#pride for one (izuku midoriya x fem!vegeta)
madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
AU: Crossover College- Student Athelete AU
Summary of the Question: How many times have you dealt with Fem!Vegeta (whatever her name is) challenging you to a race ever since you beat her in racing in track and field that one time Izuku?
“I lost count after 57th time.” The Greenette said as he looked over the glaring look from the short yet muscle-bound princess of the saiyan race.
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
AU: Crossover College- Student Athlete AU
Summary of the Question: Why do you keep challenging Izuku Vergito? Aren't you worried sooner or later he would raise the stakes and make it worth his time?
“My pride as the Princess of the Saiyan Race will not back down! No matter the price!” Vergito growled out, voice thick with stubbornness and pride as she once more marched toward the bane of her existence.
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