#prinnys 800 celebration 🎉
xdaddysprincessxx · 1 month
....thots or drabbles w/ Carnie!Ezra? or Carnie!Joel ?? I feel like Joel would be a meanie. 😈 He'd probably be the head mechanic of the carnival and just angry and frustrated all the time trying to keep the rides running on old grease and a prayer.
Why not both? Both sound good 😈
Here are my headcannons/thots about Carnie Ezra & Joel - honestly this is like a fic outline 🤷🏻‍♀️idk lmao
Smut below the cut, 18+only plz! Does contain p in v, threesomes duh, not edited all mistakes are mine!
- Ezra has missing teeth (due to fighting not hard drugs) def smokes Marlboros, and operates the scrambler. He’s a smooth talker, very social. He joined a couple of years ago, still relatively new to the carnival scene
- Joel is the carnival grump. He’s been apart of the carnival for fifteen years, since he’s been with the carnival so long he’s like the head carnie. He has a delicious beer belly that hangs over his old, worn out jeans. Permanent scowl on his face except when he sees you. Pretty little thing like you, always batting your lashes up at him. He can’t help but crack a half smile at you while his cheeks heat up🤭
-When Ezra joined, he took a liking to Joel and befriended him even tho Joel did not say or act like he wanted to be friends.
-Now Ezra is a flirt. If you got a pulse, he’s interested. You and your friends looked scrumptious while you waited in line to ride. As you stood at the front, you were wearing a low cut tshirt. Noting the way his eyes stayed on your breasts, you made sure to keep your chest pushed out a bit more than normal.
-Joel operates the Ferris wheel. Now while you enjoy the more thrilling rides, you found yourself riding the Ferris wheel quite a bit. At one point you had a sucker in your mouth while waiting to get on. Locking eyes with Joel as you purposefully pulled the sucker out far enough and swirled your tongue around it to show him just what you wanted to do to him.
-You knew Joel was gonna be harder to crack. So you wrote down your name and number on a napkin and gave it to Ezra.
- he wasted no time texting you and made plans to meet up after closing.
- Off in the back, a good distance away from everything, you met Ezra and quickly found his lips on yours and his tongue licking into your mouth.
- his cock felt so good, he was so deep as he bent you over. Had you on your knees in the dirt, fucking you like an animal when you felt eyes on you.
- “Well if it isn’t my old friend Joel. Look at this pretty little catch I got us.” Ezra announces to the dark wooded area as he pulls your head back by your hair.
-With your head lifted up and your eyes adjust, you realize you’ve had an audience this whole time.
-Joel grunts as he looks down at his boots, kicking at some invisible stick before walking over.
-Ezra’s stopped his thrusts as you look up at Joel towering over you. You softly put your hand out and palm his bulge over his pants. Smiling sweetly up at him.
-Joel lets you palm him got a second before swating your hand away and hastily pulling himself out of his pants.
- “Stick ya tongue out girl.” Joel orders you.
-Looking up at him with wide eyes as you stick your tongue out as far as you can, Joel grabs the back of your head, leans down a tad and spits on your tongue,
-“keep that tongue out now” he tells you as he guides your mouth down to his hard cock. Sliding the tip on your tongue, in and out, a few times smearing his spit around before roughly sliding his dick in and hitting the back of your throat.
-You gag as he holds your head down and face fucks you.
- Letting out a little chuckle, “A most wondrous sight we have here under the moonlight. A sweet songbird making the most lovely noises just for us my good friend.”
- You felt so full with Ezra stuffed in your cunt and Joel in your mouth. The two found a good rhythm and quickly you found yourself tumbling down. Your orgasm hit you so hard you could feel your own juices leak out of you.
-Of course you came back the next night to see both men. This time they took you back to their trailer.
-Joel sat on the couch as you straddled him, taking his cock in your cunt this time. Arms wrapped around his neck, holding on tight as he thrust up into you.
-Ezra came up behind you, his hands holding your cheeks open as he licked your tight hole. Pushing a finger in.
-“ That’s it, gotta work ya open just for me.” Ezra left a trail of kisses on your cheek before biting down just hard enough you felt the sting.
- You let out a loud moan as he bit your ass cheek, the feeling of his finger in your ass as Joel keeps fucking you had you on edge of another hard orgasm already.
-That’s when you felt Ezra take his finger out and stand up behind you. Looking back at him, you watched as he spit in his hand, lubing up his cock. He locked eyes with you and just smiled as he stepped closer, rubbing the tip on your puckered hole.
-your eyes roll back as you realize what he’s about to do.
-He pushes just the tip and already you’re overwhelmed with how full you feel
-Joel stops fucking you so Ezra can fully push into you. Once he’s fully buried in your ass your practically creaming from the fullness
-The carnival is only in town for two weeks. And every day you spend it there and every night you go back to their trailer, getting fucked by Joel and Ezra.
-You cry the day they leave, you came very close to saying fuck it and running off with them but they talked you out of it. They wanted better for you. So instead you look forward to the carnival coming back to town ❤️
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xdaddysprincessxx · 3 months
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Congratulations on 800, prinny! I've loved getting to know you and seeing you become a writer. I also love your makeup skills, and it's so fun that we share a love of horror. .b. which brings me to my random question.
What horror movie moment is super hot for you?
Has there ever been a scene where you were like oh shit idk if that's supposed to be hot but I'm here for it?
sorry if I'm off topic
TOXIC!!! Thank you so so much bby!! I really love this question! And you, I love you! Also so on topic! I could talk horror for hours!!
Okay there are a lot of moments lmao but also not necessarily moments but just the characters themselves and seeing them on the screen and next thing you know my pussy has a heart beat Lmfaoo details under the cut
- Pyramid head from Silent Hill. Honestly just seeing him I was like 😳. I want him to throw me over his shoulder and just manhandle me and do ungodly things.
- Texas Chainsaw (2003 specifically) I was like in 3rd or 4th grade when I watched this 😅 probably shouldn’t have been, whatever. But damn does he do it for me. I really like em large and in charge 😋
-Predator. Yes Predator. Love all of the movies but Predator 4 (with Boyd Holbrook 😉) I fucking loved when they all thought he was this big creature and then the bigger one came out and the smaller one was fighting him and yea it got me going.
-House of Wax. Bo Sinclair. Enough said. I vividly remember he poured wax over the girls mouth and then kissed her 🥵 (my brain is making me second guess myself but I still see this scene in my head lol)
-okay this one is probably odd lol so Tim curry’s It terrifies me. I do not fuck with his IT. But Bill Skarsgards IT I wanna fuck. Bad. I am into that clown. I loved the scene where Beverly saw the flashback of him and it was his human face (I believe it was when she was at the old lady’s house) fucking loved it.
- My bloody Valentine (2009) good god I’d go into those mines for Tom (Jensen ackles) and the scene where he’s chasing them in the store and they try to hide in the back office whew.
- The Boy. When I first saw this I did not see the plot twist coming and great googly moogly I want to tear Brahms ass up. I want to dom tf out of him. He’s so subby and such a sweet creepy little stalker.
There’s def more but I’m blanking for whatever reason lmao I’m also realizing I watched a lot of these horror movies at a very young age 😅
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xdaddysprincessxx · 3 months
Congrats on 800, Prinny!
my thot:
Joel is a truck driver and reader is a hitch hiker he picked up several states before. They get along well enough (no sex...yet) THEN! one day, another hitch hiker approaches Joel looking for a ride - Ezra. He wants to know if you're available for some fun, and Joel has to decide if it's just him who gets you or if he's got room in his bunk for a threesome...
I leave the rest in your ever capable and good hands, baby!
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Joel x F!reader x Ezra
18+, this is grump x sunshine x2, we got ass eating, ass spanking, 1 face slap, double penetration, and more. Very barely edited, not beta’d all mistakes are mine, read at your own risk. Also again 18+ , minors fuck off thank you
Word count: 3,200 - “Drabble” lmaoooo yea it got away from me.
REO Speedwagon flowed through the truck speakers as you reach your hand out the open window, letting the wind move your hand up and down. You’ve kicked your bare feet up on the dash as you hum along quietly. Your companion, Joel, lets out a grunt as he gives you a side eyed glance. It’s been a couple of months since he picked you up on the side of the highway. Unhappy with how life was, you decided to say fuck this, packed a small bag and headed out for whatever adventure came your way. Unfortunately you didn’t plan on your car dying on you half way across the country. Which is how you found yourself stranded at a gas station in Nevada. There was a hotel next to it that you were able to get a room at. One morning you packed up and started walking down the highway. You didn’t go too far in case no one picked you up, you could still walk back to the hotel.
Wearing your shortest daisy duke shorts with an old white tshirt tied up in the front, you were determined to hitch a ride. Lo and behold here comes a semi truck just driving along. Quickly you stopped and stuck your thumb out to signal you needed a ride. At first the truck kept going but soon the driver pulled over. Smiling real big you started to run towards the truck.
Climbing up the side, you stuck your head in the window,
“Well hello there handsome. You got room for little ole me to join?”
The driver had a permanent scowl on his face it seemed. Very easy on the eyes, a soft belly that hung over his pants as he sat.
“Hop in darlin.” He said in a deep, gruff voice.
Something about the handsome, thick driver got you going. You could already feel yourself getting wet just from this small interaction.You couldn’t help but think of how much trouble you just found yourself in.
Present Day
It’s been a few weeks since Joel picked you up. A part of you is surprised he hasn’t dropped you off and left yet. Another part of you hopes he never does. For the most part Joel doesn’t talk a lot. He hasn’t really opened up about himself to you. But you are a talker, you love to chat and boy do you.
Leaned back with your bare feet on the dash with your hand outside the window, moving with the wind.
“I heard it from a friend whooo heard it from a friend who heard it from another you been messing around” you softly sang out loud. Turning your head to face Joel, giving him a big smile.
Joel returned your smile with a soft smile of his own.
Something about you has captivated him. Your beauty stunned him the first time he saw you. You had a pretty mouth he often daydreamed of but your little talking habit drove him crazy. As time went on though he found he actually enjoys hearing you go on and on about everything and nothing all at once. And now that’s he’s spent all this time with you, he’s not so willing to let you go. Ever. Whether you agreed or not, in Joel’s mind, you were his.
“Hey! Look! A hitchhiker! Can we help him Joel? Please? Like how you helped me?” You batted your eyelashes and gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
Joel saw a man walking down the highway, sticking his thumb out.
Looking at you, he rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Without saying anything Joel pulled the truck over and the two of you waited on the man to catch up to the truck.
Ezra was a traveler, always on the move. The past few weeks he’s been spending his time in this little town keeping this pretty lady’s bed warm. That was until her husband came home and chased him away. Now he finds himself walking down this almost deserted highway. He has given up hope of finding a ride when he heard a truck rumbling behind him. As soon as he heard the engine he stuck his thumb out hoping the driver would be a Good Samaritan. The truck drove on by making Ezra let out a huff as he kicked the gravel up with his boot. As he looked back up he saw the truck pull over.
‘Holy shit it’s my lucky day after all’, he thought to himself as he started into a light jog to get to the truck as soon as he could.
Stepping up on the side steps, he gets up to the window and sees the prettiest little thing sitting passenger and . . A handsome old grump behind the wheel.
“ Hey there, any way I can catch a ride with you fine folks today? Destination doesn’t matter, just somewhere far from here.”
“Yea! We can take you with us! Hop in!” You reply in a higher pitched tone, sounding extra excited than one should sound when picking up a hitchhiker. You couldn’t help it though. The man was gorgeous. He had this little blonde patch of hair, beautiful, dark brown eyes and the most sweet sounding voice you’ve ever heard. As much as you’ve wanted Joel, he’s never given you any hint that he wants you in that way. And you’ve been dying to itch a particular scratch that you feel this hitchhiker could really scratch for you.
Giving you a big smile, Ezra pulls the door handle, opening the door as you get up and move to sit on the bunk between the two seats.
“Names Ezra. Nice to meet ya,” he puts his hand out towards Joel to shake.
He says in a flat tone as he shakes his hand.
Ezra quickly gets the feeling that Joel isn’t much of a people person. He can see why Joel has such a pretty little companion as yourself, Joel’s handsome. Gruff and firm, no nonsense kind of guy. He wonders if he’s the type to be dominant in bed. Manhandle his partner and just throw them around, mold them into any position he wants. His own cock twitch’s at the thought.
“And who might you be young lady?”
You tell him your name as you let out a soft giggle, smiling and give him a little flutter of your lashes.
“What brings you out here Ezra?” You ask in your best flirty voice.
“Bit of a traveler. A nomad if you will. Don’t like to stay in one place too long. Wanna see the world ya know?”
“That’s so . . Romantic. Always on the move, seeing what the world has to offer. I bet you’ve met some wonderful people. Seen a lot beautiful women huh?”
Ezra can’t help but give you a smirk, loving how forward you are.
“Haven’t met anyone as beautiful as you honey.”
Joel loudly clears his throat making the both of you startle slightly and look at him.
“What about you handsome? With a pretty little thing by your side I’m sure you never look twice at anyone else huh?”
Joel’s jaw ticks as he gives Ezra this mean stare.
“This “pretty little thing” over here is mine,” he says bluntly before looking back at you, “and I don’t appreciate you throwing yourself at the first man you see like a filthy fucking whore.”
Your mouth drops open, you’re stunned.
“Hey now no need to call her names. I get it, she’s off limits. No need to get mean buddy. I didn’t know.”
You turn your head giving Ezra a confused look before turning back to Joel.
“Excuse me but I am not yours. I am a free woman and on top of that you have never claimed me before now. I can do what I want with who I want thank you very much.”
Joel is pissed now, he pushes the arm rest back before swinging one of his legs to the side, opening his legs wide and then grabbing your upper arm and pulling you towards him. You stumble as you fall over his lap, his arm wrapping over your back holding you in place. His large hand covers the globes of your ass as he rubs it from the top down to the curve of your ass.
“You’re.” Smack. “Mine.” Smack.
He just spanked you. He actually spanked you. If you weren’t in shock over him claiming you, you definitely were now.
He gives you another smack and a whimper came tumbling out of your mouth. You didn’t even have a chance to try and conceal it. Joel stopped moving, hearing you whimper from his actions. He knew you’d be into some freaky shit. He looks over and sees Ezra sitting there, almost mesmerized by the display in front of him.
“Take your cock out.” Joel orders Ezra.
Stunned and very much turned on, he does what he says and takes his cock out of his pants. Spitting into his hand he brings it back down and slowly starts stroking himself.
Joel looks back down at you in his lap, the bottom of your ass spilling out of the little shorts you have on. He reaches down taking his fore and middle finger and rubs a long stripe up your pussy through your shorts.
“I guess I haven’t been taking care o’ ya. My girls pussy needs to be fucked don’t it? Poor thing. I’m sorry baby let’s fix that.”
His hand pulls back before he gives your clothed pussy a slap.
A wanton moan fills the cab of the truck.
He helps you up, sitting you on his lap. You see Ezra watching, touching himself. You can feel yourself begin to soak your shorts. You face Joel and lean in, your lips softly landing on his. You start to pull away when Joel kisses you back, grabbing the side of your face as he deepens the kiss. You allow his tongue to enter, licking around, tasting each other. All too soon Joel pulls back. He hand goes to your face, squishing your cheeks together between his thumb and fore finger. He rotates you to look at Ezra.
“Our guest looks like he needs some help baby. Be a good host, open up that pretty mouth.”
As soon as he releases your face, you get on your knees, in between the two seats, looking up at Ezra as you reach out and take him in your hand. You grip around the base, giving him a couple of tugs before leaning in and kissing the tip. You give it another kiss before you open your mouth, your tongue darting out to taste the precum leaking out. You slowly start to take him into your mouth. Lips wrapped around his cock as you take as much of him as you can. His cock is about 6 inches, rather average but very girthy. You keep reminding yourself in your head to breath and relax. The more you relax the more you can swallow his cock. You start bobbing your head up and down as he watches you, letting out soft moans that spur you on.
Soon you feel Joel pull your hips up and work quickly on taking your shorts off. You pull off of Ezra’s cock with a wet pop as you go to pull your shirt off, revealing your tits to the men.
“Fffuckk.” Ezra mutters before leaning forward and taking a nipple into his mouth. You moan as you tangle your fingers into his hair, holding the back of his head to your breast as he sucks. You hear Joel behind you unbuttoning his pants and lewdly spitting on his hand.
“Lean back down baby let me see those sweet holes.”
Ezra releases your tit so you can bend over for Joel. You bend over, keeping your ass in the air as you take Ezra’s cock back into your mouth. Giving it a few sucks and finding a decent rhythm, your hand lets go so you can reach back and spread your ass cheeks open for Joel.
“That’s it baby just like that.” Joel grunts. He spits on his forefinger and middle finger and swirling it around your puckered hole. He slowly pushes one finger in your ass making you choke on Ezra’s cock.
His finger stills inside, wiggling his finger around a few times before pulling back out. His other hand comes up and starts rubbing your wet pussy. Quickly finding your clit and giving it a few rubs before pushing his finger back into your ass. Joel finds a rhythm fast, rubbing your pussy as he fingers your ass. The sensation alone has you on edge, you begin to move faster on Ezra’s cock.
Joel starts to add a second finger in your ass causing you to let out a little welp.
“J-Joel! That’s too much! I can’t take it!”
“Shh baby you’re taking it. Taking it just fine. Let me kiss it better.”
Removing his fingers, Joel leans forward, holding your cheeks apart, licking a wide stripe up your ass. Your hands now on Ezra’s legs to keep yourself up right. You and Ezra lock eyes as you moan, feeling Joel swirl his tongue around your asshole, licking into it, making your pussy spasm around nothing.
Ezra cups your face, “That feel good sugar? You like feeling his tongue in such a forbidden hole? I bet your poor sweet pussy must be leaking by now.”
You can’t help but let out a sob. You need more, your neglected clit needs friction.
“Shh I know baby I know, let him French kiss that sweet hole. Let him make your sweet honey drip so we may feast.”
Joel pulls back, spit dripping down his chin,
“Get on the bed Ezra.”
He puts his arm under you, pulling you up. You fall back onto Joel, your legs shaking unable to hold you up.
Ezra makes quick work of taking his boots and pants off, pulling his shirt off as he slides by you to get on the bunk.
Once he’s settled on the bed laying on his back, Joel helps you get on the bunk next.
“Lay on top of him baby. You, hold her open for me.” He orders the two of you.
Ezra pulls you on top of him, your back against his chest. His hands holding the backs of your thighs, right behind your knee as your legs are bend. Holding you wide open. You can feel his cock in between your open cheeks.
Joel undresses and climbs on the bunk facing you.
“Goddamn. Never seen something more sinful or fucking beautiful than this.” He reaches down and grabs ahold of Ezra’s cock and starts pushing the tip towards your puckered hole.
“Joel! Nno! I- I can’t it won’t fit! Please!” You try to move but Ezra’s got a tight grip on you.
“Shh baby it’ll fit, I got you nice and ready back here. He’ll go slow baby.”
He watches your hole as the tip goes in, he takes his other hand and brings it to your pussy and starts rubbing circles on your clit.
You throw your head back and let out a moan, finally getting some friction on your cunt feels so good, you feel your whole body relax, momentarily forgetting about your asshole.
“That’s it baby let it happen,” he whispers before leaning forward and pulling your clit between his lips and sucking. His hand that guided the other man’s cock in you made its way down to his balls, giving them a soft squeeze. Hearing him moan with you is making Joel’s cock leak. Ezra’s cock is almost all of the way in your ass now and it feels so good. You feel stuffed just from him.
Joel sits back up and just admires the two of you.
Taking himself in his hand he moves closer and swipes his cock through your folds a few times before slowly pushing into your pussy.
Your mouth is hanging wide open, your chest heaving as you watch Joel push you past any limits you could’ve had. Having both men now inside of you is an indescribable feeling. It’s a fullness like no other.
“ Oh fuck you both feel utterly divine. This must be heaven.” Ezra says breathlessly as he lays there inside of you, able to feel the weight of Joel’s cock inside your pussy.
“Move Ezra, go on. Let’s make her feel good.”
“Yes sir.”
He gives an experimental thrust, bouncing you slightly making Joel sink deeper into you.
He starts to build up a tempo, thrusting up into you while Joel stays still above you.
Soon Joel moves, finding a rhythm with Ezra. As one moves out the other moves in.
You can’t help but close your eyes as you lean back in ecstasy.
Joel’s quick to grab your throat, squeezing just right to make your eyes fly open.
“Keep your eyes on me baby, you will watch when I’m fucking you. Do you understand?”
Joel slaps you, not hard but enough to leave a slight sting. Your face turns slightly, the hand around your throat not giving you much movement. A wanton moan spilling from your lips.
“Yes Joel I’m s-sorry baby I won’t take my eyes off you again nngh ohh oh fuck oh fuck you feel so good. So full.”
Joel starts pounding harder into you, still squeezing your throat. Ezra’s holding onto your legs for dear life, the friction of Joel’s dick rubbing against him has him ready to burst.
“F-fuck nngh take our cum baby take every fucking drop you hear me?” Joel groans, you can tell both men are close.
“Mhmm cum inside me baby cum inside my little whore cunt. Mark my ass Ezra, I wanna feel you leak out of my holes oooh oh fuck oh fuck please cum baby!”
You reach down and start rubbing furiously at your clit, sending right over the edge. You let out a scream as you start coming, vision going blurry as tears escape your eyes. Your orgasm hitting you like a truck.
Both men soon follow right behind you, spilling their seed deep inside both of your holes.
All three of you still, breathing heavy as Joel pulls out. Ezra’s soft cock slips out right after him as he lets go of your legs.
“Hold on baby don’t move.” Joel tells you before reaching down in between the bunk and the drivers seat, pulling out an old school Polaroid camera.
Aiming the camera at you and Ezra he snapped a shot and a Polaroid came spitting out. He grabbed the photo and sat it by his leg. Then he leaned forward and snapped another pic, this one a close up of your cunt and asshole leaking cum. Taking both photos and placing them on his seat before laying down next to Ezra as he pulls you into the middle.
No one really said a word. It was just the three of you, laying together, soft smiles shared, basking in the soft embrace of each other before falling asleep.
A/n: omg lmao so this was meant to be a drabble, this is one hell of a drabble 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ thank you so so much for such a beautiful thot my sweet beef baby @beefrobeefcal !! I hope you love this! I hope yall enjoy this! I really loved writing this and thank you again for following me, reading, interacting, all of it! You guys are the best!
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xdaddysprincessxx · 3 months
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My sweet angel babies! Let’s celebrate! For this special milestone I’ve decided to spoil YOU!
— Send in Drabble requests, I write for any P boy (I do tend to write a lot of Joel & Ezra lol) give me any character, your thot, include details like smut/no smut, kinks, troupe (angst/fluff/second chance/etc) I am open to dark/dead dove too! you can also request for drabbles about characters I’ve already written too!
— Send in asks about anything I’ve written that you wanna know more about. Ask questions, ask for spoilers, etc
— Ask me stuff! Get to know me, I love to overshare lol hell you can even send me makeup ideas I love that give me inspo 😘
Let’s have fun! Let’s be silly and goofy, life’s been a bitch lately and I just wanna give back to you guys. You give me a pep in my step most days and I appreciate all of you!💜💜💜
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