dreamythism · 2 years
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—— OO.⠀ a gender under gendervirtual / genderdigital that is related to virtual / digital themes & princes. it could be related to being virtual / digital prince. a prince who loves virtual / digital themes, a virtual / digital being who loves prince themes, & many more !
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OO. — coined by WinterSpring – 🍰+❄️
– gendervirtual made by ; selliene, @orcacute !
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losergendered · 1 year
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ID: A set of 18 images, in six rows of three. the first row is three icons of haruka from project sekai with a white outline in front of the penguinspinnic flag. each icon has different card art, which, from left to right, are untrained even your heart connect with them, summer training camp swimsuits, and untrained expressing who we are. the next three rows are the same format, but with different characters and flags. the next row is of minori and the loveset flag. the card art is Happy Birthday, untrained blessings from my friends, and trained for your sake. the next row is of shizuku and the eledeoangelic flag. the card art is trained keeping you from falling, untrained the same dango as that day, and completion report. the next row is of airi and the rosboyicesse flag. the card art is trained baking sweets in secret, untrained full power happy everyday, and trained one man strategy meeting. the next row is of mmj miku, mmj luka, and mmj meiko, in front of the idolprogram, pinkplanetary, and candyredrosboy flags respectively. the card art is untrained a foretaste of yokohama gourmet through the guidebook, untrained a new member arrives, and untrained use rabbit as a springboard. the next row is of mmj len, mmj rin, and mmj kaito in front of the princevirtual, princessdream, and manoujodere flags respectively. the card art is prince of the stage, trained sparkling performance, and untrained idol manager. END ID
penguinspinnic Haruka Kiritani / loveset Minori Hanasato / eledeoangelic Shizuku Hinomori / rosboyicesse Airi Momoi / idolprogram MMJ Miku / pinkplanetary MMJ Luka / candyredrosboy MMJ Meiko / princevirtual MMJ Len / princessdream MMJ Rin / manoujodere MMJ Kaito
part two of @mogai-headcanons edit event! Day 9 xenogender | specific xenogender
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doublemasked · 2 years
The jungle was densely packed, and the humidity certainly didn't go unnoticed, but much like every other biome, there were unique challenges presented, and he certainly wasn't one to say no.
But what really caught his eye was the cave entrance, hidden by vines, which were cut through. The doorway almost shone in an odd way as he grinned, lifting a boot and giving a harsh kick to it, bursting the latch open.
"Oh, wait, was that a puzzle - shoot." A frown as he looked at the mechanism, not looking up but not entirely ignoring the footsteps approaching.
"Good news and bad news, adventurer!"
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"The good news is, I found an entrance to a place with probable treasure! The bad news is, I definitely activated a trap!" Rumbling started from the cave entrance, jingling the door on its hinges.
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scberlight · 2 years
      ❝  YIKES.  THAT  OBVIOUS  ,  HUH?  ❞  she asked, referring to the question of if she was NEW here, and wincing slightly. between this new girl and trace, it SEEMED like ahsoka was losing her touch. clearly the time she spent alone had done a number on her social skills.
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      ❝ ...guess you could say i’m still adjusting to this planet. ...whatever this planet is called.  ❞
[ @princevirtue​ est. COMLINK / rec. AHSOKA TANO. ]
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sanctummilitis · 2 years
"This game is quite the trial. In all the rounds since midday, you could count the number of victors on a single hand". The Boardwalk’s attraction sounded simple enough on paper, however in practice, far more complicated had the matter proven — it was first when the command was given for players to levitate that the challenging nature became known and Lancer among those eliminated from that particular run. In fact, there had only been three survivors from the pool from that point onward. Observation seemed the more practical means of tackling what felt much more a riddle than simple game.
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"Would changing costumes not constitute as cheating? While it is likewise unjust to issue orders the players cannot fulfil, altering your form in order to adhere would not be unlike illegal performance enhancing, correct? perhaps I am simply overthinking the rules. Still... to challenge players to nigh-impossible feats...” As if on cue, the command was issued for four arms be risen — the only player succeeding being an alien towering over his competitors with just enough appendages.
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mikoalesce · 2 years
The coming of the Autumn season is often signaled by the much cooler weather that slowly but steadily flows into the city. Vibrant greenery that was once full of so much color also begins to adjust its foliage, opting for comfortable browns, oranges, and yellows. The Eternal Tree is no different, although it manages to keep some of its vibrant colors. As Yae Miko overlooks the skyscraper of a tree, she muses out loud to herself. "Passing strange how this tree seems to reflect the state of the city. Its vibrance is a testament to the warm feeling felt in the city because of the season."
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"Yet it feels a bit comforting all the same, don't you think? People can find joy even in a place like this, despite all odds. It'd be inspiring if we weren't being held captive. Even still...I think it may make the cut."
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isolaradiale · 5 months
i realized that my mental health is still not in a good place and i am sorry that i am going to have to drop before having done much of anything. dropping toyosatomimi no miko from touhou, housed in 417. thank you.
Toyosatomimi will be dropped for you!
– ⋆ diadem.
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inkedheir · 2 years
Well, he hadn't been expecting to start his newfound adventure off running from some extraterrestrial malformed creature in an abandoned space station, but hey we don't always get exactly what we want, do we? The sound of his hurried footsteps echoes throughout metallic halls along with horrified screaming of various profanities and calls for help from somebody--anybody--that could hear him. After putting a good bit of distance and only when he was certain the creature wouldn't be able to see him, Lavi ducks into a room and it's much to his surprise that a young woman was standing in there and she looked rightfully confused at seeing him.
But now isn't the time to explain and never mind the fact that she looks vaguely familiar to him, as he can hear the heavy footfalls getting closer and so with only a very hastened "In here!" Lavi takes their hand and shoves himself into one of the lockers lining the room walls before grabbing her and pulling her inside with him and promptly shutting the door. "Quiet! Or it'll hear us and it'll be veeeery bad if it hears us!" he whispers, and then deathly silent.
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And no sooner after he does, the creature comes bounding into the room looking for him. As it walks around the room examining every nook and cranny carefully, it gets to the locker that both of them are situated in. There's a long pause as it sniffs around and checks a few more places before finally stalking its way out of the room and down the hallway. Lavi lets out a very exasperated sigh. "Phew…and here I thought we were dead for sure."
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the-transid-gacha · 1 month
could you make a softmasc alter with a prince themed appearance and genders/pronouns and is scared of the dark?
everything else:🎨
thank you so much!!
Names: Leo, Nico, Ian, Angel, Ari, And/Or Elias
Genders: Princestar, Princecoric, Princedecorated, Catprincegender, Princepurine, & Princevirtual
Orientations: Biromantic, Bisexual, Quoisexual, & Quoiromantic
TransIDs: TransEcholalia, TransAccent, TransDyslexia, TransDyscalculia, TransZodiacFluid, TransArmCrutchUser, TransArtist, TransArtstyleFluid, TransRoleplayer, PermaRoleplayer, TransStarPupils, TransSubSystem, TransPlural, PermaCollared, TransRomantic, TransThoughtless, TransCuspid, TransHarmed, TransInsomnia, & TransMaladaptiveDaydreaming
CisIDs: Heterochromia, White hair, Prince, Freckles, Anxious, Nyctophobia, Pale, Nervous, Royalty, Spoiled, ADHD, Slit pupils, Pisces, Short, & Knee brace user
Pronouns: He/Him, Hx/Hxm, Cat/Cat's, Kit/Kit's, Kitten/Kitten's, Elf/Elf's, H3/H1m, H!/H!m, Xe/Xim, Ze/Zim, Hy/Hym
Species: Elven cat boy
Age: 15
Source: N/A
Role: Innocence holder
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Here you go!!!
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guardiancypress · 2 years
Golden leylines illuminate his steps as he approaches the library. In the absence of his own clansmen, he finds himself having to do all of his own footwork. But, he figures, hand resting on the hilt of his newly returned blade, he also isn’t in constant need of routing assassins here, either, so he supposes that its a fair trade.
And so he finds himself in the Great Library of Xalphina, where nature runs free and tomes are aplenty. Holding one barely legible tome in his hands, his gloved finger moves across half-faded texts.
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“Magic in the absence of a Vision...” He murmurs to himself, blue eyes narrowing. While Delusions were an option for those without a Vision, the side effects had been devastating to the average person, and so seeing that this place was host to those Vision- and Delusionless who wielded the elements as he did himself, he couldn’t help but research it himself.
At this hour, and during this festive season, most were at the various attractions available throughout the island. So when he heard footfalls near him, he unabashedly spoke:
“Here to seek knowledge yourself?” His Vision hung at his waist, and he did not look up from the old and tarnished tome in his hands.
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ofsado · 4 years
“Well now, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? Though, normally I’d say yer more of an eyesore than anything else. Hohoho!” The Crown Prince was indeed a surprising face to find wandering about this place. Calm and composed as per usual— on the surface, it seemed to her that Miko was getting along just fine in this sort of environment. “Meetin’ in an atmosphere like this sure feels familiar too, don’t it?”
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“A festival-like air durin’ the middle of summer... brings back fond memories of me kickin’ yer butt back during those religious wars a few years ago!”
     The ‘Hakurei Shrine Maiden’ gives off another odd laugh, as she leans against a nearby streetlight. With a canted head, the girl gives the other a bemused look.
“So! Been here long? Enjoyin’ the modern life? Busy proselytizing?”
     Although she’s jabbing the other, ‘Reimu’ was mostly just playing around. She’s barely even bothering to act like the girl she appeared as, after all.
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amelserru · 4 years
Few places offered Kingu a degree of solace when his mind and concerns were focused on the Singularity he had been so suddenly taken from. The ocean was a source of both calm and anxiety, a reminder that his Mother still awaited the opportunity to awaken, and that only he could carry out the plan needed to bring that about. The sound of the crashing waves at night were, to him, a lull and perhaps encouragement Tiamat might’ve offered. 
He’d enjoyed the chance to be alone, to think and arrange his thoughts, but that came to a close much too soon. A presence not quite human, not quite that of a servant, not quite a god. He didn’t perceive a threat, not when it came to intent, but company wasn’t something Kingu welcomed easily. If at all. 
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“Show yourself, I can feel your presence.”  ➢ @princevirtue​
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sterrenlied · 4 years
✧*:・゚| BARE feet dip into the Waters of Styx. A rather rare occurrence, for Siebren has never been one for sunbathing, but the logical gears of his brain seemed to suggest that if he didn't take full advantage of the festival, he'd regret missing out on something. So arms flop onto an oversized pool noodle, object hugged close to his chest. A feeble splash of his feet, humming pleased. To be quite honest, he could get quite used to this —- that is, until a beach ball smacks the back of his skull. ❝——Verdorie!❞
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zweifluge · 4 years
@princevirtue // event starter.
His hands are clasped firmly around a wooden sword, his eyes narrowed as he struck a pose. It felt weird without something more metal -- this couldn’t do much damage even if he wanted it to. The bamboo grove was peaceful this time of day, and he was glad he’d gone out in the early morning to train. He was mostly alone, but did notice someone else around.
A smile spread on his face as he looked at the other. “Here to enjoy the early morning, too?”
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accendam · 4 years
“...even after talking with them, i can’t really say that i understand what, exactly, they are.”
as the one she was talking to walks off to wave, she turns to the closest person that was lingering in the area.
she tries to not let such a childlike observation amuse her, but the woman’s hair sticking up in what looks like ears makes her blend in with the little fox-like creatures. its only prudent that she avoids commenting on it out loud.
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“just what, exactly, is the logic behind them being able to speak only in a certain area?”
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xueyuu · 4 years
this world is strange, but he’s grown accustomed to the madness that surrounds him. he has gotten used to the creatures of all different shapes and sizes, people who don’t appear like what they seem. there is one thing they all have in common--
hua cheng can’t stand any of them. 
so, he relaxes in park spared from too much destruction, the cherry blossom trees still standing. he sits in a quiet corner away from people, so he can avoid their irritating voices and their banal conversations. he is about to start wondering how he can earn some money and restart a life here to support xie lian, when his attention is grabbed by a small figure not too far from him. 
hua cheng’s remaining ghostly senses are telling him that she isn’t what she seems, though he wants to tell his own senses back that ‘duh, most people here aren’t what they seem’. they’re both aware of the other’s presence and their eyes meet. his own expression is inscrutable. 
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eventually, he shifts in his seat, folding his arms, crossing his legs, and pinching his clothing out of boredom. he lowers his gaze, staring at a petal on the floor.
“you’re staring,” he states, just loud enough for her to hear. “can i ask why?”
                 ❊ ―  @princevirtue​ ( s.c ) ❞
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