#prince paul x tsarevna
punk-in-docs · 2 years
I am OBSESSED with your Prince Paul series. I've been reading and re-reading them. I can only hope there's more coming! Like I'd love to see them dealing with the wedding preparations, all the related stress and Catherine being Catherine. Or the first time they say LOVE? Or the first time they see each other nekkid? Or, or, or, anything!! I just love your writing sooooo muuuuuch. (I am also getting inspired to write fan fic or your fan fic, if that's okay???)
🥀 And The Stars Sighed In Unison 🥀
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Authors Note: That’s more than ok my love. I’m so flattered! That’s amazing. I’m so humbled the muse has struck you as a consequence of my foolish little words. So here I give you in no particular order; Wedding day planning. Stag party drunken naughtiness, and in general the excitement of the big day. Hope it meets the mark-
TW: m receiving oral, PIV , dirty talk, clit slapping, much flirting, naughty ren-dez-vous, little dirty in places I mean, c’mon now, it’s Paul x Tsarevna. Don’t be expecting saintly behavior from them (or me) now.
The Palace shimmers. These snake pit halls and cloaking walls, that will never really be home to you, are teaming with bliss. Air full of it. Perched on the precipice of your marital joy.
A royal wedding in December. Anticipation hangs heavy indeed. Heavier than the clouds above distended with snow.
You’ll be married in that snow, Catherine says. Bedecked in white and silver. Because that’s the way things were done here; most babes here learned to keep warm before they learned how to walk.
Lavish affair like no other. It will be ripe with nobility. Snow studded, crept with frost. How appropriate-
The great ballroom is packed with flowers. Crammed to choking. Quite literally. Stuffing the space with pollen and nectar. Outside the trees are thinned brittle with cold. Basked in snow. Icicles on the windows. Inside it’s like there’s been a second sunny waft of spring.
Catherine wanted silver and white inside here. Everything wearing ice. Staining these great baroque halls. A nice occasion that will perhaps wipe through the rusted blood smears, and gloss over her treachery for daring to rob this heaving sow of a country from a man.
Dark walls hung with garlands of scented white flowers, tender tendrils of creamy sweet peas, tulips, and roses. Strung with thick cream ribbons. The best silverware being polished by the servants to a high shine. Flowers wait in vases. The glassware winks like far off stars from the ice smooth linen tables.
You walk obediently alongside her, when she tuts and snaps her fingers at a maid and shoved a poorly polished candlestick back at her, to have it done again.
Her predator eyes on the prowl, nasty tongue in step with it; she never missed a single thing. Countess and you, by her side.
“Do it again. And get it right, or I will have you whipped.” She cuts low. It’s terrifying how calm she is with wintry rage.
Fuck the frost. Catherine’s demeanour bit more than frost could ever dare.
You’re too busy marvelling at the flowers. You’ve never seen the like. Not in the scrappy leaky roofed Manor House you call home in Rostov. This whole environment was groaning with imperial snobbery at a whole new gilded level. Bloated with pomp and circumstance.
Every touch is artful. The flowers, the candles, the feast that’s been planned. Four boozy fruit cakes with hand crafted marzipan icing. Eight types of wine. Shipped from Portugal and France. Vodka unloaded by the barrel full - naturally.
Roast pigs turned on the spits for main, with marjoram, apple and cognac sauce. Haunches of deeply red venison with stewed blackberries and rosemary. The kitchens are fired up night and day for this. The maids on a strict rotation to clean and ready the halls to a gleaming spectacle.
Your dress, Paul’s robes. One of a kind and being worked on by no less than ten dressmakers and tailors, each. It’s all truly beautiful, and mad. And you are struggling to believe - to comprehend - these efforts are being ground to the bone, to satisfy the tune of your own wedding day.
Eyes turned to the ceiling where the flowers are being strung up. Five strands meeting in the gathered centre of the ballroom. Floors being soapy scrubbed and polished to a mirror shine. Every step reflected back. Observed.
This circus court would be watching keenly in attendance. Which makes you want to gouge your eyes out with one of those very spotless fish knives, or a bouillon spoon. Whatever’s closer.
The wedding that is but two precious angst filled days away.
You’ll cease to be a Voronsky. From now on, you’re to be known as the Tsarevna. You turned your nose up when someone tried to call you princess. They quickly found better words in odes to your sharp displeasure.
Call me that again and I will cut your tongue off.
Yes, Tsarevna.
Catherine turns her attention back to you, as you wander along the tables. Drinking in the madness and the beauty.
The Countess is with you and she’s nattering guest lists of who’ve confirmed attendance, at you.
Royal protocol and what that dictates for the drowning numbers of nobles and the statute of those invited to your ceremony.
People will travel in from all over Europe for this. Brave the snow. Nobility came flocking from every corner to pick at the nuptials. Faff over the bride. Congratulate the groom. Throw toasts and hurl wishes. Gorge on the finery.
Then the Countess suddenly sucks air through her teeth seeing a certain princely name appear on her page.
“That will prove tricky-“ She remarks like a vixen, when she comes to the certain name of a royal Swede.
The one who left here jilted, several weeks back.
Catherine is not amused.
“I’m not dancing on eggshells for the ego of one swede. Let the prick come see her happiness. Be done with it.”
You smuggle a secret smile to yourself as you drape your fingertips over the petal of a dainty sweet pea in one of the table arrangements. Fragrance of it so sickly.
“He’s recently engaged, so I’m told. That flame is well and truly doused, I assure you.” You tell.
It never even began to flicker, you think.
“On your side, it may.” Catherine suggests with a pithy smirk. She saw how taken the boy was with you.
“My eyes wander to no other.” You smile at your Empress in law. “And the Countess tells me he was quite struck with that Petrovka girl.”
“Cuntstruck I said. Petrovka had her legs behind her ears since the day she joined court. And she’s sawdust for brains” The Countess took sordid detail in revealing.
Catherine sneered. “Better he found his easy prize. Left us with our Russian gem.” She walks up to you and lays her hand softly on your arm.
You’re not stupid. You know Catherine had her hand on the rudder of your early courtship for far longer than she pretended too.
And well, there’s certainly a great deal more than sawdust between your ears. There’s blade angles of femininity, blazing gunpowder wit, deep unending pools of ideas and intelligence in swathes. Cunning too, some diplomacy, and fistful upon fistfuls of hardy bravery.
“I’m very proud to see you take all this on. My dear. Many would envy you. But do not forget that the task placed ahead is a great one.” Empress reminds you.
“Must run in the family. Rising to greatness.” You answer. Petting her hand with your own. Her draconic red smile widens. Eyes wrinkle pinched at the corners in glee.
“I do enjoy you so.” She chuckles as she pats your hand like you’re one of her little perching obedient dogs. “How do you like the flowers?”
“Divine.” You remark as you wander your eyes around the huge room.
“We can have no less than. Cause people will fucking talk and bitch. They do nothing else when they come to a royal wedding. They want their flawless show of it all and they’ll pick pick pick at it like starved crows.” She comments. Inspecting a polished wine glass.
“You must recall your own.” You ask her as you dance your fingers over a place setting. Gold leaf on the China. Sapphire leaf accents.
“Short, swift. Painless. Much the same to be said for the wedding night.” She mocked. The countess cackled.
“Do we need to give you any instruction on the matter?” The Countess winked at you. Dry chuckle as she attended her lists.
“I think I’ve gleaned enough by now. My new lady in waiting, is most vivacious in her manner of stories.” You concede. Lady Dimitrova was as unstinting to talking about sex, as she was formidable. Both were high measures indeed.
“One dare say they contain a prick of truth.” You add in a way that makes them both leer laughter.
“The veritable picture of a modest blushing bride.” The Countess remarks. Preening in delight at you.
“I heartily concur.” Interjects a voice you know all too well.
You turn your head and see none other than your beautiful intended drawing near,
Four male figures darken the golden horizon of this grand room. Paul and his usual party of scurrying sycophants and paper-pushing bureaucrats. Pillars by his side. Minister Panin, stout General Abramov, and a weedy bespectacled civil servant by the name of Berensky.
Paul wanders over to greet you with his party in tow. His arms clasped behind his back. Draped today in his glass green coat, accented with carmine-red. The clack of his boots joins in the wedding hubbub rioting noisily around you.
The red slash of a royal order dangling jewels and honour around his neck and the sea blue silk of his sash running from shoulder to hip. You like it when he’s all shiny and preening in ceremonial garb. Coiffed soldier. Sword swinging at his side all golden. He looks so pristine.
Only you grin because this was the same shiny and polished prince, who had spat in your cunt this very morning, and fucked you as if he were a beast. He went hard. It was bliss.
Handprints blazing their sting on your ass. Bruises on your thighs. Getting you dopey and all cock drunk before you had to scurry on back to your chambers.
Sustaining the false illusion that you’d spent the night there, and not sat on his cock, sobbing his name to kingdom come - as you then did.
Every slam of his hips into you was a fiery agony cracking across your skin - and oh, how it made the pleasure burn that much sweeter.
It’s so decadent a memory it’s got you wet at the mere sight of him. The glide of your chemise and dress on your raw ass cheeks has been a tender and delicious reminder all morning.
And no one needs to know that the cute silky lilac ribbon tied around your neck, dainty sweet, is actually there concealing fingertip bruises, churning to the colour of ripe mulberries.
“How well your bride looks. Does she not? Tsarevich?” The Countess beams at Paul. “All this wedding joy has cast such a lovely glow to her expression.”
“It has indeed. May I please request that you impart even more of it onto her. It becomes her quite dearly.” Paul charms.
“Radiant and pretty as ever.” He added. Overloading you with sickly sugar words. Churning honey off his silver tongue.
He’d said that this morning too. How pretty you look. Especially with his hand viced around your throat, til eyes fluttered, and you nearly passed out.
Catherine looks like she wants to roll her eyes back in her head and come back when this conversation has shifted elsewhere.
“I was warned by my mother that flattery was the infantry of negotiation.” You narrow your eyes playfully. Nothing slips you by. You’re too sharp to let it.
“As a military man, I do have much appreciation for such a diplomatic resource. Gets us out a lot of scrapes.” He explains.
“What cheek.” You surmise.
“Paul.” Catherine bites in her usual tone she reserved for him.
“I would make my goodbyes to your fiancée were I you. For soon we’re going to steal her away and lock her out your sight, until you’re walking to that altar.”
“And I believe, the men of court have planned a similar merry making event in your bachelor celebration.” She tilts her head and rakes her sherry eyes over Minister Panin. In the way she does that drags and curdles blood if anyone dares disagree.
The Minister leaps to words. “Of course. Empress.”
“Get to it. We have the dressmakers final fitting in half an hour, petal.” Catherine waves her hands at you. A warning.
She drifts away as does the Countess. Just enough edge to her sandpaper words to incite action.
Paul strides closer. Plucks a white sweet pea from out the table arrangement vases, and hands it over to you in offering.
“To match that bloom in your cheeks. Though it can seldom be rivalled by anything sweeter.” He smiles. Perhaps giddy. Totally enraptured by you, that was for sure.
Like he’s some stupid peasant boy gifting the girl he’s wooing, a simple picked flower. It’s actually quite fucking sweet of him. Simple things sometimes.
You pluck it out his hand, lift it up to inhale the sickle sweetness off its giving petals.
“You quote a sonnet at me, my love, I will have to go and be sick in the closest corner.” You warn with flirt traced on your lips.
He smiles back. It’s all doe eyed flirt. “Shall I compare thee to a summers day?”
“Don’t you fucking dare.” You threaten nicely.
“Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under.” He decided instead.
“Much more me, you have to concede.” You state.
You step closer and lean across to peck a sweet kiss on his cheek. Such paltry stuffy affection, but it’s all you can show at present.
His chest bounces with a sudden intake of air. That darkly lustful hunger seizing his eyes. You’re the same. One whiff of his shaving foam cologne and the gut clenching nearness, and you feel slick as ever between your legs.
“I shall see you at the altar then.” You decide when you pull back. Twiddling the flower between your fingertips. Swirling the petals.
Oh no you fucking won’t.
You imperceptibly jerk your head to the doors leading back to the royal chambers. Your eyes flick across and then back to him so suavely it’s like butter wouldn’t even dare melt on your tongue.
“You will.” He answers. Following your gesture.
“Good day. Gentleman.” You say loudly. Turning to his companions. Inclining your head to them. And then him.
“Tsarevich.” You smirk. Running the flower petals across your lips. Saying his full title like a sultry purr like some empty headed courtesan. All wide open legs and easiness.
You twirl on your heel and crossing away to another part of the room.
He watches the delicious drag of your blue skirts sweep the polished floors. All those silken vines laid on cobalt, crowded with plump pink roses on your bodice. The teasing slip of your perfume leaving notes of peaches and orchid musk in your wake. The way your coiled hair lays down the back of your neck. Bounces when you glide away.
“Darya.” You call out to your maid.
She stands to attention with a nodded bob of her linen clothed head. Hands folded serenely behind her back. Walnut eyes whip to you.
“Perhaps some tea in my rooms before the dressmaker comes.” You request.
“Yes my Lady.” And she scurries away to do your bidding. You walk across the room and busy yourself talking to another group of maidens about the flowers.
Paul turns and drifts back to the men accompanying him. Minister Panin says how well you look with the upcoming joy of the nuptials. You sparkle with it. Paul agrees.
They walk along and discuss more treaties and the current state of the affairs in Kyrol.
You watch from the corners of your eyes as him and his entourage leave the room. You smirk.
Leaving it a few moments as you gaze at said buckets of flowers before you decide to depart the room also. Darya returns from laying the tray of tea in your chambers.
“Please inform the Empress I will be on time for the dressmaker.” You beam as you sway to the doors.
She steps to scamper after you. You call back without turning around.
“Unaccompanied, Darya. Go and have some cake or something.” Waft of your hand. You instruct her. Knowing full well you just left her floundering in what to do next.
She notices there’s definitely a sway in your step as you stride away, and out along the echoing gilded halls. She goes and finds something else to do. Keep busy.
You step one foot through the doors leading to the royal chambers. And suddenly arms are snatching you around the waist.
Tugged out the doorway and off path into the snug concealed by the edge of the doors.
“Oh you fucker-“ Is the gasped outburst he’s torn from you in surprise. You told him to go wait for you. You didn’t know he was going to pounce.
“Such an elegant mouth.” He croons. Before kissing you like he’s not taken any single ounce of air since he saw you last.
He walks you back in quick step, shoves your hips painfully up against a table. Clatters the candlesticks stood on it. Hands on your bodice. Smoothing your silk back. Plump lips sweet and hot, seeking yours.
Smothered to him in a hungry slamming kiss. Messy sloppy. When you break away with a moan and the parting sound of wet meeting lips.
“I have a dagger in my garter, careful sneaking up on me, or else I’ll use it.” You threaten with a silky purr.
He paws your ass over your blue skirts crudely to make you squeak.
“I am more than aware of your dangerous inclinations. Should you like to plunge it into my back or my heart, beloved?“ He offers. Eyeing up your lush mouth again. The long doe flick of those carob colour lashes. Fuck, he’s pretty.
You smirk, sharp like rose thorns, all angles and gleaming. You’re so terrifyingly beautiful. So Russian in that regard. You like when others think you dangerous - it means they have grasped the right impression of you.
“Throat. Dear heart. I always, always, go for the throat.” You whisper all flirtily as you lean in and kiss the corner of his pouting mouth.
He finds your mouth again with his. It didn’t take more than a nudge and he’s on you. You whine into his mouth. You wrap your hand around his back. The table scrapes against the floor with a loud scuff. His hips rut to yours.
“Any chance we’ll be caught? What of your guards?” You ask. Desperately gulping for air as he kisses your neck and makes your toes curl in your beautiful shoes.
“Dismissed.” He sighs into a kiss under your ear.
“So you have a few moments?” You seek.
“Yes. Why?” He grunts.
“Because you’re going to spend them inside me.” You fist the front of his jacket and medals bite your palm. You snag your lower lip between your teeth in a positively filthy grin.
You yank him, stumble him in his shiny boots, to an even more discreet corner. Hidden by large waterfalls of draperies. Shadows drawn in baroque arches from the side of a great branching candelabra.
You claw your your skirts into gathered silk fistfuls. Bunched in your hands. Face the grazing threads of the tapestry clad wall. Arch your back. Jut your hips. Pussy just throbbing for the bliss of his touch.
He pasted his body to you, enclosed, and his hand snuck under your skirts. Lips perched at the shell of your ear. He hums all pleased when he finds you sticky wet. Silky and slipping over his fingers. Plump lips grazed between his fingertips.
“Are you still sore from our session last night?” He cooed all low. Cupping you crudely, and enjoying the way you tipped your head back. Pushing into his hand for more.
Your hair catching in his lips. He kisses your neck so sweetly. It belies the way he’s grabbing at your cunt like you’re some common street wench he’d pay pennies for.
That little split of pain - you’re such a drooling whore for it and he certainly knows how to give it. Knows when to knock his hips rougher and truly start to rearrange your guts. Knows when his words need to come out nastier, when he needs to grab and spank, and when to still his hand.
Paul rips at the falls of his own breeches. Messed up all those neat gold buttons. Theres your good toy soldier.
There’s the wonderful sting where he palms your ass as he crushes right up to you. His cock finding purchase to slide into your cunt with one breaching snap of his hips. You whine. He sighs. Your fingernails dig into the threaded wall. Snag on the fabric.
God, your pussy is gorgeous. Like wet velvet or warm satin. Or silky creamy peaches and butter sunshine. All good glorious things when he pushes deep into you.
“Fuck, my love, you’re incredible. You feel incredible. Holy god.”
“Don’t let the Patriarch hear you. He’ll have you in that chapel on your knees til you’re black and blue.” You sigh smartly.
Your hand reaches between you to rub slow pressing circles on your swelling clit. It makes his thrusts come harder because you’re throbbing tighter, fist tight, around the girthy drive of him.
“I can’t wait two days. Can’t fucking wait that long to have you again.” He babbles. Cuntstruck by you already.
You huff a laugh. “Mmm. Give me that over a dry sonnet any day.” You plead.
“I can’t go long without you. I walk through my day listening to treatises and proclamations. Yet all I can concentrate on is how you taste, and kiss, and, ugh fuck, how I just want to pin you to the bed with your ankles behind your ears...” He growls with a particularly knocking thrust that makes stars skip on your skin and your belly.
His praise and need cracked a heat over your throbbing hard nipples. Nestled in your stays, swaying and chafing when he fucks.
He tore a shocked gasp right out your mouth when he starts even harder punching thrusts and then bites your neck. Hard.
“More marks a ribbon can’t hide, hmm?” You remark archly. Turning your head to the side. Coaxing out that spit of spoilt fire you adore.
He pulls back and sees the purple-red of blood rushing into the crescents of his teeth marks, welted deep in your skin.
“They’ll look beautiful on our wedding day.” He huffs against your ear.
“Fucker-“ you grin and tip your head back and a loud, a too loud, moan, slid out your throat before you could stop it. Ran away from you.
It haunts the room. Haunts you. Echoing. Humiliating you with mocking. He makes you produce noises like an unbidden harlot.
Paul slams a hand over your mouth. Wet lips kissing your ear as he speaks. “Keep rubbing your cunt. I may not have the time I want to fuck you endlessly. But you will cum over my cock and be thankful for it. Do you hear me?”
Oh you could kiss him.
You nod like a demon is gripping your glass bones and you’ll shatter with it soon.
He felt how those words made you clutch down on him. Pussy choking his cock. Like you never wanted to let him leave.
Swallow him up and keep going til you have all of him. Sinking. Despair. A man whose love struck and who cannot ignore the ocean even as it’s drowning him alive. You are too knotted in everything. Tangled and twisted up inside him with that vital string.
He takes you fast and hard and he doesn’t let up for even a damn second. Perfect boy, he knows exactly what you needed.
Your little gasping cries. His grunts. The smack of hips and skin. The clutch of his palm on your handful hip. The dainty clack of your shoes on the floors. Unable to think about anything but chasing that fiery gut punch of pleasure.
“You like it when I give you orders…hmm” He huffs out suddenly. A statement as opposed to a question. Spoilt mouth at your jawbone. He takes his hand from your mouth to require an answer.
“Only sometimes.” You reply. Mouth slipping into an oval shape. Browns drawn. Searing liquid heat slaps and sloshes low in your gut. Spilling from you and dripping along his cock.
He pierced you so deep it’s like he’s prodding at the back of your throat. Prick of tears is looming in your eyes from this feral fuck.
“You love it when I say nasty filth as I fuck you deep? About how I want to to tie your hands to my bedposts, like a tamed wild thing, keep you edged for hours til you beg to finally cum. To rut you like I loathe you.”
As he whispers to you, his hand drifts and joins yours over your clit. He urges your hand out the way and gives your soaking pussy an open handed tap, that leaves you reeling. Clit stinging.
Your animalistic moan eats into his palm all slippery. Your eyes flutter in your head.
“Or is it you prefer my sweetness? How I would drag you to the edge of the bed, and feast on your cunt for days? Lick you so slow and tender, digging my tongue in you, call you by loving names, hold your thighs open and eat, until you flood my mouth.”
Another moan of yours sinks into his hand. It’s over your mouth once more. It sounds suspiciously like the warbled shape of his name. He tempers you with another little slap that makes you lurch.
He hums against your neck as pleasure begins to bend, and dip, and take him too. Drawing the same opium daze out of him. The ludicrously loud wet squelch of your cunt is signifying your climax is bearing down fast, also.
He buries his mouth in your shoulder as his strokes get harder and faster. Crumpling your body into the wall before you both. Strands of thread plucking under your nails. White knuckles. Drooling in his hand.
He’s cursing, spewing out filthy whispers and groans, because you get so crushing tight when you’re about to cum. Doesn’t relinquish his hand clamped on your mouth. Nor your clit. He’s pinching it and rolling under fingertips and you’re going mindless. Brain wiping out.
“Yes my love. That’s it. That’s it- fuck.” He pants as he feels you spasm and snap down on him.
Scream bitten in his palm. Spurt of your release slicking his cock, rolling down the tight sac of his balls too. He pounds even harder to chase his own release, and tears bite the corner of your eyes. Cock piercing somewhere so deep inside you it’s fiery bliss. Punching a spot that just makes your whole gut melt.
He sinks deep and thrusts hard. Fucking the hard beast of his orgasm so far inside you. You’re held up, back pasted to his chest as you’re licked entirely in sweat and sagging to the wall with a blissed out sigh. Muggy wet across his palm. Cries melt into his skin.
Your nails bite into his coated arm. The other snagging the tapestry. He takes his hand away and his lips retrace your ear. Indulging himself in the last few spasms of your climax as it fizzes away. Slowly dripping the evidence of the encounter down the insides of your thighs, and his.
“Fuck me-“ You rasp out. Voice still laced with pleasure. Airy and dancing on a laugh too. An unbelievable one. He loves it when you go all gooey and soft. It’s so unlike your usual hard as steel state.
“There’s not going to be a room in this palace we’re going to leave unsullied is there?” He asks you.
“I highly doubt it.” You preen. Lower lip caught between your teeth as he finished petting gentle circles around your clit. Cupping your whole peachy shape in his hand. The short fuzz of your curls nestling against the arc of his palm.
“Now I really feel like I should be in church. On my knees. Praying our shared sins away to the Patriarch.” He said. Ghosting his plump lips down your ear.
“You’ll need to be on your knees for eternity for marrying the likes of me.”
“I don’t plan on atoning for anything regarding you. Tsarevna.” He insists as he scoops you in.
Kisses you once before he pulls back. You fight to right your clothes. Feeling him slip further and further down your legs. You fix your skirts. He rights his breeches. And hastily does up all those buttons.
“Enjoy your stag merrymaking.” You offer with a sly grin. “Try not to get carried away with your rutting in those remaining hours of singledom.” You tease, with flirt skated on your voice.
You thumb the corner of his mouth where he’s all spit wet. Looking at you like you’re every sort of devilish temptation he’s been warned to resist.
“Although if you share this gorgeous cock with any of those painted whores. I will have to punish you.” You sharpen your already pointed eyes at him.
“I think my sore head tomorrow will be punishment enough.” He skims his hands over your back. Settling in the slope of you there.
“Good boy.” You wrinkle his coat where you grab it in a fist and drag him in for a kiss. Devouring and sloppy kiss that makes sparks shoot to your knees and throb your veins.
When you’re done with him you rudely pull away and he stumbles. Kiss drunk. It makes you grin.
You slink away. A long straight walk along the corridor, aiming in the direction of your rooms. Best you snap to action before his mother sends someone to root you out.
He watches every step as you leave him aching, heart pounding war drums in his chest for more, blood fired. He wants you again as he admires the sway of your hips that was definitely deliberate.
“I do so enjoy the length of these hallways.” He calls in flirt after you.
You cross your hands behind your back and turn over your shoulder and smoulder at him.
“Careful. Tsarevich. I’m a taken woman.” You purr at him. Laughing as you glide away. Biting your lip.
“So I’ve heard.” He calls at your retreat.
He’s so drunk. He’s so beyond drunk he doesn’t think he’s ever felt a sensation like this before. Such a loss of faculties and control.
His head is swimming. A whirling drag that doesn’t keep up where he moves. When he turns his eyes it’s all blurred distortion.
Gorky kept pressing drinks to his hands. Abramov made rousing toast after toast which ended in all the men breaking into jeers, and slamming their emptied vodka glasses on the floor to the tune of his name.
The room is spinning endlessly. There’s bawdy chorus singing of a lewd folk song. The painted whores and their shrill laughter raising to brush the gold ceiling. He watched Count Orlov across the room perch one on his knee. Her dress was petal pink. Undone at the low bodice. Lips cherry red. He stuffed his hand up her skirts as she nibbled on his ear.
They kept smirking at him all night. The ladies. Some of them draped themselves across his lap. He shuffled away and the men roared laughter.
“Saving yourself for that firecracker of a Voronsky you’ve won?” Lord Petrova asks, slurring.
Paul won’t say that actually, yes, it’s something along those lines. He drinks til there’s nothing left in his glass.
“Enjoy the warm cunt of that plump Italian whore before you’re shackled to that fiesty bitch.” He barks out. Paul eyes him tiredly.
“Fetch me another drink, why don’t you.” Paul requested. Shoving his glass at the foul mouthed lord.
“That thing between your Tsarevna’s legs probably bites.” The man claps his shoulder and cackles as he walks away. Stopping to place an open handed slap on the ass of a whore stood drinking with his fellow nobles.
Paul glares. He gets this jagged feeling of protectiveness in his gut. Wants to stroppily tell him to fuck off and that your cunt is heaven and a fat oaf like him could never be so lucky.
Some are dancing to the sharp chirp of music. The air sways with songs. All of the men are as gone on drink as he is. It’s a riot of Russian revelry.
Lord Dymov stumbled up, smirked and clasped Paul’s very unsteady hand as he poured a great shaking glug of vodka into it. Spilled half over his lap and hand.
He tips it down his neck. Warmth fizzes low in his belly. His limbs feel too small and slick and he’s aching for sleep.
And you- he does so ache after thoughts of you. He’s laying back staring at the swirled gilding on the ceiling. How it fractures into patterns; into jewels and precious swirling white and gold. Like gem studded crowns and butter yellow autumn leaves twirling off the trees.
He doesn’t realise he’s speaking, a stream of words just dribbling out his mouth of how lucky he feels, how he’s going to be married. He’s going to have a wife. He’s going to have make heirs and spares, and all of this terrifying icy Russia will be writ into his future. Just like his father before him.
Gorky comes and hauls him up. “Come on my friend. I’d say you need your bed.”
“I need my wife.” Paul slurred with a thick and fat feeling tongue.
“She’s not your wife yet.” Gorky told him. Paul slurred something, snuffled, into his shoulder Gorky didn’t catch it.
He tries to stand. It’s like a newborn deer - knock kneed and incredibly ungainly - in his nice shiny soled boots over glass shards that crunch and crack under his weight. The floor is littered with broken glass from all the toasts.
It’s early by their standards. The party will continue on without its Prince. Slings an arm around his shoulder and dips to lever him off the chaise he’s sprawled on. Wig askew. Coat all rumpled. Vodka stained hands and mouth. They trip and stagger out the hall and along to the Tsarevich’s rooms.
Gorky hauls him through the doors and clumsily drops him on the bed. Discards the wig. Yanks off his boots. Off with the coat too. Leaves him sprawled on the mattress in his shirt and breeches.
“Sweet dreams, dear groom.” He sing-songs as he slipped out the pocket doors. Paul thinks he raised his hand to wave. He can’t be sure. His arms won’t follow his brains directions anymore. There’s fluffy-stuffy cotton where his limbs once were.
He sinks into the bed. The warm, lushness of his luxury bed. Stares at the heavy drape of canopy. It’s crushing sapphire blue weighing down his vision. Drowning him like the sea would. A sea of vodka. That sounded nice. That sounded like his salty, entirely alcohol laced bloodstream at the moment.
A slow knock rams against the inside of his very muzzy head.
He tells the door to go away.
“I don’t want to be disturbed.” Comes melting out his mouth off his tongue with the slowness of hot sticky honey.
The door opens anyway. It closes. He struggled to sit up on his elbows. Slanting vision tipping all over the place shows him the stretch of the door.
And you-
Stood there in a swathing lilac dressing gown. Hair loose. Silk ribbon tied around your neck. You’re stood there looking like some sainted angel whose walked right out a stained glass window in the church.
Botticelli’s Venus climbing out her shell and the waves. Skin stroked in candlelight like a glowing Raphael. La fornarina. La velata.
Paul finds his woolly tongue. “Tsarevna.” He nods his head. Belly erupting into a tangled hot jungle of his feelings for you. The drink seems to have amplified their intensity. His heart could crawl up these very walls it crashes so loud like waves in the cage of his chest.
You look at him with a mild expression of amusement. But there’s warmth there, too. A stunning amount.
“I take it your evening was pleasant?” You ask.
He nods. Taking in the state of your gown.
“Shouldn’t you have….more on?” He asks disguising a drunken hiccup in the middle of his sentence. His voice dips with it.
When he thinks about you walking through the palace for the guards to see you like that, he wants to go and have their eyes put out with a poker.
You smirk. He watches it curl up one side of your mouth. He thinks he hears harps.
“I was just thinking about all that bachelor fun you’d be having tonight.” You say as you reach for the sides of your gown. And slowly open them. Dropping your one item of clothing to the floor.
Paul’s eyes don’t know where to rest on your entirely naked body that you’re offering up to him.
Your nipples are hard. He watches the quake of your plump thighs where you move. The c-bout of your hip to waist.
You’re walking, padding slow, big cat slow, towards the end of the bed. Predator hunger glimmers sharp in your eyes.
“I wanted to make sure that you didn’t spend all night writhing under a painted whore. When you could spend all night under me instead.” You beam brightly.
“Did I make you envious?” He asks in sheer alarm in those big brown eyes. Like he’s looking for the matching puzzle pieces.
You narrow your eyes. Tilt your head. “Maybe a little. I told you. I’m a bitch and I don’t care for sharing my husband-to-be.”
“I didn’t go near them.” He insists boldly.
“Aren’t you sweet.” You coo.
Paul’s certain his tongue has shrivelled to dust. It’s taken his brain with it. And every drop of blood in his body rushed, beating to somewhere entirely south of his head.
You stand right between his legs. Kneeling yourself onto the floor. Soft antique rug catching your knees. Trailing fingers up his thighs.
You rip open his breeches. He squirms. His lungs cease to function. It’s like he’s breathing in claggy sand.
“May I suck your cock, my darling?” You ask with a genuine panthers grin.
He actually shivers when you ruck the clothing down his hips. Freeing that gorgeous cock laying flushed with blood up against his thigh. Head already leaking for you - shiny even in the dozy gold low light.
His mouth falls open when you suck him deep into your mouth. You twirl your tongue around around the swollen pink tip like the taste of him is your favourite thing in the world. It is. You moan at the heat of him. At that taste.
You suck him deep. An obscene gargle where he jams into your mouth. You’re flushed with pride when he bucks off the bed. He cant control himself. He’s humming and squirming from that strong hungry suction.
You pull off him. Lap the head with kitten licks. Then swallow him again. Tears prick your eyes when you relax enough to nudge him right down.
You flick your eyes up at him through your lashes. Lips glossy red. Eyes vibrant and watering with each slide and glug that comes so lewdly out your mouth. Your nose brushing against the short sweat-damp curls of his groin.
He’s jammed his fingers into your pretty hair. He can’t contain himself. He’s a mess.
Laying back on this bed and just sloppily fucking his hips up into your face. Calling for god in every way he knows how. Praying and stumbling, cursing.
“Oh my love. Your mouth, you’re so- better than any whore- even better cause you’re all mine. Christ.”
You pull back off him with a pop before he can spill into you. He follows your pull back with a thrust of his hips. Looking at you with shining puppy puddles for eyes.
You grip him by the base and lick a hot stripe right up him. Collecting one last taste.
You climb onto him and straddle his waist. Run your nails right up his chest. Digging in just a little - for fun.
“I did think you might want to fuck a Voronsky. One last time.” You purr. Sitting on his thighs. Your eyes gleam, it looks wicked. Snake eyes sharp. Sly smile.
He’s definitely fucked.
My taglist for the babes; @ceriseheaven @indouloureux @stiegasaw @fujiihime @youaremyfamiliar @captain-tch @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @svenyves @sammararaven @feralgoblinbabe @groupie-love-71 @andromeda-andromeda @starbxcks @morganamoonstone @ramona-thorns @gvtosbith @poppy-metal @munsonswhore86 @munsonlov3r @lunatictardis @shenevertricks1831 @hazzaismyreligion @harrys-tittie @anaisweird @cerinthussulpicia @cinnamoncunt @thincrusttheworks @manicpixiedreamcurl @therosietoesy @fanficappreciationblog @thicksexxualtension @tvserie-s-world @sharp-and-swift @dadsbongos @2clones-1kamino @edsforehead @chcolateeyelver @seven-glass-kids @forever-is-not-for-everyone @creme-bruhlee @bkish @wayward-rose @wyverntatty @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @churchmuffins @chickpeadumpsterfire @choke-me-levi @greenishghostey @callmeloverr
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
how does prince paul act when she goes into labor?
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Like a worried little mother hen. He will be torn between utter terror, pride at his beautiful and resilient wife, and quite frankly completely out his mind with fear - especially because of what happened last time. Two grey corpses stiff on the bed are imprinted in his head. Such a small thing, one of them was too. So bitterly small.
The sheer violent amount of death threats that spill out her mouth levelled at him in the sharpest moments of her pain, is enough to make him feel actually faint. She’s a one woman army. She is vicious and vitriol.
He will give her whatever she needs. Cause his heart is bleeding to see her wailing in agony. Propriety be damned- he’ll be in the room, on the sweaty bed, cradling her hand in his letting her actually break his fingers. Hearing her grunt like an animal as she’s torn in two.
You are never touching me again, Tsarevich. You hear me?
He shakily wipes her brow and shushes her kindly. Clammy kiss pressed to her forehead. Stumbling weak words cause as a man he can’t do anything else. This is a place for women.
I know. I know it’s a lot.
Do not dare finish those words or I will choke you.
And the first time he hears that wet little shriek, he’s an entirely changed man. When he cradled that pink warm head to his chest for the first time, feeling the dumpy warm weight in his arms- oh he’s a goner. And now the fear is more shocking in his veins than ever.
Partly because he’s also worried that his wife will come and tear his throat out with her teeth while he sleeps.
(one of her more potent threats, that, or she sunk low and swore to go for his balls)
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
🥀 Planning on dropping a smokin’ Prince Paul drabble tomorrow for you lush babes- four words: wedding planning & stag do 🥀 prepare for some flirty filth-
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
I miss ur writing especially paul
Ok much more and you’ll make me cry. (I miss him too) if you have any saucy prompts. Pls drop them in my inbox so I can squeal and melt into a puddle and die of horniness
(spoilt puppy absolutely needs a smack - and maybe a kiss if he’s been good)
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38 notes · View notes
punk-in-docs · 2 years
Paul would 100% get Tsarevna pregnant again after she gives birth to 1st baby lol. Love your Paul stories. I literally read them everyday. He’s so underrated. I love their relationship.
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(Thankyouuuu) Oh you are right on the money there babes. Those two will absolutely NOT stop with the reproducing. Those two will be at it like bunnies. (With a healthy dose of Paul being genuinely terrified whenever she goes into labour) these two are so disgustingly in love it’s obscene.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
You’ve inspired me to start writing for Paul
You could genuinely use this as a pick up line for me at this point. Thank you babe ⭐️🌟
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
listening to vigilante shit by taylor swift and all i could think about is tsarevna. idkw i just feel her vibe yk?
Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man-
Yeah you nailed her in one. That’s her. She is dressing for revenge. And she will ALWAYS dress for revenge. And always carries a knife. And diamonds. This is canon.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
ur prince paul series makes me want to bang my head against the wall in the absolute best way possible <3
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Thank you honey. I’m honestly floored everyone seems to be loving Prince Paul x Tsarevna. It’s so nice that story has kinda built a huge amount of traction and love since I posted it. It’s amazing! I’m very touched! He’s honestly so spoilt and subby. I either wanna smack his face or have him tie me down. There is no in between.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
Someone sent me a completely ✨NOTTY✨ Prince Paul thought in my inbox and all I can say is one word: choker.
Now. Who do we think would come out on top? Inbox or message me cause this is too filthy not to flesh out 😈😈😈
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
Hello, hello! 🥰
For the ask post, I would like to ask about "Pick Your Poison" + Questions #1 and #5. 🌸
Hello my Angel 💜 Ahhh, Pick Your Poison. Seminal Prince Paul and my beloved ‘enemies who fuck’ trope- (my fav)
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I can safely answer this one with two things; TV shows. Catherine the Great 2019, and The Great with Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult. I think it’s cause they’re so visual as starting points, and I just get this dynamite hit of pretty instant images in my head, and the environment I want to write these characters in.
The Great is so satirical and blunt with everything from sex scenes to killing and it’s very plain how Russian and cutthroat the environment is. Catherine and her upstanding thinking compared to the idiots and court and her mercurial maniac husband. Of course, the series with Joe was just as stunning and Helen Mirren? Eat my heart out ma’am. It’s a lot darker and less quipping. But it’s a very brutal depiction how how she interacted with the court, the nobles, her son, how she ruled, who her lovers were.
I definitely think the Great inspired the way I use language for his piece. It is historical but everyone is very upfront with everything. Catherine is a hawk. Paul is just rubbed up the wrong way by her. And Paul x Tsarevna’s snappy energy around each other being a sexual frisson of hatred and loathing is definitely something sparky that the Great portrays well about hate/love relationships. So those would be my main inpso points for sure- (I’m rambling now, sorry. I could talk the warts off a frog)
5. What part was hardest to write?
Oddly enough, the sex scene between them at the end in the garden. I swung wildly between wanting to make it longer and more languid and yet at the same time I still think it could be better. It felt a little rushed to me, which was the nature of it but at the same time I really struggled to know what more I could add. But I just knew from the beginning it has to end with showing off Catherine’s clever manoeuvring (I think I’m more proud of that than I am the sex scene tb!)
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
My fave fic of yours is literally ANY part of the Super Freak series 😍😍😍 SCREAMING FOR ANY AND ALL INSTALLMENTS OF EDDIE AND PENCILS
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This is what happens when I read compliments (please never stop 💜)
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
You're going to make us PICK our favourites??? Now that's just cruel
Your writing is INCREDIBLE, there's no way we could pick just one!! The way you portray all the different characters??? The descriptions??? Just the writing in general???
I swear it's all just so unique!! I genuinely think that only you could write something how you do and that just amazes me
But if we had to pick?? Probably anything to do with the Prince Paul series!! I love pencils and Eddie, and the detective quinn series is just 🤌🤌
But I love the tsarevna's relationship with him, it's so interesting to see it develop!!
Any plans for any of the series' or are they finished for good?? I'd love to hear about it!!! ❤❤
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Thank you babe ! Ohhooo no. I don’t think I’m out of ideas for any of these series of mine yet. I will be annoying and filthy about a lot of ideas for a long time to come !
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punk-in-docs · 11 months
Hey, babe! Do you still write for Prince Paul?
Hey my darling I do I’m fact still write for him. I just haven’t had any juicy filthy (almost ravenous) thots for Prince Pal of late. So if you have any— PLS GIMME ☺️
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
“if you want to come you better beg” x prince paul cause i need this filth 😩👀
🥀Qualities of Mercy🥀
Prince Paul x Tsarevna // smut drabble - Bugger me sideways @usedtobecooler only the best for you babes crème de la crème - Prince Prick and some bratty behaviour culminating in angry!hate!fucking coming up. Also short? I don’t think I can write short drabble a about this man. I’m having a lot of feelings ok.
Some babes I know may want to see this @indouloureux @munsonswhore86 @heyndrix @lunatictardis @creme-bruhlee @callmeloverr @roanniom
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It’s an odd relief to see the signs of war increase with each gained mile, burnt out patches of land and artillery tracks wedged into the mud. Foul air, fire, and rifle smoke; it means you’re closing in on your goal.
It means you’re that much closer to your husband.
Foul boggy mud, and nipping winds that cut to bone. You’re rumbling your way along treacherous roads, ever closer.
The terrain is dismal. There’s not even any sweetly soft birdsong chirping from the trees. There’s no kind nature. There’s only war and man, and guttural cries of the wounded. A landscape drizzled with slanted misty rain. Stubby felled larch trees and splintered bark.
The soldiers encamped, look like misshapen beasts. Blood crusted black, and the wounded wearing filthy yellowed bandages. Eyes missing, limbs turned to stumps. Squatting and huddling in clumps in the woods. Shivering under canvas with pithy licks of orange campfires staining the air with spicy woodsmoke.
They watch the carriage pass with rapt fascination. But too cold to react.
You weren’t expected.
That fact is writ plain as day all over the face of the dirt smeared soldier who trudged up to the carriage window. The soldier on watch. Who’d been pissing up against as tree when you rolled up.
His eyebrows buoy in surprise as you drop your fur lined hood.
“My Lady-“ He rasped in surprise.
“Tsarevna.” Your second maid, Maricel, leaned forward and snipped. Voice like a barking hound. Just as dogged.
She was eternally bolshy and hard edged. Hated you not being given the proper due politesse as deserving of your rank. She took great offence to those who didn’t understand the severity of your position.
“I’m here to see my husband. Kindly take me to him.”
“I’m not sure he’ll want- he’s occupied with many important matters.“ He fumbles for an excuse.
Maricel’s words come locked in impatience.
“Are you suggesting the Tsarevna of Russia is unimportant?” She tests.
“No- I.”
“He will carve out the time for his wife, you dumb prick.” She points out. Rubbing her shivering hands.
“Now, now.” You scold her.
She merely rolls her eyes. Not frightened by you whatsoever. Just pissy cause she’s cold.
The solider shuffles on his feet. Breaks eye contact. “I’m not sure I have the authority to-“
“Are you going to make me repeat myself.” You warn. Ire threaded into every word.
You stare him down with slicing diamond eyes. Tips sharpened and designed to cut.
A look you’ve thieved and mastered from Catherine’s own brand of venom. Don’t budge an inch.
It’s enough to get him to snap his mouth shut.
“No. Uh. Of course. This way, Tsarevna.”
You clambered out that boxy royal carriage. Door encrusted in a golden crest. Dainty sky blue heel sinking into earth. Hem sodden and dragged with it in no time. Maricel follows you dutifully. Your guard dog.
“Cunt.” Maricel bites out at the solider as she shuffled after you. Trudging into the muck.
“Put your forked tongue away.” You suggest.
She moodily deigns to do as you say.
You fold your gloved hands. Pretty pearl buttons march along your wrists now seeming contemptuous among all this. You rub at them to spark up some warmth in your numb fingers, as you looked around for the cluster of carmine coated generals.
Slipping and staining your skirts with slodgy mud as you followed the dismal soldier who’d take you to him. Your heels slip up, your feet get bogged. The stench of this place is curdling your lungs. Burnt larch trees and smoke and decay.
You press on. Determined.
The men swim their their groggy eyes to you. This place is used to viscera and gummy black blood, and mud crusted ash.
By comparison you look like a chunk of pure silken teal sky, fallen to earth. Precious and spotless. A drop of stunning sapphire wedged into all this dirt and death.
You squelch your way through tents and surgeon tents where men lay gouged and exposed. Rotting alive and shivering under the canvas as they cried out to the chowder thick sky. Rain melting on their eyelashes.
The smoke cleared past you, drifting. And then your overly elegant shape comes moulded out the congealing blood and smog of his hell. Pearl buttons, satin, and floral petal perfume. A wrenching juxtaposition coinciding.
You see your husband. Through the cloth mouth of one of the larger tents. No mistaking those puddle eyes for anyone else. The white scratchy wig. The cut of his powder blue coat and red royal medals slashing blood.
He’s gathered with men around a map table staked out with battle plans. This fare is all simplicity. Battle for blood and the vicinity of conquering men.
This is a land shuttered to the gaze of your sex. Your kind do not come roaming here. Not noble women anyway. The generals of mild importance probably had their favourite whores fetched in, however.
You stand and his eyes travel at last to yours. You smile lightly.
His expression altered into bitterness. Eyes lost their walnut warmth. Jaw clenched. Mood spiked sour.
He told you distinctly not to fucking come.
Yet here you stand.
You meet his burnt umber gaze and the sparky fire flecked there, scalds you.
“Tsarevich.” You greet him. Breath whipped to silver. You’re standing in the misty rain.
Waiting to see what comes spat back.
The generals clustering him, all bow in confusion and politely bob their unkempt wigged heads.
Not Paul.
His jaw clenched. Expression stiff. Posture as rigid as a Siberian Larch.
You’re fucking in for it now.
You batted at the sopping stretch of canvas. Hurling it out the way. Rain crashes down into your sprouting feathered hat and onto your shoulders.
Every squelch of your step into the oozing mud came sharp. Striking as a gut punch.
He’s following, hot on your heels, and you want to turn around and swing a punch into the angelic cherubim face you’d missed all these lonely long eight months.
His anger set off your own. Silky black gunpowder meeting roaring flame.
He’s livid.
You stand in his quarters. His tent is this huge beast of a thing. Clean and comfortable. A room with a table and maps and trunks takes up one. Green and gold tapestries make the walls slightly more habitable. More sophisticated. A cut above the desolate forest and the miseries of the wounded.
An emerald velvet curtain shields off the area where his ornate downy bed must be. He was still a Prince after all. He’ll be among his men. But he’s not sleeping in a frozen bedroll in the muck like an animal.
He storms into this space behind you and slaps the canvas closed. Words snapping out his mouth, that flimsy tent walls and steadily dripping rain will not conceal.
“This is not a place for you. You’re not supposed to be here.”
You don’t twist back to him as you angrily shed your gloves. Ripping them off like it was your own skin.
“Heaven forfend. I travel for two days in an uncomfortable carriage in the fucking driving rain to come see my husband and this is the thanks I get?”
“I told you not to come!” His words stamp out his mouth. He stabs a finger in the air. Aiming it as you.
“A lovely welcome.” You stab back.
He’s toe to toe with you. Muddy boots. Those chocolate eyes are all bitter. Not skated in love. Cold as all this terrible mud you’re bogged into.
“I don’t need you here. I have enough to deal with on my plate as it is fighting these Turks. I don’t need my wife by my side whilst I’m engaged in matters of battle.”
You steel your wilful jaw and bathe in the burnt brown shadow of his scowl.
“I am your wife. I have been left rotting at court. In misery now you’re gone. I decided to come and see you. To be here, by your side. In sickness and in health and even in battle. I don’t consider that as an action that deserves censure.”
“Yes it fucking is. I don’t need you here.” He shouts.
The burn of tears stings at your chest. Rips at your eyes. The man you’ve missed and ached after for months now and this is his choice of words levelled at you. It’s cutting.
“Lovely.” You bite out. “Well then. I won’t waste my time loitering around for you to yell at me.” You grip your gloves and turn back to him.
“Fuck you, Paul. Good day. Go back to your warring, and muddy filth.” You finish acidly. Your throat is full of clotting fire. Your rage. In situ with your wounded pride.
You shove at his coated chest, dull gold buttons. Go to move past him. Wipe your boots on his fine rug floors on the way out.
Your ruined shoes stick on the spot. He’s banded a hand around your wrist. It tugs. Burns skin.
“Let go.” You seethe. Pull your arm. You don’t look at him. Jaw grit.
He does not.
You wrench again. It brings you closer to him. You snarl. He stills your arm.
You do meet his gaze. The glint of fire - raked embers - returns to his eyes.
“No.” He decided.
Oh, now he’s in for it.
Anger spumes out of you like raining cursed hellfire. He should be terrified. You are mighty. Goddess of war backed with wrath. Angrier than Ares. These men should cower under your golden gaze. Desolation writ into you so heavily they should run for the hills.
“Thought you didn’t need me? Why would the mighty Tsarevich need his dumb bitch of a wife at his side? Run out of good whores have you?”
It was too late for niceties.
“Just be quiet.” He snaps.
Stepping very close. Close enough to touch only he doesn’t. His eyes move to your mouth. His hand seeks for your waist. Reels you in.
You don’t want too. But you clam up. You want to rear back and swing your fist to strike him. Preferably with a knife.
“I have never known a woman as disobedient. Nor as wilfully stubborn as you are. It’s infuriating.” He snipes.
His breath warms your mouth. He smells like his woody spice soap and bitter brush of smoke, and sweat. Still Paul. Underneath all things.
“Good.” You snarl with a nod. “I’m glad to have been such an inconvenience.”
“Constant dagger in my side.”
“Fuck you.” You announce passionately.
“I have had enough of your inability to listen to my orders.” He comments.
“Tough shit.” You snark.
“Elegant verbiage.” He insults.
His gaze is swimming into something steel black and lethal. You hate how much you like looking at him like this. It almost makes him look intimidating and handsome.
At this point, you’re half desire, half pure lightning hot rage.
“Get back to me when I don’t want to stick a knife in your thigh. Maybe my vocabulary will improve.” You hiss.
You’re so locked and entwined with this man. Tug his strings and it’s sure enough to jerk some distant part of you, merely by extension.
“Are you wet right now?” He asks. Head tilting His lashes shutter his eyes as he scans you. From the dirt crusted hem, sweeping upwards.
Your mouth is dry as tumbling scorched sands. Clench your teeth to dust. Heart ramming your tonsils.
He spies that twitch in your face. “Am I to take that as a yes, Tsarevna?”
If looks could kill.
“I’m going to fuck you. I know how plaint and weak it makes you when I work that delicious cunt open with my cock.” He steps you back. Hands tugged in your dress. Leading.
“I will fuck every disobedient word and thought out that head. Wife.” He sneers.
He pushes you to one of the wooden columns. Shunts a breath out of you. Hands digging through your skirts. Searching for your pussy.
You rake your nails into the nape of his neck. Hope it stings. Pray it brings blood.
“Be careful what you wish for.” You warn.
He smiles.
He’s fucking you not two minutes later.
Naturally, it didn’t take him long. You succumbed way too easy. Melted like butter, really.
He’s slithered to the gaps in your armour and snuck beneath with all the cunning adroitness of a serpent. You detest it.
He doesn’t give you what you need. Of course not. He doesn’t make this easy. His actions are all dipped in mocking taunt and brat.
He splayed you open, and rubs the fat leaking head of his cock against your trembling pussy. Eight months of nothing your your own fingers and he’s making you sit and beg like a trained lapdog.
Slapping it to your clit and smiling when you lurch. Unwilling to feed the head into you just yet.
It’s fucking agony.
You’re ready to slit his throat by the time he rewards you with sinking to the hilt in one ramming surge of his hips. The anger dissipates - a little.
You soothe the rest of it by leaning up and gnashing your teeth into his neck. Clamp down hard- force him to fuck you harder.
He cursed when sliding into you. Mumbled wisely about how conflict always made you so juicy wet for him. He pulled back and taunted you with your own greediness for his cock. The shine of your arousal coating him all glossy. A pretty sight, that.
“Hear how wet you are my love?” He lurches and slams you. A sharp stroke that wracked every vertebrae of your spine.
The sounds that come keening from you make your eyes flick back into your head. Enough to make him more smug.
“Utterly filthy. Soaking.” He huffs in gasps. “Making wet patches on my bed like a damn harlot.”
“Can’t believe you. Hmm- fucking brat. Yelling at me for coming here.” You manage to gasp. Cheeks blistering hot with this anger spurned arousal. Nails clawed into the carved headboard.
A hiccup snags the back of your throat as he knees closer.
Pushes your legs almost crushed up to your tits. Your stays almost strangling you. You cry loud because of this new angle. Makes him punch a spot inside that almost aches.
“I think this cunt is more pleased to see me than you are.” He smirks. Hands with dirty nails digging into your thighs. Ten half moons socketed into your quivering flesh.
“Fucking hell.” Spews out your mouth. Unguarded. He’s severing every strong steel thread of your resolve.
“I’ll take that as yes.” He says. Hair falls choppy in front of his wild eyes. Tiger eyes. Frightful fierce. Hands clamped to your thighs. He spreads you and sits up to stuff himself deeper. Harder. Faster.
The noises he’s getting out of you are just growing and growing. Rising in pitch and volume. So much so you’re swirling your hips to him to get feedback off that friction. That burgeoning pleasure begins to slice mean into your belly.
“How you moan for me when I give you my cock. Never gets old.” He grins.
“Never too late to punish my disobedient-“ he huffs and fucks hard inbetween his words. “Petulant. Stubborn. Wife.” He insists with a playful leer.
He can tell by the wails how close you are. Enough to taste it now. That eye rolling pressure ready to snap.
His cock stretched you just right. Stabbed into the gaping cup of your womb. You’re so treacherously close to that blissful peak you go rigid trying to chase it down and let the sensation ruin you.
It was mind meltingly good. Close and looming closer. Heat wrapping your limbs and warping your mind to bend to him. Every atom of you trained for this pleasure to come-
He yanks his cock out of you so fast, you want to shriek.
That coal hot glow of orgasm withers and curls to ash. He’s back to slipping his fat head around your cit again. Smearing your cunt in a sticky taste he’ll find and devour later.
“You fucking-“ you glare up at him all blissed and edged. Cunt clenching on nothing but air. He smooths both his thumbs over your pretty and dripping pussy lips. Making you throb.
“If you want to cum, you better beg.” He insists.
“I could kill you.” You seethe. Words dressed in a growl.
He tilts his head. Teasing. “Yes?”
You yelp when his cock slams into you once more. Puff for breath. God fucking dammit.
“How about now?” He checks as he folds you in half, yet again. Cock rooted deep.
The start of a long night, to be sure.
Hours later, darkness wraps you up. Comforting tenebrous blanket. Candles are lit. Dozy gold and matte dark pours into the tent.
He has you food brought in as an apology.
Someone ducks in the tent with a tray of it. He pulls on his boots to go fetch it. Leaves you boneless on his goose feather plumped bed.
There’s a bottle of wine with dinner too. Not the best but you’re not complaining. Dry hard biscuits and a salty wedge of goats cheese was your lot in the carriage ride here.
There’s a thick milky porridge with creamy oats and nutmeg and warming spices. A slab of pink roasted meat glistening with fat and golden globs of plain boiled potatoes barely salted. Sided with some hunk of brown hardy bread smeared in greasy butter.
This food is hot and warm and fills your belly well. He feeds it to you.
It’s how he soothes. But it’s not the only way he wants to offer you comfort.
He gets naked and climbs under the covers. Always bathed you in limitless comforts and luxuries after a rough fuck. The calm sweetness after a raging storm of passion and stinging claws and slamming hate. When the blood has dried to rust, along with the nasty words.
He slips between your legs under the sheets to tongue at your cunt like it’s a juicy honeycomb treat that drips honey.
It’s dripping him.
He eats it out of you. You sigh all dreamy and elongate your neck back to pillows that smell like his shaving soap, to moan his name.
Slipping your nails over the short brown thorns of hair. Rake over his scalp.
You gasp his name and you know the soldiers will have heard the sound sneak out the tent flaps. You don’t care.
His tongue slithers and laps through your puffy sex. Fully nursing your clit with the curl of his tongue. Brushes through the tactile scratch of your curls there. He loves burying his nose in them.
When he’s done he slinks up from under his furs and sheets. Wiping his mouth in the back of his hand. Still a little bit of both of you combined is smeared wetly across one cheek.
It catches in the flickering murky light. Candles are spinning red gold in the dim. Rain is a steady pat on the tent roof.
You look down at him. His gaze is all warmth and tenderness again. A knowing smile slopes the corner of his mouth.
“Did you really travel all this way just so I could fuck you?” He asks all smug.
You smirk. “Got what I wanted, now didn’t I.” You dismiss archly.
But you both know it seats a little deeper than that. There’s definite skin both of you have sunk into this game. It might even be the gummy beating walls of your hearts involved.
“You do know you’re a walking fucking nightmare.” He tells you.
Slotting himself between your hips. Seeking to hold your hands as he rolls into you. Makes your cunt clench.
Your hand slips from stroking his hair, downwards. Vicing your cruel hand around his soft throat. His eyes blaze again.
“Don’t you dare fucking forget it.” You sneer.
He sends you home sore - five days after your arrival.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
hi i can't sleep so i went cruising on pinterest and i saw some photos that reminded me of prince paul & tsarevna and others of detective quinn & birdy and i couldn't resist sending them to you because i'm very annoying 🥰 also i feel like this might become a daily occurrence bc i'm sorta hyperfixated on these stories now so this is my early apology if i blow up your inbox every now and then lol
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detective quinn and birdy:
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OMG YES- YES TO ALL. Please come blow your my inbox all the time I welcome it with open arms (and open legs if it’s porny thots) 💋💋💋 I have a few Paul x Tsarevna one’s of my own I’ve been collecting and you are exactly the person I’m gonna share them with- I’ll send them to you cause of the silly ten image limit- 💋💋💋 but yes to all ! Yes to more inbox stuff. Daily occurrence YESSSSS!
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
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🕷Super Freak Series🕷
🕸 Your Web, I’m Caught (the 1st) 🕸
Summary: The one where you’re miserable and drinking on your own at a party. And you run into maybe the last person you’d have expected on the outskirts. 7.6k words.
🕸 Is It My Body (the 2nd) 🕸
Summary: The one where Eddie gives you a ride home after your friend ditched you at a terrible party. 6.9k words.
🕸 Power of Suggestion (the 3rd) 🕸
Summary: You see Eddie at school after he gave you a lift home the other night. There’s definitely something you need to resolve. It’s mind over matter and there’s something you’re both after. 5.3k words.
🕸 Head Over Heels (the 4th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie visits you at the record store where you work. You end up making out in the storage room. 7.6k words.
🕸 Was it Love or Nicotine? (The 5th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie can’t seem to see you at school. He thinks you’re avoiding him til he finds out you’re sick. And he climbs in your window one night to bring you a can of soup. 12k words.
🕸Wolf Men & Secret Heists (the 6th)🕸
Summary: You and Eddie enjoy a rendezvous in a storage closet at school. Some inevitably dirty stuff happens. 9.2k words (smut)
🕸 Don’t need telling twice (the 7th)🕸
Summary: You go over to Eddie’s for a Movie Night date. And apparently, you’re both terrible at keeping quiet about what you want. 10.4k words. (No smut just sheer fluff)
🕸️ Vanilla Tobacco (the 8th) 🕸️
Summary: Eddie collects you for your ice cream/arcade date, he also gets to meet your mom. 10.9k words
🕸️Star Studded Gazes & Metal Men (the 9th) 🕸️
Summary: Your date goes very well- maybe a little to well under the stars at skull rock. 10.5k words (smut!)
🕸️ Girlfriend is Better (The 10th) 🕸️
Summary: You and Eddie face an unseen obstacle, which you manage to overcome with some hard cold vengeance. and then you hit him with an interesting offer... 10.k words (angst/tw violcence past assault)
🕸️ Can’t leave you in the wrong hands, baby (The 11th) 🕸️ OUT NOW!!!!
Summary: You and Eddie take the definitive step towards boyfriend and girlfriend. An empty house and a evening alone yields to a perfect evening of a first time, and much much more (11.2k words, so much SMUTTT)
-Drabbles/One Shots-
🕷️When Eddie Met Pencils 🕷️ the drabble
🕷Green is the Colour 🕷 - Eddie x Pencils Drabble - 6.6k words
Summary: Eddie being jealous that everyone in Hawkins is apparently getting a slice of Pencils after they start dating. (Jealous!Eddie themes) ends with fluff.
🚬 Messy Eddie Headcanons🚬
🎼🎙 Eddie working in the record store with Sal Headcanons = a.k.a sheer Chaos 🎙🎼
🔥NSFW Eddie Headcanons🔥
🎃 Trick? Or Treat? 🎃
Summary: Eddie’s friends are having trouble believing you’re really dating. They require a little proof- 3k. Funky little drabble really.
🍁 Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you 🍁
Summary: you celebrate your two year anniversary with Eddie at the place where it all began- At the Hawkins Fall carnival.
🍂 Halloween Headcanon’s for Eddie 🍂
Summary: Pretty much what it says on the tin. Halloween Headcanons with Eddie.
❤️ My Funny Valentine ❤️
Summary: A requested ask/drabble- Valentines Day- and suddenly you have a not so secret admirer.
❤️‍🔥 Drawing Mr. Munson ❤️‍🔥
Short drabble: what would drawing Eddie be like? In a nutshell, a challenge.
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🩸VAMPIRE!EDDIE🩸One shot; 10k words- also on AO3 if you fancy-
🩸Love like Blood🩸
Summary; !! Dark fic !! Vamp!Eddie x Reader. 10k words. He fully believes hell has opened its snake jaw and devoured him whole- cause this is, just, unbelievable.
Okay, maybe he hasn’t been swallowed into hell.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s that hell has chewed him up, and spat him back out.
He tried to stand and is amazed when he can. Bearing his own weight again. Stood tall. Slowly creaking and cracking to life.
Life? Or Death?
Other Characters
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Detective (Murderer) Quinn
- Tainted Love, Part I
Summary: Inspired entirely by this post which I glimpsed via @ravensfromvalhalla from @ceriseheaven. As in the gif, what if Detective Quinn was actually a crazy psycho killer. Set in the 1980’s LA. Det Quinn x Reader.
‼️You don’t know I’m no good ‼️ Part II
Summary: Danger is far closer than you realise ‼️ TW: dark vibes, murder, death, violence, stalking ‼️ 3.6k words.
‼️Hungry like the wolf‼️ Part III
Summary: Quinn gets up close and personal. But he has an ulterior motive of course. ‼️TW dark vibes, knife violence and threatening ‼️ 4.1k words.
‼️ Like a fist. Like a Knife ‼️ Part IIII
Summary: Birdie is on the case - Quinn is onto her. The plot thickens- Slutty chaos ensues.
‼️ Hit me like a bad trip‼️ Part V
Summary: Some questions lead Birdie to the wrong side of town, good thing she’s got someone watching her back. Whether she wants them or not- turns out to be a good thing. Knights in shiny red Porsches. 7.2k words.
‼️ Girl in trouble (is a temporary thing) ‼️ Part VI
Summary: Birdie patches a bloodied Quinn up at her place. There’s nakedness, too much Bourbon, and a whole lot of smut involved. 9.9k words.
‼️ Have a horny little XXXmas - Det Quinn x Birdie festive one shot ‼️
‼️ NSFW ALPHABET ‼️ - For Detective Quinn - so much smut and filth
‼️ Hold the Bourbon‼️ Detective Quinn x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Drabble from an ask, Detective Quinn laughing during sex - with an edge. ‼️TW ‼️Pure filth. Much smut.
‼️ Det Quinn Ask Drabble ‼️
Drabble/ask about Detective Quinn making you squirt
‼️Det Quinn Ask Drabble‼️ (so filthy)
Detective Quinn and how he would utterly devour you at all times (TW very filthy ask I LOVE IT)
‼️ Tied Up Too Tight ‼️
Detective Quinn x Birdies first date? Sort of. Quick hint: Porsche hood, nasty sex and handcuffs. ‼️TW ‼️lots of filth oh lord. Seriously.
🔪❤️‍🩹 better watch out babes-
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🥀 Pick Your Poison 🥀Prince Paul x Reader || Part I, 9.2k words
Summary: You have Mother Russia melted deep into the marrow of your bones, and you’re not afraid to grit your teeth and have a scrappy fight. Draw out a little of that pumping hot slavic blood you’re so proud of.
“Charmed.” You smile at him with your perfectly rouged lips. You sneer him like a viper. Like you’re another one of the delicious black widows formed from these courtly, poison-skated walls.
He stalks off and Minister Panin bows to you all. Scurries along after him like a puppy.
Catherine isn’t displeased or discouraged by her sons frosty behaviour. She was expecting it.
You watch him stride away. Sip your champagne and drag your eyes over his back. He must store such tension in those reedy shoulders. Keeps it stored under that ridiculous wig maybe.
All of Russia is owed to him by birth and he’s kept a hairs breadth from clutching it.
🥀 Keep watch over the door of my lips 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Newlyweds, noble jealousy, and vicious court gossip. They seldom mix. 1.7k words. (Only a dash of smut)
🥀 Necessary Evils 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + Pregnancy sex = F I L T H
🥀 The Matter of a Good Taste 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some let me make you feel better oral sex. (Filthy but sweet married filth)
🥀 And the stars sighed in unison 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some pre-wedding sex and general naughtiness. (Fiancé filth)
🥀 Blessed be the bitter fruit 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part II, 7.8k Words
Summary: Your marriage to Prince Paul and all the intimacy that follows, being love drunk newlyweds. (So much porn ok)
🥀Qualities of Mercy🥀
Summary: Prince Paul x Tsarevna Drabble inspired by the prompt: “If you want to come, you better beg.”
🥀 Traps with Baited Jaws 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part III, 14.8k words,
Summary: There’s a snake in the palace garden. Blood spattered on Catherine’s pet rosebushes. Reader learns that Ruling all of Russia comes at a gutting price- (TW so much subby!Paul smut, violence, mentions of gore/death)
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🍾 Ralph x Reader 🍾 short drabble/anon ask
Set in the 1920’s. Meeting Ralph at a wild party
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⚔️ Gladiator II —Emperor Geta x Salacia Reader
Summary: You were raised outside of this Rome. Born into peace. To know of fathomless deep seas, and skies so big, they wrapped around your whole sight. Salacia. And now you are sent to Rome for your father in the Senate. There you will catch the attention of Geta; in all the wrong and darkest of ways
Part I. — Part II — Part III — Part IV
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