#colonel bradon x reader
Colonel Brandon x young reader x Severus Snape⚔️👧🦇
Dancing willows✨️
Chapter 3
Synopsis: Colonel Brandon arrives at the Dashwood's when he stumbles upon a young woman who he falls in love with. At a party the young woman meets a mysterious man which peaks her fascination.
Au: this takes place around the regency era and Snape doesn’t go to Hogwarts but still has his past.
Warning: none
A/n: yay chapter 3 is out, this is probably the longest chapter I have ever written. Please comment, like and reblog.
Previous chapters: 1, 2
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The sun had risen with a peaceful view over the field, birds flew over the crops as they chirped happily to their flock. All the horses on the trail of the roads trotted along, men carrying cargo and travelers aiming to head to their next destination. Amongst those horses trailed the Colonel, he rode strongly on his horse. The colonel had planned to visit the Dashwood’s for afternoon tea, although it may be far from the true reason. It had been quite the experience since the ball, the Colonel had a marvelous time to say the least. Many men and women from that night had laughed and danced, all their dresses and attire glistened as they waltzed in time with the tune of the music. He had sworn to save his dance for only one woman, a woman he was fascinated with, her appearance at the ball had made his heart skip a beat. Upon seeing the girl, it was like something out of a silly fairy tale one in which involved a dance.
The Colonel had kept hidden a silky ribbon, in which he found from that girl’s book. He had planned to return it, however seeing the fabric of silk laced in his hands made him reminisce of the girl. It would seem he had hardly ever fallen in love with any sort of girl, certainly not after the death of his old beloved.
The Colonel had arrived at the door of the Dashwood’s, he jumped off his horse and took off his hat placing it to his chest. As he was about to knock to on the front door of the cottage, he spotted Elinor reading on the front porch “Miss Dashwood, quite a fine morning isn’t it”. Elinor’s eyes had greeted the Colonel, she placed her book to the side smiling “Indeed, a good morning to you Colonel”.
The Colonel smiled politely; he had offered his arm out for Elinor to stroll with him around the cottage. Elinor placed her arm around the Colonel, the two began to walk around the cottage. “How are your sister’s Elinor, certainly Mrs Dashwood must have her hands full” the Colonel smiled lightly.
Elinor shook her head, her brown hair sat neatly compared to Marianne’s, her eyes showed a kindness that sympathized with many. “They have been quite well; my dear sisters have been quite busy” Elinor relied.
The Colonel smiled, Elinor had been a dear friend to him, since he had arrived at the Dashwood’s, Elinor had shinned Sympathy toward the Colonel.
“Busy you say” he asked.
Elinor nodded “yes quite, our cousin y/n had been staying with us for the summer, you should see all the books she reads”.
The Colonel had stopped in his tracks, his mind began to wonder as he came back to reality. He smiled politely at Elinor “ah indeed, I imagine books are a good source for many young lady’s imaginations to explore”.
The Colonel was quite polite, he had read a great source of books back in the day mostly about battle tactics and the atlas of the world. He was never exactly one for fairytales or fantasies, he thought they were more for children. The only time he had read some of the sort was when he was a child, his mother would read to him in bed. It was quite a hard time back then, he had never really thought about settling down that was until he met a woman, unfortunately she had passed but the thought of her still ran through his mind. The Colonel did hold an attraction of sorts towards Elinor’s younger sister Marianne who resembled his long-lost beloved. The youth of the girl had brought back memories, every time he had tried to grow close with Marianne, she had pushed him away. The Colonel had tried every bit of affection he could offer but the girl held affections toward another man Mr Willoughby. The young lad was certainly much more charming than the old Colonel, he was much more in age range, and he had more desirable features.
“Indeed, however mother wishes for y/n to eventually settle down with a suitor” Elinor couldn’t help but think how alike she was to Marianne in some ways. “She’s too caught up in her own imagination, claiming she wishes to venture into the world and see new things”.
The Colonel had never heard of such a woman, the thought of y/n had made his mind go into a whirl of lust. The young woman had become the object of his attention since the first day, he kept her ribbon as a sign he hoped to see her again. This had felt out of character for such a reserved man, but it had been quite some time since he had been infatuated with another.
“I must ask Elinor, where is y/n, is she around” he asked, it would take another miracle to just catch another glimpse of the fair lady.
“Indeed, she is inside spending time with Margret and Marianne” Elinor smiled; she led the Colonel back toward the cottage.
Meanwhile inside a small room, Marianne sat down on the lounge with a cup of tea in her hands. She watched in amusement as y/n was playing with her younger sister Margret. Marianne had a close relationship with y/n, the two were almost like sisters despite being cousins. Marianne had thought fondly of how adventurous and kind y/n was towards everyone even if they were quite harsh. Marianne sipped her tea as she laughed lightly at y/n’s silly game.
“And then what happened” Margret laughed, “The fiery breath of the beast bellowed out a laugh as the knight prepared to capture the dragon” Y/n held her arms out exaggeratedly, she tried to mimic the voice and body of the dragon. “I shall eat you unless you wish to offer me gold” Y/n spoke lowly, she stepped up on the table. “Y/n careful, mother will get mad if you break it” Marianne spoke with caution.
“It’s only a game Marianne, mother won’t know” Margret reassured her.
Y/n turned grinning as she held her arms out “this dragon shall eat thy knight, you better start running”. Margret laughed as she began to run out of the room playfully, y/n jumped from the table to chase after her. Marianne amusedly stared at y/n “I must say is it those books that have gotten to your head”.
“I mean in what world would a lady want to be a hideous beast that breaths fire” Marianne questioned. “I wouldn’t mind being a winged beast, imagine flying freely and having no one telling you what to do and shooing away pestering humans with a roaring fire” y/n smiled.
Marianne scoffed at how childish y/n was being “yes well I’m sure you would make a fine beast” she laughed. Y/n had placed her scarf around her back, it reenacted like a cape, a cape which served the purpose of being the wings. Y/n had tried to chase Margret through the house, she called out her name but to no avail. “Alright, my sir knight, this dragon has given in, you shall take my gold” Y/n smiled walking along the wooden floor through the hallway. While y/n trailed through, she heard a noise, more like a small “tap” coming from the window outside.
Y/n followed the noise coming from the window through the echoing room of the guest bedroom. To her astoundment she had spotted an owl, an owl carrying a letter within in its beak. Y/n thought she was going mad, although there must’ve been some plausible explanation; the owl could’ve simply stolen a gentleman’s post by mistake. “Excuse me, I believe that’s not your letter” y/n muttered to herself. The owl calmly sat on the windowsill as y/n walked close, “How odd” she thought “How odd, the owl is not flying away in fear”. Y/n calmly reached her hand toward the owl, the letter was a black sheet with a green stamp over the middle with the symbol letter being “S”.
Y/n had grabbed the letter as the owl calmly offered it, y/n examined the letter, it read her name and address. “Is this a jest” she asked the owl, the owl replied in a squawk. Y/n ripped the stamp off as she pulled out the light piece of paper.
“To miss Y/n,
If you recall last night, I have spoken about the position of being my assistant. My apologies If I have vanished with no thought, I couldn’t bring attention to myself or at least the muggles.
I don’t usually offer positions as such; many have annoyed me with their stupidity or don’t understand the consequences. I may know you may not speak highly of me, I’m not exactly one for “class” or so you muggles put it.
I shall not ramble for long as I’m sure my boring words are putting you to sleep.
If you are by the slightest chance interested, I will await you at my abode, the house through the forest.
Yours not sincerely,
Severus Snape”.
Y/n smiled in excitement, she had not forgotten about the night with the man, he had peaked y/n’s fascination since the beginning of last night. She felt the pit of her stomach light up in a fire as she was offered a job. Y/n had wanted something to do that wasn’t just playing the piano or trying to be suited for a man. She wanted freedom, to work, to have a chance at being successful at something. Y/n held the letter to her chest and flopped on the guest bed in excitement, her heart pounded with adoration. The owl must’ve thought how odd this human was for simply seeing a letter.
“Oh, when shall I go, tomorrow no, now, I must go now” Y/n rushed to her feet and scattered to find her things. “Firstly, I must find my books, yes books as they provide the knowledge and then my belongings so I can look professional” y/n was in frantic rush, like she was about to be interviewed for something important. Margret from down the hall observed y/n as she grabbed many things “Y/n where are you going, you’re acting like you’re in a rush to tidy your room before mother finds you”.
Y/n had no time to think, she wore an elegant dress with a scarf that wrapped around her back. “Oh dear Margret, I must be off to-“ y/n had to think for a moment, she couldn’t be seen working as it would be looked down upon. “I’m off to meet with a dear friend, where going for a picnic” y/n quickly thought up “oh a picnic, can I come” Margret chirped up.
“Certainly not, I think you’ll find it far too boring, imagine sitting there with two boring old people talking” y/n smiled, she knelt to Margaret’s eye level. “Here, take this, it’s a book about a princess going on a grand adventure” y/n handed over the book.
Margret smiled as she received y/n’s book “Very well, but promise you’ll bring me something delicious”. Y/n held her pinkie up to Margret’s “Promise” she whispered.
Y/n walked fast, she had to be out the door before her aunt had caught her going off. Y/n had just about left through the door when Elinor called out “Y/n”. Y/n jumped to a stop, she could feel the adrenaline rush all at once “dear lord Elinor, you caused me a fright”. Elinor wandered toward y/n as she raised an eyebrow “y/n, where are you heading at this hour”.
Y/n stuttered for a moment “U-uh”, Elinor was confused on y/n’s manner, she had never acted as such. Y/n smiled as best as she could, she had to try her best to not act suspicious “Elinor, I will explain everything when I come back”. Y/n scampered quickly out through the main area of the house; the front door swung open with ease as y/n began to trail from the front porch to the forest.
The forest was quite far, she had no horse nor carriage to carry her, but y/n wouldn’t mind she needed to keep this on the down low. The dirt road had no carriages nor horses trailing through, y/n quickly walked down the road alone.
In the distance of the trail, the Colonel had caught sight of y/n walking off alone in a forest. It seemed dangerous for a lady to trail off on her own, even down such a dangerous path. The Colonel wasted no time and hopped on his horses saddle. He rode the horse to follow y/n, if something dangerous were to occur then at least he had the authority to stop it. After all no one would dare try anything as he was a high-ranking officer. He wasn’t exactly a knight in shining Armor, he was quite the opposite rather, he acted cold and distant. He intruded at the most inconvenient times, and he only ever talked to Elinor instead of Marianne.
The Colonel trotted along the dirt road, y/n on the other hand was trying to look for some sort of trail or path that could lead her to this house. To y/n’s annoyance all she could see was trees, the letter provided no sign of landmark it could be near nor any sort of map. Y/n tried to focus, to her surprise she could see a faint path, of course that must’ve been the trail to follow “straight to the forest and into a house”. Y/n was about to trail through the forest path when she heard a horse trotting behind her. “Miss y/n, what is your intention of going somewhere alone” the Colonel asked slightly worried. Y/n frightfully jumped; she turned her whole body to face the Colonel sitting on his horse. “Colonel Brandon, forgive me I was attending to go to a picnic” y/n smiled hoping he would go.
The Colonel hopped down from the horse’s saddle, y/n smiled out of politeness but, she hoped he would leave so she could find Snape. “I must be off Colonel, I bid you a good morning and farewell” y/n tried to follow through the trail in the woods. The Colonel instead had an offer “Miss y/n, the woods are quite dangerous for a young lady especially if one were to get lost”.
Y/n smiled politely “I can reassure you Colonel, I’m quite capable of knowing my way”. Y/n tried to give the hint, but it seemed the Colonel had no intention of leaving. “Miss y/n, I can provide you with an adequate travel upon my horse, it would be quite faster” he stood up professionally, he held his hand out. Y/n politely declined the offer, she wanted to seek out this job offer without seeming like her social status would be looked down upon. “Forgive me, but I must truly decline, If I need you, I shall let you know” y/n gently gripped the Colonels hands to reassure him. He glanced into the youthful girl’s eyes; he was caught off guard as the girl smiled. The youthful features had brought back memories of his days with his old beloved Eliza who had passed. Y/n brought out a side to him which he buried for years since the time of his past.
The Colonel was caught in a trance, for a time he had never found anyone that could catch his sight as much as y/n could. The young woman smiled as she let go, the Colonel called “Y/n”. The woman turned to await the Colonels words “if you’re in trouble then please, don’t hesitate to call out, I shall be near if in trouble” he smiled.
Y/n nodded and bid the Colonel farewell; she trailed through the forest to find Snape’s house as he insisted.
The trail through the forest had grown quite long and deary, y/n had to trudge through thick leaves. Y/n was trying to cover her face from all the overgrown twigs and branches curling around the area. While trying to make it through the forest, y/n had accidentally stepped in mud, she sighed in annoyance. This dress was supposed to be her best one but then again, she had plenty of others. It wasn’t all terrible y/n had read about many adventures like this, although the hero would always somehow magically make it out of the woods. Y/n didn’t give up and tried to trudge through the mud like she was some sort of cadet.
Y/n walked further and further down the muddy path until she slipped and fell onto her behind. Y/n used a tree branch in hopes she would be able to get up, at least no one was watching, or it would be quite embarrassing well, so she thought.
“Miss y/n, it appears getting lost Is your favorite activity” a slur of a man had been heard from behind her. “Mr Snape, forgive me I-“ Y/n was cut off “I knew your dim witted brain couldn’t figure out how to trail through the woods”. Y/n got offended “now hang on just a minute sir, you can’t call me dimwitted when you’ve provided me no map”.
Snape raised an eyebrow “ever heard of looking on the back”, y/n grabbed out the piece of paper “there’s nothing even there” she complained.
Snape snatched the piece of paper from y/n’s grasp “right here”, he handed the letter back to y/n. It must’ve seemed like a dream because y/n could’ve sworn it was blank where as now, it was showing a map with a trail to the house through the forest. “Mr Snape, my eyes did not deceive me when I mean there was no map here before” y/n pointed.
“Well, there is now” he said coldly, y/n grumbled at the man’s remark “have you ever heard of kindness or perhaps the word consideration”. “plenty” he slowly replied coldly, y/n grabbed her dress in annoyance as Snape guided her through the mud to the path. “Welcome miss y/n to my home” Snape showed his house, it was quite mattered and certainly not a prince’s boudoir of sorts. “Oh Snape, it’s rather wonderful” y/n had been taught not to be impolite about one’s living matter. “I can tell in your tone you were expecting something more, we can’t all be blessed with nice things miss y/n” Snape replied as he helped y/n through the forest.
“No Mr Snape, it’s exactly what I expected, I’m thankful for what I’m given” y/n smiled sincerely. “I think what you’re offering me is what many ladies would aspire to want, I want to work hard so I can achieve my own succession”. Snape stared at the girl’s bright smile, it was like you could give her a piece of paper and she would still be grateful. Snape’s eyes narrowed “I believe achieving greatness is something to strive for”.
Y/n confidentially walked out of the mud right to the door, she didn’t care about the brown stains on her dress. “So Mr Snape when shall we start” y/n smiled, she clasped her hands together covered in silk gloves.
Snape opened the creaky old door in the woods, laying all over the floor was Jars of an unknown substance and book’s pages were scattered everywhere. What caught y/n’s eye was the cauldron sitting in the middle of the room, boiling from some sort of heat source. It reminded y/n of a witch’s house, y/n was polite of course and didn’t comment on the appearance. “I assume that’s your morning tea” y/n laughed. Snape did not react instead he handed y/n a list “Firstly the rules I instruct must be followed, if you disobey, I shall make you clean this entire house with nothing more than an owl’s feather”.
Y/n looked sincere, surely there was no way that was possible, Snape started to give out the rules to which y/n took seriously. “Firstly, don’t touch anything and secondly don’t snoop anywhere your mind shall question, am I understood” Snape asked.
“Of course, I shall do my best” y/n smiled excitedly; surely the rules aren’t hard to follow. Y/n was given a list of ingredients.
1.      Baneberry
2.      Blowfly
3.      Bat wing
4.      Bezoar
5.      Flubberworm mucus
6.      Frog brain
7.      Horned toad
8.      Horsehair
9.      Nettle
10.  Pearl dust
 Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as if she had was on another planet with a list of unknown words. “What in the world bat wings, frog brain, horned toads, horsehair, FLUBBERWORM MUCUS!?!” Y/n thought. Surely this man can’t be serious, y/n stared flabbergasted at the list as Snape was busy trying to brew something in the cauldron. Y/n gathered herself, if she were to keep her position, she needed to act professional. The first-place y/n started to look was the cabinets, all the labels were written with smudged ink, although the first thing y/n found was a jar of the first item.
1.      Baneberry
2.      Blowfly
3.      Bat wing
4.      Bezoar
5.      Flubberworm mucus
6.      Frog brain
7.      Horned toad
8.      Horsehair
9.      Nettle
10.   Pearl dust
Y/n used a pencil to cross off the first item off the list, she tried to find something she could use to carry all the ingredients in. Y/n one by one slowly started to cross off all the items on the list except for one.
1.      Baneberry
2.      Blowfly
3.      Bat wing
4.      Bezoar
5.      Flubberworm mucus
6.      Frog brain
7.      Horned toad
8.      Horsehair
9.      Nettle
10.  Pearl dust
“Flubberworm mucus” y/n muttered, she needed to find the last ingredient for Mr Snape. y/n had no idea what that even was, let alone she looked through all the Jars with labels including the one on the ground to no avail. Y/n was determined to find it, she wanted to prove to Snape she was capable of being something more, something more than a snoopy dunderhead. Y/n looked above and around to which she was astonished to see the jar right above-.
“Oh, dear heavens” y/n muttered, it was a shelf right above where Snape was. Y/n nodded, she agreed to herself she would get the last ingredient with no trouble. Y/n grabbed a chair from beneath the table and stood up trying to aim herself to where the Flubberworm mucus Jar was. Snape on the other hand was trying to stir using a wooden spoon, it certainly did look like something a witch would use. Y/n wasted no time and tried to use her hands to reach the flubberworm mucus Jar, her dress dangled from below and her silky gloves were covered in mud and dirt. The chair was wobbly and to which y/n had hoped it wouldn’t snap, just as the universe seemed on her side. Y/n’s fingers had touched the Jar “Yes” y/n smiled with glee. The chair from beneath y/n’s feet had begun to topple “Woah!” y/n screamed.
Before y/n reached the bottom of the floor, Snape had pulled out a wand and uttered “Winguardium Leviosa”. Y/n hadn’t crashed but neither was she on the ground “I’m, I’m floating, goodness me I’m floating” y/n spoke bewildered.
Snape had placed his wand back into his cloak “Merlin now look what I’ve done, she’s never going to leave me alone, all she’ll do is bombard me with her nosy questions” he thought. Y/n was let down with a ‘Thud’, “Mr Snape, I was floating” she was still in shock from the incident. “Yes, do you wish to repeat once more” Snape sneered, “How, how did I do that” y/n had to experiment. Y/n tried to jump which didn’t work, perhaps it was something based on emotion “Mr Snape, what I just experienced is something no man has discovered, I should perhaps write this experience”.
Snape furrowed his brows in annoyance as heard the woman’s voice bid him with useless titles. “It shall be called, the floating woman, no wait too ordinary” y/n was thinking hard much to Snape’s annoyance. “I got it, a witch’s tale, it shall be one of new science and discovery” y/n was acting frantic “I, I need a pencil and paper-“.
Snape was fed up with y/n’s assumption “no you stupid muggle, it wasn’t you, I casted the spell”. Y/n’s eyes grew in shock “you, you’re a witch”, Snape shook his head “correction miss y/n, a wizard, a male with magic”. Y/n’s eyes glanced to the wand in Snape’s pocket, it was black she couldn’t presume what exact length it was, but it seemed she was rather taken back by the look. “Is that a wand” y/n had heard of such tales from her story books. Snape concluded her before she would give him a headache with all her questions “Miss y/n, I suggest you read this, it should answer all those endearing questions you have locked away in your mind”.
Y/n didn’t exactly question it, she smiled eagerly grabbing the book from the old melancholy wizard’s hands. “Thank you Mr Snape, this has been such an exciting day” y/n had nearly forgotten the time “oh my goodness, it’s nearly sunset, I should get going before my aunt worries about me”. Y/n curtsied to Snape politely, Y/n nearly scampered out of the home “I expect you back here tomorrow y/n, we shall be looking at brewing potions”.
Y/n smiled widely “of course, you’ve been such marvelous man Mr Snape”, y/n waved quickly before running with the book back to her home cottage. Snape watched as the young woman scampered, the comment y/n made him nearly soften. Snape wouldn’t show much emotion around anyone, he was a mystery that barely the world didn’t bother to uncover. It had been so long since he had company, let alone someone with an odd intellect. Snape walked back inside his crumpled home; he stared out the window as peace now covered the house. He must admit, she wasn’t terrible, he somewhat almost seemed to miss the young girl’s pestering.
Y/n ran back through the forest toward her home, the path Mr Snape had shown her was now easier from when she came in. In the distance through the woods, she spotted her cottage, y/n walked back to her little abode. Upon arriving at the front door Mrs Dashwood frantically grabbed y/n’s shoulders “where were you, goodness you were missing all day, you missed afternoon tea”. Y/n smiled reassuringly “fret not dear aunt, I was merely having a picnic with a dear friend close by”.
Mrs Dashwood nearly gasped from all the dirt and mud covered on y/n’s dress. “My goodness y/n, your dress is covered in filth” Mrs Dashwood observed, “yes indeed, perfectly good explanation for that”. Y/n went inside giggling like some sort of child, Elinor was sitting with Marianne in the lounge when they spotted y/n. Elinor gasped at y/n’s dress “oh my goodness, y/n your dress” she pointed out, “it’s filthy” Marianne commented.
Y/n ignored her cousin’s comments “yes, yes say no more, aunty has already spotted out”. Y/n smiled carrying the book to her room, of course she had planned to have a bath and toss the dirty dress. “Did you not know how mother was worried about you, the Colonel had searched everywhere for you” Elinor questioned “we were all worried you had gotten lost”. Y/n nodded “indeed but rest assured dear Elinor I am safe”.
Marianne glanced at Elinor “y/n, have you no consideration toward how long you were gone”. Y/n replied, “of course I have consideration”.
Y/n held her hands together in a lady like manner “my sincere apologies Elinor, Marianne and to Mrs Dashwood, perhaps I have been a little selfish and should’ve considered telling you”. The two sisters glanced at y/n; Elinor nodded as she replied, “very well but please do tell mother as she worries about you”.
Y/n held Elinor’s hand “You’re like my sisters, I would never want to do anything that would make you worry”. Y/n smiled at Marianne as she looked back with a smile “we know y/n”.
Y/n nodded and started to run upstairs, just as she did the Colonel had entered. Marianne pretended to read just so the Colonel couldn’t bother her “Elinor, Marianne has y/n returned safely”. Elinor softly spoke “indeed but much to the dismay of her dress”. The Colonel asked, “May I know where she is”, Elinor replied “y/n ran to her room however she was carrying some strange, large book”.
The Colonel smiled thanking Elinor; Marianne scoffed at the sight of the old, reserved Brandon. He trailed up the stairs to see if y/n was alright, hopefully there was no sight of her having any broken bones nor even any bruises. The door to y/n’s room was creaked open, the Colonel didn’t intrude. He had planned to ask y/n where she had been, however as he observed y/n and he knows this was un-gentlemanly, but he couldn’t help but notice y/n’s appearance.
Y/n was laid on the bed, her hair was no longer tied and had fallen loosely over her. Y/n’s eyes were scanning the book, her lips perked slightly open as she smiled in fascination. The girl’s legs were dangling up as she crossed them, her night gown had a white silk which hung down. The Colonel was caught in a trance once more, the brightness of the young woman brought something to his eyes. He lifted his hand gently and touched the door, before he did anything else that may make him caught, he stood up professionally and knocked. “Miss y/n, may I ask your permission to speak with you” he heard a book slam shut and footsteps come up to the door “yes, indeed”. Y/n had opened her door “I’m glad your safe and sound, Mrs Dashwood was quite worried about you”.
Y/n smiled softly “indeed, however rest assured I’m safe”, the Colonel had sighed to himself “to be fair I had started to worry myself, I searched everywhere for you”. Y/n nodded “yes, but now you’ve found me bravo”, he replied with caution “miss y/n, I must say I’ve forgot to return something for you”. The Colonel pulled out of his pocket, y/n’s ribbon “if you remember from that day, I had met first met you, I had meant to return it, but I couldn’t find you”.
Y/n smiled thankfully “ah thank you”, the colonel placed the silky charm into y/n’s palm. Y/n held out her hand “here, give me your hand”. He held his palm out in curiosity, y/n rolled up the Colonels sleeve as she tied the ribbon neatly into a bow around his wrist. “Um, well this is” he had never experienced such a practice “take it as my gift Colonel, you may use it as a bookmark” y/n smiled. The Colonel didn’t complain as he politely bowed toward y/n “My dearest y/n, I consider my gratitude toward your gift”.
Y/n smiled and nodded “excellent Mr Brandon, I must be off to bed farewell”, the young woman shut the door as the Colonel stares at the ribbon in confusion. His fingers lingered over the silky bow however he jumped as he heard a voice behind him “Colonel, what are you doing”. Marianne questioned him “Forgive me my dear lady, I should’ve asked permission to come up here, I was checking on y/n to make sure she was all in good health”.
Marianne dismissed him and walked past him “very well however please don’t stay for long, we must be off too bed as I’m sure you must”. The colonel bowed politely as Marianne dismissed him. she was not in the mood to talk with him at this hour. To which he slightly hoped she would be quite grateful he had searched all over to find her cousin.
Elinor had awaited downstairs as the Colonel bid the Dashwood’s farewell, he had planned to return in days’ time. As the Colonel had exited through the front door, he caught sight of the ribbon on his hand. He remembered y/n’s smile and dashing brightness of her warmth; he had recalled touch of her hand wrapping the ribbon around in a bow. She was an extraordinary young lady that he had developed an attraction to, y/n a girl not of this world but far greater than anyone he had ever met.
Y/n laid in bed; she swore the next morning she would go to visit Snape. He offered her something that would change her life, for the better or worse.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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Colonel Brandon x young reader x Severus Snape🦇👧⚔ dancing willows💖
synopsis: Colonel Brandon arrives at the Dashwood's when he falls for a young woman, one day at a party y/n met a mysterious man that intrigued her. She felt her curiosity tug herself towards the man.
AU: Takes place in the regency era, Snape never attended Hogwarts but still has his past. 
Warnings: none 
Comment: let me know if you wish to see this into a fanfic.
28 notes · View notes
Colonel Brandon x young reader x severus snape⚔️👧🦇
Dancing willows✨️
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Synopsis: Colonel Brandon arrives at the Dashwood's when he falls for a young woman, one day at a party y/n met a mysterious man that intrigued her. She felt her curiosity tug herself towards the man.
AU: Takes place in the regency era, Snape never attended Hogwarts but still has his past. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: under progress
Chapter 5: under progress
Chapter 6: under progress
Chapter 7: under progress
Chapter 8: under progress
Chapter 9: under progress
Chapter 10: under progress
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Can I have a jane austen 3 part fanfic where it's like lost in austen tv series modern chubby reader gets sent to jane austen and colonel brandon (alan rickman) and Mr darcy (Mathew McFaydenn) and the love reader at same time kind of like u did the headcon
Hello dear sorry for this long request I hope you like it 💖.
Mr Darcy X chubby reader X colonel Bradon💎
The men's bride👰
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Chapter 1:
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It was quite hard to imagine a woman like me trying to find a husband. I’m not really the type that’s into just any man more so I want one that’ll treat me with respect and at outmost love. I never really thought for a second that the man of my dreams would happen to be at this very annual ball. My parents organised this event for me to at least find someone acceptable. “What if I never find someone papa” I asked with worry “don’t you worry my dear y/n you will find someone” my father wraps his arm around mine. The women at this ball seemed to be very pretty and could attend any prince. I always dreamed of having a prince ask me to dance.
The ladies wore all sorts of costumes, feathers, streamers, and ribbons. They were all hoping for the same thing, a chance of finding a respectful husband. I was probably one of the most plain looking here, I wore an ordinary dress with feathers coming down my face and ribbons tied in the back of my hair. I didn’t think anyone would’ve chosen me that was until he appeared, a handsome young man with quite the attire. “Excuse sir may I dance with your daughter” The man asked my father.
“I would love to oh papa please” I pleaded as he seemed rather eager “oh very well if he is high of ranking, we shall allow you to wed this man”. “Come y/n our dance awaits” he was rather eager to get his way with y/n into her heart.
“My name milady is Fitzwilliam Darcy; you may call me Mr Darcy” he kissed her hand “oh my that sounds like a rather dashing name” y/n smiled. He couldn’t wait to see the girls outcome; he was infatuated by her appearance. She wasn’t terrible looking, and her personality was amazing. Mr Darcy looked at y/n with dreamy eyes “you have such pretty eyes y/n, may I ask something miss y/n”.
“Of course, Mr Darcy” I nodded “would you marry me”. This happened so fast it seemed too good to be true. “Yes, oh yes Mr Darcy” I smiled widely however Mr Darcy held something against the lower class.
“Very well then we shall arrange it over the next couple of days” Mr Darcy left and eventually talked to my father. The next couple of days after were quite beautiful really, never would I have thought a man would want to marry me.
Chapter 2:
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I was sitting down having a cup of tea enjoying the peacefulness around me with a soon to be husband. As I was about to read, I heard a knock on the door, it seemed rather unusual to have a man around at this hour. “Goodness who might that be” I got up to reach the door, it seemed Mr Darcy didn’t tell me about his guest. “Hello sir” I smiled shyly “good evening mam” a man within his 30s greeted me. “I didn’t know Mr Darcy expected guests” the man kept staring at me “well sir I’m about to have tea feel free to sit down”.
The man came up to me and kissed my hand “the honour is mine milady”. I guided the man within the room, he was quite pleased with me. He was known to be cold and rather unromantic, however I thought otherwise. “Milady you have quite a remarkable beauty” he smiled “I’m sure you’ve got a fine husband” before y/n admitted “well I don’t yet but I will very soon”. “Right, I actually came by to ask Mr Darcy something but now I have a new request” The man grabs my hands “will you miss y/n be my bride”. I blushed he was certainly older but even then, he was handsome.
“Forgive me but I’m supposed to be marrying Mr Darcy” I looked down however he came up and gently placed his lips on mine “I understand but it’s not too late to change all you have to do is be mine”.
“I do have a higher ranking after all, I’m sure your father may approve” I stood there stunned. Suddenly that’s when Mr Darcy came in the room “y/n is everything alright, I assume you’re here to see me” the man grabbed my shoulders pulling me back.
“Indeed, however I shall take my leave farewell Mr and Mrs Darcy” Colonel Bradon took his coat and headed out the door. I watched as the man left, he was fairly odd he was seen as cold but with me he was soft.
Chapter 3:
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I was wearing a gown of white, and my hair was tide up. I had no intention to become sad as this was the happiest day. Someone opened the door to my room until my eyes saw “Colonel Bradon what are you doing here” I questioned. “I had to see you y/n, I couldn’t let you go, and I beg of you don’t marry that man” Bradon knelt down grabbing my hand “you should be with someone of my ranking”.
“Mr Bradon, I chose to marry Mr Darcy I love him you see” I seemed quite surprised as to why this man broke in. “very well I won’t hold a grudge, but I must confess I’m in love with you”. He came up to my lips and gently planted his on mine, a kiss was shared between us another man’s bride and a Colonel.
“I bid you farewell soon to be Mrs Darcy” before I came up and whispered, “If Mr Darcy wasn’t here, I would have married you”. My heart pounded as he was suddenly leaving, I couldn’t stop him my heart belonged to Mr Darcy, but I ached for Colonel Bradon too. My wedding was about to begin as my father walked in “come it’s time”. I walked with him down the isle to see Mr Darcy at the end. I could see in the very distance the Colonel watching from afar as his beloved was about to marry off with some rich man.
I closed my eyes and whispered “I’m sorry” I looked towards Mr Darcy as we both shared a kiss.
A bride that fell in love with a rich man and the Colonel that fell in love with the bride.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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Can I request professor snape x chubby ravenclaw reader x colonel brandon where reader accidently uses her time turner and sends em both back to jane austen time and both men fall for reader! (Both characters are played by Alan rickman)
Hello dear 💖 I hope you enjoy the oneshot.
Snape X chubby ravenclaw reader X colonel Brandon🎀
My Cinderella life 💎
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Oh, how I dream of fairy tales quite like the ones in those movies such as Romeo and Juliet. I had never experienced such a romantic trope, but I must say it would be quite an honour to see such beautiful men. Even if it was for a little while, you see I was quite infatuated with the potions teacher Snape he normally had no one. Every time I would come around, he would teach me such useful things, however it’s quite funny to see him go red with such little to no action.
Professor snape was done teaching a class and I was curious about what the shiny thing in the middle was. It was in the shape of an hour glass and I wanted to find out “Snape will be so impressed with my knowledge I thought”. I picked up the time turner and wound it back at least several times before clicking the button, everyone was speeding past me. I had no idea what was happening with Hogwarts until I stopped at a ball. I wore my robes and everyone else wore such fancy party wear. I felt like an elegant Cinderella about to step inside such a world full of wonder. I pulled out my wand to fit in the crowd and whispered “Dressurpus”.
I twirled into a light of sparkle until a bright blue dress representing my house. I certainly felt like princess. My hair was done up and I wanted to express this emotion until a man appeared from behind me. “Hello mam may I have this dance” He was handsome, his stance and posture were amazing. “of course,” I spoke with elegance “What’s your name”.
“Y/n” I muttered “such a pretty name you may call me Colonel Brandon” he was older than me but to that I didn’t mind. I wasn’t by all means going to let this one go and so I danced with him, we went back and forth in the waltz.
“You’re quite the beauty” he added suddenly, he touched the time turner and we spun back. Snape stood their confused “What in merlin”. I stepped in “Snape I can explain” he was annoyed to say the least “must you be such a nosey creature” before the Colonel spoke up “this lady is no creature sir”.
“She happens to be my chaperone tonight” he winks, I blushed both the men I had crushes for were about to fight. “Snape, wait I think he’s handsome, but my heart belongs to you” I then pecked the side of his cheek.
“Do not fret I shall protect her if she were to marry me” the colonel knelt down “she will do no such thing you dimwit” Snape intervened. “You are to leave Hogwarts” he points his wand out as the Colonel points his sword to Severus.
“Stop I can both love you at the same time” I held both their hands and they calmed down. The next few hours were spent in the tea house as both men gazed at me dreamily.
It was such a turn of events.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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