jonostroveart · 1 year
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No Mercynary
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drakvuf · 7 months
Navalnij halálának a margójára
Értem én, hogy mindenkiben felcsillan a remény, ha Putyinnak van egy erős kihívója, de ahogy Prigozsin, Navalnij is egy még az orosz elnöknél is nagyobb fasiszta szar darab volt.
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emily63 · 1 year
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revengangel · 1 year
Lehet tippelni milyen rejtelyes halala lesz: novicsok Plutonium Leesik a lepcson kiesik az ablakon tarkonlovi magat Veletlenul athajt rajta egy T-90-es tank
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taiwantalk · 1 year
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
“In the hours after Yevgeny Prigozhin's army of ex-convicts and mercenaries halted their advance on Moscow, the Kremlin set out to seize full control of the global empire built by the notorious military entrepreneur.
Russia's deputy foreign minister flew to Damascus to personally deliver a message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Wagner Group forces would no longer operate there independently. Senior Russian foreign ministry officials phoned the president of the Central African Republic, whose personal bodyguards include Wagner mercenaries, offering assurances that Saturday's crisis wouldn't derail Russia's expansion into Africa. Government jets from Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations shuttled from Syria to Mali, another of Wagner's key foreign outposts.
Russia, which for years denied any association with Wagner, appears to be trying to take over the far-flung mercenary network managed by Prigozhin and his lieutenants. After Saturday's failed mutiny, it isn't clear how much it can or how quickly.
"Wagner helped Russia build its influence, and the government is loath to give it up," said J. Peter Pham, former special envoy for the West African Sahel region. "Wagner gave the state deniability. The question is whether they can manage its complexity and deal with additional scrutiny."
At minimal cost and at an arm's length, Wagner helped the Kremlin amass international influence and collect revenues, managed by Prigozhin's holding company Concord and a network of shell companies that helped funnel funds to the Kremlin, according to Western officials and documents viewed by The Wall Street Journal.
Wagner companies generate hundreds of millions of dollars a year in Africa, a crucial source of funding to maintain both Russia's influence on the continent and to finance operations in Ukraine, Western officials said. The group's sources of income include exports of Sudanese gold to Russia, as well as diamonds from the Central African Republic to the United Arab Emirates and wood to Pakistan, these officials said.
Wagner's mercenaries - backed by political strategists, financiers and geologists to prospect for mineral resources - have become entrenched in Mali, Syria and the Central African Republic. The group has offered help suppressing antigovernment protests in Venezuela and Sudan. Prigozhin's associates had planned a secret trip to Haiti, as late as February, to offer their services to the government, which is struggling to keep control of Port au Prince, according to classified U.S. military documents leaked onto the videogame chat group Discord. Haiti's foreign ministry didn't return a request for comment.
The fate of Wagner operations now hinges on whether the Kremlin can simultaneously marginalize Prigozhin and maintain the empire he built on three continents. Some national security officials, sizing up the prospects, say Washington may have an opening to regain influence on a continent where Russia and China have been digging in.
After years denying any Kremlin connections to Wagner, Putin said on Tuesday that the group had been financed by the Russian state for the year ending in May. In the Central African Republic, the Russian defense ministry - which first sent Wagner there in 2018 - is paying for 3,000 of Prigozhin's mercenaries, said Fidele Gouandjika, the nation's presidential security adviser.
In Russia, Wagner's men have until July 1 to sign contracts with the Defense Ministry. Prigozhin, whose plane landed Tuesday in Belarus, has repeatedly said his men would reject the contracts. He hasn't said whether or not he would try to keep control of Wagner's foreign operations while in exile.
Wagner's Telegram and communication channels, which went dark on Saturday, are back online, said Lou Osborn, an analyst at All Eyes on Wagner, an open-source research group. They are largely all carrying the same message, Osborn said, that Prigozhin is being hailed as the man who could topple Putin.
To counter such an idea, Russia's deputy foreign minister Sergei Vershinin flew to Damascus over the weekend to urge Assad to stop Wagner fighters from leaving Syria without Moscow's oversight, people briefed on the conversation said. A statement issued by Assad's office after the meeting said they discussed coordination, especially in "light of recent events."
Russia has told Wagner fighters and workers to stay at their posts, according to a U.S. intelligence officer, and that refusal to carry out their duties would bring harsh reprisals.
Since Putin launched his war on Ukraine, Wagner has taken aggressive steps to expand its footprint in Africa and beyond. At the start of the year, Wagner posted new recruitment ads for experienced fighters, trumpeting its expansion on the continent.
In January, Wagner held talks about sending a military force to Burkina-Faso, a West African nation also threatened by jihadists and which had decided to expel French troops. The group's propaganda outlets signaled it was setting its sights next on Ivory Coast, a potential foray into Africa's Atlantic coast.
The U.S. shared intelligence in February that purported to reveal a Prigozhin plot to help rebels destabilize the Chad government and potentially kill the president, an important Western ally.
A U.N. report this year said Russian instructors were working with local soldiers in the Central African Republic to gain control over regions known for artisanal diamond mining. The goal was to form a corridor from Wagner-controlled regions through Sudan, the reports said, on to the mineral-trading hub of Dubai.”
“The United States on Tuesday (Jun 27) imposed sanctions aimed at disrupting gold mining activities that fund the Wagner Group in Africa, vowing to hold the mercenaries accountable for abuses days after they staged a mutiny in Russia.
The Treasury Department announced sanctions against Midas Resources, which operates mines in the Central African Republic, and Diamville, a gold and diamond purchasing company in the country - and said both were controlled by Prigozhin.
The sanctions - which will block any US assets and criminalise transactions with the companies - also targeted a Dubai-based company, Industrial Resources General Trading, that was accused of handling finances for Prigozhin's dealings in Diamville.”
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szelsolipsi · 3 months
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jloisse · 1 year
🎼 Quelques photos du mémorial au bureau de Novossibirsk de Wagner PMC.
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satoshitalking · 1 year
What happen in Russia
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tilos-tagebuch · 1 year
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🇷🇺 Der Marsch Prigoschins gen Moskau war kein Putsch! Der angebliche Militärputsch von Prigoschin mit seinen Wagner-Milizen, hatte rein unternehmerische, wirtschaftliche Gründe. Bachmut war am 20. Mai gefallen, sein Vertrag mit Moskau am 21.Mai ausgelaufen.
Das Verteidigungsministerium hat verlangt, dass alle privaten Milizen oder Freiwilligenverbände, es gibt an die 40 in Russland (auch von Gazprom und Oligarchen), sich dem Verteidigungsministerium unterstellen müssen. Einige haben diesen Vertrag mit dem Verteidigungsministerium unterzeichnet, nur Prigoschin wollte das nicht.Seine Querelen mit Verteidigungsminister Schoigu gingen seit Wochen durch die Presse.
Das russische Verteidigungsministerium hat den 1. Juli als Termin für die Auflösung der Privatverbände gesetzt. Am 1. Juli sollte also Prigoschin seinen Verband aufgelöst haben. Und dann könnten er und die einzelnen Soldaten Verträge mit den russischen Streitkräften schließen. Die anderen Privatverbände haben das als ganz normal akzeptiert. Nur Prigoschin wollte das nicht tun.
Unsere Medien haben Prigoschins Aktionen als Panik und politischen Umsturz an- oder wahrgenommen. Aber, wie gesagt, Prigoschin hat nie gesagt, die Regierung in Moskau stürzen zu wollen. Er hatte nie den Plan, übrigens auch nicht die Mittel, das zu realisieren. Und man sieht heute auch, dass er keine politische oder populäre Unterstützung hatte. Die Vorstellung, dass er einen Putsch machen könnte, ist daher völlig falsch.
Wagner als Kampfgruppe, die im Donbass eingesetzt wurde, wird aufgelöst. Aber Wagner als Firma bleibt bestehen. Sie wird nach wie vor in Afrika für Sicherheitseinsätze eingesetzt. Wagner ist ja eine Sicherheitsfirma, keine Kampffirma. Sie sind nicht ausgerüstet für Kampfhandlungen. Wie gesagt, Bachmut war eine Ausnahme, weil man beim Häuserkampf keine schweren Waffen benötigt, sondern Handgranaten, Sturmgewehre und ein paar tragbare Panzerabwehrwaffen. Und das ist es. Jedes Mitglied einer Sicherheitsfirma kann diese Waffen beherrschen. Die Einheiten in Mali, Niger oder Burkina Faso werden ihre Sicherheitsaufträge im Dienste oder zugunsten der afrikanischen Länder weitermachen. Nur die Kampfeinheit in der Ukraine und Russland wird aufgelöst.
Grafik: deutschlandfunkkultur.de Source: https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Der-Marsch-Prigoschins-gen-Moskau-war-kein-Putsch-visit-11253.html
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thegodofhellfire · 1 year
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one last party
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Less than 24 hours after the mutiny began, it was over.
As the rebelling Wagner column bore down on Moscow, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko brokered a deal under which Russian President Vladimir Putin promised to drop criminal charges against the mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and allow him to seek asylum in Belarus. The departing Wagner troops were given a heroes’ send-off by some residents of Rostov-on-Don – the southern Russian town they had taken control over without firing a shot earlier in the day.
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zeroz2ro · 1 year
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“Szurkol” “Prigozsin = Márki-Zay”
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sztivan · 1 year
Jó, hát mondjuk ki
Prigozsin gépe csak különleges leszállási műveletet hajtott végre
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Bazmeg :D
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algebraicvarietyshow · 5 months
csak elerte a celjat prigozsin!!
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