#prince lesat era
desertfangs · 6 months
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Goddamn Aliens 3
Marius/Daniel, Armand/Daniel - 2,528 words - Mature
After spending the night comforting Armand during the fallout of his fight with Marius, Daniel talks to Marius and tells him that he and Armand will be leaving for New York when things settle.
This is another attempt to fill in some of the gaps in PLROA where we know Daniel is there but he is not really on the page. I guess because most of this stuff is not happening in Lestat's presence. But I like to imagine how it happened, hence this series!
This is Part 3. Part 1 is Daniel learning about the aliens, and Part 2 is the aftermath of the fight Armand and Marius have that Lestat tells us about but we don't see on the page.
Short Excerpt:
He looked up when Daniel entered. He wore an elegant red robe. His blond hair hung around his shoulders and his blue eyes were sharp. Vampires did not get circles beneath their eyes but there was a weariness in his expression anyway. 
“Hey,” Daniel said.
“I see you still have all your limbs. I assume everyone is so lucky.” Marius’ voice was light but his expression remained hard. 
“Armand is fine,” Daniel answered.
“I figured as much. I was referring to anyone who may have been unfortunate enough to cross his path.” 
Daniel sighed. He sat down in the easy chair opposite Marius. Like the chairs in Armand’s room, these were made of soft velvet and oak.
“He was kind of on a warpath last night,” Daniel conceded. Marius raised an eyebrow. Either surprised Daniel agreed or perhaps in question. “But calling him a child—“ 
“I said he had childlike qualities,” Marius argued, but then he sighed, too. “I suppose I could have chosen my words more carefully.”
Daniel snorted. “You think? You’d never say anything like that to Lestat or to me, and both of us can be…”
“Immature?” Marius offered. 
“Reckless,” Daniel corrected.
Read the whole thing on AO3
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