#priam is a chuuni hobo that happened upon ragnell one day and im sticking to it
emblemxeno · 10 months
Y'know, despite Priam being contentious in the community, he's probably my favorite of the spotpass recruits, if only because being completely unconnected to Awakening's plot as a whole means his ludicrous characterization works. For as interesting as the other spotpass characters are, I can't say I enjoy what they bring to the table as a whole because they clash with my enjoyment of Awakening's narrative. For me, "What If" scenarios like "what if Emmeryn lived" and such are best used in purely fandom spaces (and games like Heroes where any character can be brought back), if not entirely separate adventures or stories.
...Okay, Priam being hot and having a sexy voice gives him further bonus points, too.
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