#pride and predujice oneshot
Can I have a jane austen 3 part fanfic where it's like lost in austen tv series modern chubby reader gets sent to jane austen and colonel brandon (alan rickman) and Mr darcy (Mathew McFaydenn) and the love reader at same time kind of like u did the headcon
Hello dear sorry for this long request I hope you like it 💖.
Mr Darcy X chubby reader X colonel Bradon💎
The men's bride👰
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Chapter 1:
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It was quite hard to imagine a woman like me trying to find a husband. I’m not really the type that’s into just any man more so I want one that’ll treat me with respect and at outmost love. I never really thought for a second that the man of my dreams would happen to be at this very annual ball. My parents organised this event for me to at least find someone acceptable. “What if I never find someone papa” I asked with worry “don’t you worry my dear y/n you will find someone” my father wraps his arm around mine. The women at this ball seemed to be very pretty and could attend any prince. I always dreamed of having a prince ask me to dance.
The ladies wore all sorts of costumes, feathers, streamers, and ribbons. They were all hoping for the same thing, a chance of finding a respectful husband. I was probably one of the most plain looking here, I wore an ordinary dress with feathers coming down my face and ribbons tied in the back of my hair. I didn’t think anyone would’ve chosen me that was until he appeared, a handsome young man with quite the attire. “Excuse sir may I dance with your daughter” The man asked my father.
“I would love to oh papa please” I pleaded as he seemed rather eager “oh very well if he is high of ranking, we shall allow you to wed this man”. “Come y/n our dance awaits” he was rather eager to get his way with y/n into her heart.
“My name milady is Fitzwilliam Darcy; you may call me Mr Darcy” he kissed her hand “oh my that sounds like a rather dashing name” y/n smiled. He couldn’t wait to see the girls outcome; he was infatuated by her appearance. She wasn’t terrible looking, and her personality was amazing. Mr Darcy looked at y/n with dreamy eyes “you have such pretty eyes y/n, may I ask something miss y/n”.
“Of course, Mr Darcy” I nodded “would you marry me”. This happened so fast it seemed too good to be true. “Yes, oh yes Mr Darcy” I smiled widely however Mr Darcy held something against the lower class.
“Very well then we shall arrange it over the next couple of days” Mr Darcy left and eventually talked to my father. The next couple of days after were quite beautiful really, never would I have thought a man would want to marry me.
Chapter 2:
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I was sitting down having a cup of tea enjoying the peacefulness around me with a soon to be husband. As I was about to read, I heard a knock on the door, it seemed rather unusual to have a man around at this hour. “Goodness who might that be” I got up to reach the door, it seemed Mr Darcy didn’t tell me about his guest. “Hello sir” I smiled shyly “good evening mam” a man within his 30s greeted me. “I didn’t know Mr Darcy expected guests” the man kept staring at me “well sir I’m about to have tea feel free to sit down”.
The man came up to me and kissed my hand “the honour is mine milady”. I guided the man within the room, he was quite pleased with me. He was known to be cold and rather unromantic, however I thought otherwise. “Milady you have quite a remarkable beauty” he smiled “I’m sure you’ve got a fine husband” before y/n admitted “well I don’t yet but I will very soon”. “Right, I actually came by to ask Mr Darcy something but now I have a new request” The man grabs my hands “will you miss y/n be my bride”. I blushed he was certainly older but even then, he was handsome.
“Forgive me but I’m supposed to be marrying Mr Darcy” I looked down however he came up and gently placed his lips on mine “I understand but it’s not too late to change all you have to do is be mine”.
“I do have a higher ranking after all, I’m sure your father may approve” I stood there stunned. Suddenly that’s when Mr Darcy came in the room “y/n is everything alright, I assume you’re here to see me” the man grabbed my shoulders pulling me back.
“Indeed, however I shall take my leave farewell Mr and Mrs Darcy” Colonel Bradon took his coat and headed out the door. I watched as the man left, he was fairly odd he was seen as cold but with me he was soft.
Chapter 3:
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I was wearing a gown of white, and my hair was tide up. I had no intention to become sad as this was the happiest day. Someone opened the door to my room until my eyes saw “Colonel Bradon what are you doing here” I questioned. “I had to see you y/n, I couldn’t let you go, and I beg of you don’t marry that man” Bradon knelt down grabbing my hand “you should be with someone of my ranking”.
“Mr Bradon, I chose to marry Mr Darcy I love him you see” I seemed quite surprised as to why this man broke in. “very well I won’t hold a grudge, but I must confess I’m in love with you”. He came up to my lips and gently planted his on mine, a kiss was shared between us another man’s bride and a Colonel.
“I bid you farewell soon to be Mrs Darcy” before I came up and whispered, “If Mr Darcy wasn’t here, I would have married you”. My heart pounded as he was suddenly leaving, I couldn’t stop him my heart belonged to Mr Darcy, but I ached for Colonel Bradon too. My wedding was about to begin as my father walked in “come it’s time”. I walked with him down the isle to see Mr Darcy at the end. I could see in the very distance the Colonel watching from afar as his beloved was about to marry off with some rich man.
I closed my eyes and whispered “I’m sorry” I looked towards Mr Darcy as we both shared a kiss.
A bride that fell in love with a rich man and the Colonel that fell in love with the bride.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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