  her  home,  eyes  worried  and  searching  for  the  monsters  that  lie  in  wait  for  him.  arms  wrap  around  his  tall  frame,  an  exhale;  relief  from  her  constant  worry  at  last.  stefan,  her  stefan,  was  returning.  even  if  it  was  in  the  middle  of  the  night,  obviously  in  a  pain  they  both  knew  he  had  been  too  afraid  to  absorb  until  then,  elena  would  never  turn  him  away.    ❝  you’re  safe  now.  ❞   hands  guide  his  face  upward  so  she  can  see  what’s  within  his  eyes;  all  of  that  guilt  she  wants  to  wash  away.   ❝  you  can  let  it  in,  stefan.  i  promise  we’ll  get  through  this.  together.  ❞
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his hands, his legs, his arms.. every part of him seems to be shaking as he stumbles into elena’s home. as he reaches to cup either side of her face, mirroring her touch. at first, he closes his eyes, not wanting her to have to see what’s inside them. not wanting her to even have to look at him. when he does open them, he reveals silent tears to her, yet more evidence of the things he’s done. the pain he’s caused countless numbers of people since he’s been gone. every pair of eyes, every shout of fear and of pain he’s caused his victims plays within his head, visible on his pain stricken face. eyes flit between each of hers as he gazes with such longing, such intensity, into her eyes. they seem to burn with it. every emotion he feels magnified in his eyes. regret, sorrow, pain, love, loss.. all of it is there. all of it present as he looks at elena. finally, stefan crumples, the weight of all his demons dragging him down. buckling him at the knees. it takes all the strength he possesses not to let it. to keep himself on his feet. upright. in elena’s embrace that he has always felt, that had always been, and would always be; undeserving of.
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regalthorn-blog · 5 years
Margaery, what is your favorite thing about women and loving women? I’m still figuring it out and your words always help me.
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A sweet question asked by a sweet girl . The rose could not help herself but to grin in response , a pause as she sat in momentary thought . ❛  Well , I grew up learning of all the power , strength , and intelligence a woman has . In many more ways than a man .   ❜ The second half of her answer was muttered in a quiet , more playful tone , as if she were more secretive of that truth . Tyrell’s were always known for the powerful roles their women held .  ❛  I learned very young that women were a force to be reckoned with . Beautiful , brave —  ❜ Margaery then leaned in closer to the girl , her lips curved into a subtle smirk . ❛ — Seductive . ❜ She then sat straight once more , laughter escaping her lips . ❛  And I’ve found there’s nothing quite like a woman’s touch , sweet girl .  ❜ Picking up her glass, she then took a casual sip of her drink , her free hand pulling her cardigan over her chest for warmth .    ❛  Of course , these are all things I’m sure you know already – or may need to experience for yourself . ❜
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forbesheart · 5 years
starter based on this with @prettyspecial
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HER MIND HAS BEEN RACING.          it was a losing battle trying to sleep, as the brunette dozed heavily to wash away her drunken state. the peaceful night was combated by caroline’s seemingly never ending anxiety, proving less than pleasant on a night that allowed such pleasure. from the activities on the town to an unexpected moment shared between two best friends ----- last night should have been nothing but dreamlike. however for a forbes that level of sensation had to be met with wariness & uncertainty. somewhere along the line her mother learned the skill of taking things as they are & trusting that something good was truly in store for them. it was something caroline envied with every ounce of jealousy her petite frame could muster. she would try to feed off of that wisdom. she could allow her heart the room to love again, especially if it were for ELENA. so that’s exactly how she started the day. bright & early, six went on to seven & seven on to eight. by nine in the morning she had prepared an incredibly thought out, over the top, enough to feed their entire floor kind of breakfast. & only when she was absolutely certain it was perfect did she go to wake her friend.     “ elena ? hey. i have a hangover cure if you get up right now. ”
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sheoptimist-a · 5 years
( “I kissed him.” ) for some caroline/elena/stef drama
three little words ✦ @prettyspecial ✦ accepting.
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“  oh…  ”  caroline  manages  to  stay  after  elena  drops  the  bombshell.  she  doesn’t  need  to ask  who  he  is.  she  knows.  stefan.  “  that’s—it’s  a  good  thing,  right ?  ”  the  blonde  asks,  trying  to  mask  her  hurt  behind  a  smile.  “  are  you  guys  back  together  now ?  ”  she  definitely  does  not  want  to  hear  elena’s  answer  but  that’s  what  a  good  best  friend  would  ask.  a  best  friend  who’s  happy  to  know  her  friend  kissed  the  boy  who’s  good  for  her.  a  best  friend  who  doesn’t  have  feelings  for  said  friend.  “  i  knew  you  guys  would  work  it  out  eventually.  you’re  just...  meant  to  be.  ”
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thehairtm-blog · 6 years
                                  STARTER FOR @prettyspecial // CLOSED.
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   ♘—;.     people were starting to notice the fact that he & his family weren’t aging, that they were frozen in time. he was going to miss forks; a town where he’d, for the first time in his life, experienced love & loss. but there was too much there for him which reminded him of a time of hope; where there had been a reason for him to hold onto his humanity, to hold onto whatever it was that kept him from going to provoke the volturi. now, he tried to look at his family & see everything he had to keep going for, which were mostly carlisle & esme, since they had treated him like their SON. regardless, when in forks, bella & their unborn child both passed away, edward was sure of the fact that he’d never known such a deep grief, not ever had he witnessed someone in such a source of pain. & though he pretended to be alright, in his deepest beliefs, he knew that he wouldn’t ever be.    though, a fresh start would be helping him in the eyes of his family, he longed to be able to visit their graves every single day; sit by that of renesmee’s & sing her lullabies or besides that of his deceased wife, bella, knowing that he’d never know love at the same magnitude as he had with her. —he knew that he’d be making a weekly trip out of it, crossing the country from virginia to washington, all the way through the olympic peninsula in order to be with them, to be able to FEEL them somehow, in any way possible. but he pretended, acted even, tried to be his old self again though it was hard on him. TOO hard sometimes.    but he’d come to terms with it, he knew that he had to move on after his 3 years of constant mourning already. knowing that people were starting to notice carlisle, in particular, not aging a day since they’d settled in forks. but he’d started out his doctor’s practice in their own home by wickery bridge, overlooking a quaint river & a lovely scenery; though not QUITE as lovely as the ones he’d come accustomed to in the olympic peninsula way back in forks. & though he’d thought that he’d know peace & serenity here, he couldn’t be more wrong. one stormy night, edward had been outside hunting, trying to snatch a mountain lion when he heard a car going of the bridge. his hunting instinct resided & curiosity sparked as he rushed over to the bridge; seeing a car submerging in the river. there’d been shock written all across his face prior to taking a leap & landing skillfully in the deep water, seeing that not one or two people were trapped in the vehicle, but three. —firstly, edward tried to rescue the one still conscious, though he seemed to be a father motioning to save his daughter & edward, naturally with paternal instincts, complied & broke the girl in the back free.    she’d come to consciousness when sprawled out on the riverbank & edward had ran his hand through her soaked hair for a moment before lightly tapping her face. “come on,“ he muttered before looking up when hearing a sound, rosalie watching from across the river & going to alert carlisle. “don’t be dead, please don’t be dead,“ he continued on, witnessing the girl opening her eyes for a moment & coughing up water.  in that moment, edward’s golden eyes turned a tad soft, lifting her up in his arms & making his way over to the house, laying her down on an examining bed in order for carlisle, leaving her in his hands.    — september 3rd; second week of school. it had been a rough start at school for edward, not being able to make it with his other sibling because the deaths of his child & former wife had come back to wreck him all over again. it physically hurt him this time, constantly overlooking the scenery from his room & standing there unmoving, like a statue. though alice had broken him out of that state, dragging him to the local high school & seeing banners with ‘home of the timberwolves‘ hanging literally EVERYWHERE. it did made edward crack a small smile; starting high school all over again. it would, hopefully, make him come to terms with what had happened & that bella’s death had been inevitable as soon as they’d found out she was pregnant & decided to keep it. —he got out of his car, closing the door & looking up at the new building. watching his siblings gather & waiting for him at the entrance & he followed them inside, his golden eyes keeping to themselves before he looked up, nearly bumping into someone; a certain BRUNETTE who seemed all too familiar. “i’m sorry.“ he mumbled before brushing past her & heading on further down the hallway.
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gilbertscn-blog · 6 years
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loss, pain, hurt, ABANDONMENT. feelings of such deep despair plagued his mind for the longest time. longer than he cared to admit. acting out, being rude to his friends, to his family, to his SISTER. that had to stop, he knew but how does one stop when it’s all you FEEL? attempt was made, pizza in hand and beer in the fridge. weed safely hidden away, just in case. movie;  one of her favorite ready to play, body stretched out on the sofa. “so who do you think is gonna be more disappointed at me, you or jenna for getting a C on my maths test? if it’s you i’m taking the pizza to my room.” one hand on the box already, a lazy grin forms on his lips, to show that he is not looking for a fight but friendly sibling banter. he missed this, just the two of them, before — the world collapsed on both their shoulders.  // @prettyspecial​
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acrownmartyr · 5 years
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     Aunt Irene expressed she hadn’t been feeling well. Stefan had volunteered to stay home to watch over her, just in case matters got worse. Strangely enough, living in a small town by the sea wasn’t so bad. In fact, the city boy was becoming fond of the townie life. Irene believed it was all because the brunette he had brought to one of her cookouts. While visibly struck with admiration for the girl, he decided to deny his feelings. Everything was strictly a friendship maybe because he wasn’t sure how long he’d stay in town. Fearing that he might miss Elena too much just like everyone who left his life. The only constant was Giuseppe and that was probably because he felt the responsibility to be there, well, barely be there for his youngest son. Nevertheless, Stefan continued asking if Irene was feeling fine. She assured him several times and even pushed him out the door. 
     Now that Elena had pretty much walked him through the everyday life in town, he was going to return the favor and show her around the city. Her home wasn’t very far from his aunt’s place. The sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore followed him down his path. Even though it had only been a month or so, it felt like home. Perhaps because he never quite felt welcomed in his own. A couple of weeks ago, he wouldn’t have hesitated going back home if his father called for his return but now, he’d have to seriously think about it. The thought brought a smile to his face. It was nice, to feel comfortable somewhere you thought otherwise. “Are you ready to go?” he asked her, stepping onto her front porch and placing his hands inside the pockets of his jacket.
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imthelcstprincess · 6 years
today’s OPM goes to the very sweet and lovely @prettyspecial!!  every single one of her characters are incredible, and i don’t just mean the canons.  the oc’s, too!!  her writing just flows off the page, and i can literally hear her character’s voices in my head.  not to mention, she’s an incredibly sweet & caring & creative person with exceptional talent!!
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hastodosomething · 6 years
@prettyspecial liked for a starter.
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“ --- are you okay? I heard you screaming and came as fast as I could. ”  Probably a little unnaturally fast, but she could have been attacked, okay? Scott doesn’t want to let anyone get hurt if he’s around to potentially save them. 
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lzzies · 6 years
@prettyspecial liked for a starter
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“Did she send you to check up on me? You can tell Caroline that I ran off with a werewolf biker I met at the Grill. We’re having a June wedding.”
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theseasidesew · 4 years
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Oh cor blimey I actually love how these turned out and they bursting with romance..... I’ve loved playing with my fabric stash to bring you a totally limited range of clutch bag for Valentines or birthdays, each one totally unique and never to be re created. The flap is a beautiful and very expensive embroidered linen teamed with the softest powder blue velvet. Yes Bridgerton you have totally inspired me.... ahhhh the romance of it all..... 🌸 💐 🌸 #theseasidesew #giftsforher #mygiftshop_online #icreatedaily #icreatedthem #valentinesromance #romanticquotes #romanticgiftsforher #teamtbch #tbch #makersgonnamake #itsunique #prettyspecial #prettybags #prettiestcollections #mydesignstyle (at The Seaside Sew) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK0y3TUly8R/?igshid=1wtsatuu21mo7
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tmhkidsmanagement · 5 years
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Our hearts are melting with our darling Iishas new headshots!! Gorgeous photos of this wee star of an actress! 🌟 😍🦋💥 . . #youngtalent #prettyspecial #tmhkids #bestkids! (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3su04iJKRe/?igshid=tpbdar2vybx
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regalthorn-blog · 5 years
“Your happiness comes before mine.”
❤ ▬▬ emotional starters / @prettyspecial​
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❛  You shouldn’t worry for me , Elena .    ❜ If she had any flaws , it would be her lack of self preservation , and Margaery knew this . She was saddened by the girl’s dire need to protect everyone around her but herself , and with a hand on hers , she squeezed tightly in attempt to offer her a sense of comfort . ❛  You need to put yourself before others sometimes . You cannot save everyone , no matter how much your heart wishes for it .   ❜ 
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