itsmunazza · 4 years
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hello today i am thinking about Alizayd in a cloak, just returned from the river, making his way to the palace and greeting his people as he goes, not letting the stares bother him, knowing that everything he’s done is for peace and justice and the good of all, no matter what it cost him.
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itsmunazza · 4 years
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Ali was at their side in seconds, looking, well, rather damn princely on a magnificent gray stallion. He was dressed in royal colors, the first time she’d ever seen him so, the gold-trimmed black robe smoking around his ankles, the brilliant blue, purple, and gold turban wrapped around his head. He’d shaved his scruffy beard into a semblance of order and was even wearing jewelry—a strand of pearls looping his neck, and a heavy silver ring crowned with one of the famed pink diamonds of Ta Ntry on his left thumb. Nahri gawked at him. “You’re not Muntadhir.” “I am not,” he agreed, sliding from the horse. He must have prepared in a hurry; he smelled of freshly burned agarwood, and there were drops of water still clinging to his neck. “My brother remains indisposed.” — The Kingdom of Copper, by S.A. Chakraborty. finally finished up Zaydi’s entrance into the Grand Temple! the turban and the lighting took me literally 😭 so 😭 long 😭 worth it for my fav character tho
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